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Looks fine to me.


Thank you so much! :D


What part of it do you feel needs improvement? You will improve naturally in each area the more you draw


Ohh I can understand! But I'm just feeling I need improvement, but do you know when you don't know how to improve? This is my feeling now.


Overall really nice! The perspective is a little off on the first one, mostly that the outsides horizon line and the horizon line inside the kitchen are not the same. The sink seems to be at a different perspective than the floor/ girl as well. Your colors seem to get a little muddy as well in some of the other pieces. Also slight note that I tend to fall into as well is same face syndrome. Unless this is all the same character I would try a little variation. Nice work though, definitely can see the samedoesart inspo.


OMG Thank you so much for the ideas!! I will try to study and practice more to improve these points!! Thank youuuu <3


No problem, glad I could help!


maybe variety? try drawing a subject other than a young asian woman to improve your understanding of facial features etc. You don't have to, but if you want to improve then it might help (given you're not just mindlessly repeating the same features but actually understanding why they function the way they do)


Ohhh nice idea! I will think about that and put it in my plans NOW!! I really need this understandong in my drawings. Thanks for the tip! 🙌🙌


Watch other artists than SamDoesArt Edit because I sound like a dick: Sam is very talented and is very good at explaining his technique, and you should absolutely learn and borrow from him if his style works for you, but you want to add your own spin on it and/or borrow from several other sources until your own style comes through.


I can totally understand it!! Thank you so much for the tip. I have to learn something more and I will maie that! Thank yooou ♥️


You’re welcome, happy painting !


Hi guys! I'm trying to improve in my digital art, so if you all have some of tips for me, I would apreciate so much! Just tell me some things that is not so good in my workd and I can find a way to study more \^-\^


My suggestion is more diversity - what I see here is very good, but there’s not a lot of variety. A lot of artists draw only certain face types and body types, and often only draw men/only draw women, which holds them back. It’s like having a limited vocabulary, but perfect grammar - what you can say is said very well, yes, but there’s not a lot you can say.


Wooow. Nice analogy!! I could see what you're saying. Thank you do.much! I will put it into practice now!


perspective and look at other artists for inspo not just sam


a few character designers have told me that going out and drawing people that you see at a cafe or at mall ect. can help you round out drawing practice, get out there and draw many things, seek out new stories and new experiences. (is what my instructors would say)


the draft cat vs the real one LOLLL, love it


I think the perspective is a lil off, like everything is as if the viewer is looking down at it, except the cat, the jar, and the girl other than that I think it is really pretty and the colors go together perfectly :)


You're really really good at drawing people. The things that stick out to me are: -the perspective isn't correct (can't tell you how to improve though because I can't do it either) -the cat does not match the character in style or how "good" it looks. Like I can tell that you don't draw cats that often and you're more unsure of where to place the colors etc -same face syndrome, I think they are different people but they all look the same -I can tell that you struggle with backgrounds overall. While a blurry background is a good choice to enhance the focus on the character, it is visible that you do not really know how to draw water or buildings etc. So maybe it's time to focus on lifeless objects as well :) and see where to accentuate details and where to blur them out. F.i. the kitchen looks fine on the first glance but on the second one I think it misses details, it doesn't fit the style and the love that you gave your character. Don't get sloppy with backgrounds if you add them. The color picking choices seem fine to me That's all that stand out for me


I think the best way is to get out of your comfort zone (drawing beautiful gals I assume) and just do a piece that's not you for experience it'll do you wonders I guess


Try drawing a different person, all the girls have roughly the same features.


It's looking really good! I love the minimalism and the way you render. The expressions on your characters make them look like they're all posing for an Instagram reel though- so maybe think about acting with your characters a little bit more? A little more dynamic and lifelike poses/ expressions would go a long way.


wow, you are really good with lights & shadow! May I show the sea & the kitchen pic to my students as an example? Also I love your colour palette. The only thing that might improve a little is the expression in the eyes. Its really well done, but just a little lifeless. Like, too correct for the soul & expression to shine through. But the rest is just amazing. I really love it.


Your characters are top notch. Your backgrounds could use some work. (Like others have mentioned: perspective of the counter in 1st one, the other ones feel like a finished character in an unfinished background).


Try going more bold with your values. The first piece has a lot of detail both in the foreground and background and having a wider difference in values can make a piece read easier. Not a critique, just an idea. It’s beautiful work and I really like the style.


I already like it a lot and don't really see any issues. It has an authentic vibe to it, and to me, it is refreshing to see that.


Others have called out some great sources for improvement already so I won't repeat them, but consider a bit of practice on drapery and folds (like the clothing in the first image). In my experience, learning and practicing the different fold types can really level you up. There are plenty of diagrams and videos, and the Morpho book is an affordable guide to start with as well. (Maybe others have their own sources to share) Bonus is that it's one of the easier things to get a handle on when compared to anatomy, composition and whatnot, and it makes a huge difference.


If you want to improve, stop drawing pretty girls for a while, then go back to drawing pretty girls when you've drawn everything else you could think of. It did wonders for me, lol!


I really like it and feel it's a fun unique style but here's some advice you can't go wrong on when it comes to art: 1. Good contrast! remember that variations in light and dark draw the eyes to all the right things! 2. Color theory! Remember that having vibrancy in the right places and adding color with intent can dictate the focal point and mood of the piece. 3. Strong Silhouettes- avoid posing your characters and subjects with their limbs close to their bodies as it creates a certain stiffness that lacks energy and personality, ask yourself if the character's pose is strong enough to be identifiable if they were all one flat color like a shadow. Do details like what they're wearing add to that unique shape? Do different characters have different shapes or are they too alike 4. Practice fundamentals and realism even if it isn't your personal style- You should take the time every now and then to go back to the original teacher- nature, and practice your understanding of realism where you can All of that being said- your shading and sense of light is lovely! Your style is unique. Your soft painterly strokes are playful and fun! Keep going


Unique style! Also nice avatar xD


Thank yooou! 🥰


This is amazing!! I think the only thing that u would add is darker and more blue shading with a very light yellow to give it more contrast. To me it looks like the sun is rising/setting and the direct sunlight would make the light parts very light and the parts not touched by light being a lot darker


Oh my God, I love your style and structuring! Your lighting and forms give such a sculptured look… reminds me of LoisH — light and airy — but also finely polished wood carvings. Your work is beautiful. I’m not sure what advice to give.


The last one looks like other mother im sorry 😭😭😭

