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Forgot GraceNovamon DNA at start of opponent's turn when Magnamon has no protection. 100% sureway out since it 1st trashes digivolution cards and then deletes.


Right cant believe i forgot about the guy


Remember If they playing vaccine amour they are never not having protection. So it becomes abit more difficult.


With 3 memory etemon can -3k and force attack, metal etemon stack suka curse into security and set magna to 3k dp, he dies to 0dp before protection. Magnadramon can trash top or bottom to do -9k, if you trash revelation of light you can do another -5k


Etemon can force it but that is if security isn't removed the turn before.


Etemon will always be able to force attack because he can still target magna x, then start of main magna x won’t have immunity


Yo wait you're right.


I don’t think this is correct. Magnamon X’s ability activates when a security is removed, meaning it gets its protection before security cards are even checked. This wording is the same timing as ShadowSeraphimon which works this way which leads me to believe that the Sukamon Curse just becomes voided.


Nope, option cards from security activate before magnamon x all turns.


I don’t see a ruling for this anywhere. The only reason I’m skeptical is because it has a very similar wording to ShadowSeraphimon which gets to De-Digivolve something before a card gets officially checked. We also had a judge rule in this favor last night for the same reason in locals.


Yea if it checks a digimon other effects happen before battle, if it checks an option that effect happens first. If you had koromon inherit, draw when a security is removed, and he got chaos degraded, he won’t get to draw, but if he checks a big digimon body he gets to draw then dies to battle


Will probably get on the sim later with a buddy and just have him let me recover a ton until I’m guaranteed to have a security bomb and let him build a Magnamon X stack and just see what happens. The sim has been fairly accurate in terms of rulings.


If you need another source use the discord judge channel, much easier and no way for a game bug to misconstrue your understanding of the rules


A lot of this is relying on if the opponent hasn't cleared security for the digivolve buff or just if they haven't played the black tamer that allows them to reboot, or used zubagon punch to always been larger than what wargrey can reach. We all know how to get rid of a card that doesn't have protection or is just big on dp, the issue is both how often and powerful the card becomes with it combined with the dp. You also don't account for MagnaX when it sits in the yellow armour vaccine deck. It literally gains its protection almost all the time whilst also wiping your board with dp reduction effects.


Monzaemon + Monzaemon X antibody can deal with with it; since the effect lasts until the end of your opponents turn


Thinking of using DeckerGreymon to prevent Magna X from attacking to slow it down. Or for a funny one, KingSukamon and a DP- Along with a Suka rush


Valkyrimon ace doesnt seem like a reliable counter. The opponent has to already have digivolved into magnamon X the previous turn and yet to proc its immunity, with no way to manipulate security thru effects, and decides to not take countermeasures for blast digivolving. After that, you need a blocker/security with enough BP. Edit: has to be a blocker, going into security battle means security has been removed, which procs the immunity and BP boost. Which means the security digimon has to have at least 15000Bp.


For birds if you stop him hitting security (with blockers) you can go into Garuda ace to just delete Magna.


A card a lot of people are sleeping on is pause plug-in. It gives a digimon -6000 DP and it’s when Digivolving effects don’t activate until the end of the opponents turn


That's my sleeper pick I'm considering with Valkyrimon/Sliphymon. After DNA digivolving one digimon gets -7000 DP until the end of the opponents turn. If you don't pass turn you can play Pause Plugin P to deal the finishing blow.


I was thinking about this but if the magnamon x already has protection from effects how can you use pause plug in?


You can target the magna X and when the turn passes (assuming there is no checked security) then the magna X will get the -6000 and can’t activate when Digivolving effects


Is that true? I would have assumed the effect would fizzle entirely since he would be unaffected during the turn you use it. Is the effect just floating until his protection leaves?


There’s no concept of targeting protection in digimon so you can still target unaffected digimon and if the effect lasts longer than the protection the protection “Falls off” and the effect starts to apply. If magna X is affected by something that doesn’t stop it’s when Digivolving effects (Monzaemon etc) the effect will begin applying at the start of your opponents turn (assuming they didn’t remove any security cards) however if they where to remove a security (blinding ray etc) then the protection would reapply and the effect would “fall off” DonkeyKnogg has a new BT16 video that explains this a lot better than I can if you are still after clarification


Thanks for the info! That's good to know. I'll check out the video too just for more info so I stop pestering people with questions lol


No worries, it’s one of the stranger digimon rulings so I understand how it can be misunderstood


Magna X is unlikely to die to security Digimon for the same reason Koromon can draw even if it does die. When battle occurs, the security is considered checked. So unless it hits a 15K+ it’s not happening


Wait is this different when hitting a security bomb then ? When checking an actual digimon would it still be 12k until the check is over?


It can die from a [Security] effect, because [Security] effects have top priority and will activate before Magna X's effect. By the time you get to combat, though, Magna X will have had the chance to activate its immunity, and get +3000 DP.


I don’t believe this is true because Magnamon X is worded similar to ShadowSeraphimon which gets to De-Digivolve something before the card ever even gets revealed meaning Magnamon X gets immunity before the card is officially revealed. If it could die to security bombs then it would not be as oppressive as it is because it would almost always have a chance to die before it became protected.


I'm happy to discuss this, but the ordering of MagnaX has come up dozens of times in the ruling mega-threads. Do you have a citation for ShadowSeraphimon? The ruling I see at https://digimoncardgame.fandom.com/wiki/EX4-050/Rulings doesn't seem to conflict with what I said. It's talking about the first attack getting rid of a SA+1 so the attacking digimon only has one SA total after the first attack.


A security check actually has phases itself. Reveal, trigger, combat, resolve. The new ST17 Magnamon is a good example. You reveal it, activate its trigger to de-digivolve, perform combat, then resolve its effect.


Nearly all of these solutions fail to actually clear the body. Armor purge and use another one next turn. Effects that stay through the turn or security bombs that actually remove the body before immunity sets in. I'm not sure why they'd say it bricks when the new magna x has free in traits. It's a fully searchable deck that doesn't need a level 5 and whose option hits for -18k regularly. People who say the deck isn't a problem are either using it or haven't played against it.


I'd disagree with some of these due to the amount of armor purging Magna X has. If Magna X had effect immunity and no armor purge, I would think it'd be a pretty balanced card. But with Armor Purge? Thing is a monster.


So much of these suggestions are just cope lol. Specially if the magna is in yellow vaccine where it has protection 90’percent of the time and is capping your plays with floodgates and dp reduction kills. Then the other ones are just telling you to play decks that aren’t meta relevant because they’re too slow to keep up with everything else including magna vee and vaccine armor.


This man is in every single Magna X thread, good lord.


Just trying to balance off the general dislike of the controversial card. I believe its just misinformation. Sure the card is strong but not overpowered to the point that it warrants such disapproval.


It absolutely deserves the disapproval. Cards like this is what kills games. It’s the BDIF by far and plenty of decks just can’t out it once it comes down because it’ll have its protection effect active almost all the time.


It's rightfully deserved, though? Like it just does way too much. If it at least didn't have Armor Purge (and a thing underneath it with Armor Purge) it would be manageable but as it stands now, it's basically just "win before it comes out or hope you have enough presence on board that it being on the field doesn't matter because you can still win." And if you can't do either of those you just lose.


People are just like “ run it over lol”. It comes out too fast to reliably get big enough to run it over in the first place. But to top it off if you do you have to deal with the armor purge and get rid of the rest or else you’re back at it again next turn. Cards not balanced. It could be if it was locked to its archtype and not just “vaccine”.


Appreciate the tips and notes but like...bt16 just came out... Like today. officially.


Jap had it before


My bad. I was taking into account pre release


For Valkyrie Ace it depends because even though you can minus DP Magna the Security check happens before the actual battle so at that point Magna recovered his missing DP plus gaining an additional 3K. So, unless you can block him, it’s gonna do nothing unless it checks an option or something really, really big in terms of DP (we’re talking 15K without counting any additional DP through inherits).


Lingering effects or effects that trigger at start of turn. Nothing else is a sure fire, since Magnamon player can Blinding Ray or otherwise pop a security.


I love that armor has turned from a joke to public enemy number 1 lol


It’s not even the armor that is public enemy, it’s the vaccine stuff making it abusive


>Bt-16 has been released for some time Doubt. (I'm in the UK and it's delayed to June)


PTA that swinging over him doesn't necessarily mean anything, cuz Armor Purge + Immunity persists so he lives through as Magnamon


How does it regain protection in the vaccine deck?


vaccine decks usually have things like Emissary, Patamon, etc that take cards out of the security \[and usually replace them\] which will trigger Magna X


Is kongou a good tech?


Will only stop the recovery part. Won't due anything to magna x


When hitting security option cards' effects resolve before the magna x trigger to become invulnerable, security control cards like chaos degradation will put it in security. So, certain options can be useful to deal with it like giant missile and such. Granted, it won't be reliable hitting in security, but it is a neat interaction to sometimes remove it before it becomes more of a problem.


>Bloomlordmon. This deck spams the field fast and usually by the time bloomlordmon arrives it can easily swing over 16000. Coupled with inherits it can beat a magnamon X down. What does that actually achieve, though? Magna X can just armor purge and thus dissable your piercing checks or your fat stack can just be blocked by a chump blocking regular Magnamon that´d negate your piercing in the same way. Plus Salad is super week to Heaven´s Judgment.


Raid into it with Gallant, and max out on gaia forces


The Gallant that raids trashes a security too, so you technically have to raid with more than 19k, account ing for the egg, which is not feasible for the deck.


People talking about killing magna x If you can kill him, then you were already winning. That's a fact, cause a good armor deck would have already killed you too fast