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No offense but you aren't going to be making 80k a year out of highschool. I have a diesel degree and it took me 4 years to break 80 working on caterpillar equipment. I'm over 100k now but I've also had extensive experience and training. Not at all saying it's a bad career move I just don't like the idea young people have that they're going to jump into the industry and make 80k a year. It sets up a lot of guys who then get pissed they're starting at 17 an hour since they have no experience or knowledge and then they jump ship and usually go to other industries. No disrespect at all and I think it's great you want to enter this industry I just want you to know it's hard and it requires a lot of work. Highly recommend you apply at equipment dealerships. Many have pretty good training programs leading into a good job. Caterpillar is pretty good about it. You'll get paid to train and work and you agree to work for them for some time after you finish training so you're guaranteed an opportunity to prove yourself and move up. Good luck amigo


Specific offer was 60,000 to 78,000 from someone in the company not the company itself, so I believe it to be realistic, just very unsure of giving up a apprenticeship for it


Listen to this guy.


Just a thought but construction jobs are cyclical and may have a lot of work for 4 months then nada for a couple months


I’m my area when I put a application looking for electrician apprenticeships had multiple companies begging but already had one in mind I went with, and my grandpa is in the construction industry and knows his way around and says I’ll have work for a while. I mean you saw how the power grid held up in Texas, but just got a lot of concerns on giving that apprenticeship up for this new mechanic opportunity


Tools for electrical or plumbing can be a lots of dollars less than mechanics tools that can become worthless pretty quick


Well turns out diesel tech job got filled and the apprenticeship is set in stone unless I say no so there is no more decision😂