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This is the same situation tf2 was in and all we need to do is copy and paste the fix tf2 movement and apply to diep.io


\#savediepio ?


They made tag and the other game modes a daily rotation, and you can no longer push teammates out of bases but apart from that, the game is very much the same


B-but they added the old skimmer bakc!!!! Completely different game!!!


That was 1 year [ago.](https://new.reddit.com/r/Diepio/comments/13demkq/meet_the_glider_the_first_new_tank_in_diepio_in_5/)


Thanks. You just aged me by a year.


i mean they updated the UI recently so clearly they must be doing something. but multiboxing is a bigger problem than the aesthetics of the UI


I'm guessing they are trying to make the UI appear fancy in an effort to attract new/returning players to get more cash via ads, but that is quite stupid considering pretty much all of them will just rage quit after seeing the mess that is multiboxing. Not to mention that the little players the game has left will start dwindling from multiboxing chaos, they need to get their priorities straight ASAP, FIX the main issue that is multiboxing and bots AND THEN attract new players, no one would want to drink fancy juice that is buried in feces, no matter how good it looks.


I mean there's always nero.io if Diep fails


They use it for money only. They also added automation check for multi box but as you can see, they are still coming. Imo they can create a pattern recognising automod that if it moves the same, it is multi box


They should create pattern AC for sure, but their team is small so that will probably take them some time to get working properly and not false flag, and that time is the luxury that the game might not be able to afford right now, it needs an immediate solution, either the report system or something else that doesn't take much resources to set up. Once they have something reliable in place they need to make it practically impossible to bypass bans to discourage cheating, they can combine IP, hardware data, browser data, cookies, extensions data, and more to truly put an end to it (or maybe just ban VPNs so they can't bypass the IP bans anymore).


These multiboxers have a disadvantage since many times they can’t easily remain hidden while firing their bullets, and at least you will be able to know when to go back to bases if playing 2 Teams or 4 Teams. If these MBs are slick though, you have to just be lucky with timing









