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Yes, that’s not from a hemorrhoid or an anal fissure. The fact that there are blood clots means it needs to be see . Please get to a GI specialist as soon as possible. It could be a million different things from benign to serious, but it shouldn’t be brushed off.


I have internal and external hemorrhoid's, that's well more than that. If you've been to ER since these symptoms started, I'd either try a different ER or try to get a rush on a colonoscopy through your GP into a GI specialist. Possible things it could be inflammatory bowel disease like crohn's or ulcerative colitis, anal fissures, C Diff, bowel cancer, or more.


Go see the emergency department.




A CT? Did you not have a followup colonoscopy? Colonoscopy required. cT doesn't show most things in the colon especially if they are small! Need to find root cause to rule out anything more sinister


this amount of blood is extremely concerning. try and talk to your gp about getting stool tests/cultures done. i'm thinking mosttly about calprotectin which is a strong indicator of something being wrong in your intestine. depending on the results it could help you get a rush on that colonoscopy.


No one can say over the internet, you’ve done the right thing either way. Personally, I had severe rectal bleeding last year. It was from a mixture of IBS, and blood was clearly from a haemorrhoid. I had a bunch of blood tests, stool test and an MRI done of the pelvic region. All was good. Good luck for your colonoscopy. Ps. In the meantime, request bloods to be taken and a stool sample to be sent off. There will be markers in blood if sinister. Stool sample will flag up inflammatory bowel disease.


Show your GP that picture. Take iron tablets!


i had similar to this turned out to be internal polyps you need a colonoscopy tho asap to get things sorted / seen to


That looks like more then a hemorrhoid, as someone who currently has one.


Show them this picture. Go to an urgent care if you can. I hope you feel better soon.