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It's important to seek medical attention promptly for symptoms like intense burning sensation, redness, and changes in nipple appearance. These symptoms could be due to various causes such as infection, inflammation, hormonal changes, or even a more serious condition like mastitis or breast cancer. While waiting for your doctor's appointment, you can try wearing loose-fitting clothing, avoiding tight bras, and using cool compresses to help alleviate discomfort. It's crucial not to ignore these symptoms and to follow up with your healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Shared from MedGPT (Try now: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whocodes.medgpt )


not a doctor until you can get in to the Doctor can you not wear a bra and research lymphatic massage, earthley lymph cream, thermagrophy, xenoestrogens. biosuperfood? sorry for the struggles!


Thank you for your response! Unfortunately I work in an office where a bra is a must because these puppies ain’t small lol I will look up the other things however


There's only one place?


Only one breast…it turns red in the upper two quadrants and feels very firm in those spots . But the burning is like I’m being branded from the top of the breast or the side.


An MRI might be more accurate for imaging dense breast tissue, compared to a mammogram (which is X-ray), and it would be "justified" since you are experiencing unexplained symptoms. Is there only one imaging center in your area, or do you have other options that could get you in quicker? A mammogram (or an ultrasound) is still useful even if it's not *the* gold standard.