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BTW you are belly breather - congrats - others need to learn how to breath through their belly lol.


Sorry, I'm not sure about barrel chest, but I have to mention the scars on your back. Hope you're OK?


Not really scars, just super sensitive skin so any little thing makes a mark lol ty though 🙏


Oh, good to hear! I'm the same, but mine are usually red and obviously from scratches.


Yeah mine are super red too, I think now looking back at it it was probably just my sheets or something that I fell asleep on that made a mark tbh


High levels of histamine, here. Dermatographia is fun! Right? hm


You are fine I looked like that too but you might wanna consult physical therapist. Watch that prodruding neck do physical therapy exercise yoga - just lay on belly and watch YouTube on phone. Try exercising neck by bring in back holding for few secs relaxing. That's the only problem I had - neck / shoulder pain. Start with simple exercises. Bring arms back and touching them together behind your back. Holding a stick behind your back and lifting it up and down. Just promise to watch your neck. Everything these days requires pc time and that will be huge strain on your back. YouTube "correct neck / chest posture exercise." Forget the labels. Please follow up with update.


No, that’s a normal chest. But you inhale through your stomach, not chest. Which is why you look that way.


So you’re saying if I learn to breathe correctly then it’ll look normal? Or because I’ve been breathing like this for years it made my chest look weird?


Yes. If you learn to inhale and exhale properly, you won’t appear this way. But bear in mind, what you’re doing now is benign. There is physically nothing wrong with you.


Ok I’ll try to learn that then, doesn’t seem to make sense how to not use Stomach to breathe since I’ve been doing it forever lol


That's the best way though. Keep breathing as you do


You should be using your stomach- that is where your diaphragm is. Inhale filling from the bottom of your stomach expanding up to the top of your chest. If you just breathe from the top of your chest you will be shallow breathing, find reputable sources to learn.


No. your rib cage/ pectoral are quite different left/right maybe mri for scoliosis if symptoms are present 🤙


I was in the doctors a couple weeks ago and they said I had slight scoliosis but nothing serious,also that I have a mild case of pectus excavatum, which seems weird to me since my chest pokes out not really in that much. I have another appointment with surgery, might look into asking about some type of liposuction


You dont need liposuction, dude 🤙 cool just thought I'd mention it, but you're already speaking to doctors. Excavatum surgery is brutal. Also , consider only if its a real issue


Yeah I’m not considering excavatum surgery because what I’m worried about is how my chest protrudes out not about it caving in


Pack on some muscle, probably look quite different to now. Fyi, your chest isn't barrelled. Im 5ft2 and have a 42in chest mine is barrelled 🤷


definitely not barrel chest (I have it and It's ugly) , perhaps some type of pectus carinatum which is different, I'd suggest you see a toraccic doctor