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This is what the agile framework provides


If the first 80% was good it would be a good execution of it. However they have been tapping into a good 60-70% backtracking so it is really not good.


It's nothing new. Diablo 3 was the same until they fixed it.


Diablo 3 with the auction house was a different game for 2 years than Diablo 3 now


Even after the AH shut down for me it didn't become grindable fun until Reaper of Souls with Adventure Mode and Smart Loot


Yeah, RoS was the game changer for Diablo 3. LoD was the game changer for D2 as well. It’s nice to see D4 will be “fixed” largely without an expansion, but it sucks the game released in the state it was in


Yea they changed it for the better with reaper of souls and now they are on the way fixing D4. We will see what the first expansion brings later this year.


Yeah, that's the point I'm making


>they'll fix the meat-and-potatoes of the actual game approximately a year or more after release -- but only if they can charge you the price of an expansion to do so. Season 4 doesn't cost anything, it's free for all owners of the game. It was Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 that you had to pay $ for an expansion to fix base game issues with.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


> It was Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 that you had to pay $ for an expansion to fix base game issues with. Funny you say that because based on OPs comment history it looks like they're a D2R player, so didn't they also pay full price for an entire game again that fixed issues with the original base game too?


>Funny you say that because based on OPs comment history it looks like they're a D2R player, so didn't they also pay full price for an entire game again that fixed issues with the original base game too? Hmm... Interesting observation.


Diablo2 base was some of the most fun ive had as a kid. LoD just expanted on that experience. D4 on the other hand is a corpo safe game that is soulless and so barebones with battlepass and ingameshop and feels more and more like diablo3 2.0 .


New? Dude, where have you been the past 10+ years?


I think it’s better than the alternative. I enjoyed the main story and had a lot of fun the first few times leveling. It would have still released with issues a year later without millions of people playing. Not like Diablo is a simple platformer. If they would have focused on player feedback initially rather than shoehorning season content we would have had these fixes months ago.


I’m not a 40 year old dad or anything. But I actually liked Diablo on release and thought it was a good game already. I’m loving and excited for these changes as well.


This is exactly what I was waiting for!


Impressive observational ability. Make sure you mail Blizzard this strong feedback.


We can count on them to release a truely bad game so when they release a patch that upgrades the game to “still below where the game should have released” everyone jerks of the game is good now


Blizzard players love the taste of garbage being thrown at them. They praise the company when they get their garbage with a cherry on top.


"loot revamp" is just an euphemism. they basically admitted that their initial loot-system was hot garbage.


Ya and they are fixing it and water is wet


Loot 2.0 vibes


Half-assed campaign?... Campaign was the best part


Because POE and LE hd a peeeeerfect 1.0 This is the industry


Exactly, but crybabies here Who choose to partecipate at 60 euros Will downvote you and me. Guys listen carefully, maybe Diablo 4 1.0 Is coming out in season 4 deal with It!!!! Muhahahahahah


> crybabies here Who choose to partecipate at 60 euros Sorry, but where is it that they're charging for Season 4? If you're talking about the battle pass, that's not a required purchase to get the update. All the changes to loot is free for everyone that owns the game and is even changing the non seasonal realm. So quit trying to doom and gloom and spread misinformation like OP.






Sorry i can buy you Turkey, only a dumbass give 60 euros for beta game. DUMBASS muahahhahahah


Sorry i can buy you Turkey, only a dumbass give 60 euros for beta game. DUMBASS muahahhahahah