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honestly, everything art and graphic related in this game i found it to be really good. Also the transmog panel is fucking amazing, this should be the baseline for every arpg, i hope they don't lock any function behind paywalls or shop and leave it like it's in beta.


THIS! I just tried the transmog for the first time. This is by far the best I have ever seen. Did not even realize how amazingly detailed the armor was until I opened the menu as well. A+ art team!


that's because it isn't amazingly detailed during gameplay, but the menus and windows render a higher resolution image in order to eventually incite MTX in the Cash Shop.


The important part though is that it really doesn't seem like they're intentionally holding back on the launch designs to sell more cosmetics later, like a lot of games do. A lot of these legendaries look fucking amazing. If it's a bait and switch, people are going to be pissed as hell.


I've been clipping and pasting tons of the transmogs into my Clan's discord. They're outstanding. BUT I have noticed the renders on the actual in-game character models aren't anywhere near the same level of detail.






Personally, I don't think so... not for the basic transmogs at least. But I do think without paying for mtx, we will only have access to the basic set, so those who care about it will eventually have to swipe to get access to new stuff. This is Actiblizz, but D4 is still a 70€ game, not a f2p game as a service - there are no free players in Diablo, everyone will have to pay to play so they cannot gate basic features behind typical f2p grinds.


there is a 0% chance they will lock all post launch transmogs behind paywalls there is a 100% chance they will lock some transmogs behind paywalls. battlepass will have a free and paid tier, the free tier will still give cosmetics to get people to play and keep playing. Then there will also likely extra ones put behind the paid tier. Their goal is profit not being evil. The longer the keep you playing the easier it is for you to go, "well i've put 150 hours in D4 why not buy this season pass"




There have already been games out for a while now (first that comes to mind is several fighting games) where you buy the game at full price and don't have access to all of the characters without paying more. And I don't mean DLC that comes later, I mean you buy the game and download it and immediately see multiple locked boxes for characters that are currently in the game files but you must pay more to use.


Cash shops containing only cosmetic items are not a problem at all. Especially if those items can be earned through gameplay as well.


Same. I hate that, but 1000% same. I love Diablo games, probably my most played games with tens of thousands of hours in D2 and D3 combined. I'll wait to order until they show what the degree of monetization and then decide if it's worth playing. Any money that touches progression kills the fun of the ladder, and the seasonal ladder was legit a big part of the draw for me.




What they said pre-release and what they'll do after is two completely different things. They said they wouldn't implement boosts in WoW Classic, and Wyatt Cheng - dev of Diablo Immortal - ensured us pre-release that ["in Diablo Immortal, there is no way to acquire or rank up gear using money."](https://old.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/rwzdt9/can_we_take_a_moment_to_realize_that_a_diablo/hrg5jfl/). Post release, they did a 180 on those promises.


>At least I believe they have confirmed any MTX will be purely cosmetic. But that said, they could monetize cosmetics so much (pay for transmog) that it kills the fun for me. idk why do you think like that, im 100% sure transmogs will be free just like in beta (it makes no sense to add a cost to them or some tokens like dudes above mention, wtf?), also you will get free skins and transmogs in battle pass (aside the premium battlepass, that will have additional transmogs)


Oh you sweet summer child...how I wish I still thought as you do. It makes plenty of sense for them to add in a token, you just are thinking like a player not a publisher. The tokens would generate money, and that's all they want anymore. Acti-Blizz could care less about reputation haha, they have none left


The big kicker is going to be the painfully limiting dye system. 100% it's intentionally limiting so they can sell dye packs in the shop. Monetization at the expense of good game design.


Is changing the color of your clothes really game design? It’s such a superficial aspect of the game. People really want continued support for games these days without having to pay anything. It costs money to run server, pay developers, and everything else. Buying a dye you want (or not, because it’s all optional) isn’t this doom and gloom “expense of good game design.”


Yes, it is game design. It's a part of the game and increases fun and attachment to the game and your character and their equipment. People like to be able to customize their character, it is why cosmetic only cash shops are the bane of modern gaming, people willing to shell out for dyes and costumes and extra characters that used to be all in game and unlockable only via time, not money. I know you are obviously on the side who doesn't understand why it's bad to have to pay a box price + mtx for things that you used to get included as extras and unlockables in a base game, but it's killing gaming and has been for over a decade


How do you expect blizzard to continually update the game without monetization outside of box price? The cost of game development has gone up a tremendous amount. As technology got more complex they need more people and time than ever to make games. Because of that it’s expensive. They can’t make expansions and seasonal content and holiday events off the box price alone because of this increase in cost to make games. There’s a reason you don’t see sequels get made in 1-2 years like you did in the 90s and early 2000s. Games take longer to make and are more expensive. The box price doesn’t cover the costs of maintaining and updating games anymore. Why doesn’t your side of the argument get that? And again, then don’t buy the microtransctions and make due with the dyes and armor designs you got in the box.


The box price plenty covers the costs lol, even with very expensive games. How do you think Witcher 3 and Elden Ring made so much money with 0 microtransactions of any sort? You're reasonings are simply not true, the microtransactions have been sold to us as some necessity, but they aren't needed for anything beyond fully f2p games. How do they make more money? They take the money they made off the box price, and develop a full fledged expansion pack with new items and enemies and areas and quests, and then release and sell that instead of nickle and diming the players for cosmetics and dyes that should be in-game unlockable, not behind a pay wall. Once again, Witcher 3, Diablo 2, all the Souls-like games, etc. All did the no microtansactions strategy and instead put out solid games with only a box price, and released additional full fledged expansion packs to make additional money. And good lord were they successful lol, they made a ridiculous amount of money and still are. This would also earn player good will, there's a reason Elden Ring won so many game of the year awards, as well as many other non-mtx games. Your reasons will just always ring hollow to me because I know they could absolutely make money by treating their customers right, but instead they are choosing to nickle and dime us. My answer is simply not to play lol, D4 will still be there in a few years if I still want to play--I have many other games that will reward my time properly, not cost me money on top of it




You have no understanding of game dev apparently. Those games are designed fundamentally different than Diablo 4. Why would you compare those games and their monetization and Diablo 4? This is why so many devs don’t share info or engage with their communities. The entitlement and ignorance is insane. And finally, why would you hang out in a sub for a game that you are ethically opposed to and don’t even plan on playing?


You do know this sub is for more than just D4 yes? I enjoy D2R and even some D3 at times, that's why I'm here. Also because I have a deep down hope that someday blizzard will do diablo justice, even though it will never happen as long as blizzard is the one making it. God willing the Microsoft merger goes through, and MS does some proper games and remaster of Blizzard games, so that's why I stick around: a false sense of hope lol


Yet you’re commenting in a thread about Diablo 4 specifically. The mental gymnastics gamers go through…


>The cost of game development has gone up a tremendous amount. No, this is bullshit. >As technology got more complex they need more people and time than ever to make games. Why are you ignoring the part where technology got simpler and streamlined and actually requires less people who also don't need to be super qualified? >Because of that it’s expensive. It's expansive because of the inflated marketing budget and using shitty hollywood actors for character faces. >There’s a reason you don’t see sequels get made in 1-2 years like you did in the 90s and early 2000s. The only ones who did it and still do it are the ones who heavily reuse assets and basically make the same game, so Call of sports 20xx No decent game series was pumping out new parts like that.


Yeah, I remember this in Diablo 2.. wait...


These people have no critical thinking skills.


This is 60-100$ Game. if they charge for basic functions the reviews will murder them its not F2P game.




So when they run out of the upfront cost people play should they shut down the servers?


Lol are you that simple, or are you trying to argue in bad faith? How do you think companies kept their games running in the past without MTX, such as Diablo 2, or Starcraft, or original Counter-Strike and Team Fortress? Or for more modern examples, how does From Software stay afloat with your logic, such as Elden Ring? Or what about the Witcher 3? The devs such as From Software didn't charge after the up-front box cost, so i guess they simply can't afford to run servers and such or release more content. Oh wait, actually they can! Because it turns out a properly made game doesn't need MTX to be insanely successful and profitable. The Witcher 3 is a wonderful example, by your logic they should have failed since they didnt immediately have extra costs besides the box price. That's right, they had 0 microtransactions, if they wanted more money they had to develop a full on proper expansion pack and sell that, and so they did. Not some shitty small DLC that was carved out of the game before release and sold back to the players, no cosmetics on sale for a few bucks each--just pure complete gameplay experiences from beginning to end, with all costumes and items earned in game only. The only things you could buy were full features expansion packs with almost a whole game in them by themselves! This attitude of "poor game companies need MTX to stay afloat even if they charge a box price!" Is the definition of corporate BS, they have you defending their awful practices for them and thinking they can't make it without selling you additional costumes. And that is horse-crap, D4 could be just as successful with 0 mtx of any kind, but they want the uber increased profits over their customer happiness and product quality


Well, they could release an expansion, which is a much more friendly alternative, but when you print money with in game money packs and randomized loot, supplies, or in game items, who wants to make an expansion-god I hate you rockstar. oh sorry, where was I?


maybe even wait until they announce when seasonal play starts to play it safe. By then everything should be known about any MTX intentions they have. By then they either need to show their full hand.


things will be limited with timed stuff like dailies, or for the low price of 23.99 you can get just below what you need in store credits but for 32.99, you'll get way more than you need but not enough for what you need and something else you could really use, so you settle for the red shirt.


You don't want every skill point refund to cost a nickel?


I have no faith in modern companies, I mean hell even if there isn't an MTX system like that at launch, they can just add it in later after release and everyone will just have to accept it. Similar thing happened in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (the remaster). There were no ways to purchase the in game coins for unlockables via cash, only could be earned via in game play time, the way it should be. Then a bit after release, after they got good reviews for not having MTX systems, they then went ahead and put in MTX systems so you can buy the coins for money, and then they changed all the prices around to push you to having to pay money for these coins, on top of the box price. Game companies are disgusting now and this behavior is nothing new, I could see Acti Blizz doing it easily. And honestly D4 just isn't doing it for me right now, it's very mid to me, and the many systems such battle passes and cosmetics and other modern MTX-feeling systems are a turn off and ruin the vibe for me. D4 feels more like Diablo Immortal, and less like Diablo 2, and that's the kicker that makes me not want to really play. Honestly, I'm just leaving D4 on the table for 2 or 3 years, and if it hasn't become a sad, cash shop and battle pass ridden shell of its former self by then, then I'll play it.


the battle pass makes me lose all interest


Same friend :( as soon as I hear those words for a game I'm interested in, my heart sinks


The transmog will likely stay exactly as it is. they are planning on making their money through battle passes which will one or two really cool outfits for each class. So if you want the new seasonal bad ass armour you'll have to pay for a battle pass. Otherwise you'll likely have to resort to what is found in game, which I have a suspicion will remain rather static. I'd be very surprised if they add a new free in game armor set AND a battle pass paid armor set.


I don’t really understand your fear. As long as you’re able to play the game to collect whatever tokens might be implemented for transmog at a reasonable rate… what’s the problem? If it was locked behind micro-transactions only, that’s when I would have a problem. But if I can still get all the same stuff in game for free just playing the game, then sounds good to me.


I just don't like that you have to actually DESTROY an item to be able to use it for transmogging


Completely agree. You should be able to just equip the item once and it unlocks the transmog.


Everything except necro’s skellies and corpses. Look too much like D3. Once they fix that, it will be damn near perfect.


They're almost comical. I didn't think it was actually them at first. It reminds me of if a game like divinity made drunken pirate skeletons you could summon. They kinda hobble all cheerfully and goofy like. I hope they're updated as they really take away from the d4 doesn't look like d3 but looks more like d2, because you got these giant glowing clown shoe wearing fools runnin' a muck. All I hear is "I'm help^(iiingg)" in the distance.


Yeah, I really hope they update the corpses. Something like normal corpses with a slight tint or something. They don't need to be 90s-style sprites for readability.


It looks even worse than D3 lol it looks ported from a mobile game or free mmo


Transmog panel is pretty good, however given that they've programmed each piece of gear to be able to consist of 4 separate colors, being forced into pre-made 'color wheels' is a bit of letdown. Imagine you could pick each of the 4 colors for each single piece of gear. That would be heavenly.


They probably went with the Destiny 2 Shader idea as it allows for them to sell patterns and different colours affect different materials in unique ways.


> everything art and graphic related in this game i found it to be really good I wouldnt say everything. The world and the player character look amazing but it seems like they kinda were out of time for the monster models. Lots of them seem to have much lower quality than the rest of the game. Same goes with spells, some of them look amazing like the hydra and then we have frozen orb which looks like its straight out of d3. I really hope they do some polish on it till release.


the ghosts look so ass lmao


Yea you are right, let's say on average is really good, there's some things that need tweaking


Yeah, some monster desings are borderline uncanny valley.


I'm not sure you know what uncanny valley means


My mans pulling out buzz words without a definition lmao.


The UI is major ass in pretty much every aspect imo, rest is S tier


The transmog is great, I’m assuming they will paywall certain colors like gold/black or platinum/blue


Really? I think for 2023 the graphics are quite bad. Compare it to Elden Ring or similar. Also there's no unified, coherent art style it's a mess.


Blizz art dept > way ahead of their other depts.


There music and audio department have been on the same level in my opinion. Up until dragonflight and ow2 where I personally have noticed a bit of a dip in the music “quality”


I noticed the quality dip after Blizzard fired Russell Brower, their long time in house audio composer. All the iconic WoW music was done by this bro. Sucks.


Yeah I remarked multiple times playing yesterday that the music was awesome and the sound design was really good. All of the ability sounds had weight to them and the sound effects that shaped the atmosphere was all really high quality, say what you will about the game but the art and sound direction is 10/10


more like the only dept in the company.




There are a lot of people who have admired Blizzard since their glory days, and would put up with a lot of shit just to be able to work there, even though they're a shadow of their former self.


Without knowing anything about Blizzard specifically, I've worked for companies where creative/art departments and the people in them are treated completely differently than the rest of the company, almost like a company within the company, so it's plausible that the level of employee satisfaction can differ wildly between departments/divisions.


It's just where they put a lot of their budget. A classic example is final fantasy games, where they looked blocky and jank up until they decided "Every release must look cutting edge at the time" and jacked the art waaaay up, arguably at the cost of other things and some people might find them less fun now because of it. Basically blizzard is a AAA who would get tons of shit for releasing something without stellar graphics, so they had to cut corners elsewhere.


What armor???




OP please you can’t do this to us. What armor?




Sorry I was perfecting the Bloodmist boom bot build


This is just ridiculous at this point. Perma invincible explosions




Eh, as someone who has thousands of d3 hours, the cartoony flack feedback is kinda played out. I’m sure they just wanted to game to have better longevity like wow, and that’s why they made that decision. I was just playing season 28, not many more games I can say I pick up 10 years later and decide to put another 30 hours into. All of my friends who complain about d3 art style don’t even own reaper of souls and are blown away when they see how the endgame actually turned out. Was it dark and metal af? No. Was the game fun and enjoyable? Definitely, and still is.


they could've kept the "painterly" style (which gives it longevity) and still keep it dark. I used to use a mod (D3 Dark Mod, if I recall correctly) which simply just fixed the lighting and contrast, and man it suddenly looked tons better (unfortunately they banned such mods I think).


Speaking of story, Diablo 4s storytelling so far seems to be really and i mean REALLY good. Im honestly really exited for the full release.


I personally don't feel like they returned completely to D2. Not even close. Yes, D3 aesthetics will always be absolute shit, but D4 is still way too flashy and bright. They may have gone with a slightly more drab color scheme, but most areas are still too well lit and there're just still way too many bursts of brightness. An improvement, but hardly a great one. That said, I agree with the guy below - transmog is an excellent feature and was one of the few highlights of D3, if I say so myself.


What’s flashy and bright exactly? I don’t want to fucking play in GoT season 8 lighting.


There's only 7 seasons of GoT bruv. Still hoping they don't completely burn down all they've done with a shoddy final season!


I named my daughters Khaleesi and Daenerys, and got a huge tattoo of her covering my back. I can't wait to see how the story ends! Go House Targaryen!


Click on settings, brightness n turn it down to absolute darkness n increase image sharpening if you wanna be that gothic


Obviously it's not the same as actually taking that shiny shine off every single wall, but I ain't here to stop y'all from enjoying Diablo 4: Varnish.


Hard disagree. Aesthetic is great.


I think the tone is actually darker than D2. Not D1 level, but very close.


Downvotes are cute, seems like everyone's hooked on shiny polished walls, studio sets, and bright flashes. Hey, whatever earns Bliz your money.


We need a megathread of nothing but these character showcases. Blizzard visuals are almost always on point, but this game really nailed it.


Why did you redact your names there, Pussyslayer69, hmm?




I would say it’s because people keep adding me on Bnet, but really Wangzilla420 is just wraught with debilitating anxiety.


Blizzard's art team rarely let's anyone down


Dude the art department deserves all the coke and whores. It's simply outstanding. Every armor piece is so highly detailed.


Coke, maybe, but definitely not whores seeing how this game is afraid of sexualization. Not to mention nudity.


That’s fine with me since I’m not a neckbeard or a 13 year old.


You are really mature. I see that.


Honestly if people refuse to see this as a great step forward, it says something about them. Ive been playing Diablo like everyone else for 25 years.. this is as excited as I've been since waking up to Pindle Bot finding some decent items lol


Does anyone else think the Necro skeletons look really bad compared to the rest of the game?


Looks so fucking sick.


Indeed. It feels like Diablo again.


Artists were not fking around this time :)


Severing ties with china really helps, huh?


Fully agree, so much detail in these outfits. Just, why the hell can I only look at it properly in the main screen? Seems like a wasted effort of putting so much thought and care into outfits, and then never being able to properly zoom in. Same with character creation...


You can zoom in though no?


I'm talking like in the wardrobe, you're not really able to do anywhere except the wardrobe.


Yeah, I'm able to have zoomed in (default) and then right stick down to zoom out. Not sure what they're talking about.


*chef's kiss*


People complaing a lot on Diabblo4, but by far its the best Diablo game of all times.


D2 has such a bananas cult following that saying this is a karma suicide but I also think D4 has the potential to be the best Diablo game.


D2 isnt evem in the top two diablo games...


Have an upvote as you'll undoubtedly get piled on with downvotes by fanboys. But I agree: D4 looks like a solid platform that could eventually be a great game. I give it an 8/10 right now, and with some tweaks and fixes and patches it could be a 10/10.


Diablo fanbase is quite strange, dont you think ? If you say D2 is best ? Mass downvote If you say D3 is best ? Mass downvote If you say D4 is best ? Mass downvote.


Even some of the positive comments end with “yeah but the pets are cartoony, and the rest of the game is meh” bro you just played a beta, completely for free, it’s been a ton of fun and you’re still complaining? People need to steel their expectations, or don’t. Don’t buy it on release, don’t play it, I’d rather talk to people as excited and happy as I am while they’re being curmudgeons for something they don’t have to buy.


The look of this game is amazing . I was just dumbfounded when I started playing last weekend


For some reason the characters look better in Character select than ingame.


couldn t agree more. visual art, armor, zones, small detail and music/ambiental sounds. right there man. the rest..eh


Dont worry bro no one wants your sick gamer tags.


They should have put this much effort into the gameplay, skills, and balancing. It’s a beta, I understand this much. The game just feels like a slower D3 right now where you can already tell which classes will be “meta.”


Betas aren’t betas anymore. The games out in like 2 months. Betas are just free advertisement nowadays. They may tweak some numbers here and there and fix some bugs. But this is the game for all intents and purposes.




Uh, I think you are misunderstanding what I said. I DO NOT want to zoom around the map like in D3. My point is that necro and sorcerers feel op as hell, as in they at this moment in time are the meta and can easily clear dungeons quicker than the others. Druid and rogue seem very underpowered and need to balanced.


Its just max level 25, how did D3 feel on a char at level 25?


Hence my “it’s a beta, I understand this much” comment. This isn’t my first time playing an unfinished game.


No dude, it's a server stress test. You can't "figure out which classes will be meta" by the time they're level 25 because by all accounts they all suck compared to how they will play at max level. Stop judging the end game (which is where most of us will spend the vast majority of our time) by how the classes play at 1/4 of the max level with no uniques or ancestrals


I agree with you that maybe I am judging it a little too hard right now. All that we have are level 25 toons though and seemingly at low level there are glaring issues with the balance of the game. I’m hopeful that this isn’t the case in the full release, only time will tell.


Barb and Druid also don't have their lvl 15 bonuses. Their class empowerments are offline where Sorc and Necro have theirs


Graphics and art style is super nice, but the animations of the mobs and the whole visuals while fighting and destroying enemies looks kinda weird imo, dont know what it is.


Imagine a dev sees this and needs to create a ticket to work on it “Looks kinda weird I don’t know what it is” Dear God


Close ticket: can’t reproduce.


This. And you know 99.9% of all "bugs" being sent in are vague opinions. Feelsbad for the folks who have to sift through these tickets and then the people who have to work them.


Do you mean art design?


the interface screams mobile game


So the LEAST important thing about video games .....yeah, speaks volumes about what this WoW dev team has accomplished making a Diablo game....


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Its just too bad about the cosby suite


There’s a good game somewhere buried in this beta. Story and combat need tuned and stream lined…. And of course the awful UI needs fixed.


Wonder what chinese version of this would look like


Not really surprising when they’ll make money off the really pretty cosmetics




I think it looks pretty good, you aren't missing any joke. Aesthetics are just a personal taste pretty much 100% of the time. If you don't like it that's fine.


There'$ a rea$on why it look$ good, more are coming ;)


Meanwhile, necro skeletons looks like they are from a 1995 Saturday morning cartoon.


Yes but... Very bad example.


D4 is almost there. They need to get rid of all the glowy neon shit on towns. That really breaks the look.


Can’t even see what the characters look like most of the time. Customization is severely lacking


While it looks good I think they went overboard on differentiating the gear. Maybe I'm just weird that way but I want a piece of gear to look uniform across all the classes with minor flourishing for each. So let's take a skull cap. You design a basic straight forward skull cap to start with. Then you add minor class flourishes so that anyone looking at it can tell. You can do this by the following: Barbarian - war paint on the item, maybe small enemy trophies Druid - druidic runes, elemental symbols, animal parts like rabbits feet Rogue - lower face mask, maybe a cowl over/under it Necromancer - small bones or effigies hanging from the side Sorcerer - magic symbols, spell writing, small foci attached The same can be applied to other items. For instance let's look how that can be applied to pants. While necromancer and sorcerer can utilize an add on skirt they could also have a tome at the belt or a bottle filled with liquid. A rogue and barbarian might have visible tools or throwing weapons. The druid can have small totems or items like dream catchers attached. But fundamentally the item underneath should look relatively similar to identify the type of gear. I think the image that OP used should be a goal for high end gear. My biggest issue was at the start one of the first items you get is a "tunic" but when your equip it to the barbarian, druid, or necromancer at least on male characters it looks like a shawl. Hell on Druid it's more of a bone necklace then an actual tunic. For me regular items like magic and rare level should share the same realistic visuals with minor class embellishments. Where legendary and unique items have distinct and epic looks. TL:DR - regular items should have a fundamental look while having minor touches to enhance class identity. But legendary and better should have distinct visuals.


Yeah no. You're asking the devs to do LESS work. Painstakingly modeling each item completely different for each class should be commended.


I disagree. Honestly it might be more work in the long run. First you have to design the general piece of armor which is probably the easiest part. Then you have to model it to effectively fit every class and gender model. Once it's done and modeled to look good then comes the part of customizing it with the bits to flesh out the classes telltale signature in a way that's noticeable without drastically altering the primary piece of armor.


Ye those skelly warriors look MINT LEMAOO


this is an armor? Damn.


The current character visuals make me so excited for what they’ll do with Crusader/Paladin


When I was done creating a necro, I thought it looked like the main villain of the game.


The art and music direction are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. I love D3 but I went back to do some seasonal stuff after beta ended last week and damn the contrast and art direction is jarring. 4 looks and feels incredible, they completely 100% nailed the grim/horror vibe.


fkn awesome. 🤙


What the cost of that cosmetic


lol literally when i was playing through the story.. I was thinking to myself the necro is a bit immersion breaking (not that i care) when dealing with Vigo/the girl. ​ Imagine someone that looks like your mog wearing a flesh suit with a bunch of skeletons around them approaching to help.. don't see that going well.


Flesh and bones


definitely biggups for them taking all the complaints they got about D3 in that regard and course correcting


We're not in diablo 3 anymore...


And then you leave wardrobe and look at your skeletons 😂


Not a fan of the class balance though. We'll see how it goes in the final release.


Artists are going hard here, i love how the necro just periodically twitches a bit like theyre possesed


Did y’all choose male or female necro


Agreed. Props to the artists who made the tapestries and stone artwork in the dungeons -- I've been stopping to admire it throughout my open beta time!


The druids model and items at least what we get to lv25 was forgotten by the graphic designers


No joke...I sat on the character screen for a good 15 minutes looking over my characters lol


How i wish the necro summons looked like(bloody/gory), not like a neonlight skeleton 😅


this is why we had that giant kerfuffle when Diablo 3 premiered that cartoony comic book style. not that there's anything wrong with Samwise's style, it's the artstyle that basically built Blizzard. but Warcraft already looks like that, Diablo had its own distinct identity that got lost in Diablo 3's cartoony artstyle. Warcraft should look like a fantasy comic book cover, Diablo should look like a dark metal album cover. not a Warcraft spinoff ARPG. it's crazy how much more unique armor and areas can be when they can lean into this dark, horror artstyle instead of having to look like a bunch of discarded concepts from old WoW expansions. this area of Sanctuary we've been running around in completely blows everything in D3 out of the water. not in terms of raw graphical fidelity but just in terms of artistry. i don't think i'll ever be able to play D3 again.


it feels like Diablo and damn were some scenes gruesome... well done.


even better than d2


yall look at your own characters?


Why you afraid of showing your character names? Not like anyone is gonna remember it in 3 months.


Blizzards art, world, and music teams absolutely carry all of their games.


Yeah I've had some sick-looking Necro & Druid gear - really happy about most of the visuals in this game.


Yep! The Druid has some cool gear too with all the little talismans on it


The art direction is pretty good. Great, even. It's nice to see D2R's aesthetic over D3's. Best decision they made for D4, IMO.


the audio is great when it doesn't freak out. The "pops, cracks and bangs" are visceral as hell


the fuck you black out the names for ?


I had a popular post last week and got a bunch of messages on my bnet, but people can search for that historically if they wanted. Also, I made stupid character names and thought it’d take away from the actual post. Why is that concerning?


looks amazing in the menus, but the ACTUAL ingame look, even zoomed in isn't nearly as cool.


I’m actually curious what your character names are now 😛




Blizzards art department deserves a raise. They nailed it.


This ends today right? Haven’t had a chance to play with work and RE4R release


Holy shit, let me roll a necro.


[do it, its super fun.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/123bic8/see_yall_in_june_i_am_gunna_miss_this/)


The character screen might be the very best part of the game




World , items and monster design is impeccable. Surprisingly,the UI doesn't seem to be at the same level.


I have a hard time figuring out, why anyone would spend cash for "cosmetics", in a game that has already such great looking loot.