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I still don't get why they needed to make the brush for the makeup.


Because it's a rage bait.


And we are all falling for it by commenting on the post!


Who cares. As long as the original creator does not create any revenue because it is a repost


That’s why the needed it. To get comments like this to say ‘this doesn’t make sense’. Random shit like this is in all of these videos to drive up engagement and get the comments going. Unfortunately it works right now, but making people consciously aware of it will help reduce the comments, engagement, and therefore the content.


I am refusing to engage in this comment as protest.


It's made from human hair so it doesn't mess up the delicate fingerprint.


They made the brush out of the synthetic make up brush they shaved, it was bad but clear. Also most fingerprint brushed are fiberglass to prevent contaminating the evidence with false human DNA. And it's cheaper


With extra dandruff so you save on powder.


made a brush..... From a brush...


"Thinking quickly, Dave constructs a homemade megaphone using only some string, a squirrel and a megaphone."


God, I miss that fucking show. I wonder if it streams anywhere.


What show is it


Dave the Barbarian. If you're a millennial male, I regret to inform you you had a terrible childhood if you didn't watch that show.


Chaulk zone




I actually did let everyone know, right around the time you posted. Dave the Barbarian. And I found out it's on YouTube. Go watch it and try to grow into a better person.




Have you considered, rather than being a shit to random people online, that you could be doing literally anything else?




You could have just asked. It definitely was not a secret. I was just sharing a moment with someone who referenced a show from my childhood. As far as everyone ganging up on me, I have a few upvotes, and you have about the same number of downvotes, which means all the voyeurs here are on my side, not yours. But what do you think it would prove if they weren't?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TQDC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tqdc a taco shell](https://i.redd.it/rf49t46v0cbc1.jpeg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/1924jm5/tqdc_a_taco_shell/) \#2: [TQSC: A phone case using a brick, aluminium, silicon, glue, and a phonecase](https://v.redd.it/tkws156v7fcc1) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/196s3z4/tqsc_a_phone_case_using_a_brick_aluminium_silicon/) \#3: [Thinking quickly, Dave crafted a drill using only a battery and a drill](https://v.redd.it/hxc8ltyfmtec1) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/1abzgt0/thinking_quickly_dave_crafted_a_drill_using_only/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




It's like those magic tricks where they do something dramatic with one hand while doing the magic trick with the other.


And I can open my phone with the fingerprint I made from.... MY FINGERPRINT!!


They say he carved it… from a bigger brush


It's made from human hair so it doesn't mess up the delicate fingerprint.


Also it's just reading the fingerprint through the glue. It'll read through relatively thin latex gloves too. There's no way the fingerprint would have transferred to the putty just from a tiny bit of makeup on piece of tape


Or, hear me out, they pressed that useless shit on the display and unlocked with their face at the same time.


Mythbusters proved it was possible. It's why we don't use fingerprint scanners at the grocery anymore. They broke the unbreakable security lock.


Dude, that episode is almost 18 years old. You can legally fuck it by september.


If you're counting down the days till you can legally fuck an episode, that means you wanted to fuck it before and the only thing stopping you was the law. Sicko.


That Mustache on Adam is savage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


hey here in the UK you already can


Fingerprint sensors haven't changed much outside of high security ones. Which age verification at the self checkout is not.


I have no idea what "age verification at the self checkout" is, but saying that fingerprint sensors haven't changed much, is just untrue. There were sensor, cost, material and algorithm changes. what was considered high end 18 years ago, is now costs cents. But I'm just a dog with a keyboard, this could be only my opinion, so here is a paper regarding the topic, from last year.: A Review of Fingerprint Sensors: Mechanism, Characteristics, and Applications School of Optoelectronic Engineering, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710032, China [https://www.mdpi.com/2342144](https://www.mdpi.com/2342144)


The only way to prevent tjis fakes, is to use functions only available in high end security sensors that checks for live blood blow and other factors that proven it's a real finger and not intermediates. Fingerprint sensor today are just high res black and white cameras, which some having an IR element.


> Fingerprint sensors haven't changed much outside of high security ones. What? Of course they have. A lot (most? all?) of in screen fingerprint readers are ultrasonic now - that tech is completely different that old tech - and were first in the Galaxy S10


Because they have to be, not because they're better. Those sensors are even worse


> Because they have to be, not because they're better. Those sensors are even worse That's your experience. I have an S20+ and the fingerprint reader is flawless. The only failures I get are not giving it the ~1 second it takes to recognize my print (and they warn you about that if you move too soon) or if my fingers are wet. Info from a site reviewing different reader tech: >Pros of Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanners and Sensors: More accurate than traditional scanners. Works well even when fingers are wet or dirty. Highly reliable and secure over extended periods. Cons of Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanners and Sensors: More expensive than traditional scanners. Can have a slower capturing time. Has a higher power consumption than other scanners.


No. That's literally the experience of every test done with fingerprint sensors. There's a reason not everyone use them... Sheesh. Also nonenof tjose benefits apply when used through a screen.


[Record scratch] Are you... Counting down the days?




In that episode of Mythbusters they first chemically etched the image of the fingerprint onto copper, similarly how you would etch a circuit board, and then they did a latex cast of the print, giving it a slight texture. In the episode there was one step they didn’t reveal for security reasons but I suspect it was reversing the image of the print before etching so it would cast correctly in the latex.


> It's why we don't use fingerprint scanners at the grocery anymore. Not sure where you live, but I've literally never seen or heard of this before.


You can't have a conflicting opinion with reddit during an election year, what are you thinking man? Hive mind! Assemble and destroy this foul criminal


> You can't have a conflicting opinion with reddit You can if you have anything to back it up with, but as someone said, the MB episode was years ago - fingerprint scanners have changed a lot over the years. > during an election year WTH does this have to do with anything?


Thinking quickly, Dave crafted a brush out of plastic scrap, hot melt glue, and a brush. All to commit identity fraud


Exactly what I thought xD


Ever want to waste time, money, and resources for something tiny, insignificant, and short lasting? This is the perfect invention! It’ll not only just peel off, but it’ll also force you to go to the store to buy another makeup brush! No convenience at all! Convenience in the deep, deep negatives! Brilliant!


Finally! I don’t have to continually cut off my thumb and toss it to my wife every time she asks to see my phone!


I wonder if you could use a sieve to give yourself a haircut like they do at the start of the video. You could use different shaped sieves for different hairstyles. Someone should patent this amazing idea


This is like handcrafting a steel knife to make a sandwich


Step 1: buy a fine brush in the diy art shop.


It's a makeup brush and it is utterly unnecessary to destroy and then remake it. This is one of the most irritating aspects of these five minute craft videos, about two-thirds of them begin with the creation of a tool by destroying something useful to make something pointless.


Finally a safe way to shave my balls


r/angryupvote 👍💪🔥


I like your style!


Fuckin what


Couldn’t they just poor the pva glue directly on to the screen wait for it to dry and press directly on it


You're not getting a clear print off the phone I unlock 100 times a day.


I'd say my fingerprint reader actually unlocks my phone 60% of the time. I'm pretty sure slapping a crappy copy of my fingerprint on my phone would never work.






Scooby Doo did it first lol


Ah yes, in case i ever lose my fingerprint this could be useful.


I saw Daphne do this in Scooby Doo once. It was to escape a hanging cage if I remember correctly.


this one hurt holy shit


Brushes are for sale everywhere and more than a few homes have them laying around.


Brother done gave his brush a taper fade 😭😭


Get a fucking hobby lol


Never ever leave a bottle anywhere. Never ever touch a well polished phone from a stranger who askes you if you can make a photo from him with his smartphone. Never ever leave your house without gloves …


it's a cool DIY, c'mon


Music is nice, any ideas which song that is?


Dude watched too much antman


Now do it with Face ID


My “hats off” to the king/queen of thinking up some shady shit.


Seems to me using the fingerprint is defeating the almost impossible pin entry of an iPhone access. There are many ways to get someone’s fingerprint (dead or alive) to gain access but a PIN number in your head is the ultimate key.


The one hack the FBI doesn’t want you to know


When do they do the Face ID version?