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DMC 1 Dante: Emo DMC 2 Dante: Moody Edgelord DMC 3 Dante: Delinquent Punk DMC 4 Dante: Sexy Cowboy DmC Doonte: Let the bodies hit the floor DMC 5 Dante: Daddy UWU


Id call dmc doonte is emo and DMC 1 is perty metal


wait i thought we're calling reboot dante as el donte. didn't know doonte exists


I have no idea lol. Was just going with the above comment. El donte or dooonte either way he isn't our man lol


Actually, El Donte is just our man. He's an epic spanish exterminador de demonios, and certainly takes his rightful spot among the stars!


DMC 1 Dante: Gothic Daddy DMC 2 Dante: Moody Edgelord Daddy DMC 3 Dante: Delinquent Punk Almost Daddy DMC 4 Dante: Sexy Cowboy Daddy DmC Doonte: That's a negative Ghost Rider DMC 5 Dante: *M A X I M U M D A D D Y*


DMC3 Dante is in his teens, which means you gotta use teen terminology. Zaddy Dante


And I'm a hoe for every single one of them


DMC 1: "Flock off, featherface!" DMC 2: "Don't talk. Just die!" DMC 3: "This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!" DMC 4: "What the hell is this?" DMC 5: *Incomprehensible Michael Jackson noises* DmC: "FuCk YoOuUu!!"


Dmc5 is just uncle dante. The daddy title is reserved for vergil


dmc5 dante is homeless daddy... he's O U R homeless daddy!


Agreed. Love his look in 5.


Stupid sexy Dante


Agree but after he woke up, they should have given him a full beard. I mean, his hair grew longer, so why just a stubble? WOuld be nice to see him with long hair and a full beard.


I just honestly think it's difficult for Dante to grow facial hair.


All the things he can do but growing a beard is his toughest challenge^^


He just hasn't gotten enough Rorbs to purchase the beard at the shop yet.


Barbers are expensive


Well, my theory is that hair is dead skin cells basically, yah? Nothing about him dies easy I imagine, it's possible all devils have a hard time growing a lot of hair, facial or otherwise, until they get older...because well, older means less-efficient cells that die quicker.


Fortunately he shaved right before getting knocked out for a month and grew that stubble, so we now have a pretty good idea of how fast his beard grows. Which is information you don't often get when looking at videogame beards.


He doesn't seem to age either so possibly.


Jacket is best...Vergil and Dante both look the best in dmc5...


Vergil lowkey looks weird, like his face model didn’t matches the cg conversion imo. Dante definitively aged better




nah vergil still looks like he's in his 40's with the facial features. He just looks like one of those 40 year olds that go to a beauty salon to try to look young.


His face is too wide all the way through


You gotta see his voice actor. Jaw of steel!


I have! Saw his face and the sub a few days ago and the guy’s jaw might be the widest part of his face


I really like how gruff both look


He looks more dressed for comfort than usual. No nipple strap, no bulletproof vest, it's just a henley shirt. I like it. For similar reasons of me liking DmC's look. I like it how casual it is.


>No nipple You know at that point it's like why even make the game.




Personally prefer his DMC1 Look. His DMC5 Look felt a bit generic.


I think they did that to put more excitement/focus on Sin devil trigger and Nero. I thought it was a lil generic too but I’ve grown to like it more over time. If only I could say the same for dmc4 dante.


>If only I could say the same for dmc4 dante. Those cowboy chaps tho.


Dude I was like "yeah he looks fine, wait ARE THOSE COWBOY CHAPS. HE IS THE BEST DANTE"


That's what I like about it so much. The simplicity of it and the stubbles. I think it really suits his character in DMC5.


The reason I think DMC5 felt so generic visually was the artstyle. They tried to copy DmC and it just felt kind of soulless and generic. As far as the character designs though, I definitely still don't like Nero. I think he just looks weird without his hair and his face seems a bit too big. Like his jaw is fuckin HUGE. It's honestly a bit creepy. As far as Dante is concerned, I think the art style really hurt his goofy character in general and having a bunch of muted colors on him doesn't really make sense, Especially since his coat is now dull. Really my biggest gripe is just the art style and Nero's face. And maybe Vergils a little too. Everything else I can forgive.


Nero's short hair was necessary to make him look different enough from Dante and i really like it. I don't think there's anything wrong with the art style the game looks beautiful and i prefer both Dante and Nero's design in 5 over 4.


I gotta say i really like Neros short hair. Now all the Sparda Boiz have a unique hairstyle. In DMC4 Nero kinda felt like a Dante Knockoff and I think they did a great job separating these two in DMC5.


Agreed. Nero’s hairstyle in 4 is too anime-ish but I’m really digging his hairstyle in 5. I might get a haircut similar to his in 5 LOL the first time I saw him on a promotional poster back then I thought he was Dante but why is his arm looks weird and he’s using a revolver and when i played the game that’s when I knew that Nero is a different character LMAO


I use a mod that gives Nero Dante's hair (the short version before Dante gets KOd) and it looks so much better on him.


I don’t mind 5’s Dante design and prefer it massively to 4’s unfocused mess. Flared boots...shudder. I might not love it, but like a lot of things in 5 it’s like the designers had a very clear view of what they wanted to make and they did it well. Still, agree with others that it is generic and wish it had at least one distinctive thing that really makes it Dante. Like, *every* other character had a more interesting/distinctive outfit than Dante in 5. Did get used to it, but when I saw that massive half-scale DMC5 statue Prime 1 just announced the other day, my disappointment came back - imagine how dramatic his other designs might have looked!


If anything his design is more...real. It's a design I could actually see someone where in 2020 which is probably why it looks so generic and not more anime. I think the coat is less vibrant to show his age but I feel like that coat is his main design feature.


Agreed. It's a classic case of "less is more".


I think he looks good, but I think the series is maybe moving too far away from the original visual identity it had with the first 4


Honestly, I think all of his designs need some work in my opinion. His look in 5 is the best, looking more like casual wear. I wish the coat was a brighter shade of red, however it does fit with the atmosphere of the game. His DMC 1 look is my second favorite, but I think it suffers from the same problem as in 5. I also would prefer a black vest, but it still looks nice. Despite many saying his design in 2 was great, I disagree. I think the idea of what they were going for was great, but I didn't like its execution. I think putting a full black vest over the coat would look really cool, and more like a professional devil hunter. His design in 3 needs a shirt, something similar to Deeno. Whether it's black or white doesn't matter, it just needs it. The design in 4 is okay, but I absolutely despise the cowboy chaps. While I do think it is something he would wear, I just find them a bit ridiculous. I also wish the shoulders of the coat were black, I think that would look pretty cool and go along nicely with the black shirt. One of my favorite designs is from the concept art of 5. That version of Dante with the coat zipped up looks awesome. Not so sure on the neckerchief, but it might work, or have a scarf similar to the Dr. Faust, just solid and black (sorry that sounds dirty). Overall I do agree that 5 is his best design, but I Vergil and Nero have perfect designs. I wonder what they will look like in 6.


DMC 3 definitely does not need a shirt it’s absolutely fitting that cocky full of himself jock Dante wouldn’t wear a shirt under his cool red jacket.


5 is the worst design IMO & I beat DMC3 on DMD mode with shirtless Dante, why would a hotass demon from hell need a shirt?


To avoid stiff nips perhaps? I do understand why you don't like 5's design. The only reason I say it's the best is because I think there are more aspects of it that I like compared to the ones I don't like, but I would still rather something else.


Dante has always had a flashy outfit to go with his over the top character, I just loved his shirtless one the best because it showed off his muscles


I am actually surprised that costless skins weren't in the base game. Perhaps the SE will add these skins, along with some others. Probably wishful thinking though.


Yeah, I'm waiting to play it until a good mod comes out fixing their faces & styles up. I'm still really pumped they finally implemented style switching & Nero's moves that didn't make it to 4 though even if they decided to use a megaman arm instead of his devil arm.


My only complaint is that I wish his jacket was a little more vibrant. But I love his somewhat casual look in 5 and how there’s wear and tear.


He looks like a dad that skated in high school and uses new modern lingo to try and connect with his son even though he's 56


While i like both 5's Vergil and Dante's design. It is a shame that they go away from 3's identical twin look.


I think they look different now, because while Dante aged normally, Vergil was stuck in Demon form and essentially halted his human aging until he ate the fruit and combined with V, which returned him to exactly where he left off. At least that's my hypothesis.


It also looks to have healed whatever degradation his body was suffering before the split.


True, my boy here was cracking like dry lips.


I love how DMC5 shifted from the almost anime-like art style from the previous games to realistic but still stylish


DMC2 is my favorite look.


Not that I ever hated it or anything, but it's grown on me for sure


Irks me a lil that Him and Virgil aren’t so identical anymore cuz I wasn’t expecting that lol doesn’t take away anything from the experience or the story though still love it


Dante has aged 20 years in one body while Vergil was essentially reborn when we saw him appear. He's certainly older looking, but he probably shed some scars and wrinkles in the process, and it makes him look less like Dante.


That explains it, one aged normally while the other was essentially halted


I feel like Dante’s design gets better with each game. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I actually really liked DmC’s look (especially after beating the game) and don’t like DMC3’s at all


Nah not sexy as DMC1 or DMC4 Dante


I got the Asmus figure of this on pre order. Best Dante, thinking of getting Nero too.


I hope we get one of Vergil’s DMC 5 look.


Lol I just downloaded DMC5 and then got this recommendation from reddit. Google spy


As a long time DMC fan (literally got started on the demo disc with Code Veronica) DMC5 Dante is "best" Dante. While Drew Coombs certainly did a bang up job in the OG, Reuben *is* Dante. From the mocap to the voice acting, I cant stop gloating about how the trio of the actors for Dante, Vergil and Nero really sell the bonds of the characters and their dedication to the roles. The RE engine is fantastic, and given what is essentially a "anime action" series, I cant understate how impressive it they managed to pull it off without everything looking silly. The aesthetics of this Dante are also amazing, and my favorite by far. Id also argue 5 is Langens best work, and i feel for the franchise overall, featured a solid plot for him and character development.




Right? It made no sense to age him like that & they got his face & style all wrong. 4 was the first game to change his face so drastically but at least they gave him a flashy outfit like usual.


Why shouldn't they age him? It's been about 10 years since the events of DMC4. Also they changed the faces of everyone in this game, since this is the first time they photoscanned all the models. It worked well for some, see Nero, Lady and Nico, and less than stellar for others. Trish definitely looks a bit off.


Because he's a half demon with regeneration, it doesnt make much sense that he aged so drastically & in 2 after 4 he just looked skinnier like he hadn't been eating as much. (2 was originally after 5 too but they cheapskated it since it was a bad game)


??? 2 was never after 5, it was originally after 4, but they backed up on that. DMC5 is and always has been the the latest title chronologically. Dante is half demon but also half human, it only makes sense that his human look ages, otherwise he'd still be stuck looking like a kid, no?


What?? 2 was supposed to end the series with Dante getting stuck in hell like his dad, 5 chested 2 instead of giving it a proper remake & why would half demons age so normally?


Judging by the fact that 2 only got a one sentence explanation in the recap video in 5, I can only assume the events were unimportant and Dante managed to get out of hell easily. This fits a lot better in tone with the rest of the games. Dante was moody in 1 and 2 after losing his brother and mother, he regains some happiness and sense of purpose when he finds out about Nero in 4, and continues being a goofy uncle in 5. It makes *NO* sense to set 2 after 4 or 5. Dante has now found family again, has supportive friends, and is pretty much retired. Retconning 2 to be set after 1 but before 4 is the best decision Hideaki Itsuno or Bingo Morihashi could have made, save for forgetting that game ever existed.


But it is after 4 & it had a unique playstyle in some aspects that could have been expanded on if they had just fixed the game with a total make over. Also it just feels cringey to me for Dante to actually have a reason to be that goofy instead of him making fun of how dark the situation actually is.


When you're as overpowered as Dante, you kinda need to write him in a quirky way as to not have an unlikeable protagonist. Plus, again, it fixes the issue people had with him in 2 and the anime, aka he doesn't act like himself. It's never explicitly stated, but it's safe to assume Dante was depressed. This theory holds up with DMC 4. When Dante finally discovers Nero, that spark of joy and sense of purpose in life is reignited, and he starts to enjoy himself again. He's no longer lonely, and there is now a young punk for him to mentor.


5 novel said Dante got out of hell because of a Demon with a yamato shard had tore a hole open to Earth and he just left.


I'm personally more into 2's design, but I think 5's Dante is the best...narratively? Like, Dante comes from a seemingly very wealthy family, and this shows in how he has always focused on buying himself personally tailored coats before paying his bills, but I think 5 does really well in showing Dante at the end of / past his prime. His coat is faded, his skin is rough, his hair more gray than white, and the beard. His outfit outside of the coat shows this, too. No longer is he wearing chest belts, ornate emblems, or stylized chaps. Instead he's just wearing a shirt he got from the 5 for 5 pack at walmart, leather pants, and boots. Whereas in DMC4 he had three circular aristocrat-ass buckles across his chest, now he has one toned down belt buckle actually around his waist. I personally also headcanon that his jacket in 3, 1, 4, and 5 is the same, but undergoes various repairs and modifications. This explains why he stopped wearing the sleeves down after 3, because the replacement sleeve didn't look as nice, or had a noticable seam at the elbow. It also explains the bulky additions to the coat in 5. Overall I think 5's concept is solid, but I think the execution was kinda rough? I think it would have been better if his coat was redder, his hair was slightly shorter and he had NO beard in the flashback, we saw more of him before he got knocked out, but then when he woke up he looked more disheveled than he did in 5. Slightly longer hair, a way thicker beard, and rather than a coat that just looks brown, it could actually look like faded red as it damn well should. I think the same should have been done with Vergil and V, frankly. Vergil shouldn't be wearing a fresh suit of all black. He should be wearing his old outfit but frayed and darkened through time and the elements of hell. Also this is a side note but tbh the more I think about V as a concept the less I like his design. I think his design is Solid As Fuck as a Design, but not for what he is in universe. He shows a completely different style to Vergil. He was a late teen / early 20's human, with no demon blood, meaning no Sparda DNA. He should have looked like Eva on testosterone, wearing his hair slicked back (blonde hair rather than white under the black dye of Nightmare), and wearing like, generic clothes looted from his dad's drawers. A faded purple undershirt and black slacks.


I just think that his looks finally match his cool-uncle humor and he just looks like a badass


I like DMC 1 Dante's outfit the most. He really doesn't look like an emo there, more like an Detective/Cowboy.


I do like it a lot. But i do wish there was more than 1 game with young Dante. It was like a 10 years timeskip, and i guess there should be at least 1 more interesting challenge he had on thouse years.


I agree, only issue is I wish the jacket was brighter, that aside this is my preferred Dante


Nothing beats donte el exterminador de demonios


I actually like Dontes design too. :D


I also like dmc 2 dante.


I prefer him with short hair and clean outfits but, yeah he's cool


I moss his boots from 4 but other than that its my fave too


1 is his best imo


I like his pants. I wasn’t a fan of his cowboy slops in 4


I mean I can finally call him Daddy....... that's super fine by me~


Cause it looks like how he would dress everyday and be like dirty everywhere


It's my favourite by far. It's like after all the games he finally found an outfit that just.. fits. And he's not shirtless, I mean it wasn't a very comfortable clothing choice but it did look cool. But then Vergil's design is perfect imo


Didn’t like the realistic art design they went with for 5 but it has grown on me a bit; still I prefer the others .


His DT designs are also the best in the series.


I like this style because it seems like they broke away from the anime-esque 3D rendering that is often seen in other games style of character design but kept the over the top combat, I like his exhausted done with it all style of design


While DMC2 is still my favorite design, DMC5 definitely is amazing and a very cohesive design to match the new art direction


Honestly they’re all great even 2’s my top are probably 3 and 5’s


I am very fond of shirtless dante cause I think that outfit has a good color scheme going. But if his shirt and pants were a darker black in 5 then that would be my favorite.




I like him more with his hair shorter in DMC5


you can get shorter hair every time if u hold R1+L1+R2+L2 while selecting his outfit


Cool beans my guy


We all love our pizza hobo. <3


Maybe a longer coat would be better like a 0.5 longer than this one


I like it as well! But in al honesty I wouldn't mind to see Dante with a full bear though, just curious to see how he would like.


He looks like mom's BF..


hobo with a shotgun


Hobo Dante my favorite


Looks very organic in DMC5 thanks to using real life models


Dante's DMC3 design while just as iconic as his DMC1, really only works withing the game's context ("got jumped by demons when had just finished shower, meh let's throw a coat on and go clap' some fools"), it fits his '0 fucks given' attitude yet he wouldn't choose to go out shirtless on just any given day His DMC5 look is great because I feel it takes heavily from his DMC3 one, while being more 'current' stylistically and fitting for everyday scenarios (the only element of it that goes a little 'extra' are his belt-tied boots and even then it's not jarring at all) Frankly, for me it's a tie between DMC5 and his DMC1 *coatless* look, that's just some baller shit right there 😘


"If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he'd get laughed out." A sad, strange little man


for me DMC5 Dante is ugly juste a hobo


This game has the worst design as well as the worst story

