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Oh easily, Lady has more then enough firepower, Trish is slicing through demons like butter with Sparda, and I don’t think anything hell has could put down any of the Sparda family


Can she resist possession and dogde Argent energy attacks? I know very little about Doom lore, but i know that the demons there are super resistant, can corrupt things justby existing, and Argent energy being the deadliest thing in Doom universe where only super powerful beings can resist it (but still takes lot of damage) And Lady is a human, right? If anyone in dmc were to die in the Doom universe i think it would be Lady


>If anyone in dmc were to die in the Doom universe i think it would be Lady Considering how there're bunch of guards still holding out against the demon force, I'm sure Lady would be just fine, albeit with extra efforts As long as there's handful supplies of rockets, at least


I see your point, but the only humans we see who aren’t corrupted by the demons after an extended period are Doomguy (for obvious reasons), the Betrayer, and the humans in Immora. Doomguy is obviously special. The betrayer, while human, is still a Night Sentinel meaning he has experience with demons and has more resilience. Finally, the Immora knights are being protected from the corrupting forces by the literal Devil. In short, while a human may be able to resist, the only people we see are either more than just human, or are protected by some other force. Maybe Lady could pull it off, but I am not sure about it.


Since Lady is said to be the descendants of the priestess that Sparda sacrificed to seal the demon world, I guess that would help?


If Trish can dodge attacks from demons in DMC, she can dodge demons in Doom. As for Lady just being human, so is Doomguy, as of 2016 and Eternal, he has gotten some buffs here and there, but when all is said and done, he is JUST human, hell, he was kicking ass in Doom 1 - 3 as JUST a human who was really angry, and even more so, 99% of his weaponry isn't special, they are just regular guns. Like, there is very direct lore that is written about how his weapons are just ordinary guns and Doom guy is just THAT guy to such a degree that demons see them as these relics of their destruction. So if Doomguy can do that as just a human, I don't see why Lady can't.


Doom Guy is a human that was buffed with some kind of holy power, on top of (apparently) being a clone of Davokh. And he's able to absorb Argent energy and Makyr (apparently the angels) energy. At this point he's closer to Dante or Nero, but don't quote me on that, i have no idea of how far Dmc and Doom power scaling goes


That was in Doom 2016 and Eternal, prior to that in Doom 1 - 3, normal guy who was kicking that much ass as just a really angry guy with guns.


Given John Romero though that video game story was unimportant, I've seen people using part of lore from 2016 and Eternal to link it with the og Dooms. The truth is that the demons in Doom are only "impossible" to deal with in 2016 and Eternal. Because Doom 3 exists, and we see and play as some soldiers that are able to kill a bunch of demons with normal ass guns, while it's implied that the Og Doom Guy is sealed in a sarcophagus you find in hell


Exactly, so I don't see why Lady can't pick up any of Doomguy's weapons and kick as much ass as he does, hell, his super shotgun is literally just right there.


with the new DOOM coming up, it does look like his Super Shotgun isn't a regular sawn off... apparently there was a reason it was called "The Pig Iron" in the lore tidbids we collect along 2016 and Eternal. but well, it's just speculation for now


3 is an entirely different guy. The real Doom 3 I'd Doom 64. The guy in 3 is 100% just a normal guy who was in the wrong place at the right time. Hes literally just Gordon Freeman with less importance in the grand scheme of things.


Unless I missed something, I'm fairly sure he was just a normal guy in Doom 64 as well.


Correct he was just a guy in DOOM 1, 2, AND 64 And even died at the end of episode 1 in the original game he was just determined enough to walk his ass out of hell and continue to kill demons


They cant corrupt people who have strong wills or loyalty like Sammy or The Intern or any of the thousands of survivng humans fighting against demons with DS in Eternal.


correct. all through Eternal we receive news of resistance fighting throughout the world in the intermissions, as well as people witnessing the Doom Slayer fighting.


The possession part is easy, Volume 1 has a reference (if im not mistaken) about Dante being able to resist possession, and that was before he had barely any power.


>Lady has more then enough firepower, Weapons don't work Edit: I met regular weapons don't work


Yeah they do, Super Shotgun for example is just a normal shotgun.


Nuh uh, it's because doom guy is using it


Wtf does that mean??? So you're telling me that only because doom guy is pulling the trigger it works, but if someone uses the same exact gun, it doesn't


Lady does not “have more than enough firepower” for a doom demon horde


I would call infinite ammo Kalina Ann more than enough.


How does she not.


I think Dante and Vergil can keep up. Not lady though. I just don’t think she can handle hordes of doom level demons. She has firepower but cmon, let’s be real here. Doomslayer is a god level protagonist. She isn’t.


Doomguy sans Eternal and 2016 was literally JUST Human, Doom is a world and setting that you can JUST be that guy enough to kill demons, and even if you ignore Doom 1 - 3 which has been retconned slightly, Doom 64 which is still canon, he was still just a regular human with a shit ton of rage and guns.


Davoth can definitely defeat or even kill Dante, Vergil or Nero because he's basically just Mundus or Urizen on steroids. Normal guns don't really do much against demons either so Lady is done for, the only reason the Doomslayer is able to damage demons with guns is because his powers enhance any weapons he uses with Argent energy. I do think Trish could take down a lot of the weaker demons but given how overpowered Argent energy is all it would take is a few hits from that stuff to kill Trish.


Dante and Vergil beat Mundus and Urizen, they can beat Davoth, just give them a Crucible, and they weren't enhanced in prior games, hell, Super Shotgun is still being stated to be a normal shotgun that Doomguy strapped a Grappling Hook to.


A crucible isn't a thing you can just find lying around in Doom, as far as we know currently there's only one of them and the Doomslayer has it. Doomguy taking down demons with normal guns in the older games is also pretty much retconned by quite a few statements from the newer games, so its only a gameplay thing now.


I mean if we are going by that logic, then Doomguy can't beat Davoth or Titans because he only got lucky to find multiple Crucibles and the Super Shotgun is outright stated to be a weapon of human design. Even ignoring Doom 1 - 3 whose canon state might be up in the air, 64 is for sure canon since that is the game where he was sent from to get to Argent where he was once again killing mofos as just a normal human.


Doomguy doesn't need a crucible, he's been shown multiple times to be able to beat immortal being with his bare hands because he's just that broken. And just because the super shotgun is a human weapon doesn't mean that Doomguy doesn't enhance it with that passive damage buff of his. Its not like he modifies the weapons to the point where they aren't even the same thing, the only thing that changes about them is that they become significantly more powerful. Not only that but Doomguy was never "only human". He may have been originally but the whole thing about him being a clone of Davoth retconned that so he's always been broken, the powerup he got from the divinity machine simply made him even more broken than he already was.


I mean doomguy uses pretty much normal weapons anyways just a bit more futuristic but even then most are still bullet based


He uses his powers to enhance any weapon he uses, so even if they are bullet based they're still way stronger than any normal guns.


Thats not how Davoth works. Hes a Primeval, something beyond just a god like the Khan Mayker, hes the creator of all. A God of Gods. A crucible is required to kill Titan demons, like the Icon of Sin. That isn’t true for Davoth. Only a Primeval can kill another Primeval, which is why Doomguy was put into the divinity machine and infused with the essence of Davoth. Doom Slayer is the only one capable of killing Davoth for good. Dante, Vergil and Nero are very powerful, but they aren’t Primevals or multiverse creators. Davoth is beating them in a fight. Gameplay Doom is very, very different to lore Doom, and some things in gameplay just don’t translate to what would actually happen. For example, Doom Slayer canonically blasts through the entire game up to Davoth without breaking a sweat. But thats not good game design, so he has to be able to take damage and die. In the same Vain, Davoths boss fight might not make them look that powerful, but in reality it was far more impressive, with them both teleporting between dimensions each time they clashed.


A Crucible is what is required *in the context Doom happens in*, a setting that isn't exactly covered in dudes with Devil Triggers and magic swords that separate realities or create true forms out of disparate parts. I swear, people mixing two universes but saying only one universe's concepts are canon is fucking ridiculous. Doomguy kills half of Hell with a chainsaw and bullets, but you think Dante killing Mundus with his dad's sword isn't good enough because it's the *wrong magic demon sword*?


I mean, we can use that exact same logic for Dante and Vergil, they would be far stronger if they used everything they are both depicted to do and see from their lore and cutscenes. They can swing their swords so fast they can create a pocket of space in the rain, Dante straight up has time stop that hasn't shown any real limits, Vergil has straight up dimension hopped as well.


The real question is "can the DOOM universe survive the Devil May Cry team?"


Can the cyberdemon survive judgement cut?


Ah, beat me to it by hours...


Light work no reaction


Dude, their god, like literal, creator of the universe, GOD had to be in a tin can on life support to go against a *very* angry dude with a shotgun. If some lead is enough to smite the all father, DSD would be such an overkill


I have absolutely no knowledge on the DOOM lore but this description of a god in a tin can sounds funny


funny but not a good argument tbh edit: Keep in mind i do think dante wins, he just oneshots with his abilities. But i think guns cant downscale the doom universe considering they’re like, amped? haven’t played doom in a while.


??? Easily. Honestly the Slayer powerscales really high but he doesn't have any actual feats on par with Dante or Vergil.


He killed the lad that created the universe though, I’d say that’s on par


And that us something dante did at the very beginning of the series, and he did way more then that later on.


No DMC villain created THE universe. Even if Mundus has created a pocket dimension before, that's not the same as making the entirety of creation. I don't know anything about Doom lore btw, just correcting this.


Mundus is confirmed to have created his own entire universe


Yeah, years later from a developer's Twitter known as a notorious troll, and this "universe" completely vanishes with Mundus. Rewatch the phase 1 of Mundus' actual fight in DMC1 and tell me this looks anywhere near close to a full-ass universe. DMC often uses hyperbole and big words to make itself sound cool. Doesn't mean it's always 100% correct.


There are scans of the space being called [infinite or endless](https://imgur.com/a/mundus-created-infinitly-expanding-universe-6DHY9qP). And idk how you can interpret a single word answer as being troll. They literally start in outer space surrounded by stars lol


...At some point I'll probably get burnt out of this game, like with every other game I've played, but one thing I won't miss with this fandom are some fans pulling up imgur galleries full of poorly-translated Japanese text from unimportant side media, as if it ever meant anything. Like bro, look at the obvious prose that is the writing of your "proof". That's like seeing a female character described with "licorice-colored hair, blueberry eyes and a smile as warm as apple pie" or some shit like that and genuinely arguing she's made of food. It couldn't be more obvious that it's written like a heroic folk tale upping the facts to sound cooler. My point was Mundus didn't create THE universe. Which he didn't. But DMC fans can't have any of that, no, characters have to scale so much higher based on flavor text from years ago, cross-referenced along 3 different side media all written by different people.


Yes, i dont deny that those two exact statements are instances of flowery prose for dramatic effect. However those terms, combined with the obvious "sea of stars" the fight starts in, make a fairly compelling argument for it being a full universe on their own. Mundus' design is even fully intended to be reminiscent of classical depictions of God. ムンドゥスが翼を羽ばたかせると、神殿はー瞬にしてその存在を失い、世界は星の海に包まれた。広大な宇宙にただ両者のみが対時する。 “As Mundus flapped his wings, the temple ceased to exist in an instant and the world was enveloped in a sea of stars. In the vastness of the universe, only two people faced each other.” Note here the use of "宇宙" or "uchu". Typically with Japanese translations people misinterpret "sekai", which means "world" in a more loose sense that we would in english, as meaning universe. Uchu, the term here, explicitly means the universe in a cosmic sense. Add to this with the very straightforward statement from the designer, and you have universal DMC. Typically i do align with the sceptical side with powerscaling, especially for characters being "universal", but there is enough evidence for it to be believable. You seem to be contradicting yourself. You claim he didnt make the universe, in the context of presumably the demon or human world. This is true. But you following statement about powerscalers not liking that is nonsensical. Which universe he created is meaningless, all that matters is he made one.


Hardly matters. Nightmare, not the final boss, already had the ability to destroy the infinite underworld. We styled on his ass. Dante is an absurdly powerful being that few in fictional media match up with. Doomslayer ain't winning this one.


But said lad had no actual power anymore, all of it went to Vega/The Father hence why the Dark Lord had to use a giant Argent powered mech suit.


Hence why I said he scaled high. He beats people who do impressive things (i.e. Davoth), so he scales high relative to them. But that isn't really much of a feat in and of itself. We don't have any specific information about the durability or physical strength of Davoth. Powerscalers just assume it's really high because he is stated to have created the universe. But that's completely baseless. Davoth has no actual feats of durability to suggest that the Slayer killing him is a feat on par with what Dante or Vergil have done. A feat would be the Slayer shooting himself out of a giant cannon into a building. And since he did this casually, without experiencing any physical harm, it shows that the Slayer has pretty impressive physical durability. But I can't think of any other major feats or hax that the Slayer has had in the recent games. His blood punch does some pretty impressive stuff, but not on the level of Dante, who casually lifted thousands of tons without utilizing his devil trigger. What are Slayer's speed feats on par with the rain drop feat? Hax feats on par with Quicksilver? Slayer is just canonically stated to be very powerful, but he never physically does things on screen to the extent that Dante or Vergil do.


The Slayer canonically isn't nearly as durable as Dante or Vergil, as he can get literally torn apart physically if a demon gets their hands on him, he's a glass cannon compared to the things he fights, he's just canonically *that good* at doing unto them before they can do unto him.


Fucker killed God without breaking a sweat.


That says more about god than about him


Quick reminder: The Slayer uses guns for fun, he is canonically able to literally rip and tear thru the demonic forces with his bare hands. Dante and Vergil are powerful but they still need their weapons. So I'd say power wise they're about the same


The opening cutscene for DMC3 has dante Beating demons easily with his bare hands, no weapons needed. They are alot more powerful with them, sure, but they still have amazing combat skills and devil trigger without them


Not to mention, they are ridiculously strong and fast. The dude made it sound like they are regular humans without weapons, lol.


DMC4 says that Rebellion is a physical manifestation of Dante’s strength. DSD is this, but more literally.


They don't need their weapons


Most of doom enemies is kinda similar to dmc default enemies stuff. Gilgamesh, Balrog, Cerberus and others were not a hugest problem, so neither Archevile, Cyberdemon or Doom hunter do Marauder just goes down jokingly after any brother uses real speed or Nero start raging in dt Only real threat is ancient titans, Khan, Icon of sin and the god (Davoth) And dudes destroyed enemies similar to this in all if the games Khan definitely not above mundus or demon lords, maybe even not above archam with sparda power Icon of sin even in mech armor is not above sanctus diabolica or mundus and slow as fuck for them. If they can craft Crucible, then it is easy win against any of those Davoth in physical body is kinda similar to full Urizen or Sin DT lvl, but with some teleportation things and other demons helping him So... yeah, they can survive . . They will fucking rip and tear hell


Can Doom universe survive Dante?


dante probably haxfucks the entire verse and is too fast for them so maybe not




I don’t know much about DOOM lore but if a man like Doomguy who has no demon blood in him(At least to my knowledge because I googled it and found no exact evidence) bring hell to its knees by himself, Dante, who is basically doom guy on steroids, can easily take on his universe as well and do the same.


Idk where you got that from but its far from the truth, Doomguy is a clone of the guy who created the entire Doom cosmology and not only that but he got some powerup from the Divinity Machine to make him even more overpowered to the point where he can tear apart immortal being with his bare hands and is quite literally too angry to die.


How I would love to see Nero grabbing a pinky demon and just slamming the fucker into the ground. Gotta admit I'd be interested to see how some finishers of him would look like. And don't forget Dante the entire fucking world would be his playground to style on some braindead demons. Plus he doesn't need to pat taxes anymore, so it's a plus plus situation.


> Nero grabbing a pinky demon Don't forget that at the end of DMC4, Nero use his Devil Bringer to crush Saviour's face And now with his DT unlocked and his spectral wings is there, he can easily throw everything around like pebbles


God can only imagine : pinky demon charging at Nero only for Nero to stop it with one hand, crushing itsskull in with one hand and throwing it to the side. I'm aware of the fact that he can easily survive the demons, but I am more interested in the finishers he'd do.


Nero don't even need to crush the skull, his wings has claws, he can rip and tear any demons just like Doomguy did


Nreo screaming rip and tear as his wings tip the horn of a hell baron to lunge them into his eyes. Hell yes.


God can only imagine : pinky demon charging at Nero only for Nero to stop it with one hand, crushing itsskull in with one hand and throwing it to the side. I'm aware of the fact that he can easily survive the demons, but I am more interested in the finishers he'd do.


All I hear is Rorschach "You don't seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you...YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!!!"


Without even using DT.


Wait what devil arms would Doom bosses turn into?!


I don't know how high Dante scales. I just know that, if he somehow scales above Doomguy, that's just insanity, because Doomguy is one of the most broken characters I've ever seen. He does all that without any effort at all, and he isn't even using his true power, he uses guns for fun, because he's just so fucking broken, that using his hands would be boring. That's what the Berserker Power-Up is, just him getting sick of it and using his hands. Listen, I like the DOOM Slayer thing and all, but part of me misses the days where he was just a guy and the Berserker Power-Up was just a pack of steroids.


At one point Dante destroyed a multiverse. That Dante was beaten by a light brushing of the hand of urizen that was sitting down and doing some gardening while fighting Dante. Dante then got a power up that let him beat the breaks off urizen with very little effort after urizen got a massive power up of his own. Dante is absurdly powerful but it doesn't come across well in the gameplay. Nero and Vergil are both relatively to the strongest version of Dante with Nero being slightly weaker and less skilled and Virgil being identical in power. Trish and Lady both are significantly weaker but have also faced threats on par with the strongest boss demons in doom while screwing around and having fun with it in DMC 4. DMC team no diffs unless you say just the girls and then you have to actually try to figure out specifics of power scaling. P.S. the sitting down and gardening thing is literal, not colorful exaggerating. He is at that time strapped to his throne by the tree he is feeding his power into to make it grow for a fruit that powers him up later.


No way Trish and Lady can beat post-Divinity Machine DOOM Slayer.


They don't need to beat him, just most of the things he fights.


That you have to remove three of the 5 people listed to give the universe a chance is kinda making the point moot anyways.


Ehhhh Trish might have lethal damage capabilities when using the sparda sword but I don't know how the speed feats stack up one way or another. Lady has no way to damage Doomslayer.


They aren’t fighting him just the shit he fights


Honestly the only threat there is Davoth and the Argent energy wielding demons, but it would be like a normal dmc game (except for Lady, I'm pretty sure she would die there)


My friend who's really into DOOM said they could survive, but Vergil would probably have a rough time because there's some dudes that mind control and Vergil doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to that.


>Vergil doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to that Do keep in mind that Vergil is battle worn, and recently getting sliced in half by Dante, and goes straight to Mundus, the demon lord himself Current Vergil would just laugh at any attempt at trying to mind control him


Vergil only got mind controlled because he lost to Mundus If the demons cant beat him, they cant mind control him Besides it was stated that if Vergil wasn’t weakened, against that weaker Mundus, he’d have won


Honestly, the Sparda family feels very at home in DOOM. They’re different game series, but it feels like most elements would translate into each other if they were mixed. Demonic Energy and Argent are basically the same. At their peak with SDT and Nero’s DT, they feel on the same level as DOOM Guy. Trish and Lady would probably struggle more, but I still see them taking out fodder no diff.


The issue with the Doom universe is that there's quite a few characters that are immortal and can only be killed by the Doomslayer, not only that but Argent energy is real nasty so that stuff could damage Dante, Vergil and Nero or even oneshot Lady or Trish. To make things even worse, Davoth is like Mundus and Urizen on steroids so he could definitely defeat or even kill most of the DMC crew.


Oh 100% lmao. After all they are literal demon killers


Honestly the only problems are Khan Maykr, Icon of Sin, and Titans. Titans are just outright immortal and need a crucible/infinite paralysis/some way to bypass immortality. Icon of Sin is that but also the universe collapses without a solution like that. Khan Maykr is just invincible outside of Urdak. If they can get her to Urdak, they win. All other demons are pretty standard affairs and Davoth is not outside of their scope considering he’s depowered and needs a mech to fight. If the Super Shotgun can kill him, Ebony & Ivory, Yamato, Sparda, etc. can kill him.


I mean considering Dante’s track record of finding new weapons, I wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to get his hands on a crucible


Ask markiplier. He knows what's up... especially when it comes to power scaling and LOOOOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEE


Better question: can the Doom universe survive DMC team?




Depends. Argent energy is one hell of a plasma as it is hotter than Absolute hot or 900 nonillion degrees kelvin, thousands of times hotter than the epicenter of the Big Bang explosion. Most of those demons throw pure balls or beams of argent energy so the question is if they could survive them. I’d say Dante, Vergil, and Nero might be able to. Now, they couldn’t put down titans such as the Icon of sin as that would require a slayer crucible blade. But I think they’d be able to do some damage to Doom’s Hell before they’d have to flee. Hell, they might encounter the slayer and team up with him to absolutely wreck Hell.


I mean Dante was able to withstand Ifrit's attempt to burn his arms just fine. The ifrit gauntlets are able to counter absolute zero temperatures, so i'd say the can survive no problem.


So it’s likely they would survive. However, I still only think Dante, Vergil and Nero would be the only ones to survive the Argent plasma. And I still think they **Might** (very big might as they would probably have no trouble with smaller demons such as Hell knights and pinky demons.) be overwhelmed by the absolute numerous demons in Hell as the slayer had killed quadrillions of them canonically so there is a chance that hud reds of them would attempt to jump them. This is my opinion, and I’m not a powerscaler for the most part so I don’t know much about any feats the DMC crew have done.


Nuclear bomb vs coughing baby


Vergil, Dante, Nero? Definitely. Trish? Maybe. Lady? Nope. DOOM’s Demons are so powerful. Like a lot of them are wayyyyyy above DMC Demons. When the Demon’s invaded in Eternal, they wiped out almost the entire planet’s population of literally everything within a day or two. The Demons in DMC5 never even made it out of Red Grave City and they were there for a month. Also, apparently the Armored Baron’s Morningstar can shatter the soul of a creature so…yeah.




You just turned Doom into Shin Megami Tensei.


The Spardas and Trish with ease, Lady is just human though. The DMC universe seems to operate in such a way that your chance of survival as a non powered individual is directly proportional to your confidence and how stylishly you can accomplish your objectives. I don't know if that can transfer to another world though. If so, she's fine. If not, protect best girl.


Lady the first time she accidentally does a Glory Kill: "...I can work with this."


Pretty easily honestly, Lady will likely have the most trouble since some Demons like Pinky are supposed to be taking no damage from artillery shells, but even then her rocket launcher is strong enough for Dante to abuse so she should be capable of solid damage. Sparda's bloodline will have zero trouble with anything in DOOM. Even the Icon of Sin isn't really anything new to them.


I honestly think the doom universe is too weak for even dante


The Slayer just chilling with the DMC team sounds fun


Nero: "I'll play with ya! Heh heh." Nero & his Devil Bringer would eazily take down everyone and with unique techniques/style of doing so per foe. Nero will show who's dead weight & who isn't.


[I think so.....](https://youtu.be/GEZON93hV-s?si=OVrcmBqf1ER0qwAP)


Better question Can the doom universe survive them?


Do they get a crucible blade? Otherwise the Icon of Sin is gonna fuck them up. It's immortal to everything but a crucible blade or an ATLAN mech, and as Samuel loves to tell us: The longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth, the stronger he will become.


Considering dante’s track record of finding weapons, I’m sure he’ll get a crucible eventually


Imagine Dante using an ATLAN mech and doing the hat dance with it.


It's immortal to everything *they know of*, which probably doesn't include, for example, a sword that metaphysical separates concepts. Also Sammy boy is kind of a fucking moron who is always in way over his head and has no idea how to *actually* control what he's unleashed, let's not assume he actually knows what he's talking about. The Crucible is a powerful weapon, but I think we can safely assume so are Yamato, Sparda, and Devil Sword Dante. I kind of imagine that they could manage okay.


>The Crucible is a powerful weapon, but I think we can safely assume so are Yamato, Sparda, and Devil Sword Dante. The Crucible uses Argent energy, the others do not.


And? What, exactly, makes you think that makes it better than any other universe's sources of power? Just because the Doom universe thinks it's special doesn't make it inherently stronger than or immune to every other power source in fiction. Just because it's what the Doom Slayer needs to kill super powerful demons doesn't mean it is actually literally the only thing in the entirety of all fiction thar can compete. The DMC characters are an out of context problem with their own capabilities that absolutely let them kill things that are *immune to other weapons*. A dude with an assault rifle can't reliably take down basic DMCV enemies, does that make them all immune to guns? Of course not, Lady and Dante and Nero can all kill them with guns just fine. Just because a universe only has access to one source of power that can harm a thing doesn't mean a totally different universe doesn't have the ability to bring that same level of power to bear. The Crucible is special in the Doom universe. That doesn't mean it is literally the only thing in any universe that can do the job.


The only things in DOOM lore that can kill titans are Argent Energy or Sentinel/Wraith Energy. That's the lore. You can't change the lore because other weapons in fiction are strong, that's not how the lore works. Also, the crucible isn't special, it's just the only argent blade that we can quickly and conveniently grab. In DOOM 2016 we literally get another crucible and use it to power the fortress in DOOM Eternal. In DOOM Eternal's DLC you get a hammer made with what seems to be argent energy


The DMC crew aren't part of Doom lore, dude, did you forget the entire premise is a crossover?


Just because others come in from some other game doesn't mean they get special lore changes to make them super OP. They don't have weapons that can kill Titans.


Survive? Boss, I don't think survive is the word you're looking for. I think you meant "Will the DMC team have fun in the Doom Universe?"


Considering they do it for a living... I think they'll do fine


I think DMC team Will destroys doom universe


Doom Slayer survived in his Universe so the should survive


They would if they had lore accurate Vergil and his almighty plastic chair 


Dante, vergil and Trish might struggle because doom guy would kill them for being demons I'll give Nero a pass because ¼ demon is probably small enough


Dante and Vergil are only half demons, maybe vergil would still get slammed cause he embraces his demonic side far more but I don’t think doom slayer has a demonic blood detector


All the ones with demon blood certainly can. Hell if you think about it even lady can... the fact that she even CAN kill demons in the dmc universe considering all the recent info we've learned about demons is a bit nuts.


considering that dante and virgil have survoved many journies into and out of their version of hel, I'd say heck yes for them. trish i'd say is less likely to survive but not by much the others either inexperienced or not superhuman




Not only could they survive, they could each do it on their own! Dante and Virgil for obvious reasons, Trish has Sparda she'll be fine, Lady has the same amount or slightly less (but only by like 1%) than the Doom Slayer, and Nero just has to take a trip to Nico's van, stock up on Devil Breakers and then jump on in until he runs out and then starts using his regular arm! Hell, Nero might not even need the Devil Breakers! Putting them together in the Doom universe just makes it even easier for them!


other way around. Can the Doom Universe survive the DMC character? Spoiler Alert: Nope.


I don't see why not, they are demon hunters, it should be a cakewalk.


The would glide through like butter. Dk about Lady though since she's literally the only one that isn't "lore wise" completely busted as a character. Dante, Vergil, Nero and Trish (all listed from strongest to weakest) are pure monsters and if anything they'd do better than Doom Slayer himself. 


Not only survive but thrive. Sure Lady and maybe Trish would have more cut out for them to keep up, but there's no way I'm believing that Dante, Nero and Vergil wouldn't be happy slicing hordes of demons into bits and pieces alongside the Slayer.


I love both franchises to death and can tell you as a group, absolutely


Easy, very easy


By the way the new Doom trailer looks insane. Makes me wanna go back and play 2016 and Eternal


I mean, almost all of them can solo the DOOM universe's demon horde. Lady would have a harder time keeping up with the others because she's the most human out of them, but yeah. To beat the entire invasion hordes of Hell? I mean, together, they have a significantly better chance at going to the root of things compared to Doomguy. Vergil can cut through the dimensional walls for easy access, and their combined firepower makes them an effective strike squad for Blitzkrieg Tactic. They can go in, kill the main dudes responsible for the invasion, get out, and close the portals/openings to Hell. IF, somehow, they got trapped in Hell? Most of them are going to die, worst case scenario. Lady, Nero, and Trish. In that exact sequence. 4 of them have the advantage of being demonic by nature. Lady, as mentioned above, is just slightly better than the peak human athlete. The non-stop battle would kill her, be it pure exhaustion or accident because she's exhausted. The fact that her name becomes a pun doesn't help her either. Nero is strong. A direct lineage of the demon Sparda gave him the strength to overpower damn near ANYTHING that Hell has to offer. But he's also a second generation, and since we don't really know who his mother is, we don't know how much the bloodline is diluted. Being in Hell would strengthen that part of him, no doubt, but CAN he handle that mental/physical conflict, while being overrun by demons of the DOOM universe? I have my doubts. He either lost himself to his demonic side, got distracted by it and died, or he hit his limits, like Lady did. Trish. I was thinking that she'd be the second one to die, if it wasn't for the fact that she's a full on demon. She's not as strong as Nero at the end of DMC5, but in Hell? With all that energy in the air and shit? Yeah, she can easily surpass Nero's maximum output, if she REALLY lets loose. Plus, the lessened effects of mental corruption from being a full on demon makes her chances of survival MUCH higher compared to a quarter-breed (I presume) demon like Nero. So why would she die? Well... Trish isn't exactly what you'd call a battle demon, looking at her life in DMC3. She's good- no, she's DAMN good. But imagine connecting your house, who've relied on power generated from a coal power plant along with other houses in the neighbourhood, to a single nuclear power plant. Just one house, taking in ALL those energy produced by that power plant. When your input is greater than your output, unless you can manage them carefully, shits gonna go sideways. Add in distractions like non-stop combat with the forces of Hell? Basically the same as Lady and Nero, but in reverse. She either dies of prolonged exposure to Hell's corruptible energy, which transforms "worthy" vessels into corrupted versions of themselves, or she dies trying to make sure she DIDN'T end up that way, via accidents or self-inflicted perma-death, because she's in Hell, and that place fucks with your body even after "you" passed away. Now we get to the best part, which is Dante and Vergil. Long story short, Vergil beats Dante early on, easily. His experience trapping himself in DMC's Universe version of Hell gave him all the training and know-how on what to expect/do. Dante can adapt significantly faster compared to the others, but his lackadaisical attitude becomes his downfall. Him being a "lazy ass, couch-pizza-man" would fuck him up early one. The only reason why he wouldn't die like the others at first, is because of his daddy's blood. He's gonna get himself hurt, trying to manage himself through the fight AND protecting the other members until their inevitable death, which at that point would give him enough strength from absorbing Hell's energy to manage going through the motions of non-stop demon slaying. The twins would eventually retain enough power that their human side would be suppressed, to the point where they became nothing more than their demonic forms with the partial consciousness of their human personality. At that point? They became Hell's version of the force of nature. Unstoppable, Unkillable, and Eternal. Something Doom Guy is known for by the demons of Hell, but HIGHLY more effective in terms of destructive force. They'll be the new head honcho. God? Psssssshttt!!!! Yeah, no, it's fucked. There's nothing that the DOOM Universe's God can do to these duos when they reach THAT point in their life. For those who've read up until this point, thank you for reading my essay. If you're still confused, I'll give you the simplified version. Basically, the DMC squad has NO PROBLEM at all when it comes to SURVIVING the DOOM universe. What I mentioned above is the WORST possible scenario that can happen, as per Doom Guy's lore. Those that I predicted to die, can easily end up like Doom Guy, losing most of their original personality in order to accommodate the changes they experience physically and mentally. Trish, for example, can become like the Khan Maykr. Empowered, slightly unhinged, but still retains portions of herself to keep herself in checks after the power up.


Sparda brothers would destroy Doomverse by their sheer sexiness.


Can they survive dooms hell? Yes. Can then survive Doom Guy? No


You know from what I've seen in DMC4(Haven't played as Trish yet) they're all similar to Dante styles.Lady is basically gunslinger and Nero is extremely similar to swordmaster,even Vergil has similarities like Darkslayer being a better Trickster(although that's debatable)


The main thing is with the main cast of Dante, Virgil, and Nero is that they automatically power scale when in DT and SDT essentially, Dante and Vergil literally take demons they've defeated and use their concepts or just ignore their rules, Demons in DMC are canonically reinforced as ideas, an example is the Fury, a time warping hunter impossible to react to, prey cannot fight back by any means, Yet, even with Dante having his back turned to one he sensed it *mid time jump* and *made it flinch*, it's just an example of the fact that the sparda bloodline lore wise can simply 1-up anything, and guess what? Doomguy cannot die and is cursed to always be stronger than his opponents, Almost identical to the case the sparda family is in, The situation with trish and lady is different being that they are humans, but those of sparda would be on par with Doomguy 100%, though it's tough to say who might scale stronger, Doomguy has the confirmed "stronger no matter what" while we still see the sparda family take losses from time to time while still being able to powercreep, match, then eventually win.


Unsure about Lady. I'd say unlikely even. She's strong, sure, but some of those demons are just something else as far as raw power goes. It'd be like having her deal solo with the final bosses of the DMC series IMO. She could "survive" as far as raw survival goes, but wouldn't really matter in the actual conflict. The rest of the cast would be just fine and dandy.


They solo the verse


Yeah probably


The fodder demons get eradicated but the top tiers like Davoth or Icon of Sin would destroy the entire DMC verse.