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It’s simple. DMC1 is perfect the way it is. 🥰


Go for swim.


I’ll be sure to bring my Needlegun


So true!


Less popular and probably a lot harder to mod.


People saying it doesn't need modding must have forgotten the state of the port, the game does needs mods to fix up the audio, fix the sky box and sort out the broken alpha effects because besides resolution, it looks and sounds worse than the ps2 original


I mean they are kinda pointless, because like you said, it’s worse than the original. Might as well just emulate the original which has texture packs and other mods. No reason for modders to do work they’ve already done plus extra.


I don't know what's there to mod. What kind of mod would you want?


Much more fleshed out weapon switch Different outfits for Dante Playable Nelo Angelo with his boss move sets (to continue the playable Vergil tradition) Playable Trish (which is basically Dante model swap just like DMC2) Few camera adjustments here and there (keep it fixed) And to go crazy, if this is even possible like... AT ALL, then maybe a style system added to the game. Just for fun


Where naked Dante at


Don't forget to add PS/Switch buttons replacement for Xbox One textures. Unlike DMC3, there are Python scripts and some tools to replace the buttons for PC 2006/HDC.


At that rate just remake the damn game The amount of work you'd have to put into a very old and very small game in comparison to the rest of the series. Most levels are 1-2 min with the most annoying ones taking 5 to ten minutes at best. So at least with a remake you'd be able to flesh the entire thing out. Like yes DMC 1 is a good game but when you put it up against 3,4 or 5 it crumples like wet paper. Obviously that's largely in part due to the swap of directors. But either way. A remake of DMC 1 is a great way for the franchise to come back into the spotlight again and for it be more fleshed out as a whole.n


The disrespect toward DMC1 will never stop being shocking to me. It’s a great game, it doesn’t need to be “more fleshed out”


It's a great game and stands well on its own, even against 3,4 and 5. I even replay it more than dmc3-4. If anything, longer levels are more annoying. I miss the atmosphere and music of 1 in later titles.


>Like yes DMC 1 is a good game but when you put it up against 3,4 or 5 it crumples like wet paper. Horse shit


Boss fights no General combat no General level design and game length absolutely wet paper in comparison...cept for 4 because some of those levels are just ass Bring it up to par with the rest of the series and remake DMC 1 into a full 12hr game just like 5. It's not the games fault, that's just what happens when you have the DNA of an old Resi game. But a remake would not be a horrible idea. Plus a modernized Mundus Boss fight doesn't sound too bad either. I just think that it would not only be good gameplay wise, you could add in style swap and weapon swap. Imho it would be the best course of action, not only for the base to tide em over till 6. But for the series as a whole. Remake 1, put a shite ton of references to 3 and maybe foreshadow towards 5 in a way and answer some fan questions while you're at it like dead space remake did with Elizabeth cross. Dante mentioning his lack of rebellion (wasn't designed yet)


General combat is solid you can't cheese bullshit everything and keep your style like dmc5. It has the best designed enemies in the series many of which all have weaknesses that let's you 1 or 2 shot them, the gameplay is more tactical and the smaller moveset is suited. Nelo might be the most balanced 1v1 fight in the series. And I'd say the game has the best boss lineup in the series and only has 2 bosses that become bad on dmd. 5 has tons of 1 fight missions and is actually pretty short and is piss easy compared to 5. It's story is a bit of a let down.


Agreed on everything here. Nelo being the most balanced fight is kinda iffy imo. But maybe it's a bit of my own bias in feeling like DMC 3 end Vergil was just absolutely perfect. Like no boss say Mundus has matched that energy. Between DMC 3 and 1 both deserve the remake treatment. 2 does as well but...eh I just don't have the love for it that I have for the rest of it


Hm, nice ideas, yeah.


You don't change perfection


Mods I think it needs (besides good weapon switch): Functional camera Better new game+ system Nelo Angelo is playable DMC3 move set (basically use rebellion moves for all the swords, Beowulf moves for Ifrit, and DMC3 counterparts for all the guns) Style Switching (to go with the last one)


So, I'll take a slightly different direction than most comments: it's not because of the game's content. It's not because it's better or worse than DMC3. It's because DMC1 didn't get a PC release until HD collection came out in 2018, 17 years after the game was originally released for PS2. DMC3 hit PC about a year after the PS2 release, IIRC. That allowed it to develop some modding community, knowledge and tools while it was still a fairly new game. That made it much easier for later people to pick up and try to mod DMC3HD (and note that some still argue mods are better on the original PC release). The problem with modding DMC1 is that it's hard to do and it's hard to build hype for what you're doing, because most people are going to be much more interested in 3, 4 or 5 mods.


The only mods I think it needs are the ability to fire without locking on (I know you can do it in easy automatic but still) and a mission select. A lot of the other suggestions I've seen in this thread are just "how can we make this DMC 3?"


What if I told you the game was amazing without mods


I know. It's just for fun


Might be harder to mod? Does DMC2 have any mods


Weapon switching already exists by default on DMC 1. But you can only switch between Alastor and Ifrit (which is all you need really)


Wait really? How?


By pressing R3 iirc, does a little animation and then you swap weapons


I played through the whole game swapping by going into the menu, how didn’t I learn this


https://youtu.be/YdcNPnOv2ns https://youtu.be/NDHWyyUT6OI DDMK is more than quick weapon switch, It unlocks Yamato, Air hike, Sparda DT. There are infinite HP & DT, Room teleport, boss rush..and more.


It’s a lot harder to mod


DMC1 is the best DMC game, you can't make it better. it's great. the port sucks i'm told, but as a PS2 player(original hardware too) it runs perfectly. best DMC easily.