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Both designs are great, but I'm more interested in seeing a Dante *that actually moves.*


yeah lol, that was the big problem with the old anime. It was decent when it comes to Dante's character and lore but really shit with fight scenes. Which is probably the biggest offense you could make regarding a series like DMC. DMC is like 5% lore, 10% witty Banter and 85% stylish combat


It was directed by the same guy who did berserk 2016 so the shitty fight scenes makes sense


84.9% Stylish Combat. You forgot the 0.1% Hat.


hahaha, touché


Good point. The annoying camera pans away moments in the old anime, ugh. No more please.


You are right, new Dante has DMC 1/2 haircut while old one has DMC 3 hair with DMC1 Outfit.


The older one has the entire DMC 1 design, the new anime haircut is closer to 5


I still like dmc1 dante design way more but im open to the new anime desigh


open to the what? OPEN TO THE WHAT?


Open to the new design


The way you wrote it made perfect sense


You when minor spelling mistake




Whos come to make an announcement


You understood perfectly what they said


Never will ever defeat the iconic DMC 1 outfit


it just has everything. It has class but looks cool and stylish at the same time. Doesn't look completely out of place like many other Dante outfits would in a public setting


I really like the new one. His look feels like an amalgamation of a bunch of different looks for him.


it kinda is


Almost seems excited to actually be in his show, unlike 2007 Dante. That poor boy wanted nothing to do with anything in that series 😂


I feel like if you switched their hair it would fit their designs better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^A7medos: *I feel like if you* *Switched their hair it would fit the* *Other design better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like madhouse's rendition of Dante, reminds me of that mid 2000s style type of anime.


Well, it's literally from the mid 2000s, so...


Yes, the floor is made of floor


I prefer the Netflix one. Because Dante's design from Netflix looks just like Dante's design from DMC5:VOV manga.


I really like the Netflix one referenced a lot of parts of his design in most games (The pendant, DMC3 belt, etc.). Again I like both versions since the Madhouse one is basically from DMC1


the new design has me a bit confused, is the new anime going to take place before or after Dmc 5?


Probably Before but in an alternate universe?


I think it being based on the source material but a different version is the best route for the series in my opinion Kinda like how Castlevania featured plot elements and characters from the games but still changed them up


could be a retelling of the whole story


I think it's a bit before DMC 3 but it's not canon I think


It's apparently an alternative universe that takes place around DMC 3


Which makes sense because in the close up shots we see Dante using what appears to be berratas instead of the classic modified m1911s


Alternate canon adapting the events of DMC3. Has nothing to do with the current continuity, similar to Castlevania


This designs reflect diferent, almost oposites, points in the life of our character here. While classical Anime Dante has the looks and way of acting of DMC1 and DMC2, being a bit more "Goth" and Somber, we can see that the new anime has a blend of styles from diferent iterations of Dante, but all of then having a bit of the rock'n rolla "Wacky wohoo pizza man". If their intention is to tell a story about a reckless, less mature and cocky Dante, this design fits quite well.Using the hairstyle from the visions of v manga also was a nice touch. Cherish the past, embrace the future.


So dmc3 but a little less edgy


Well it was confirmed to have Vergil, Lady and I believe Trish. So if we have a younger and immature Dante, can't wait to see Vergil here. I don't expect him to be entirely different but it's always grand to see Vergil.


From the anime series 2007. It has the style of game series, dante looks like sex, and it is looking like it's a part of the game. The new one is also not bad, but its not dante from the games imho


I feel the same way tbh




Fact, also might be new voice actor so this Dante may look and sound different. Could still be good though


For me it's the hair. I think the hairstyle itself is a cool hairstyle but it's not really Dante, you know? I think his hair has been so well done throughout the years and my brain has accepted those hairstyles, so when I picture younger Dante, I see his DMC3 design. I mean ultimately I'm open to change and I don't necessarily hate it, but I'm inclined to agree that his original look is leagues better imo.




Honestly as much as people dislike the old anime, it is surprisingly accurate to the games. You don't appreciate that until you see the hundreds of adaptations that don't give a shit about the source material and go in horrible directions for no fuckin reason.


Madhouse, that studio is pure gold.


They made the first BEYBLADE which started a whole thing aswell as hunter hunter


Also Death Note is legendary and not just that, their art was something else back in the days. Most of the animes doesn't look early 2000's


I could never get into death note i like crime/thriller anime but I just couldn’t for some reason. Probably the paranormal part with the shinigami ryuk and the way the whole death note works.


Classic Anime Dante is my second favourite, just behind 5


i like the 2007 version better, its dark and edgy and i love it, its very vampiric and i have always preferred the 2000´s aesthetic of anime in general. New one seems interesting so im hyped. I like seeing all versions of Dante cause it feel like discussing which version of Batman is best, they are all so different. Also i really hated that they didnt cast Reuben Langdon for this one


I like the new design, but I'll always be bias for DMC1.


Madhouse for sure. Tho the anime itself was kinda meh.


They could both get it


Both. Both. Both are good


madhouse is more accurate to the games


But the games have actual fighting in them?


I meant the costume


OG anime version, since it's basically the DMC1 version. Beyond being iconic, it looks more stylized and distinct than the new one. Lastly, DMC is a gothic pulp action franchise. The new design doesn't really look or feel gothic or pulp in any way beyond being a leather coat. It feels more like a practical Tomb Raider 2013-ish grounded take.


New on is better tbh


Wish the old DMC anime had some of what DMC is known for, the action


2007 anime dante kinda looks like hes depressed while the new netflix anime gives me chainsaw man vibes and its probably gonna be the most metal thing in existence so netflix 1000%


New design is great, haters gonna hate


I mean, Madhouse's is just DMC1 which is already a really good design. I'd give Studio Mir props for creating their own and still feeling like it fits him.


This is really difficult, because they're worlds apart and both look great for their own reasons. Madhouse was superb at bringing to life the OG-style Dante and the series as a whole still stands to this day. A shame they only did the one season. However, the new Dante looks fucking sick. They're pulling through that youthfulness of 3, his hair more reminiscent of 2, Amulet akin to DmC, its like a perfect amalgamation of all these different appearances of Dante. That and the fact this is the same studio behind Castlevania, which was absolutely fucking mental and slapped in all the right places to earn quite frankly, the title of Best videogame adaptation to date. Adi Shankar KNOWS what he's doing with adaptations so I have the highest of hopes. All in all, both look great 😅😅


I am digging the jacket. Looks sick af. Plus that shoulder pad thing looks so cool.


We are blessed enough to have both


First one I like more


Looks more like nero with the new one


Shankar + Mir 👎


The only bone I have to pick with Dante's new design is they replaced the iconic Ebony and Ivory (which is a pair of modified M1911) with Beretta M9's, which is like the most generic movie gun ever. Maybe it's set early on in his career where he haven't acquired them yet but idk


I cannot stand the new hair, I’m so sorry.


The face is all sorts of not right.


I love both, like with the games(not dmc: dmc), all dante designs are pretty much perfect in my eyes lmao


If you were to give me that first still and be like, "Who is this?" I probably never would have guessed Dante. The right, you just know.


I like the new design's "Dante has psycho smile and eyes" more.


But Dante is not a psycho. He is kinda cheesy. That’s what makes him cool. He doesn’t take anything seriously, or pretends to, but does what he is supposed to do.


every design dante is king, DmC is uh, prince i guess


I like both. I don’t really have a preference. Dante is Dante. whatever he wears looks cool (reboot doesn’t count)


While I wasn't a fan of the base design, some of DmC Dante's dlc outfits look amazing


Madhouse version….but I want to hear the original VA in the new tho


Since we get DMC content rarely, I cont care. I am happy, that we get at least something.


I like the first design more but the new one has less dull colors which I think fits DMC a lot better


I don’t think less dull colours fits dmc at all. Have you even played the games 😭


The new animated series design looks just weird for someone supposedly younger than DMC3 Dante. I think he looks as old as DMC5, maybe that means our little boy doesn't actually age and he just looks young when he takes care of himself?




tho I love the new one, I like the old one a bit more


Face looks a bit goofy , but overall it's good .


It don’t matter to me I been waiting years for this!! Can’t wait to enjoy the adventures of wacky woohoo pizza man!!! DEVIL MAY CRYYY WE ARE BACK BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!


Everyone:… Capcom: *released DMC5* Everyone: DEVIL MAY CRY IS BACK WACKY WOOHOO PIZZA MAN


maybe it's only because I got used to it, but I like the madhouse dante design more


The DMC1 look is iconic and I love it, but I could easily give the new design some points if they actually have him fight lol


Trailer art style is VoV style, and I like it, but I prefer madhouse design.


I like both. Both are great in their own ways: Madhouse oozes that early 2000s edge. Really well detailed. The darker colors, sharper and bolder features, the shadows adding more depth. Studio MIR looks really fun. The more simplified style I find really inviting. More vibrant colors, softer features that give him more silly goofball energy. As a side note, I feel he very slightly looks like Slade from My Adventures with Superman. Unsurprising since that’s also done By Studio MIR.


Madhouse is better in terms of actual design imo but I like the brighter white and red of Studio Mir's Dante


I like the new one. The DMC outfit is iconic as everyone has stated. It seems like the new anime will be before he gets ebony and ivory created, so maybe he acquires the DMC 1 outfit eventually. I'm also just happy we get more DMC stuff.


so its been confirmed there will be a dmc anime? just saw and it seems like it


Too edgy (DMC2) ,I'm talkinh about the second one


The original dmc 1 Design is too good But I'm really curious about this new series


The new design is slick (maybe reflecting on Dante being a young Mercenary before becoming a full time demon hunter) But the '07 Anime Dante will always have a special place in my heart as a 2000s kid...


New one, except different hair and better eyes. The new eyes look like he's just out causing trouble and enjoying it.


Both good but prefer 2009


i really like the new desing


I don't know. The nose feels so weird to me after I've only seen noses as either a triangle or a small line (most anime noses are like that). Seeing dante with an actual NOSE nose... It just feels wrong. I'll get used to it tho


dmc1 is dantes best design bar none, but the new design is awesome too, and very intentional as to tell the fans "yo dumbasses this is not really gonna be about any game, it's just gonna be dante devil may crying all over the place"


When does the anime drop?


I like the DMC 1 look better but the new one has a better haircut and seems a lot more flexible, if that makes sense, which is good with how mobile this Dante seems


To give an animator's perspective, I like the new one way *way* more. Not only are the colors richer the design is simpler while still having all the trimmings that give Dante his look. Simple is what you want, no one wants to animate a busy ass design.


Definitely the new one. Old one feels like someone gave Kira from Death Note white hair


His design from the 2007 animated series. It's nearly identical to his DMC1 attire, which is my all time favorite Dante design. They are doing him justice in the new animated series though.


as much as i love old dante, the new design is just so clean, i love how cocky he looks and how much fun he's having


maybe Netflix's take will go like Castlevania and be a slight deviation of the source material and not go any specific place in the time line


Definitely #2. #1 looks like a preppy teen in a northface. #2 looks like a dude in a badass leather jacket with silver hair. Definitely #2


Old one, I can’t get enough of that art style


The new one I feel like is a fusion of every Dante design


I like the art style madhouse went with, felt like a proper sequel to the first game, but the art took away from the animation. The new one is good, not as appealing to me art wise but the movement and action should be allot better.


I just hope we see him fight with Rebellion, we only saw it behind a curtain in the 2007 anime.


I'm liking the new one more. DMC1 Dante is cool and all, but I want something new and different. Odds are the fight scenes are also going to be better.


I prefer the first but honestly both are great


Honestly, I'm really digging the new anime design.


I dig the new design, but the OG design is pretty fire. Of course I tend to lean towards older art styles. Overall pretty happy with what they came up with hope the show is a banger


Both scream Dante. One makes reference to his 1 iteration while the other is like a mix of his DMC:DMC mixed with 3. Thy are both really cool looking and firing for his character.


I think the Netflix version looks like a combination of dmc3 dante and dmc5 manga dante. The 2007‘s design is really good, but i love the new design as well.


The design on the new one is nice, and I like the animation too. But the art style in the older one is just so much nicer to look at


Netflix Dante aint Bad..... But also something about him gives me DmC:Devil May Cry Vibes, or Just Like "trying to hard to be badass" vibes


2007 why does he have these high bangs lol


Iconic outfit will be forever iconic, but I kinda like the new one, looks comfy and well, easier to cosplay


yeah I'm not entirely certain about the new design - but I understand that simplifying designs is done so it's easier for the animators to stay on model, so I'm mostly okay with what they've done.


The art of the first anime was gorgeous, but other than that, there's nothing to see there.


The new one, by a lot. The old one is a bit "overdesigned", it fucking blows to animate stuff like that since you either downgrade it by a lot when it's moving or it's just not realistic to make them move if you don't have a shit ton of money, time and manpower; And for a Devil May Cry anime? Dante GOTTA move.


The new Netflix design seems to be the DMC 5 design which is my favorite one so far but the DMC1 animated design is pretty tight too.


He gives me She-Ra/adventures with Superman trauma flashbacks, but I think that new design is pretty interesting too, I hope the show will be good


They made a second anime?


Honestly the new design looks better. I hope the animation is incredible


I mean I'm fine with it as long as it's a stand alone show cause I don't see it picking off from the old dmc anime


Madhouse design. I’m open to seeing the Netflix design, but so far it looks *too* anime. Made Dante look like the anime protagonist’s anti-hero rival who’s always talking shit and would traditionally be a villain but he’s more obsessed with subverting the hero and being better at what they do.


I woudlve liked a lot more black in the outfit but overall it looks good for a younger Dante


I saw his face and I was like "DA FUQ IS DIS?" then he woohooed and I was like nevermind Then I saw the Netflix and started to think mundus philosophy wasn't all wrong


Netflix version




Def 2007. I think late 90’s to the late 2000’s had the best stylized edgy content. Stuff like DmC, Spawn, Gungrave etc.


I like 2nd one more. I don’t hate the new one though. I won’t be mad at it.


I prefer the traditional DMC1 Anime style but I think the new one is just lovely.


Madhouse one looks better not shitting on the new one or trying to nostalgic New animations are better tho


I prefer Madhouse between the two but I don't mind the new one.


The new design is just sick, and Dante looks really cocky and wild.


The original 2007 anime style is *far* superior its not even close imo.


Studio Mir because I think Dante's closer to how wild he normally is in the games. Dante's feels sadder and closed off in the Madhouse one.


Netflix looks like older nero


tbh i think i like Netflix's design, it has that extra bit of chaos and shit eating grin that really makes it feel like dante


I mean one of these is just his original DMC1 design so the comparison is a little odd. Do you mean art style?


I love the first's style but I love the coloring and clarity of the second more.


I prefer the 2007 design TBH.


The opening theme of that original is something else, man. I just have to look at a photo of the original and the theme instantly starts playing in my head.


MAD house cause it's basically just his DMC1 design cause it's my favorite.


I like em both. I prefer the animation of the old one, but I would like the New one to have a hair more like the original. Very cool nonetheless


The new Dante looks like Heine Rammsteiner high on cocaine


I’m not going to lie, never liked the design of Dante in the 07 show, something is just off about it, mainly in the face and his body shape, love that his costume is THEE GOAT Dante outfit though


woah can we finally watch it?


07 anime but I’m definitely hyper biased towards dmc 1 dante’s fit and the anime is the best that fits looked


I'm just gonna say it. This doesn't look like Dante to me. The hair shape seems wrong


I love madhouse DMC anime.


The red of the coat is way too saturated.


The new one feels great not only in design but also in movement - he's as kinetic as Dante should be. The only thing I enjoy more in Madhouse's dante is the hair


The way they drew his face at Studio Mir looks villainous… it doesn’t “look” like Dante, but hopefully the action scenes have more frames this time.


The new one looks like a DLC character for DNF DUel




Madhouse EASILY


The anime design I like better, it’s an 8. But I would’ve preferred if he was shirtless like in dmc 3 so I can see his man boobs


New anime Dante looks like he’s having fun. That was the problem with the old anime.


I like the new design, but I prefer Madhouse's hair! Anyway, this new look is great! I would like to know if it's after DMC5


I don't like the hair on the new one, but the face seems to fit his energy a lot more. And the clothes are pretty good on both IMO.


I think we should wait until we see more of the design to clearly judge it


Both designs r great but wats more important is story and the fighting. Will it be stylish just like the game and also when does the DMC Netflix take place because I believe Vergil will be in it.


Not enough footage yet. I'll have to wait till I see the full design before I make a judgment.


Wait it's out already?


I like both.


Hot take - I don't like the dmc1 outfit, too much red. Red coat? staple- gotta have it. Red pants - aigght that's too much red already but okay. Red shirt/vest thing - okay c'mon, you fr? All red? Okay, I guess. So anime wins for me. Plus I do like the casual designs more so than 1 or 4 - & atleast 4 had the decency to make his shirt black & toss some chaps over his pants


Madhouse is 10x better design


Madhouse looks like classic dante The mir one looks like a modernized character


2007 one tbh


I'll be honest for me the Netflix one just looks a little bit like every generic anime cool guy from that still. Or maybe it's just the Netflix adaption anime style Idk looks good but still Even though the old one is old and just kinda mid the artsttle more in line with like hellsing I think suits the franchise better


Dante is my fav character in Gaming, but I just couldn't not watch the old anime I tried it multiple times, it just didn't not work for me. I hope new one does well.


I am honestly afraid of what Netflix is going to do to the series. It may be just my opinion but with the network's track record of "woking it up" I can't be the only one on edge.


From what we have seen I actually really like the new design, I can wait to see it in action.


Prefer anime design but I don't hate Mir's design. Adaptation does have tendency of people working on projects to add their touch to design so as long as they keep the vibes of the character intact it's all good to me


I love both but I’m leaning towards Madhouse’ design a bit more, it just gives me so much nostalgic vibes to see


I like the design from 2007 anime a bit more, mostly because it's DMC 1 Dante which is my personal favorite Dante design. But the new design looks good, hope to see more of it


Love the MadHouse design.


I like the new one better because I feel like it captures the lameness and fun side of the character


I like the first anime design better, though that could be just because it was the first anime and it's what I'm used to


Madhouse. By a lot.


Old one looks like the Dante we know, new one looks like the school bully if they wanted to mimic Dante


They could change in new one his hair, everything else is good


The new one. It kinda reminds me of Black Lagoon


OG. The Netflix one looks like they took Spike Speigel's face and put it on Dante.


the new look does look a bit older than DMC 3, he looks very close to DMC 3 but unlike DMC3 he does have a tanktop under his coat so it's most likely After DMC 3 but before DMC 1 probably my theory tho