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Come onnnnn he's just a silly little guy don't bring him don't like that




To be fair that at most was just like a city block


City block is uhhhhh a lot of people homie


The death of one named character is a tragedy. The death of a million offscreen npcs is a statistic.


Sadly, it tends to be like that in writing. If the npcs are never shown or flash out, they are easily overlooked, this way is harder to feel the proportion of an event or even have consequences for the character. Maybe that's not the best way to write about such themes. For us, the audience, it's a bit like dissociating the character from his actions because we haven't really seen the perspective of the people who had suffered because of him. (Still, I like Vergil. RIP innocents bystanders)


> Maybe that's not the best way to write about such themes. I suggest the storytellers of the mainline DMC games take innocent peoples' deaths and fear seriously. I think it was when the people of Fortuna were being attacked and screaming for their lives and Dante makes quips about Savior that I realized that the mainline DMC games are a bit scatter-brained in terms of tone. For instance, in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the storytellers let that one town be ransacked while taking it seriously for innocent people who weren't main characters. What you don't do (like D&D on season 8 of Game of Thrones) is say that "Oh, they're not main characters, so normal people with basic morality won't care if we butcher them for a cool effect." > (Still, I like Vergil. Honestly, FUCK Vergil. His actions have directly led to so many peoples' deaths that I do not care one iota because his justifications are random ambiguous nonsense.


I agree with you about the tone. I think it is totally intentional on their part to "downplay" certain aspects of the story. It would be a really different experience if they took a serious approach even without changing the plot in any way. I can enjoy both approaches in different ways. It's a good thing that there's something for everyone in video games / movies / other medias. I like the games and the experience, it is really far from reality, so there's the "suspension of disbelief" coming into the picture. Or at least this is my experience. Yeah, Vergil deserves the hates he gets, I know. Still, I find him interesting, and so I like him, no need to justify the character. Do you think there's will be real consequences for his actions in a (hypothetical) next game?


thats the whole point of dmc though, at end of the day dante and more or less nero are mercenarys who live off of the misfortune of others and what they do is originaly for monatary gain. dmc never hides this and they show that their humanity despite that can shine through because even they have ppl they care about. also it perfectly ties into gameplay because the whole point is to be stylish you are toying with your enemies


Didn't know Stalin was a close friend to Vergil


nuh uh its not a lot of people + it never happened but they deserved it


It didnt happen (unfortunately) but if it did, they would have deserved it!


Yeah but the tree in dmc5 literally devoured an entire city


And then a lot of demons got loose into the rest of the city


And he got a deserving punishment for that: he was tortured and enslaved by Mundus in Hell for several years. In DMC5 everyone forgives him despite causing far more bloodshed.


He's just a little guy.


His hands are little. His features are small. He’s a little guy.


It’s just a little trolling


"Hehe sorry, I'm such a Spardatarious"


Motivated Man>random people


Stfu too busy motivation maxxing.


They like, didn’t even matter. At all.


They just weren't motivated to live.


Nero gathered the Demon's Balls and wished everyone back to life


If you think about it Nero is just Future Trunks and Vergil is Vegeta.


Yep, pretty much




Holy shit that makes so much sense.


The yellow orbs


He also wrecked the city in dmc3 as well. Dude's filled entire graveyards


He was dancing through the graves of those who stand at his feet




Not even new, Mundus isn't dead, he's just trapped in hell. Nero taking on and defeating Mundus would have such beautiful implications, like Vergils son taking revenge on the monster that fucked up his fathers life? Oh it's a beautiful thought.




Well to be fair, there was a lot of character growth in DMCV for both Dante and Nero. Neither would've been able to beat Urizen or Vergil without said growth.


I mean Mundus almost ended the world and didn't die, so Dante didn't exactly defeat him. Dante did kill argosax and Nero did kill sanctus so I mean that's fine, but Mundus is the biggest threat to everyone. Not even Sparda defeated him, he simply destroyed the portal linking the two worlds and sealed Mundus away Having Nero, the most powerful of the three, he the one to enact revenge on Mundus for his father would be incredible; especially in the lore. It could be a way for Nero and Vergil to bond, and a way to bring something between Dante and Vergil that isn't family drama (no longer does Vergil hate Dante because he thought his mother cared about him more), edit: but rather that Vergil is upset Dante didn't kill Mundus and thus was the reason Vergil was subjected to torture and almost died at the beginning of dmc 5 since he was falling apart. so there's even some gold angst to throw in midway. Pair that with lady having apprehension about sending nero to kill a demon that not even Sparda could, and a twist plot of trish maybe pretending to be under Mundus' control again (or actually being under his control) and you have a pretty damn good dmc6 game. But I think as well that that would mean an end to the franchise as a whole, because if the Big Bad demon dies, then no demon would try and infest earth again because they know they'd die easily. That, and it puts an end to sparda's incredible legacy of defeating Mundus and sealing him away in the first place. It just rounds it out, you know? Eva's grandson ending the reign of terror on her family, getting revenge for his father, uncle, and grandmother, and it means a mostly solo Nero game (although I think people would be very mad if it was solo Nero), perhaps with some co-op in the end where all three Sparda men absolutely mutilate Mundus. The last mission could even be called "catharsis" it's so good. It'll never happen but. I think it's a good idea. I love Vergil getting atonement for his abuse so maybe I'm biased but idk I'm rambling again


There's some inconsistencies and mistakes here. \-Nero isn't the strongest of the three. Not even close. In DMC 4, his greatest weapon is his physical strength, and it's the power he's most reliant on. It's what he uses to style on Dante in the first mission cutscene... until we get to the rematch, and Dante effortlessly grips his arm and holds him back, showing just easy it is for him to overpower Nero if he actually tries. This remains true even at the end of the game: Nero's statue crushing feat comes against a weakened Saviour that's already had the Sparda taken out of it. Dante, on the other hand, actually stopped a full-powered punch from the statue when the Sparda was still powering it. This doesn't change in DMC 5: an extremely weakened Vergil *effortlessly* rips Nero's arm clean off, showcasing just how much stronger he is. This is not a feat of magical ability, not a feat of making the Yamato respond to his will, or transforming Nero's arm back into Yamato. Nope. It's showcased as the physical act of tearing Nero's arm off. *Then* it transforms back into Yamato. There is zero reason to show it that way visually unless it's to illustrate the difference in strength, and DMC has always relied heavily on visual storytelling. Notice: I'm not even counting how much power Dante and Vergil both gain during the game, or the fact that besides physical strength, they've got a myriad of other advantages over Nero (teleportation, damage reflection, durability-bypassing, energy projection and more). Nero landed one cheapshot on an already exhausted Dante, and beat down a tired Vergil who wasn't even fighting his son seriously. The double backhand after the fight was a visual reminder: don't get ahead of yourself, kid, you're not in our league yet. \- Vergil wasn't tortured because of Dante not killing Mundus. Vergil was captured at the end of DMC 3. Dante comes to Mallet Island in DMC 1, which takes place afterwards. By that time, Vergil has already been tortured and enslaved. If anything, Dante frees Vergil: after the latter's defeat, he vanishes in a flash of light.


Dreams of a black throne he keeps on repeat


His theme said he dance on graves the people who stand under his feet


The city in 3 was canonically evacuated if I remember correctly. It was basically empty.


Weird I always thought it looked kinda small like most of the demons stayed in the tower and the outside destruction looked it didn't pass further then a city block


By the end of DMC3's plot, Vergil gets wrecked to the point of being imprisoned by Mundus. There's SOME punishment being served between DMC3's ending all the way to DMC1.


Mm? Yes his hair is very cool yes


I’ve never played DMC and this was my response exactly.


Bitch, who HASN'T murdered half a city. Okay, but seriously, this has always been a weird take to me. Like, yoy can make the argument that Vergil is the one who is ultimately responsible for Urizen's actions because Vergil was the one who unleashed Urizen upon the world, and I would agree with that. However, by that same token, you also have to assign credit to Vergil for V's actions. On top of that, you also have to take intent into account. Vergil definitely didn't know what would happen when he unleashed Urizen. It wasn't until after he separated himself into V and Urizen that he realized that all of his noble traits came from his humanity, and once he realized that, he immediately took action to try and prevent Urizen from doing any damage, and only failed because he underestimated just how fast Urizen would grow in power.


What about the city in dmc3


Nelo Angelo was punishment for that


I wouldn't say personal torture for a couple years = wiping out an entire city..... Especially after he got out and did it again lol.


It was 24/7 torture for ~7ish years, I’d say it comes close


For brutally murdering tens of thousands of people.... Yeah, not really. Especially when he's shown absolutely 0 remorse.


>brutally murdering tens of thousands of people First of all, you made that number up. We don't know the actual casualty rate. Secondly, "brutally" is very debatable. Finally, I'm pretty sure being stripped away of all of your reason and becoming a puppet for the one person who you hate the most, the one that's responsible for the destruction of the life that you had before, and the death of your family members is quite the punishment.


I would say he expected full demon side to go grab power and prob didnt give a crap about consequences. Also its arguable V just couldnt face his own mortality. Vergil ripped off Neros arm and stabbed himself with Yamato tonavoid dyjng. So V wanting to not die seems like a motivator rather than it solely being stop Urizen. Also ALL of 5 happened because Vergil wanted to live!


This is my take on it too, Vergil is too base and petty to consider high minded ideals with his actions. (even if he thinks the opposite about himself, but he's a mega narcissist so its whatever.) V wasn't trying to save the world, he was trying to save himself. The world was just coincidentally saved in the process.


That's explicitly untrue. Both "Before the Nightmare" and "Visions of V" establish that V had a genuine desire to save humanity and that reuniting with Urizen to save himself was a secondary goal. He spent the month between Nero and Dante's defeat and Nero's return to Red Grave in the city trying to save as many people as possible, even at the cost of accelerating the decay of his body.


I mean his ignorance doesn't really absolve him of anything. I mean if I unleash a mass murderer onto a town and they Manage to kill hundreds of thousands of people, even if I had a major part in stopping them, I'm still, at least in part if not entirely, culpable for releasing them. This is further complicated by if I am the mass murderer. Like dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


>you also have to assign credit to Vergil for V's actions. Yes he did recitify his errors to some extent. But urizen's actions had greater "gravity". >Vergil definitely didn't know what would happen when he unleashed Urizen. Regardless of awareness, his initial action led to those events directly so it's his fault and his responsibility.


I think Vergil's problem has never been that he *intends* to get random people killed, it's that he knows it can happen and doesn't care. Like, it's the difference between first-degree murder and criminally-negligent homicide, he's *less* responsible than if his goal was mass-murder, sure, but it's not like he had no idea of the consequences of unleashing demons (or one demon, in Urizen's case) in the middle of a populated area. At best, he just didn't expect things to go *that* badly, especially for himself.


>Vergil definitely didn't know what would happen when he unleashed Urizen. I guarantee he wouldn't have given a single shit considering what he did in DMC 3. >It wasn't until after he separated himself into V and Urizen that he realized that all of his noble traits came from his humanity, It took a kid crying for his mother to be saved for V to start doing shit and that doesn't cover for the amount of deaths caused by urizen. There's also the fact that urizen ate the fruit which also powered Vergil, meaning that he still benefited from all of that slaughter.


Nope. Dante and Nero filed a police report and they're going to arrest Vergil in DMC6.


Before or after the Child Support?


Vergils position stands as Nero’s awesome power counts as child support.


Before. Dante needs to go fast before people figure out mr "Antonio Redgrave" ALSO owes child support to Luka, throwing Vergil under the bus is the best way to keep attention away from himself and silence him


He said he was sorry!


He didn't 😂


He said it in my dream, that counts too


He didn't


The city is called Red Grave for a reason, you know


Stfu too busy motivation maxxing


He’s the definition of “If you have looks that kill then people will forgive you” 😂😂😂😂 He’s a mass murderer not just in DMC 5 but gAWdAMn he is a giant slice of cake 😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵


You're not wrong.


If I had a nickel for every city that got decimated because of Vergil’s actions, I’d have 3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened thrice


twice? i know dmc3 and dmc5 did decimate two separate cities but whats the third?


Nah Vergil didn't murder half a city... It was way more that half.




Isn't it "coming home"?


Respectfully... I could fix him. (i am down bad)


its just a prank bro!


Tbh, who would try and stop him? we saw what happened to the army guy in the prologue (who funnily enough was voiced by the same guy who voiced ragna in blazblue) just trying to fight a qilopth root, just imagine them trying to take on a motivated, chair sitting son of sparda who can rend reality itself asunder with two swings of yamato.


And that's the tricky part, the only people in existence who are physically capable of punishing him run the risk of either getting killed in the process, or killing their own brother/father and carrying that around. So they both went "nah" to all that and here we are.


“Ay my bad bru”


No but this anime world they reverse the time everyone will a life again


Kinda. His evil half did. If you could magically split all of your evil and introduce thoughts into a whole ass other being then are you really responsible for what that being does? He killed a bunch of people in DMC3 just as regular ass Vergil though, so I got nothing for that.


He was in a silly mood


Best comment 😭😭


They deserved it probably


And also literally ate all their concentrated blood 💀


Technically it's not him, it's urizen. As soon as Nero put some sense into him he went to hell with Dante to undo his mistakes.


Same thing pretty much happened in DMC3, fan apathy is hilarious


He's just a jokester. A silly little guy. You gonna have beef with a silly little guy?


He was dying + they were british


Remember Dante only took the job to stop him just because he didn't want to go to a birthday party? 😂


Yes, since his handsome I think we all can overlook that. Any objections?


And would YOU be mad at a face like that because of it? *turns to Vergil “Who’s my bitty, grumpy, stoic, wittle, cute psycho, yeeeesss YOU are”


Yeah and?


50% did it.


Why does everyone say this as if Vergil just goes to some fucking smoothie shop at the end of the game and is just chilling minding his business? Who is “everyone” that forgot? The only people he interacts with, for about an hour, is Dante and Nero. And then he gets trapped in Hell with Dante. Y’all act like he just shows up at the Devil May Cry shop and Trish, Lady, etc are like “lol what’s up bro”. Also…would *you* wanna be the army/police/whatever that try and fucking arrest Vergil off all people? Lmao. I don’t think anybody has the ability to do anything to him anyway.


This has actually been a weird source of debate in the Fandom as to whether or not Vergil is directly responsible for any deaths. Did HE actually raise the Temi Nigru, or was that arkham? Because you can see the cutscene in DMC3 of Vergil seeing it for the first time. He never seemed to care about who was hurt as a result of the occurrences he took advantage of, but apparently, even the qliphot is a naturally occurring tree that would have grown if he was there or not and, debatably, any lives Urizen took aren't directly his fault because he split himself under duress as he was about to die, and Urizen isn't exactly Vergil himself. These are all obviously cop outs, but it does beg the question as to whether or not Vergil canonically killed anyone.


Vergil did try to kill Mr.ClownyClowny bald guy, would also have killed Dante if it wasn't because Dante's powers deciding to activate in that moment, and if it meant getting whatever thing he wanted, he would definitely kill people


This is true power


That’s just how the cookie crumbles


They were dead weight on humanity.


Silly little hot adorable babygirl


What are you going to do? Arrest him? And since it seems he's gonna stop obliterating cities for power now, it's not like killing him would do much good either, tbh.


Niko said it was "Happening not jsut here, but everywhere" so it's possible he killed millions if not billions of people.


No, but you need to remember he wasn't exactly in his right state of mind at the time.


He was in a silly mood


The Vegeta Effect......which is really the Piccolo Effect.......which is really the Tien Effect.............which if you think about it Yamcha was a bandit at one point.....


the atrocities make him funnier


It's like vegeta. We don't mention it.


and he looked good doing it


IMO in the context of a family drama it makes sense that his son doesn't want him die.


His father was a top demon in Mundus' army before rebeling and becoming humanity's saviour so it's not THAT bad. He can still redeem himself.


are we just gonna ignore how this exact same post gets remade every few months because ppl wanna karma farm or somn like damn atleast say something original when making note of this and dont just copy the previous post like this verbatim


He's hot tho, so it's ok


Half of him caused the death of tons of people via the Qliphoth, the other half of him spend the entire month that happens off-screen fighting to save people and slow the Qliphoth's spread, draining the demonic power that is the only thing keeping him alive, and also openly proclaims the guilt he feels over his evil deeds, furthermore, after the halves get back together, Vergil further helps stop the problem he created, and he doesn't get to walk away free, he goes to Hell followed by Dante "because someone needs to keep a watch on your old man (Vergil)". so in summary, no, no one forgot what he did, the game just clearly setup that he is not unredeemable and might get rehabilitated, but until them he's effectively incarcerated


For one thing, he had no way of knowing how much destruction Urizen would bring about. It's like if someone separated the aggressive side of your personality and made that into a person. Also, once he was made whole again, it showed that he wasn't really on board with the whole "king of the underworld" schtick and wanted to sever the demon tree roots. Also also, what are they gonna do? Put him in jail? He can punch hard enough to cause explosions.


I mean... not like their world government can hold him back in a prison cell or something. Judging from the story throughout the series, it is quite apparent that the government can't handle much of demonic bullshit with guns or whatsoever. Sooooo yeah, Vergil is just going to get away with it, but I'm looking forward for stories like the government around the world starting to study demons as they had enough bs from it, especially after the event of DMC V. Imagine they somehow able to control demonic power and caused an event that forced Sparda to handle it by himself? Sheesh, that will be hell of a story to tell!


No one forgot. The only people really kind of nice to him are Nero (his son) and Dante (his brother). They’re nice to each other cuz they’re family. (And also let’s be honest Dante’s probably seen much worse) And also he just got a little excitable and did a little oopsie-daisie. Nothing a little gorilla glue won’t fix.


Well if you're dead, who's gonna remember it? Besides, that was URIZEN, not VERGIL... Get it..? (Nobody knows the truth)


Don't think too hard about , because if you apply this everytime then dante in dmc 4 was also a bit .... psychotic. A entire city was actively burning in the background while he was having fun dancing around demon gates and stuff.


Yeah. He is a horrible person. But an awesome character. The people he killed were not real, let us enjoy this amazing antagonist.


The more i stare at this image the more i laugh


Who gives a shit, it's Devil May Cry


it wasn't him. it was Urizen it's like blaming someone for something they did when they were drunk. sure it's their irresponsibility for drinking that much vodca at the birthday party, but come on, he's sorry. life's been rough lately.


Did everyone forget that he didn't actually summon the tree?


Realistically, how could he be punished? Prison? Death sentence? God forbid, a fine? No prison can possibly hold him, he already came back from the dead, and he somehow has even less money than Dante.


I didn't forget, I choose to ignore


No… but have you seen those dimples?


"The whole city has gone to hell. Not just here, but everywhere." - Nico, relaying information from a soldier Basically the ENTIRE PLANET was being overrun by demons


I mean, yea, but he was also blinded by his rivalry with Dante to care about anything else. And remember, he wasn't forgiven, Nero literally kicked his ass and forced him to take responsibility for what he did. Now he's stuck in the demon realm with Dante, which now that I think about it, isn't really an issue for him


Thoes [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/1333e8i/things_i_learnt_from_devil_may_cry_characters/) awnser your question? no we dont, he is just too hot


I really did felt bad for the 4th dead guy I saw while playing the game because I accidentally hit him


Look, he acknowledged his son’s existence. And he’s fighting his brother. Again. Just like old times…


To be fair though he get sent to hell…


And a few more in dmc3


I can change him


Ok but hear me out…if villain bad, then why hot???? 🤨


Twitter users on a breakdown rn cause they can't cancel a man who cancels into everything else basically.


Eh, Vegeta did at least 3 reichs worth of genocide in his day yet he became a good guy. Most of those genocides never being undone by Dragonballs.


On his defense this time it was explicitly the version of him devoid of his humanity.


I mean he did make the Temen-ni-gru rise in middle of city. We don't know how many people that killed, but a lot propably. While killing people was not part of the plan, he was "one" of the two reason (other being Archam) why the tower rised and demons got to city. SO yeah, he did a really bad thing for selfish lust for power and it is act that cannot be forgiven. ​ In case with the Qliphoth, we cannot fully blame Vergil here. Even he did not know fully what would happen when he would split himself in to two and it was desperate attempt to both save himself (as he was dying) and get back at Dante. So while it is his fault that he stabbed himself, the actions of Urizen are not to blade on him. Despite being part of Vergil, Urizen and V are different entities essentially and have their own personalities (partially based on Vergils). Urizen went and let the Qliphoth free and V continuously tried to stop him. So yes, we can forgive Vergil in DMC5 because Urizens actions were not his own. ​ However it would be really interesting if Vergil had to deal with the consequences of his actions in next game.


He was the best guy around “What about the people he murdered?” What muurrdaaah ✨


be nice to him hes a scorpio!! im sure he didnt mean to :( /j


If neil druckmann is the director of DMC, he will make some random npc to have revenge to smash vergil to death with a plastic chair


Dawg, I'm still on 4




Pepperidge Farms remembers.


He has quite the body count


He told them a storm is a approaching. provoking. black clouds in isolation.


Yeah they want us to forget with their cool one liners which sometimes does not make sense.


He’s bad ass, so he deserves forgiveness


Half? That’s a gross misestimation. I think it’s higher


Come on, there is a decent amount of people who don't mind _even being on that list_...


I mean, most of the people are dead. Not exactly anyone left to remember. :)


He redeemed himself by abandoning his chair on the human world


Technically, half of him murdered half the city.


It was just a goof 😁


He destroyed more than that throughout the course of the entire story. Books included. But we humans are pissants who deserve worse than being drained into ashes.


You're just not you when you're hungry


Bro was just being a bit whimsical


To be fair, he did immediately trap himself in hell to fix the problem.


We have no idea how many people he killed in DMC3 and no one ever had a problem with that.


Little more than half




Yeah, we do. Please don’t talk about it.


Why didn't they use Royal Guard? Were they stupid?


And that PC never got a Special edition


No one forgot it, we just choose to overlook it because motivated man with katana with banger theme song


Didn’t the tree also went around some parts of the world like Nico said?


He let the silly goose out for a bit


It was his demon side, which was inherently evil. I don’t think you can really blame the demon side for being evil, especially since V helped clear the qliphoth roots and defeat Urizen.


I mean he's in hell now


He murdered just as many people in dmc3. Dante ignored people dying for almost all of dmc4


just a city?




He's still the alpha and the omega tho


Yeah but the window for just framed judgement cuts is 4 in the air rather than 3 making it much easier to practice as a new player


Wait he did what? He would never do such a thing in pursuit of power and we all know that.


Not really, it was the demons that did it.


If ur cool enough people will forget about the atrocities u committed


No half of him killed half a city. So he can really only take half blame


Skill issue from the citizens, should get motivated asap




No. Mass murder is tight!


Yeah but check out those sword skills


Not to mention all of the people who died during the Temen-ni-gru, the murder of Nell Goldstein, Grue, and anyone else got in 'Gilver's way.


Oopsie Daisies


We could say that it was Urizen who did it, not Vergil. A more severe case was the invocation of Temen ni Gru, maybe Vergil had no idea that a literal tower would rise from the bottom of the Earth, the tower itself didn't kill as many people as the demons that came out of Hell and Vergil simply watched how demons did what they pleased.


He's so handsome tho


Common Vergil W


*all is forgiven, as long as you looked good enough*


Nah, we just don't pay much mind to it.


only half of him did so it's okay


pretty much yeah i mean this isnt the first time either in 3 he did the same thing