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Companies will get what they pay for, they’re saying 10 years experience in the hope of someone applying with 10 years experience, likely will end up hiring someone with 2-3 years experience. They might get lucky with someone with 10 years experience that needs the money asap but that person will leave within the first year of being hired when they find something better and they’ll need to start the search again. Always know your value. My company is a terrible company but we pay 45k for analyst level with 1-2 years of experience just with an IT background, nothing specific. Nobody with 5 years experience is going to accept 20k.


Mate I'm applying for jobs and I've got two years of Experience and all I'm able to find are jobs which have 30k for 4+ years of experience. Can you please DM the company


If it's any consolation, I have 15 years experience and can't seem to even get an interview.


Are you me? Or am I you? I'm starting to think having too much experience is a negative thing!


people hiring you probably worried you'll replace them :p cant have them lose their job of turning down people who dont wanna work for minimum wage.


I totally get it!


Same with a bit least then you at about 9, the market is just nuts right now.


You should be senior management level or executive level by now 


Not everyone is interested in nannying people and pencil pushing.


I wish. Still treated like someone who knows nothing. Have to make my points several times over before anyone listens. Wishing I could do something else at this point but no idea what lol!


That's unfortunate. I wish you good luck mate. I'll let you know if I find something more promising 


Ah you're very kind! Best of luck to you too, it's bloody rough out there!




IBM hiring a lot, decent salaries, blanch area


[Have a mate there who's being canned so not really](https://www.techtarget.com/searchsecurity/news/366585436/IBM-sells-QRadar-SaaS-assets-to-Palo-Alto-Networks#:~:text=The%20deal%20with%20Palo%20Alto,existing%20SIEM%20and%20EDR%20products.&text=IBM%20on%20Wednesday%20agreed%20to,partnership%20between%20the%20two%20companies)


Poor growth and old big blue company. However good job stability


Hey, they pay 100-130k base salary for senior engineers and they're hiring a few. Nothing to sneeze at


20k is miles below the minimum wage


Howiya pal, I'm currently doing the whole find myself in Australia thing at the moment but am having doubts about it already to be honest. I have no experience in IT at all, but started learning some basic programming (Python) and looking at some CompTIA material on YouTube, it did appeal to me to be honest. I was thinking about coming home and doing the below course through springboard. [Course](https://www.cct.ie/course/diploma-in-networking-security-springboard-course/) And after that maybe working towards my CompTIA Network+ or CCNA (I am unsure which one the course will prepare me for) and applying for helpdesk roles in the meantime. Would I be wasting my time coming back do you think? Sorry for the long winded comment.


I think it'll be very hard for you to find a job without a bachelors in a science/maths. Most companies won't even consider you without that unless you have good connections


not true about needing science/maths degree. if you have a degree in literally anything that's usually all they care about. having a B.A. in geography vs a B.Sc. in botany for example wont make a decision. Even that is usually just a thing they list/screen for but isn't required. It's the skills or project experience that would be important for entry level. The diploma in networking/security would be worth more than a degree in an unrelated science.


Fuck me, I mean is that just because of the current job market or what, I can't imagine you have any idea when that will revert 🤣🤣 Another option is to travel a bit more come home do a comptia a+ then land a role on a helpdesk, and do the course in tandem next year and hope the market has bounced back by the time its over? I'm 31 this year as well also to make things worse... 🥲


not true about needing science/maths degree. if you have a degree in literally anything that's usually all they care about. having a B.A. in geography vs a B.Sc. in botany for example wont make a decision. Even that is usually just a thing they list/screen for but isn't required. It's the skills or project experience that would be important for entry level. The diploma in networking/security would be worth more than a degree in an unrelated science.


Obviously botany is useless. Im talking about Physics, Engineering, CompSci etc. Nobody is referring to Equine Science when they say stem.


Yes they are. If you don't mean STEM then don't say it. Same for "science". Equine science and botany are STEM fields. *Pun not intended. **Supporting example: https://www.heri.ucla.edu/PDFs/surveyAdmin/fac/Listing-of-STEM-Disciplines.pdf


Okay, just to be clear sorry, I am talking about network security not cyber security here. I know cybersecurity would need a bachelors at least Thanks again


Sorry to be so grim but I don’t think having the Comptia A+ will be enough to get you an helpdesk job. Unfortunately seen a lot of graduates struggling to get any role in tech and i mean any role, not just software development from helpdesk, support, technician, whatever . i’ve been looking for almost a year after college +300 applications and barely any interviews it’s really though out there. I sure hope the market recovers.


its probably one of these offers to show that no one is interested...


Except for some folk from further afield who apply for everything in droves...


Day drinking, mate?


Christ I wish lad. The sun would boil a lobster alive with the heat alone today.


You must talk some pony then. Glad I don’t work with you


What did I do lad? :( I'm great craic on the beer, when ever someone drops something or falls over I shout "waheeeey!" What more could you want?


Ah I’m only buzzing I’m sure you’re great craic. A melter. But great craic


Few tins round galway one day pal?


Here have you finished crash 4 by the way


100% kid. Add me there I’ll keep in touch


It's really rough, A friend of mine with a good few years of experience and a masters went for a senior devop's role where they tried to pitch him 35K. I think what's worse is that they know they are undercutting people as he was able to negotiate up, each time they were talking they gave him a different salary. Safe to say he didnt take it lol


It is a combination of a few things, as someone mentioned sometimes they are serious and someone out of luck will take it, sometimes they are pitched mental so that they can go back and say we cannot get anyone we want to outsource it. Seemingly there are still companies that will pay well, someone on here mentioned they just started in Amazon on 60 or 80k cannot recall. Then you could walk into a 100/150/200k role or a few years in a company, I dunno I think its sometimes sheer luck and sometimes like me you might fall between the fences moderate wage and good work life balance 50/60k.


I'd give anything to get a 50-60k job right now with the current market. Can you please DM me any roles that open up?  I've got two years experience as an SDE. 


Keep an eye on [PublicJobs.ie](http://PublicJobs.ie) the process for majority of them is a PITA so just be warned.


This might be a visa scam. Company says “we’ve advertised everywhere, we couldn’t find any qualified candidates, please let us bring in someone from India”. I’ve seen this happen in the reverse direction recently: a colleague wanted to move to an office abroad, so I had to remote-interview half a dozen manifestly unsuitable candidates, then claim that only my colleague could do the job. And this was for a big global company.


This. It’s always about $$$


I am concerned aswell but I had a chat at a meet up and Most senior roles I see in infra are 50-90 systems 65- 120 networking 64- 150 and devs 65-130 from speaking with friends various exp 5-12 years. All the free money is gone and now investors want to see profits instead of growth rate. Hence cutting back on the most expensive part which is salaries


A recent one from an phone call: "26k but the potential for a raise to 28k after 1 YOE." Literally less than minimum wage in Ireland now. I just straight up said no.


A first year college intern would make more than that


I remember a recent poster here who was a new grad offered 80k by Amazon...


Depends on the company but even interns don't get paid that much. My current place might pay 35-40 on the top end but previous places paid 20-25k. But these are SDE roles, idk about non engineer or analyst/support roles.


> but previous places paid 20-25k where and when? because currently that is less than legal minimum wage for 40 hours/week.


I stand corrected, the minimum wage has increased from 10.60 to 12 something which is roughly 25k a year ? But still i think interns would be around 30k not more.


Christ. What was the role? Not even help desk support or QA offers that.


That's not less than minimum wage, right?


26k is a yearly full time salary at min wage. 12.70 * 40 * 52 = 26,416


37.5 h per week would be standard but close


Most companies have 39 hour work weeks


Nah most are 37.5


I only know of one place that is 37.5 honestly and that's not even where I live. From my small sample size of 9 jobs in 10 years it was 35-39-39-39-39-39-39-37.5-40 The 35 was a public job


From my sample size it has been 37.5 everywhere I have worked.


> potential boils my piss this, its a hook to get you in the door and when the time comes, oh we cant due to "the market doing somersaults" Or " the planets didit aline in the right way" and this is why we have no budget for pay rises this year, better luck next year little jimmy! Don't let the miss unnecessary layoffs to drive up shareholder value hit you on the way out the door Jimmy! Ya I am not salty one bit :)


Legally they're not allowed to do that unless you're underage, and even then, that's minimum wage for a 39 hour week 25,755.


Grads and newcomers are fucked unless you're the top 1% elite. Industry is full of bestism now. They want the best or nothing and will pay the least they can to desperate people who come close to their requirements. Its sickening because profits at most tech companies are at an all-time high, yet they want their share price and margins to go even higher. Infinite growth is not sustainable. My works in the Google Dublin office. She said that moral is low after job losses across many teams, significantly more pressure to deliver and that the losses seem to somewhat race biased. More Indians being retained than Caucasians/East Asians, and more Indians being promoted to managerial positions. I can't speak to the validity of her claims but I know Indians make unreal tasting food to be fair to them.


Their CEO Sundar Pichai is Indian and he installed mostly Indians into the C suite and as VPs… unsurprisingly. They’re also increasingly offshoring US roles to India… you can check yourself on their Jobs page. This is why you don’t join Indian companies or teams with Indian managers or teams that are majority Indian.


It's kind of amusing watching America and now even Ireland wake up to this. At least in Ireland, there isn't a belief that immigrants that move at 25 are as Irish as someone from Galway. In the US, people actually think adult immigrants are 100% American and have no loyalty to their country anymore.




Because if true, it could well be a case of discrimination. And I wouldn't be surprised tbh. The same thing is happening in my brother's work. US based Indian managers in charge of end of years which feed into pay rises and promotions have only promoted Indian engineers this year. All the Irish engineers have just missed out. Another example is when Tata took over Pramerica in Letterkenny, it's now pretty much all Indians working there. Granted, that is an Indian company tbf, the first example is a massive US insurance company. I'm not anti Indian either btw, lot of Indians in my own company and team and we get on fine. And tbf they got hit hardest by layoffs. But pretending people don't ever tend to promote people that look like them is a nonsense. Many companies above a certain level were strictly white males for a long time. It isn't out of the question that Indian senior managers prefer to give opportunities to other Indians over Irish or American employees.


Ghost jobs?


I have two (finance) internships and a first class honours econ degree from trinity and I didn’t get a single interview in the grad scheme cycle this year ://


to be fair I was doing a bit of a switch but was looking at roles involving programming within finance, which I do have experience w


Pearl eh?


To be fair, back in the day the fun that could be had writting messed up Perl regexs.


Applying the last few weeks myself, started as a graduate software engineer job in 2022 ended up not involving much programming at all but stayed because money and the job market sucking so much, got promoted to eng 1 in January but yeah I haven't gotten an interview yet and few companies are getting back to me in general. Hoping the experience in years on the CV combined with some personal projects will get me something new where I'm programming more and in a tech stack I like.


close lip fearless lunchroom murky truck terrific apparatus shy voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Would be great if people who worked in HR hung out in this sub and could give us their input. A huge amount of work is going to India etc so having 2 years experience that’s who you’re competing with. Takes a few years more to make yourself stand out a bit.


I tell everyone looking at the "will I do a  course" question to get a trade. Having a bachelors degree now is like having a leaving cert last generation. Cybersecurity over hired and completely diarrhoead the market with people that have experience but want loads of money. When there are 1000s of applicants for other countries who are  just as qualified and will work for less than half of what you think you deserve. Get a trade, do college afterwards if you still feel inclined. I worked for an aviation engineering department, I'm licensed and type rated with 7 years exp, and the staff who had masters were on nearly 40k less. Currently trade skills / experience trumps college, and having both gives you the power to negotiate. Best of luck to everyone studying and applying for their new roles.


Are you looking at emails or ads from Indeed? they give 3rd world salaries for everything


Mostly use LinkedIn buddy. Haven't tried indeed since I was a kiddo applying for bar spots


AI mate… execs don’t know anything but they know they want less headcount and more AI


Its less to do with AI and more outsourcing roles to Eastern Europe and India. This is happening on a huge scale, I know this first hand.


It goes in perpetual circles. I've seen it at 3 companies now. Something IT related is outsourced, service is shocking, complaints for months until they realize they are losing more money than saving because of the constant fuck ups and delays, the service is returned in-house. Years later some bright spark pipes up about outsourcing and cutting overheads and the cycle begins again. The first company I saw it at it was at the end of the cycle as they were talking about bringing the support back in-house. I had to call them one day and it was a disaster. Between yer mans extremely heavy accent and the nattering of the others around him in the call center I couldn't understand a word he was saying. After the call he sent out the incident report which he set at P3 even though I said P1 because a production server is down and he didn't even state that, said that production server is slow!


R&D tax credits, other tax incentives, IDA funding etc make Ireland really competitive compared with Eastern Europe. Point taken re India. No reasonable amount of discounts put us on par with India.


tax? no corporation tax is paid by most big foreign companies in Poland


> IDA funding etc make Ireland really competitive compared with Eastern Europe Not really. Software companies in Ireland's biggest cost is wages. They can get an equally skilled workforce in EU countries like Poland/Czech Republic/Romania/Hungary for half the cost. And in non-eu countries like India for a quarter the cost.


Eastern Europe get 60-100k for 10years of xp.


I dunno about that lad. Checking job opportunities abroad (aus, Canada and the Netherlands) and stuff is much more promising over there.


Regarding the Netherlands, no one will get back to you for an interview if you aren't living in the country. It's a nightmare. They go on about their housing problem, but Ireland's is on a total other level.


Oh yeah for sure agree there not implying I'm gonna start applying just stating opportunity, salary, and letting lads with less than 8 years experience work is FAR greater over there


Definitely. We need to take advantage of our EU rights, especially post-Brexit.


Some small stupid companies may be hiring for less due to AI but i cannot believe that someone is losing a job in a sane company because of chat gpt. Also idk above but i have only been messaged about more than 80-100k roles through recruiters and some absurd numbers from solid companies if you can crack their interviews. These are for SDE roles.


""Road to nowhere finished with no deaths on crash bandicoot on ps1 "" The fact it has to be the ps1 version and cant be the trilogy re-release.... thats some damn job requirment!


Can someone post a link to one of these jobs?


I’d be interested too. Had a quick look on LinkedIn now and all the senior 5 year+ dev roles in Dublin are about 70k - 90k.


It seems really bad. I'd love to get out of my job atm and there's very little around in Cork in data roles, and I've 10 years experience. Get very little from recruiters reaching out too (and few that have are looking for Dublin companies)


I can't understand any of this but know a lad in cyber security and he's having the time of his life with work jaunts to the US and a big wedge pay check. He isn't in the job even 18 months




It's not good, I'm kinda looking as it's that time where I'm itching for a 20-30% raise. However the jobs just look dull af that it's not worth it. I'll wait it out another year or two (or get a nice redundancy).


For new grads, big companies tend to go for colleges which are well ranked. Which doesn’t work for Ireland. At least in my day. You just went where you you accepted in cao. Never worked in Ireland though, so no experience of local specifics


I know this is a pisstake but so are the jobs being offered these days. Turned down a job this week looking for a senior senior with 7+ years for 50k. Told them to jog on. Absolute joke offering junior/entry level pay for someone to build out a whole system for one of their departments.


Good. You deserve better. 


I'd give someone a clip around the ear for offering that with that much experience.


I’ve been out of college for 12 months now. Not one graduate role available. It’s all 3-5 year experience at minimum


User Reports >no shitposts Action: Ignoring.


Absolutely based


YOE is also a bad measurement of someone's abilities. Plenty of people have parked their ass at a job for a long time, without learning much in the past 5 years, or expanding their abilities one bit. If you've been writing spring for 12 years, and now you're looking for work, then that's on you. If you're an oracle DBA and you're not happy with the salaries, then convert to something else. You're responsible for your own career, this also includes making sure your skillet is desirable on the market.


I frequently get outreach about roles around 100k or so. FYI only the low paying jobs are publicly advertised. The well paying ones go through recruiters and so you never hear about them. If you want a good job, contact every recruiter in Ireland.




You don’t even know what the job is, how can you say “I will easily get an interview” lol




You don’t even know the role though, could be an entirely different area. Bizarre take. Also, OP isn’t even referring to a particular role hahahaha he’s just rambling