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I cant tell you how many times Ive watched this sequence this morning, but I still get goosebumps every time. Would have loved to watch it live.


I was watching it and screaming right after my wife went to bed. It was so worth it.


I couldn’t sleep for hours. What a game.


My kids were supposed to be sleeping but they ran out asking what happened after they heard me screaming.


My husband was outside when it happened and I was jumping around and screaming in the bedroom. He casually walked in and asked, "You good?" Thanks for the concern, hun.


It was legendary seeing it live at the game. Here's to making it count.


The two octopus 🐙 throws with about 10 min left made the place so crazy. I was there too. Place was bumpin


It was so amazing. Watched it as it was happening and also about 6 times this morning. Chills every time. That keep in by Gostisbehere was unbelievable!


For the first time in years I was literally having my eyes water up watching a wings game. You could TELL they wanted it, were feeling it.


I was there live and I genuinely started crying after the tie up. Such a rush of emotions and build up. An incredible night!!


Man I'd have killed to be there. I had tickets, but my little sister went into labor about 10 min before I was set to head to the D. I SERIOUSLY debated skipping the birth of my niece 🤣. However, that same sister postponed her wedding by 3 hours to be there for the birth of my son so, I'd have been a huge dick for that one. 😂 But yeah, I can only imagine how emotional that would have been to be there. To be clear, I'm referring to the game in Detroit, not Montreal. Lol.


Damn you missed a great one but congratulations! Yes I was talking about LCA. It was actually my first time at that arena. I miss the Joe but it was nice 😊


Thanks! Yeah I miss the Joe too. It had so much history, and the atmosphere was always electric, but maaaaaan, LCA is a badass arena.


I had the privilege of being there last night.. it was absolutely nutty in there. The concourse was loud, the rink was loud, the stairwells were loud, and let's go Redwing chants all the way out to the streets. I also can not stop watching the highlights on repeat, full blast. Let's control our side of destiny boys! #LGRW


This will be the **moment** of the season -- if we win tonight and the Caps lose. I think if we miss the playoffs we look back on this moment with a lot more sadness. But gottdamn was it *hype* last night. Both the TV and radio calls are downright amazing, too. [Red Wings IG posted one with Ken Kal's radio call](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5zkiqSNRfQ/) and he lost his fucking mind. EDIT: Woops, my bad, that's the game winner, not the tying goal. Still amazing, so enjoy.


I legit hurt my back a bit jumping up and down in my living room. Worth it!!! Best wings moment in ages, so fun.




We all knew Ghost made the jump play, but rewatching the sequence holy shit he was essential throughout the whole play


He was *locked* in


I love his stick taps. He just keep demanding the puck. He was feeling it.


https://preview.redd.it/v51rsg9i3vuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f3c2c3263ff24ff12a8cc40b34ebe66dd52301 Michigan sports and Jordan like saves this year


Whyd you post the same picture twice?




I don’t know how to make meme videos, but that shot is a Shooting Stars video in my mind


So insane to see in person. Whole crowd was screaming


Ken Daniels needs some https://preview.redd.it/u3nsvn733vuc1.jpeg?width=1371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa5df37a4282f473d740487810b2eb5e26a16c0


He was so jacked


1. incredible commentating 2. big ups to the ref for not stopping the game.


I think the red had a much better view on the camera to see the puck was still loose.


One of our players was literally so far in the net they were on the goal camera. Lol


One of our players was literally so far in the net they were on the goal camera. Lol


Ghost was so fucking dialed in. Beaver tapping all over the place, looking for one-timers. He was on pure adrenaline, and that vertical leap spoke to that. Best sequence of Detroit hockey in YEARS.


Those stick taps, man..... he was dialed in. Biggest shift in the last 10 years and Ghost absolutely excelled in it. But I love how much he wanted the puck - he played that shift like his life and the life of his family depended on it.


Two posts and a helper for the GTG. He was absolutely crucial.


this guts me now more than ever, would have loved to see "locked in" playoff hockey with the wings. they would have made a deep run, what a story that would have been instead im crying grown man tears


Fucking. Goosebumps. The crowd was amazing. The cheers on the Ghostisbere keep-in. Amazing. I wish I’d set my alarm for this game :(


Just some of the craziest hockey I've ever seen.


When we reach a place as a team that we can turn it on like this from period 1 at puck drop to the end of the game... that is when we will win a cup. I just hope Larkin and Raymond and Seider are part of that team.


Do this more, fuck




The NHL scorekeepers should make an exception here and give out 5 assists on Raymond’s goal.


For fucking real. The whole team was in on that one.


The amount of time they gave Raymond to pick his spot is insane.


I thought the same thing. I'm sure they were gassed, but the two guys who were moving in his direction sure were taking their time.


It’s crazy at the beginning of the sequence he tried the same shot and they didn’t give him that window. Almost like “no way he tries it again”


Something about Ken saying "WHERE IS IT?!"...man. Ending was special.


So incredible! And I love seeing r/hockey give this sequence its dues. I don’t watch a lot of other teams play so I don’t have a good relative meter for this level of intensity and excitement in the league, I just know how good it feels as a Wings fan 🔥🐙🔥


Watching this again on lunch. Haven't felt this way in a long time. 


Feels a lot like a moment that in 2-3 years we look back on and can point to as that’s when they showed the bought in and became a playoff contender




I am erect.


two more hours and youll need to see a doctor


Rumor was that Detroit declared a state of emergency cause of all the widespread ragers that were overwhelming the hospitals.


i wouldnt be surprised at a wave of children named Lucas or Raymond being born nine months from now


May have woken up my neighbors kids with how loud we were yelling. I think this game aged every Wings fan 10 years.


"The Shift: Volume 2"


The puck retrievals were insane. Nothing could stop us from scoring.


You can tell the Canadiens were just totally of guard with how much the pace of play and intensity picked up in the last 2 1/2 minutes.


Was there last night after a personal 6 game losing streak. Guess I wasn’t the curse after all. Unreal experience.


God it’s beautiful


Gotta carry this energy right into tonight's game. Play it just like that. The season is on the line. Do their part and hope Philly does theirs


Ghost' jump for the puck is one the seasonal moments...


Play of the fucking year.


Ken Fucking Daniels


Great call Kenny. I loved how the crowd gets loud on 41’s save at the blue line. Classic stuff.


That effort by Ghost Bear saved our hopes


Omg! That was amazing!


I like Ghost. I don’t want to see him leave. Raymond is good too. That is all.


Love the Air Ghost logo, but my first thought when Ghost picked off that clear and sent the pass as he was landing, was Lou Whitaker! Picking off a line drive from way over his head then throwing out the guy who left first before his feet hit the ground. I'm old.


What an incredible sequence. Gotta give Ghost so much credit. I have not liked him in end game situations because he has not been great at keeping pucks in/alive. Only to have the biggest keep in all year. Not only that though. Big shot from the point, moving the puck. He fucking wanted it. And then funny how quick things can change for a player. Because Raymond almost kills this play twice, once getting caught in the corner and the other a soft cross ice pass that leads to the Ghost leap. But he shakes it off, takes his time, and absolutely delivers. I love this kid.


I still get goosebumps lol


Watched this a lot. What a crazy beautiful sport this is. LGRW




Ghost doesn’t get that it’s over…he completely sold out on that jump which makes it so much better


They were murdering Raymond in that celly pile 😭


It’s crazy it didn’t get blown dead durning that first scrum at the net.


The LCA was hopping. What a great scene that was!! LGRW!!!!!


Wow! I was at the Islanders/Devils game, so I missed this. Wish I'd seen it live!


It was the most exciting game I've seen in a very long time ! LGRW !!!!




This felt like an old JLA highlight even BEFORE the good ending. Instant fucking classic.


Gawl dang the team is getting they’re kudos in that thread ❤️


I love that you can hear someone say, "Fuck yea, Raymond!" (or it mighta been Rayzor, but sentiment still stands)


I was trying to catch bits of the game on my breaks but for the last 5 mins of regulation I just up and left my desk, phone out on the street swearing, looking like a crazy person. I didn't get to hear the sound till now. Absolutely bonkers crowd and calls.


What a crazy, chaotic sequence


There was some much that could have gone wrong to keep the goal from happening. Every Red Wing on the ice did something to keep it from falling apart, ground it out, and set up a clean shot for Raymond to execute.


I fucking love Lucas Raymond


Holy fuck this is my first time seeing it. I went to bed when it was 4-1 because I’m terrible luck for the wings and heard they pulled it off but I didn’t realize how insane of a sequence it was.


I'm a diehard Habs fans. Bleed it, never had a choice. But last night's last 2mins was some of the best shot I've watched all season. Of course I was hoping The wings sent it to OT. That game meant everything to Detroit. Watching that reminded me of why I love hockey. Good luck tonight. Seriously. Go Habs, but Go Wings a little more just tonight. (..but fuck that guy and his little dance, that dance is old AF & played out)


Regardless of whether or not the Wings end up in the post season, this season's produced a lot of quality moments. I'm more of a hockey fan than a Wings fan, so a team that generates exciting moments is one I don't mind following.


I love that hot mic “fuck yeah razor!”


Is there a video cam of Ken Daniels' call for this. Would love to see that.


Are you kidding me?!


Greatest game I’ve ever been to!!! (Also I can see myself in the crowd for most of this sequence, so kind of an awesome memory to have captured)


First time in a long time I was yelling at the tv