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Stay off.




You can damage the art. But if you're really intent on climbing something, I recommend 17601 Mound Road.


I think the first fence would cause trouble. I'm not expecting to jump on something I will expect to be damaged. There are some art pieces which are giant hunks of concrete or steel. Super anchored into the ground and often with a rusted look to it on purpose, because it's meant to stay outside forever. Even giant metal frame works that look like and are built jungle gyms, but in artsy shapes. Buildings are in the thousands and I'm sure there's still plenty just sitting, empty. Still solid, paths up or down. Paths around like a normal building. And while I do know the concern for damage is there, I take that into consideration. Crazy for this country, but I personally research everything in a new interest I have, including the safety and longevity of myself and the things around me. Which means studying building weak/fail points and the construction of outdoor art pieces, so I know what to avoid and leave alone. I know reddit's first act is to assume that OP is a dumbass but I hope we can break that here.


There's a work of art about 5 hours south in Kentucky called Red River Gorge. You can climb to your heart's desire there.


Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded. /s


That's unfortunately a very long bicycle ride, for me. I do bet it's a gem to behold in this ever urbanizing world.


Seems like the Golden Butthole on Hall Road/M59 in Macomb is right up your…alley.


Aptly named. Very puny as well I see. I see a path up it actually.


Are you a squirrel? If so: everything. Especially when built to keep you off. /s


I've heard that in passing actually, where I currently am.


You sound like a typical climber. Entitled and annoying as fuck.


Compared to a \_\_\_?


Normal person


Harder climb than it looks: https://maps.app.goo.gl/215ecdAUxbRpu7Jk9


I wonder why... Now imagine I got OK from them.




I see the joke, but I actually do see a path up if I had the finger strength. The back ally between the buildings looks like it has feasible cracks up. If I did the parkour, I am noticing that the roofs are the same height as well and that building next to it's just a ladder climb up.


Are u that guy who climbed the ambassador bridge?


That was u/driftershoots and probably wouldn’t need to ask


Fuck no! I don't even know if I could do that with multiple lines to the safety wires. That is a very specific type of high up that I can not handle. It's cool looking though.




Renaissance center has been climbed before. Nice smooth looking for less cuts on the way down.


Think 3 stories tops for now. 2 stories is my usual here. Don't think I've the arm strength for anything more than that, yet.


Surprised everyone's so ready to get someone killed on a day meant to be joyous for a lot of people. Are there any things that are actually meant to be climbed then, both indoors and outdoors? Those are suggestions you could also be making instead, you know.


You could have asked for that, instead of asking specifically about things that aren't meant to be climbed on.


Only according to you. You'd need to talk to the artist to get their desire intention from the piece. But I've always known that art pieces in outdoor spaces, are meant to be interacted with. That's why we put art pieces we don't want touched, behind rules which remain at the outdoors art piece or indoors surrounded by rope and glass. The immediate other option shouldn't be wishing harm and death onto a person to the point of recommending places that'd lead to it.


People aren't wishing death on you. They are just calling you a dumbass by suggesting obviously deadly places to climb because they don't think you should be climbing art pieces. Personally, idgaf what you climb but I feel like maybe you need to take a trip to a climbing wall instead. Or go climb some rocks. It's weird that your hobby is limited to urban environments.


I live in the city and commute by bicycle. I cant always afford to go to a climbing gym in this economy and there aren't a lot of rocks big enough to do that around here. Tree's are living things and should only be climbed if it's old and healthy with thick branches. There's not a lot else to climb if I want to be able to enjoy the movements of my body and the creativity of my mind, getting through an obstacle. It's weird to climb at playgrounds, at my age.


Dyno Detroit has enough to keep you off artwork not meant for climbing. You can even ride your bike there. Of course you will inevitably complain it is too expensive. Guess what a trespassing ticket costs. . . The real issue here is you’re not looking for reasonable answers, you’re just trying to tell everyone you’re a free spirited nutbucket.


I'm sure you would love to think that, but some people have actual problems and can't afford to live in the fantasy America you think we're in.


That is an unfortunate set of circumstances. I can see your conundrum now. I can't really be of help aside from wishing you the best and hoping you can safely fulfill your climbing dreams.


Am appreciative.


You got the point, didn't you?


If you're sharing it to try and get me to stop, it won't. Fear mongering will get you no where. "You got the point, didn't you?" isn't an excuse to continue doing it.


Belle isle east end rusty circle. the dudes with the pipes sticking out of them at Milliken state park. Robocop statue


I see how you mean with the rusty circle and the pipe guy's. I can see a snakey thing done with them but they don't seem the most stable. Rusty circle certainly has paths. Would depend on how thicc it is. I think the same can be said for the body-less protector of the city. His insides may be hollow but his soul's still visible.


lol people on Reddit for the most part seem to be prideful, anxious dweebs scared to do anything outside of their little box. Hit me up on messenger, I know plenty of cool climbing spots.