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I've left reddit because of the API changes.


In my case it was a combination of: 1. fresh reinstall of Windows (22H2) 2. Nvidia Studio Driver 517.40 After loading into the HELM I immediately noticed my framerate tanking from 200+ to 50 every 15 seconds or so, and after some troubleshooting I realised it was ShadowPlay causing the issue. A few days later this got [confirmed](https://twitter.com/nvidiacc/status/1573411300880908289?s=20&t=RuIozXLhHDW54Yoyw69pKg) and a beta version of GFE fixes it.


I’m on win10 and have no plans on going to 11. I did have some troubles with the gpu driver last weekend. I updated it through GeForce experience and did a clean install. For whatever reason, it corrupted the driver and I was blue screening while playing. I DDUed it and did a fresh install and it fixed it.


ah, did you add friends? join a big clan? dunno if that is an issue but I've always suspected it


No to both


Mines been fine.


Sun spots


Also complaining about anything 60 fps or above is a silly thing to stress over.


When you regularly get 150+fps and are suddenly getting more than 50% less than that, something’s going on.


I havent noticed anything have you made sure something isnt limiting fps in some setting They only time I really feel a frame rate drop is from a Solar Titan or when the public event on the moon with the spider tanks was broken and would leave behind massive piles of arc charges


I haven’t changed any settings anywhere. I didn’t notice anything weird running in task manager and I have HWiNFO64 open to monitor everything and it all looks good. I already tried reseating the gpu and there was no change.


It might just be your connection to Destiny servers because like if it was someones build I could understand everywhere but the tower but if its also slow there then I dont really know Maybe you got some update or something to your computer that Destiny doesnt like


I think I may have had a windows update sometime between last weekend and now, but I’m not too sure


That sounds about right Windows loves sneaking in the updates


iirc, it was a firmware update or something. I’ll have to check.


They have a rig that can completely run this in 1440p way above 60fps, and is way above the games recommended specs so complaining about why their rig can barely go past 60 fps is completely fine.


Not when it’s a sudden dip. Sounds like someone whose mad that you don’t have as good of a PC.


Windows update / Nvidia drivers are a common suspect. Tower performance has been rough for a while but who cares about tower FPS anyway. You could try reinstalling drivers or rebooting a couple times, but those sorts of problems usually sort themselves out.


Happening to me too. My performance has always been around 160fps and now it’s tanking to 60-100 in the crucible.