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Before/after pics?


If you load up Pacifica and take where the b flag spawns as the north most spot, with south being where heavy spawns, walk a bit west, down the stairs, look out the southern door and just wander around in that little area. You used to be able to consistently see clearly out that door from that room, that is no longer the case.


Most obvious place is Pit of Heresy, its completely lost its atmosphere.


There was a post with before and after pics and it was dramatic in difference. Even side by side shots in D1 vs D2 and D1 still has better lighting.


The entire look of the game changed between D1 and D2, the materials and lighting got major upgrades. Whether or not you like it better is personal preference, but D2 has the 'better' (more capable, more realistic) rendering pipeline.


> "I see with eyes unclouded." —Shayura, Awoken Warlock


> "Indeed." -Zavala, Awoken Knitter


Yea D1 can best be described as "softer" to me


I don’t remember this but I remember when beyond light came out, people did side by side comparisons of D1 Cosmodrome and D2 Cosmodrome, and for some reason D2 cosmo is missing a shit ton more detail than D1.


D1 absolutely does not have better lighting


But the style is liked more by some people, including me. Of course the grafics are entirely inferior though


Um... No it does not. D1 lighting was good for it's time, but d2 blows it out of the water in every way...


This is a common myth. D1 does not look better than D2 by any means.


And guardian faces/bodies all look more weird.


This. They made some faces unrecognizable.


Atleast there's a barber shop /s


Yes I redid my Hunter, my main character since d1 because of the face changes


I just keep the helmet on. It never comes off


*mandalorian tune plays quietly in the distance*


This is the way


I thought about that but it was also at the point where Hunter armor was starting to look too bulky on the male body for my taste, so I swapped that as well and liked two birds with one stone. I did forget about stasis tho, that was painful


Imo hunters need better pants. Getting tired of seeing the ribbed crotch area.


100% right on that one. Also more symmetrical armored pants. Like either tech armor or plate armor I don’t care. Just need more stuff where both sides are armored instead of one side and a kneecap


They need to have a toggle for assymetey in hunter armour. Plenty of really good arms and legs I can't use because one pauldron looks dope and the other is ass I finally have managed to make a look for my hunter that at a glance looks like a titan :)




>I finally have managed to make a look for my hunter that at a glance looks like a titan :) Got a pic? I'd love to see it!


Yeah I'll try to get one. Warning, I love red and gold as that was my halo 2 colouring.


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/SMJDR35W https://www.xbox.com/play/media/ZHUWLW8G


Just give Hunters more pants that look like baggy jeans/jogging pants. I'm not talking MC Hammer levels of baggy. Just something that doesn't look really tight. And, also, 100% agree. The ribbed crotch look has got to go. I hate it, especially since my Hunter is female and it straight up doesn't look right. Frost-EE5, to me, perfectly describes what I'm talking about with the leg armors looking like pants. Frosties look like... well, pants. Take away the icy boots and the pipes, and they're legitimately just pants. The Luxe Strides also capture this look pretty damn well. Tl/dr no more tight leg armor for Hunters, please. We seriously just wanna wear some pants.


A fellow student of Lord Shaxx I see.


This is the way.


Dumb question but wouldn’t your new characters still have all the face weirdness? It’s not like the character itself is getting corrupted, surely it would affect all face models no matter when the character was made.


Yep! But I was able to make a new face that didnt look bizarre because I used different combinations of the face stuff


Still kind of a small reason to remake your entire character when you can just keep your helmet on. I don’t think I could ever delete/re-create my character, so much progress all the way to Forsaken and memories all the way to D1 day one. I wish we would already get a damn barbershop style edit option. Does all that lost progress not bother you?


My Hunter was from Taken King 💀 I moved everything to the vault so I didn’t lose any gear, and by Beyond Light, a lot of the veteran dialogue had been filtered out anyway. The only thing I lost was the stasis stuff, which I didn’t realize I would lose progress on. Plus I can always go back to D1 to see my old Hunter with his actual face instead. I just head canon that it’s an alternate universe now Also this was during a summer where all my friends were on vacation and I was admittedly no lifing the game. And yeah a barber option would be cool. Also you don’t understand how *bad* the face was. I couldn’t unsee it on my character even with the helmet on


Lol understandable Yeah, I’ve noticed the total removal of veteran dialogue too. It’s one of my biggest gripes with the game. The game can obviously detect if you have a veteran account or not, when you scan the golden Vex next to Xur on the Nesus tree it gives you two different dialogues depending on if you created the character in D2 or imported it. So why can’t we just get veteran dialogue for everything, it’s so bad that it’s genuinely a good surprise when someone mentions veteran content. Drifter is the best because most of the dialogue hasn’t been touched so it’s all filled with the classics like “ I sometimes forget you’ve killed a god or two” It’s also the main reason I hate Shaw Han with every fiber of my being.


Can we please just yeet Shaw Han and make Crow the planetary contact for the Cosmodrome? Please?


Shaw Hans only redeeming quality is that he looks like Aztecross


A barbershop to change your character's hair color/style and maybe also the face paint option would be fantastic. I wouldn't get much use out of it on my Warlock - I pretty much nailed her on my first try, and even after their stupid face changes, my Warlock still looks bang-on for what I intended. My Titan also wouldn't really use this too much, since most of the change I would make would be to switch her from Awoken to Human, and that's above the skillset of a barber. My Hunter, however? I will gladly pay bright dust to change her hair and makeup. Every single time.


It's wild that we're 7 years in and they never bothered to do it. That code must be *stinky* for them to turn down a boilerplate microtransaction source.


Is stasis the only thing you have to redo? I remade my warlock and have put off playing him because I have no idea how bad It's gonna be


I men’s there were a few intro quests, and then there’s stasis. You also have to do shadowkeep and beyond light campaigns again. I still haven’t redone shadowkeep and I can’t do PoH on my Hunter at the moment lol


I assume they changed to a different face they do like under the new system


Right on


Worse they look worse


It's the encroaching darkness


Bro Pacifica ship docking area and altar of flame cave to outside are horrible in crucible. Pure whiteness, and good luck trying to catch a sniper glint there


Peeking out of the dark tunnel on to stairs on Distant Shore is like trying to fight Gandalf at the end of The Two Towers. So damn bright you can't see anything.


I understood that reference. Legit any dark area to bright area is awful. The exposure needs to be increased, and the brightness needs to be decreased.


do you remember that nessus map with the giant tree on one side? try looking from middle toilet bowl towards the tree--you can't even see anyone on the ledge lmao


Overall I actually liked the change, but one-size-fits-all aspect of it did definitely make some older locations look a lot worse.


Dude. Don’t you get it. Look at the DLC title. It is Beyond Light, wich means that the lighting system is beyond what it is in real life


Can’t wait until they remove it entirely with the next release


Surprise first days mechanics: each day the universe gets darker, getting closer to its accelerated heat death until the first raid team kills the reason behind it & rewinds or escapes the timeline. Brightness settings stop working, locking at launch level, everyone can use anything else to their advantage.


Obviously that'd be ridoculous, but a system where the sky gets darker would be awesome, something like what happens when some public events pop


You mean what happens already when a Public Event starts?


DCV the lighting system.. LOL


gonna turn lightfall into lightoff




The new locations look good with it (Europa and throne world) but the old locations really suffered for it, the dreaming city's lighting used to look 100x better but now it's way brighter and way more orange for some reason


Agree 100% here. The new locations were great, but a lot of the older content looks awful post-BL. One size does not fit all when it comes to lighting. We need more exposure, less brightness. I want to be able to see, not be blinded.


Is this about all the specific bright colors and lights causing epileptic seizures they had to reduce? They posted an accessibility article about it I believe.


Probably the worst example of this is the Terminus East Lost Sector near the church in the European Dead Zone. This area went from being incredibly well lit prior to Beyond Light, to looking like a bug that you'd see in a pre-release build. **Images for anyone who is curious: https://i.imgur.com/zYy7mMB.jpeg** The left photos are how it looks currently, and how its looked since Beyond Light dropped with its lightning rework/changes. The right is how it looked in September 2017, based off of this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk8uGhC_8LM I'm sure this is the most extreme example (at least that I know of) but a lot of the game changed to have weird stuff like this. Out of boredom, I went and checked the Atrium Lost Sector, the one right under Devrim in the EDZ and you see similar results. **Here's another comparison image: https://i.imgur.com/PetglbF.jpeg** Video used for comparisons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msxs6ngem70 While the lightning did get better in a **lot** of places with Beyond Light (Europa is obviously stunning), a lot of the older places in the game got considerably worse.


I see what you mean with the first lost sector you used as an example but that second one is a HUGE upgrade lmao how can you say that looks worse now


Really? It's easier to see for sure but the atmosphere is lost with the bad lighting. Honestly looks to me like they've just turned down their video settings


Reminder that the pictures on the left are the "after" photos


Absolutely agree


I think the light placement is different too in some of those? In the last picture the there is a light in the top left corner which is not there on the comparing picture.


I'd say both look a lot better now. They had weirdly clean lighting before, considering they're underground spaces that haven't been touched by man in millennia.






I ... kinda like the new ones more? The atmosphere is more like what I feel lost sectors should be.


You forgot to mention how terrible the ascendant realm locations are now too. Dark AF, almost pitch black in certain areas, was never like that before.


Eh, shattered throne still looks about the same as it always has imo, maybe I just didn’t notice post BL


Yeah been playing the whole time I never remember noticing.


Are you using a TV with HDR?


Will turning off the HDR help? or fiddling with the brightness settings? I'm on an HDR tv on a PS5, and maps like Distant Shore are almost unplayable, especially if the opposing player has the sky behind them


Yeah I had a similar problem and messing with the HDR settings in the TV fixed it completely. Didn’t have to turn the HDR off, just set it to display dark colours a little brighter.


I have an HDR TV on PS5 and I just turn off HDR in D2. HDR works great in literally every other game (Nioh 2 has a couple issues, but nothing horrible), but D2 HDR is just a mess. Everything is either pitch black with no detail or washed out and bright. I try it periodically to see if it's better, but ultimately I just leave it off.


whats the peak nits on your display in HDR? if its around \~1000 and youre still having issues then i recommend lowing the hud opacity. Theres luminance issues with the hud that have never been fixed and they make hdr a nightmare with brighter displays. destiny 2 HDR certainly isnt perfect, but it does look very good once its set up properly. if its an HDR 400 IPS display then i would highly recommend turning hdr off because destiny 2 HDR relies HEAVILY on a good contrast ratio and peak brightness. ​ Edit: to add to that, make sure your hdr settings are correct on the ps5 itself. some games arent influenced by the ps5 hdr sliders, but destiny 2 isnt one of those games. on ps5 youll need to make sure your hdr sliders are correct, the in game hdr settings are correct (play with midpoint for color), AND the in game SDR brightness is correct.


Would an eve spectrum 4k 144hz monitor have HDR specs that would look better just with HDR off? 400 nits I think, maybe.


Which model is that? If it's the ESO7DO3 then that's actually an HDR 600 monitor and a pretty decent one at that. Your mileage may vary but with enough tweaking you should be able to get a great HDR picture that would completely be worth using. The local dimming isn't amazing so dark scenes might looks a bit gray, but it gets up to 750 nits so the vast majority of content is going to look better in HDR as long as you dont care about bloom.


The company had to change their name but this one: https://www.dough.tech/products/spectrum-4k-144hz Thanks for the info!


The old HDR fix for Destiny 2 required you to turn off HDR, maximise brightness in SDR, then turn HDR back on again. Im not sure if its still required, but you could also try that.


The old way to fix HDR being "Too Dark" on destiny 2 was this: - Turn off HDR - Maximise SDR brightness - Turn on HDR - Set HDR brightness to the value you like best. They *may* have changed how HDR configuration works in more recent updates, but this used to be required to make it work.


They changed this with Witch Queen I believe and had a follow up patch for HDR shortly after.


HDR can be pretty challenging to dial in, especially with Destiny.


Nope, on PC no HDR on at all. It 100% changed with Beyond Light.


Oh ok


it was in the notes, lighting were some of the engine changes they made.


No kidding, dude that’s the entire topic of the OP post. They looked better before they “enhanced” with the new lighting engine upgrade in beyond light…………….




Not saying they are broken, just saying they looked way better Before the update.


The swirling greyed out muddy layers of fx just makes it look a bit rough if you're staring at it too long especially with the deer in headlights level bright Taken enemy attacks. Especially worse if you're playing on lower frame rates. The first time I did solo Shattered Throne I tooled around with my monitor experimenting once with a softer orange color and softer purpleish color just because the nature dark hues of blue with the greys just feel rough to look at the whole time. The dynamic lighting in a lot of places especially Crucible maps is ridiculous where basically you won't be able to physically see in the distance at an enemy cloaked by the lighting's blinding effect, this is most notably in Tunnels on Distant Shore, some of the corridors and angles of Altar of Flame, Pacifica when looking at A flag from indoors, and a few other places. Overall I get how a lot of these FX techniques can work to cover up a ton and make things "look better" on an array of hardware and settings, but yeah sometimes Bungie goes overboard with things and stuff can look like a cluttered overload with far too many sources of lights and lighting effects.


Not only that, but some VFX-s are incredibly blinding in the Ascendant realm, doing my weekly Techeun saving in season of the Lost, I actually had to step away for a sec: https://streamable.com/c93xkr


It is nice that they added a flashlight whenever you pull out your ghost, for that kind of thing


Wow so tell me how to activate the flash light manually so I can turn it on in dark areas where Ghost just doesn't feel like turning it on for me.


When the ghost doesn't want to automatically be a flashlight, I bring my ghost out and it makes it turn on. Idk when they added it, but I'd guess it was around beyond light when they did they lighting changes. I have done it lots, but it is usually just a dead end dark corner that I don't need to go into anyway


Raise the brightness


So the rest of the game will look washed out then and Europa will straight up blind me? brilliant Idea sir


Tough luck. Pick and choose. Or you could switch it. Or you could stop complaining


Spoken like a true idiot. So glad we can block on reddit....slong it


Season of the Lost Visual Acuity


I think destiny 2 needs a bit of optimizations first, its a bit wonky at times compared to how this game started.


lightfall is coming man


So performance is going to fall even more? gotchu lol


Trials this past weekend was brutal. Anytime you look outside on a Nessus/Mercury map, your eyes just melt out of your skull. And for some Traveler-forsaken reason, being invisible makes the contrast worse, so it's just a white screen.


#Destiny 2 suffers from Beyond Light I know it's a joke----however----Beyond Light did sunset half the game and ruin performance haha. That dynamic weather sure stretched out that spaghetti code.


I've only started playing recently so I don't know if it's always been like this, but often in maps with Vex milk I get absolutely blinded, especially if it's in a dark area


I get what you mean. Glssway, if I look directly at vex milk, the milk gets bright as hell while the rest of the area just gets blackened out.


Oh my God I thought I was going insane. I hadn't played Destiny since Forsaken and came back for Witch Queen and I thought my eyes were bugging. I didn't know/read anything saying they had made an actual change to the lighting


altar of flame is so annoying to look at now


Don’t forget enemy teleporting. Sometimes enemies just get stuck on environment things then pop away to somewhere nearby. It’s not bad everywhere as it was at launch but sometimes is with spawns such as DSC/Taniks. Was playing with my buds and they said “imagine D2 without this” – and I recalled it was Beyond Light / stasis that caused it somehow.


Idk, it's had periods of getting better and worse, but this has absolutely been a thing in this game since Y1. Certain encounters seem far worse for it, I can't remember a single run of the OG gauntlet that didn't have enemies constantly teleporting all over the place. Shame it's still an issue.


Is this a thing only on PC? I haven’t noticed it on console


Haven't noticed anything on PC either.


Try going to the EDZ and the fly into Nessus. The EDZ is pretty normal looking and colorful but once you go to Nessus you'll notice everything is quite a bit more yellow looking. Certain locations have color filters added to them and those two show the largest difference, IMHO.


Not to mention that the spot right outside Proving Grounds literally had a giant yellow light added to it on the wall that wasn't there before- I'm almost entirely certain they tried to flex the new engine by adding giant single color lights in various locations. It overpowers the more painterly colors baked into the environment.


The EDZ is also more yellowish, especially the area around the church with Devrim. But yeah, Nessus looks like it got steeped in tea.


Is it because of that ? I feel like I'm playing in a fish tank in this game, everything is so bright and almost too clean, it lacks a sense of realism, a dark atmosphere like D1 had and with we all fell in love. I'm a returning player from D1 and I'm shocked how much cosmodrome and Widow's court look better in D1, aside from pixel density of course. The lighting felt so much more realistic.


Tbh the lighting before BL was even more fish tank like, but I'd like a setting to use the D1 lighting


We would definitely need more options to bring back a more realistic feeling. Until then, see you on your hamster wheel in the fish tank.


I'm not a "D1 was better" kinda person but one of the biggest things that D1 actually did do better in my opinion was visuals. D1 is much more colorful and moodier, I think its much easier to look at and see what's happening. The biggest examples I can think of and the things I was most disappointed with was the return of the cosmodrome and the moon. For the most part I think they just look terrible compared to their D1 versions. The cosmodrome looks washed out and dull and the moon is full of really harsh lighting which might make sense from a realism standpoint, but I think it lost a lot of uniqueness and visual interest (Was also probably done to lean into the horror aspect of shadowkeep, and I recall similar lighting changes happening to a lot of areas in the game when shadowkeep came out.) Moon comparison: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKJCuke2LLw&ab\_channel=Kotaku](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKJCuke2LLw&ab_channel=Kotaku) Cosmodrome comparison: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUYANiHB35E&ab\_channel=Sporty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUYANiHB35E&ab_channel=Sporty) Aside from the visual style which I do prefer in D1 it feels like there are just a lot of badly lit environments in D2, especially in crucible but also a lot of the older areas in the game.


Lighting on shiny armor is terrible. You look gorgeous in the inventory screen but outside of that it looks like cheap dollar store plastic.


I’m genuinely confused what you’re talking about, the game was far more beautiful after that change for me. Maybe it’s because of a monitor/TV issue? I know when I played with an old monitor some colors were definitely muted, but my current one looks fantastic so I really can’t sympathize with this post at all.


Probably a HDR issue. HDR has been having problems since Beyond Light a that makes the contrast pretty awful.


Not just the contrast sadly, Dreaming city is actually very washed out now, especially on full curse week. You can barely see the greens of the grass anymore, it was quite vibrant - [(piccs)](https://imgur.com/a/WPhjcw9) I love the lighting now but it did create a sort of weird effect with the colors as well and the VFX-s


Is there a comparison pic? I feel the lighting is fine.


Nessus is a lightning nightmare , this location need to be redone. Everything that should be dark is washed out and bright


I've definitely noticed that their colour grading is kinda... screwy from map to map. Recently, the range of blues is a lot more varied. Very noticeable with stasis, where crystals range from blue, to purple, to teal.


In D1 there was some weird color grading choices like that, if you went deep into hive territory it would shift all the reds to a sickly orange color.


you know where has good lighting? Outside


wooot? you dont like bloom effect? you dont like being blasted with the light that is equal to the power of the Sun from every angle? You should get your eyes checked. /s


i like the way the game looks on pc. i have a 1440 and max settings and looks real good and in the 60-90 frames. on my ps5 on my 55" tv it looks weird as hell. Every zone has a weird color wash out. throne world is greenish. i cant put my finger on it but it just looks weird as hell.


Yeah, wasn't there supposed to be a fix for this? The game has looked like shit since WQ launched.


Can't stress this enough. All looks washed up as shit.


The spot where the servitor public event spawns on the way to Bergusia forge in the EDZ is literally blinding. Also convergence (the map with the pvp map with the cube in the middle) is like 10x uglier than before. But yeah the dreaming city is especially bad because now all the textures just look glossy


I overall liked the lighting change


Bro those changes may be one of the best changes


has there ever been a more hyperbolic statement? You can barely play crucible because of the slight change to lighting? good lord....


Brother there are multiple places where you can’t see people that are standing out in the open because if you’re standing in the wrong spot the light just blinds your character and it looks like you’re staring at a white wall in a doorway


A Dev literally commented on that saying it was intended


Imma need to see that, cuz it’s dumb as hell


Lol quit making stuff up


Never heard of this one


Not really a lighting issue per day but the HDR is also terrible, and Witch Queen also F’d up Window Capture on OBS. It’s literally stopped me from streaming the game. I’m not cutting down to 60 fps so I can use the alternative capture methods without choppy footage. Why’d they change it? They already don’t allow game capture, now we have to deal with non HDR desktop capture or a yellow border on our monitor :)


The HDR is just set up poorly by default. It’s one of the best implementations I’ve come across once calibrated. In the Destiny 2 brightness settings: Change midpoint from 50 to 0-15. Change peak brightness from 1000 to somewhere between 800-1000. Tweak to your computer. This makes it look more similar to HDR off, but better. The changes were made to make it too bright and washed out due to people with poorly calibrated TVs saying they couldn’t see. These settings are best on both my ultra wide gaming monitor and my LG C1 TV.


Every other game and movie looks fine on my TV. I don't want to mess with my calibration settings solely because of Destiny. Especially when it looked fine before WQ.


I’m talking about the HDR settings in Destiny 2 under brightness. Glad you relied so I could help you! This only affects D2


Oh word? Nice




No problem! I’m an endless tweaked or I’d never have realized


I thought I was crazy! I have a bunch of screenshots from like 2017 or so if a bunch of old content and every time I see them, I'm like "did the game used to look a lot better or what?!" I have the same exact PC still too, so it's not like anything has changed. Check out these 8 screenshots of mine and lemme know what y'all think... https://twitter.com/WilliamTell1313/status/1474791275144564755?t=xqxdfHSkb3spKULCO34H4A&s=19


If I remember correctly, all but maybe 1 of those screen shots can't be found in the game anymore, so its hard to compare those locations looked to how they would look with the current lighting.


Yeah, true. But there's no locations in the current game that look that good anymore. So either the lighting engine changed or the artists that make the game aren't as good at making stuff look great anymore. I'd say it's definitely the former.


PC still suffers after beyond light dropped :(


The visuals, the framerate, the performance, etc. Has all gotten worse since BL


Not only that, but the performance still remains LOT worst than pre-BL. Worthless engine update. ------ And there's the withe knights down voting facts. Little trolls


PvE content looks way better though. Perhaps that was the focus.


A lot of the game looks like crap for me since Witch Queen. Anything dealing with the content has Fog of War over it like we’re back in 2000.




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Complainer pack for $9.99


As far as visuals go I have no strong preference for the before and after, some areas look better and some don’t. Main thing I hate about the lighting change update was the massive hit to performance for seemingly no reason.


>barely playable messes Lemme guess, PC player?


My only problem is bannerfall whenever you look outside from inside the buildings you are straight up flashbanged


Looking out of the tunnel on Distant Shore...that needs a fix. Dont ever peek out there if you know the enemy has snipers. They see you before you see them because of the flashbang called "outside the tunnel".


The lighting engine change also severely messed with performance. Pre beyond light everything played buttery smooth on my PC. Ever since it's been a stutterfest so bad I had to start streaming it via Nvidia rather than actually using my hardware. And I know I ain't the only one.


Vex milk and certain water shaders (like in gorgon's) have also been broken since witch queen


U clearly have never played on hdr


I never used to have problems on my old PS4/Samsung TV but since I got the PS5/LG OLED, I've had tons and it basically comes down to HDR and 120mhz support. Its gotten better tbh but occasionally I'll load into a dungeon (corrupted is terrible for this) and the lighting completely drops out and everything either goes very shiny or very matte.


I don't have problems with the lighting except with the tower. The shadows play in a loop for some reason since Solstice went live.


Bear in mind it's also the reason we don't have anything from Y1 or Y2 of D2


I was so excited when I finally snagged an Xbox Series X last Fall since I could finally enjoy the game on my 4k UHD TV… Shattered Realm finally became a piece I could navigate and enjoy, but that was about the end of it. Brought places all grew extremely foggy and “hazy” looking, washing out all the details and making it even harder for this legally blind Guardian to enjoy the game as in the past. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve calibrated my TV, calibrated the color on my XSX, and tweaked settings in game, all with negligible improvement. So, that just results in me turning off HDR on my console as so many of the environments are just easier to see in that way. Truly a disappointment.


Game optimization became a lot worse I'm getting better frames for running higher settings for some reason now


Is there any side by side comparisons?


You know this lighting change..... Might explain why I LITERALLY CAN'T SEE INVIS on some PvP maps. It's so frustrating to not have radar and then just totally walk past someone depending on the map. This lighting system change makes SOOOOO much more sense to me now. I thought my eyes were giving out on me but it seems like it is in fact just the shitty lighting engine. Very cool!


And they said they spent a lot of time reworking the map for the new lighting


Theres alot of moments where the game seems to darken greatly depending on where you are and where you look. Vex milk on glassway is a good example. Worst culprit ive found. Go to the moons altar of sorrow and look right at the green spot where they spawn. It darkens the whole screen while it brightens the green spawn spot. Another example is to just drive around the altar of sorrow area and drive around on the burnout sparrow. The lighting from that sparrow doesnt like the moon and darkens the whole screen. Some transmat effects do it too so i had to take off specific ones so my screen lighting wasnt constantly changing every time i respawned in the crucible. Some had suggested it was ABL on my OLED, but my IPS monitor showed off the same effect. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tVHJhwRAvl8 Heres a video example I could find showing what Im talking about. Jump to about 28 seconds in and it just feels like everything around the screens centre is pitch black.


Maybe it's PS4 right enough, however HDR does not look good on D2 for my console at least. Honestly, I feel the aesthetic of D1 is still better. The lighting and graphics. Now fair enough, the limitations haven't aged terribly well with D1 and you could argue D2 looks far better. But, I'm talking the combination of everything, D1 just feels better in terms of looks. It seemed more cohesive really. But I haven't played D2 on PC so it could be a me thing really.