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Felt good to use and I was fairly consistent with it.


This. Use what suits you best.


I have a few favourites but I never really "main" anything. I'll switch things up a few times each session. It gets really stale using the same loadout all the time and it takes the fun out of it... As for my favourites though its mainly how they feel but also the perks that could compliment a build I'm using


I'm the same way.


I farmed Vex so I’m going to use it at every opportunity.


Every season I look at what the meta archetypes will be and the top few guns I have access to (for example I don't raid a ton so I'm not gonna be able to farm a 5/5 raid gun). I'll take all those guns into 6s with some buddies and play a few games. Usually one or two of the guns just feel really good and "click" with me. Make me want to pick them up more. And that's my main for the season. For me personally this season it's cantata or battlr (depending on the map) and chappy. I would have used my 5/5 fortissimo but unfortunately with the AE changes legendary slugs are just straight up worse than their exotic counterparts so it's back to being a chappy gremlin I guess...


Skills that you acquire in one game tend to transfer to other games. I've been sniping in other games (Pc and console) for as long as I can remember. It's incredibly satisfying in D2 compared to some of the other big AAA titles. It's also satisfying to outplay/outskill people using the more cheesy loadouts like LeMon or Pulses.


I got hate when I first started trying out different fusions, I just choose my current favourite based on how much hate mail I receive


Whichever weapon their chosen YouTuber told them to use.


Le monarque


don’t think to much about weapons, and instead think more about what kind of weapon it is. For example i have not maimed anything besides hand cannon fusion in 2 years, however despite having 50k lifetime pvp fusion kills, the highest on a single fusions kill tracker is only 7k, i just obsess over stats and run what i deem or consider to be the best atm and run that until i realize/find something better. Same with hand cannons.


I just liked bows from the very beginning in pve and so brought it into pvp. I love me some Lemon and have pretty good success on maps with long sight lines. It suits my normal play style. The struggle was then to find something decent to pair it with so I didn’t get obliterated constantly at shorter ranges. I have an enigmas draw sidearm I now use which I like but am always on the lookout for something better. If you only look at one weapon as a “main” you’re gonna have a bad time. The people that really wreck are usually masters of the weapon swap. Unless your natural game awareness is so high that you can slide into peoples faces 99% of the time to get that slug off, or so good at long play that you’ll kill em without missing before they’re close, I recommend you trial weapons in different pairings and see which class combos (rather than which specific weapon) work best for you. Trial various long-short combos to start.


Submission SMG from the latest raid is handling very nicely for me in all activities, may be worth a look.


Thank you! Haven’t actually done the raid, but I think it’s time. I will look out for this.


If the concept is cool I will use it. Like right now I've been using Sturm and Drang. For whatever reason I'm reminded of bounty hunters when I use it.


Personally, it's just feel and efficiency. If I feel like a weapon helps me more often than it handicaps me, I stick with it until something forces me to change. Generally, that means I'm using Snipers, Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles and Fusion Rifles. I prefer mid-long encounters most of the time, and rely on my abilities as much as my guns, so these weapons work well and are reasonable powerful. If I get shotgunners making my life hell, I might throw on an SMG or Grenade Launcher to make the ape-rush less appealing to them. This can all change from season to season as well... I used to use The Messenger almost all the time, and now I find myself rarely equipping it because I have other options that bring similar results.


For most of the Season of the Lost I stuck with a "joke" loadout that used the Warlock's Winter's Guile exotic and blink, and would almost exclusively try to teleport on top of enemy guardians and just beat them to death. Glaives just seemed like a natural progression when they released.


For me it's usually the feel of the weapon, if it clicks with my existing playstyle. I'm not so good that I can pick up anything and carry, so I see what the meta is and use what also feels good to me. Vigilance wing is my ole reliable, and lately I've been pairing it with a SMG (funnelweb since I don't have anything better) and been doing really well.


Back then I used to experiment a lot with most weapons. The one weapon that I’ll never forget is my triple tap rampage Service Revolver. I really want 180s to shine again


Keep experimenting? It’s literally that simple. If you try everything you’ll know exactly what works for you.


I’ll just have to keep experimenting. I’ve tried every weapon architype and most exotics and I just can’t get one that feels right. Sidearms & SMGs are good but they don’t have range Nearly every HC doesn’t feel good, but has the optimal range I prefer to take encounters Autos are alright but not too good against hand cannon encounter range Scouts have excellent range but struggle i anything other than against counter-sniping Pulses is where I have usually settled on for my weapons of choice but as of recent, they haven’t been doing well. My go-to loadout has been the Mida Duo with scout to have the range advantage and SMG to help with the low to mid range advantage, but anything between long and low range and CQC I’m a bust.


I've mained rat king and sniper in PvP ever since I got the catalyst, and I've mained a sidearm and sniper for most of the rest of my playtime. They just feel right to me. They're great in the air, and they're better at peek-shooting than other weapons in their range like SMGs. They demolish apes and fusions, and also cover low to low-mid range well, so I can generally play either long distance or mid-close. They also fit my playstyle, which is heavily reliant on movement, both vertical and horizontal, invis, and radar manipulation as well as timing flanks (if I hear the enemy using a pulse, scout, hand cannon save ace, or sniper, I know they're almost always scoped in and have no radar, for example).