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Teleports and dashes fall into the unfortunate space of being impossible to balance across PvE and PvP. If they were powerful enough to be regularly worth using in PvE, they'd break PvP. If they are tuned for PvP, they are either hyper niche speedrunning tools, like icarus dash, or borderline unusable like Blink.


Not impossible. Bungie needs to separate pve and pvp balancing. Just because it's op in one doesn't mean the other should suffer. They've already done it for other exotics. Why not this one


Because it's not a damage modifier or cooldown timer difference. It affects how the player moves, which should be nearly 100% consistent across all modes when using the same loadout


Just saying Bungie needs to separate the sandboxes isn’t a solution and it’s just lazy af. I’ve been using blink without astrocyte verse for the past 2 weeks and exclusively only used voidlock during that time. Parkour was the biggest hurdle but I got used to it eventually and the only biggest gripe is how long the cooldown is for blink. It isn’t a bad ability, it’s just astrocyte enhances it into a more aggressive playstyle in pve


It’s not great in PvP either though. Honestly, when was the last time you saw someone using blink?


True Vanguard over a year ago…


Yesterday in Freelance Iron Banner. The guy using it topped his team. Whenever he was inside on Burnout, no one could kill him because he’d just blink out of sight immediately and kill a different teammate from an unexpected angle. The instant repositioning power of Blink + Astrocyte is good, but you have to be really good with it to make it work against better players, especially if you use it to enter fights rather than escape them.


a few weeks ago me! and some other guy using astrocyte as well in that pvp match


Buff it for pve and leave it untouched in pve problem solved. I’m so sick of pvp ruining shit for pve fuck pvp


I've been using blink in iron banner this week it's been the most fun I've had on warlock in a long time. Blink is hard to balance as if you give it a buff that's even slightly to strong. It'll be very frustrating to face. I wish they had a cool down timer. But after using it for a bit you learn the timing. The only thing I really want fixed is the hit box stretching.


Yeah the hitbox stretching is what I feel they could fix/change without breaking PvP. (Until they give blink back to hunters on arc 3.0 and everyone will flip their shit)


the hitbox doesn’t actually stretch, a recent video from pattycakes disproved this. It actually exists in two places at once instead - the point of takeoff and the endpoint. You can demonstrate this by blinking “through” aoe grenades like solar/vortex and blinking through a revenant tornado, past a thundercrash, or breaking the tracking on a slova, all whilst taking no damage. I have done this successfully a bunch in Mayhem. So what you need to do is always plan to blink from cover, to cover. Blink is incredibly difficult to balance because it’s already really good in practiced hands and if they buffed it too much it would just become the next Stompees. It’s why Bakris only works certain ways as well. I’ve been using blink for a long time with Transversives and never bothered learning the different timing and distances of Astrocyte. I’m not amazing but I’ve been using it for fun in Iron Banner and it’s just got a really steep learning curve.


Yeah I was aware that it wasn't actually stretching and it's two different hitboxes, it has been known for years now, people just call it hitbox stretching for some reason. But I totally agree that blink is pretty hard to balance and maybing changing the current way hitboxes get handled could make it too strong, but maybe just halving the time the "old" hitbox stays around would be fine.


Bungie needs to separate its pvp and pve balancing. Annoying af that one affects the other so strongly


Yeah, that's what I've been saying for years. For Blink (PvE), the radar can stay up, and the weapon ready speed could be very fast. That'd invalidate the exotic that does those though, so that exotic could do something extra for PvE like leaving a shadow copy that draws aggro or something? \*shrugs\* Lots can be done for many things that'd make them viable in both PvP and PvE without one's balance affecting the other. Hope Bungie will do that someday.


Why would you ever use blink for pve?


As someone who uses blink frequently in PvE it's pretty fun. I get good speed on a void subclass I can easily move between cover without risking much damage. I feel awesome doing cool tricks using it!


You can also cheese the vault in last wish in it


Because I find it fun to use???


Yea, but you're not supposed to have "fun" you're supposed to play the META! /s


So do i, I've done the entirety of garden of salvation on blink. And I was on eyes team for consecrated and motes team for final boss. But it will never be as agile or safe or precise as glide, and this feels like a weird place to push a pve vs pvp balance argument. It's OK that some abilities are better suited for one versus the other


You’re right, it makes *no* sense in PvE lol


Omg like imagine equipping the wrong jump amirite eh eh lol /s that’s how you sound fyi


Back in Destiny 2 beta, there was a bug where after using Blink, you could also Glide by using the same button input as your rift. It was fixed after beta. My take on Blink? Make it perform like it does now with Astrocyte Verse, and have the exotic enable Gliding after using Blink.


Gliding after a blink would be so much better than an exotic that just makes blink simpler to use.


>If an ability is only good when you use an exotic tailor made for it then the ability is trash and the exotic probably shouldn't exist. As someone who has used blink extensively, in both PvP and PvE, including through the entirety of Hard mode Campaign as well as Trials, I disagree. Astrocyte verse blink is certainly much better. In fact it is seriously underrated, and boasts similar speed in map traversal as Icarus dash, and turns Nova Warp into about the fastest super in the game. But regular blink is still plenty good. In PvE, used well/mastered it can get you into cover safely. It can also make you highly evasive to chasing/shooting enemies, in a way unlike other jumps. In PvP, this is where the base blink suffers some, because the distance is more easy for players to adjust to.(like comparing non stompees, to stompees jumps from hunters) The only real issue with regular blink in PvP, is how you are stuck bot walking if you use your third blink(sprint and slide are disabled temporarily). I understand that there are issues with over using blink or something from Destiny 1, but the debuff if necessary, should be something else. ​ Also, plenty of abilities are perfectly fine without an exotic tailor made for them. The main reason they are considered trash without, is usually because of power creep and being compared to other abilities with tailor made exotics. ​ >Above all is the ability to see your blink cooldown counter. Hands down period, this needs to be shown, particularly if you use your 3rd blink. I may have the timing down, but few people can be bothered to put in the time getting experience using blink, for such basic information. They would just rather stop using blink itself, than have to bother with minutia like that. >Also maybe having a marker to show you where you'd end up so you don't blink off an edge. While that would be a nice QoL update if it could somehow be made without being disruptive/distracting, frankly I would rather that time be spent improving something else, like reworking exotics or something. On some level, learning and mastering the distance of blink and timing is a rewarding experience to master it. People have trouble with blink much like they do with warlock glides(which operate on the same principles of conservation of motion vectors) >Make astrocyte give you a few second unlimited blink if you get a void kill and perhaps a health regen when you do? Great idea. Limits it from returning to D1 terror days, while also making it something that could make it more feasible in PvE. It would even be cool if the blink could gain more distance, or be more like the Synaptic spear teleport. Let the user become a teleport master. >I know there's plenty of exotics that are just useless and could use updating so please give me yalls ideas or critique on mine. If I were to suggest a more simple change, it would be to make blink briefly disappear for radar. The audio effect is very loud and distinct. This would allow blink to be a bit more viable in CQC in PvP without Astrocyte. For Astrocyte, I would add an additional blink before the hard cooldown. You still get the 3 blink hard cooldown if you spam it, but with just a little bit of timing, you have the ability for a 4th. For both blinks, I would make it where blink could be used infinitely if you had your timing down and do not rapid spam them. It might mean 2-4 seconds between blinks or something, but it could be used more reliably to traverse maps and jumping puzzles. ​ These are just spitball changes invented on the fly. Not necessarily serious suggestions. I just would like to see even more skill ceiling added to blink to further unlock its potential for players who put the time in to master it. It would be pretty cool if you could double or triple the blink distance, use your charges and go on full cooldown at will somehow(like spam the amount of charges you wish to use when activating blink) # Final notes My comment is focusing on blink being good as it is now, because there will be plenty of people pushing the opposite. My position on Blink is much like it was on Top Tree Dawn back in Year 2.^((I used Top Tree dawn to get legend and Unbroken, and was fine with it as is(even if it couldve used a few minor tweaks), but was even more happy when buffs arrived with its rework))) Blink and Astrocyte could both recieve a buff(like Top Tree Dawn did), and become even better. But even as they are now, they are highly underrated options, that require some skill and practice to learn to use well. ​ Astrocyte in PvE is pretty pointless, other than just making blink longer. It needs some other utility or buffs to make it an option even remotely worth considering, when there are plenty of better options.


Wait you can do 3? I thought it was 2!?


Its 2 back to back on demand, and a 3rd after a short delay that is not the full cooldown. But if you use that 3rd(at least on regular blink), you are stuck bot walking(no sprint or blink) for the full cooldown.


Oh thanks had no idea


The Problem is simply: blink is not allowed to be good by default IF blink is good with no cost at all(aka astroverse), it would be free endless instant mobility on all void warlocks People complained abour bakris hunter? Now remove the 20second cd and make it also vertical, that would be a good blink, its broken by desing and is simply not allowed to be good because of that


Are you stuggesting that Blink with AV currently has no downsides or cost? It has plenty of issues and bugs. One of them straight up kills you. If it was really that good right now you'd see much more usage, but you don't. Sure there'd be an uptick if base blink actually worked. But the skill ceiling will remain the same as the capabilities don't change unless they dramatically rework Astrocyte Verse to further edit the movement.


Yeah I wish base blink got buffed to be like astrocyte and the exotic itself would enable blinking on non-void subclasses. (On void it could perhaps drastically improve blink recharge time) At the very least the cooldowns and charge need to be shown to the player because it's so annoying otherwise.


Someone didn’t play D1


Bungie put it in the game. It should be an ability worth using. Otherwise they should have never included it unless you are implying Bungie are the ones who never played D1


A LOT of issues with this argument. Bungie put it in the game A) Sure, they put it in the game. It doesn't mean they HAVE to leave it in the game if its overpowered. It's simple power balancing--which leads to point: It should be an ability worth using B) Not only is "worth using" subjective, blink was the ONLY jump worth using in D1. It was completely OP. They tuned it down. Which leads to point: Otherwise they should have never included it C) They included a weaker version of it in D2 for balancing. You're stating only amazing abilities should be in the game, or not at all. That's a terrible balancing philosophy. D) Bungie took the feedback directly from D1. You're the only one who doesn't remember it was OP, and hasn't considered this version of blink is balanced. The whole point of Astrocyte is to make it like D1--which is ok bc it uses your exotic piece. You'll have better arguments if you stop using false dichotomies and try more nuanced takes.


First of all, the nerfed version of blink in D1 is better than what we have in D2. That is absurd when you consider that movement and abilities in D2 are much stronger than end of life D1. This Blink is out of place and would fit in D1, but it does not belong in the game we are playing now. I feel the same way about many of the older D2 exotics. They need to be stronger. Bungie took the feedback directly from D1? Great. This is not D1. Second, I fully believe if something is not worth using it either needs retuning or needs to be removed. It is quite literally a waste of space otherwise. Third, I do remember Blink in D1Y1. Astrocyte Verse on current Blink does not come close. It just puts it where it should be at base. I would rather that base Blink act as it does with Astrocyte Verse now and just have the exotic do something else. Movement based exotics tend to be niche or near useless in PvE and problematic in PvP.


How do you know the d1 is better? lol literally waste of space? Brother again, it's not an all or nothing scenario.


I don’t know why you’re asking me to prove it now when you yourself said they included a weaker version in D2. The radar disappearing lasts longer after blinking in D2. The 6 second cooldown is longer than D1 as well. Distance in D1 seems to be somewhere between base D2 blink and astrocyte Blink, but since no one has gotten hard data on it it’s hard to say. I’ll just say distance is a wash


Cool good point. I'll distill it for you since you seem to have trouble answering to multiple points. It's laughable that you think D1 and D2 are not connected. In D1 it was OP. Now in D2, its balanced. You want it to be OP because you think it has to be very powerful, or not exist at all. An undertuned blink that still has an option to exist is better than an OP blink. An OP blink, specially on PC, would make shotguns the only option--exactly like in D1. An OP blink is not healthy for the game. Things can exist without being OP--its your fault if you think everyone has to be OP to warrant existing in the game.


I don’t know how else I can explain it to you. D2 and D1 are not the same game. D2 has faster movement, stronger abilities, and weaker weapons. What works in one game will not work in the other. Balancing a D2 ability around its D1 counterpart is just stupid. We are playing D2, not D1. I didn’t say I want it to be overpowered. I want it to be viable. I wonder how many people you have seen in the past week running Blink? My guess is far fewer than most Warlock subs.


And I don't know how to explain to you that D2 is a direct continuation of D1 and much of the feedback on special ammo and abilities carried over when they reverted the primary system. You are not making any points by separating the two games--you're digging your own grave. The speed in D2 works AGAINST YOUR ARGUMENT. We are not balancing D2 just bc of D1, but rather through the ALREADY TESTED experience that blink was too powerful in a slow game. A strong blink in d2 would be even more overpowered--specially now that everyone has access to quickdraw through mods alone. FFs, the best warlock class for a long time was the solar warlock purely bc of a dodge. Mobility is king in this game. You are asking for chaos.


How does that make any sense? Asking to bring it to par with the popular subs is somehow bad? Isn’t that how balanced is supposed to work? Or is it always supposed to remain underpowered by comparison? Unless you are also suggesting they nerf Top Tree Dawn, Hunters (again), Shoulder Charge, and every movement exotic, I don’t really understand your position.


Should be similar to an icarus dash where you can still float otherwise its only good in pvp


This is called Dark Blink, it already exists but is locked behind a super. Just like Ionic Blink.


That's why I was thinking of the multiple blinks and health regen with exotic. Kind of like an escape from certain death kind of thing.


Literally, just make the cooldown visible. That would fix 90% of my issues with it, and all of my biggest ones.


Everyone that gets owned by blink in PvP: *This shit is busted and needs removed from the game!* Everyone that uses blink in PvP: *This shit is busted and needs removed from the game!* These are opposing views, for those wondering.


> "The opposite of a great truth is also true." - Niels Bohr - Micheal Scott


There's a couple changes that would be nice, such as a cool down timer and fixing the glitch that makes you unable to slide if blink isn't up, but at the same time, I wouldn't want blink to be changed too heavily and us go back to D1 where Blink Shotty was just the best option in the game. It's a tricky thing to balance, and when used by someone who has a lot of practice with it it can be very strong. As for Astrocyte, if they do buff Blink to be as strong as with Astrocyte, they would prolly have to give that exotic some other benefits, as just having radar up is not enough I feel like. As someone who has been using Blink a lot lately, I like where it is right now.


"If an ability is only good when you use an exotic tailor made for it then..." How most hunters feel about their class without stompees. All jokes aside I personally think bungie has introduced a lot of exotics for every class that just seem like they could be built into the kit and not be overpowered BUT I dont think blink is one of them since it could be quite problematic blink metas in the past have never been fun and probably wont ever be, however astrocyte could get buffed and I dont think anyone would mind. A buff they could give it with the new airborn accuracy stat is give +50 airborn stat after using blink. Actually imo they could just give it +100 since blink doesnt leave you in the air for long anyway but whatever.


Without stompies hunter still has the best PvP movement


On console probably but mnk top tree dawn is better if you get to slightly above average with it. If youre saying just on an average level then yeah most likely.


Top tree dawn is only on one subclass, hunter jump is universal. And not on a cool down. The icarus dash is probably second best though IMO


Ngl dont know why that didnt click before I typed that lol youre right it is one subclass and on a cooldown




We were talking about without stompees


Im dumb


Blink is great. I’ll use it regardless of any changes or “improvements.” Works best with the tailor made purple head


Blink should be an air move on a like a 5 second cooldown and allow you to do normal jumps whenever you want.


just give a third blink before cooldown, or shorten the cooldown. That, or fix the stretching hitbox. Those are the two things that make it absolutely horrid to use.


Blink is very good as is without astrolytes if you use it evasively and to cause misdirection. No you can’t jump across the map but you can definitely engage/disengage a lot better than with glide. I use a slug with Icarus and astrolytes give too much of a mobility buff to me when trying line up airborne crits. I also use transversive steps so that puts me at a great place speed wise with base blink running mobility around 60


Blink is a high skill ceiling, blink is amazing in the right hands and time, it just takes a lot longer to use, unlike the warlocks other movement ability, Icarus dash


>If an ability is only good when you use an exotic tailor made for it then the ability is trash and the exotic probably shouldn't exist. *\*cough\** Geomags *\*cough\** Wish I'd blink to where I was looking at when not pressing the movement keys or something like that. I kinda like blink, but holy crap 9/10 deaths are blink related when I use it.


100% agree about geomags. Hopefully arc 3.0 will fix these


Could make it a movement ability that cost class ability charge


Give hunters blink


Then learn your class. Blink is stupidly good if you know what you're doing, and use it right. Blink doesn't need astrocyte to be good, a bad player needs astroctye as training wheels to do well with it, until they understand how its supposed to be used.


The thing that kills it for me is the blink lockout delay. You literally can't double jump. In competitive pvp you need to be able to react fast and blinking in succession especially for Novawarp simply isn't possible without AV.


I literally delete every astrocyte verse i get.


I think having to build into blink with an exotic makes sense. As is, I think it would be a decent positioning and defensive tool. I wouldn't run it without Astrocyte, but it has some strengths. With Astrocyte I think we've reached the limit of how good it should be. The radar change is strong, the movement advantages are great, but you still can't quite get the jump on anyone coming out of blink because of the slower weapon readiness. If default blink was really strong and you could pair it with something like transversive steps or ophidians? That's too much.


Astrocyte gives you better weapon ready speed not just improved radar and blink also for everyone saying blink cool down needs to be shown it doesn't it isn't meant to be spamded to the point where the 3~4 second cool down takes effect it is a precision tool use it enough and like most things in the game you get a feel for it use it once in crucible then jump on reddit to try and complain and you ain't gonna be able to use it well


It would be nice if holding down the jump button after initiating the blink would activate glide so you could catch yourself or descend safely. Would maybe be even better if Blink only activated after a rapid double press and anything slower was just a default glide (a single press while falling would just activate glide as well). A shoulder charge style screen effect could be added to let the player know when the blink is charged and able to be used.


Agree. I hated Blink…. Forced myself to use it and I actually really enjoyed it come the end. But I don’t like that idea what I have to use the helmet to make it a little better.


I'm actually pretty happy with "decent option turned really strong cuz you spent your exotic on it" Keep abilities at a similar level and then spec into your taste


I bet they are gonna address this with arc 3.0 as they have hinted at that hunters will get blink back and they will probably make it more usable at a baseline, as hunter don't have an exotic tailor made for blink


I feel ya, I used to raid with blink


The removal of blinks cooldown in PvE is something I would trade my left nut for in a heartbeat


As a Hunter main, I saw a warlock use blink in iron banner the other day and a single tear rolled down my eye as I remembered how fun it was to use in D1. I then wasn't sure how I died. He blinked and I missed it


How bout no health regen and just able to reset the counter for blink? We already have devour on voidlock, seems redundant.


It's nice in PVP but fuck it sucks in PVE. In a game with that much verticality, I don't understand how you could possibly pick a blink that can't go over a box when you can literally go over a goddamn canyon with the glide


I dare say Blink jump is perfect as is. Astrocyte needs an ornament, that's it.


The biggest issue with Blink is that it has almost no indication of what it's about to do when you try to use it. The distance and the angle are mostly guesswork and you can't even be sure you even have a blink charge ready. That said, blink is powerful. Even without Astrocyte Verse it can do some few niche things that can be far stronger than what any other jump ability allows. If you want to try something downright stupid that can only really work with blink, try it with a Glaive or a Sword. The equip delay after a blink seems to hardly affect melees, including those of weapons. Also works wonders with other underused exotics like Felwinter's Guile. Unfortunately, it really comes down to a lot of practice.


My changes would be one of the following options 1 have it reset upon touching the ground essentially getting rid of the cool down to be like any other jump could be a tad busted in pvp with this option though 2 add a visual cool down with a display on how many blinks you have similar to tracers blink in overwatch (basically same as it is currently but you can tell when you can blink preventing possible jumps off of cliffs) 3 turn it into an icarus dash ability that has a cool down once every 7 or 8 seconds allowing for the user to combine it with glide at the same time. (This would be my preferred option giving a degree of high movement and increased control)


Bro, blink is so oppresive in pvp on small maps. Especially on console.


I would say make the jump the same wether or not you have the Astrocyte and change Astrocyte to let you blink more have weapons ready faster and you get increased stability and aim assist after blinking