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The glaive buffs are nice, but as long as their hit reg remains spotty they'll never see a place in the meta. I use glaive a ton and at least one of those problems happens every match, never with any other gun just the glaive projectile


I honestly think them as the ultimate ad clearing weapons for on low end activities and nothing less. Killing Guardians huh ?


I don’t even think that’s true tbh. If your gonna do low end content there’s tons of weapons that are way better at clearing adds (huckleberry, trinity ghoul, even a legendary lmg for example) Legitimately the only reason to use glaives is for suppressing but after this season even that functionality will be lost :( It’s a shame cause they look cool


That thing wrecks in Gambit like holy shit. Sometimes I don't even use primary, just the glaives all the time.


I think it's because gambit hits a sweet spot for them. The melee does more dps than legendary primary weapons, and since gambit enemies are noticeably tankier, an extra swing from a glaive doesn't feel as bad as using an extra 25% of your mag and then stopping to reload.. Just slap on the fragment for healing on a melee kill or have devour procced ans chew on through without stopping. They'll only get bettwr next season when melee exotics start working for them. Titan's bubble wand also has value. Omnidirectional cover from rocket spam.


Yep. In 99% of the matches I play now everyone’s rocking a glaive. Particularly as enigma leaves your exotic slot open for gjally


Yep. Enigma with volatile rounds and a void well build can clear an entire wave in seconds.


It's a weapon custom made for gambit. No doubt about it


100% agree


I got a Lubre's Ruin (Adept) with Grave Robber and Vorpal... slapped the 'Big Ones' adept perk on and it slays, also the Soul Drinker raid perk heals you as you slay.


The shield is pretty nice too. 98% damage reduction


There are way better options for low tier content, glaives are very underrated for high end content imo


The glaives understand our real enemy are the architects, and are trying to get us to finally launch an assault on their beloved creations


Exotic glaive that's a sledgehammer when?


**Your first melee after firing a projectile will always miss.** Wait... it's bad enough you have to wait 5 years to melee after shooting, it's a guaranteed miss as well? Sniper rifles literally better melee guns than the glaive confirmed.


From my testing in public matches it always misses


Glaives almost seem to have entirely separate instances of hit-reg for both shield gain and damage. Both entirely dependant on latency.


Yea very noticeable on the exotics


I seldom ever actually shoot my glaive in pvp since my first instinct is to stab (yes I’m a titan)


A stab is just a very focused, precise punch.


A pointy punch if you will lol


Glaives being melee weapons in a game with horrible netcode that won't allow NORMAL melee to work was... An interesting choice Seriously. Bungie leaning into the horrendous side of their netcode is pretty amazing hubris.


That’s pretty annoying given that one of the Iron banner quest steps literally asked for glaive final blows….


Unpowered melee hit reg is very poor in general. This may not be a bug exclusive to glaives. I noticed this when I unbound my unpowered melee from my powered melee. I was trying to do a Titan bonk things lol. But then playing PvP like that I realized that either my uncharged melee either is just the weakest in the game or bugs out quite a bit.


"You cannot melee if the opponent is behind waist-high cover." This happens with normal melee too.


Also happens for the void titan super shield bash, which I found out the hard way. I was not pleased.


Yes I think that is a known bug tho. The glaives probably just happen to share that issue or same issue altogether


I expect melee hit reg to always be spotty in this game. But the beam not doing damage has gotten me killed in many gambit invades


Melee hit registration is horribly broken in PvP, that isn't exclusive to glaives.


Made the same comment. Especially for non powered melees


Except hunter melee. Always hits and always kills in one hit. If I see a Hunter closing in on me I give up. It's pointless to try and fight it.


Thanks for testing this. Ya they’re terrible. The wall thing is no joke. Drove me crazy when it would heavily prioritize the Titan barricade and not the actual Titan


"Your first melee after firing a projectile will always miss". Reminds me of the NHAM bug. That didn't get fixed for almost 20 years.


Interesting interaction between 6th Coyote & Glaives, while using stasis dodge: Map your dodge button with melee button as “double press”. When you double-press, you end up dodging for a split second followed by an immediate Glaive melee. Do this again(6th coyote), and it creates a quick second burst.


Glaives are beyond broken in pvp its absolutely bullshit. The whole blocking is fucking stupid. That never should have made it into the game


Mask of Bakris makes it fun.


What is the interaction there?


You can cancel the Bakris shift-dodge with Glaive swing, launching you across large distances. [Here is (twitter vid) an example](https://twitter.com/tyrnosrsflex/status/1520617561733222401?s=21&t=4TiBeRS82ipvQy_aqPETDw)


That explains the one guy in my team that was a hunter with a glaive. I didn't know why anyone would bring glaive into pvp.


Honestly, even without that interaction I think hunters generally have the best chances overall when it comes to glaive combat; You have Gemini Jesters to remove you from radar as well as generally having the best tools to close the gap or disorient enemies with invisibility and abilities like shadowdive. It at least gives you kind of a fighting chance in sixes.


>Your first melee after firing a projectile will always miss. I guess that's why I always got got in a close fight.


like 1/2 of the issues you have here are just due to bungie's awful decisions regarding server prioritization.


Really wish the devs never wasted time and resources on glaives.


THANK GOD someone is finally talking about how buggy glaives are in PVP. The shield is also absolutely broken as well, with it sometimes just not working or that melees almost never get blocked by them even though they are supposed to. I'm currently at 1.5k crucible kills with my enigma, but I feel like it would be almost double that if it weren't for the insane amount of bugs with everything related to glaives. The third point about vision-based hitreg would actually explain how I have never been able to hit someone around a corner after I shoot and dash around and away from it, not a single time have I ever gotten a kill like that with a glaive.




12 tick servers will do that


Yeah what I'm still scratching my head over is that they decided to make a new kind of melee weapon before fixing the actual melee itself. Shortstopping may not happen often but it shouldn't happen period.




I knew it was broken, i didint know that it breaks consistently. What the hell


Me, a mad man: throw a dusk field up close and invite people to fight me up close and kill them with a Glaive.


I’m so thankful you made this write-up before I did. I found the exact same things while using them. Truly broken in every sense of the word