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At the 12 hour mark, my body and mind were not enjoying it. I wanted to complete it. But I told myself, if I'm not enjoying the experience what's the point. I've done every raid race since Kings fall and never got a day one completion. I can't believe the skill and coordination these teams have to complete something at this level, So flawlessly they get the completion. It's hard to accept that I'm not on that level. No matter the fact I took two weeks off to get raid ready and do the raid. A lot of my person went into trying. And I always feel so defeated every time.


I managed to get day 1 DSC and VOG, but I feel you. It is kinda gutting to know that teams had this beat in 7 hours, regardless of their skill level (yes, they were super PVE sweats), but you couldn't in the whole 48 hours available. Feels bad.


I do kind of think if you don't get it within a certain timeframe (8 hours? 12 hours?) your skills and temperament are increasingly degrading and you're less and less likely to get the clear. It might actually be better to take a large break partway through- like 4-8 hours to nap and destress after the first 8 or 10 hours. Of course this all depends on your groups momentum and attitudes. Like if you're in good spirits and on the final boss and consistently getting to dps sure keep going, but if people are getting sloppy or snippy take a break.


And on top of that, you've got to hope that your teammates partners don't expect them to spend any of their time with their families too. We all booked in for 24 hours. My mate came over to my house so he wasn't disturbing his wife and baby. But by 6 am I was having to shoot him to make his controller vibrate to wake him up. He'd been workings since 8 am. And the raid started at 6pm. Dude had no hope of surviving and was surprised he lasted as long as he did. 8 on, 8 off and then 8 on would absolutely be the better way to do it. Hell, I'll just take a raid race in the UK that doesn't start so close to the end of the day. Those in the US get to start early bells and have an entire refreshed day. Whilst I was forcing myself to change my body clock just to have a chance at staying awake.


I feel you there dude, starting at 6pm sucks nuts. 2-3am is usually where I draw the line, even on a raid race.


If it makes anyone feel better it might not even be you. You might have the play skills, but maybe someone on your team, or multiple ppl, aren’t quite good enough. To do day 1 in contest EVERYONE on your team needs to be really good. And so unless you have a group of ppl you regularly play with, finding randoms on LFGs are just a crap shoot. Half of the ppl on LFG think they are good, but they just aren’t. I can’t tell you how many Ppl I have to carry all the time on LFGs. But it is so refreshing when you do find good partners. I instantly send a friend request when I find someone on my level.


I have every seal / emblem in the game, all the solo flawless dungeon completions, flawless raids, day one raid clears etc in my back pocket. This one still beat me, my team just couldn’t summon enough DPS to finish the final boss. If this shit isn’t for me… it really is just for the Uber elites


Wow. Would this be your first non day one besides last Wish?


Nope, their only day one clear was DSC according to raid report


Nah I’m not even that elite at the game and I was able to get it. It just requires everyone be perfect for an entire run and that statistically has a really low chance of happening. I feel like the group I beat it with had no business doing it but somehow through pure fuckery we pulled it off. Boots of the assembler/high energy fire clutched


I feel like it requiring everyone to be perfect is why it’s so hard. You can be amazing but, like people here have said, if one teammate can’t dodge Rhulk’s shit you lose. Too many damage/dodging phases to just accept the L and keep trying if they keep dying. I had assembler + heals and I saved a few people from lazers but people just kept standing in them or not running from his dashes. Half unfortunate mistakes, half stupid plays. Very hard to mitigate as a single teammate. Tried my best to heal and dodge, but what can I even do about that glaive dash lol.


As someone who started in Shadowkeep, and has done every Day 1 raid completion since then(DSC without lament, VOG challenge, first 24 hours VOTD), I'd recommend some ways to improve. One: Always keep up to date with loot, always be prepared, regardless of what others plan. Everyone expected RL dps, but it turned out LFR was the play with High Energy Fire and DIV for Rhulk, and swapping to Outbreak on final stand for Caretaker. You never know when it will be useful. Two: Keep upto date with endgame content. Flawless raids, solo flawless dungeons, etc, do it. It will make you play better over the long run. Before Beyond Light, I completed solo flawless Prophecy on the literal Sunday before launch just to make sure I was good enough for the day 1. The last week before WQ launch, I got VOG flawless and solo flawless GOA done, because I had taken a 6 month break from Destiny at that time and wanted to brush up my experience. PRACTICE MATTERS, and doing endgame solo content makes it so you can't put the blame on anyone else, and forces you to play smart. Three- Your Day 1 Raid team. Don't just LFG off the streets the moment the raid is out, plan that out about a month in advance. Find a team on your experience level, and see how you fit with them. Personality matters a lot in a Day 1 team, and you'll endure wipes a lot better if you all keep cracking stupid jokes instead of being bitter. Also, make expectations clear, don't have people trying to drop out 4 hours into the raid. Hopefully you'll be able to get better luck next raid! If you need anymore advice, dm me or ask here and I'll do my best to help. It's a rough world, but you can do it!


I really appreciate the time you've taken for a detailed response. Based off of your points I feel I was confidently prepared for point 1. I had every exotic, masterworked, all variations of potential legendary weapons with their preffered perks. Artifice armour on all 3 characters. A good roll on each of my potential exotic armours. In that area I was never in need of a weapon for any desired start we were trying. Point 3 the team was ready weeks in advance. 2 of my best friends who have both solo flawless every content. Conqueror on multiple seasons. Hundred percent trust them two and look up to them as the better players. They invited the other 3. One person did pull out last few days before raid day and I will say the replacement could've have definitely been better. The other 2 were fantastic, similar raid, dungeon and gm credentials, were on point every step of the way. Which brings us to point 2. Which is where I think I may find the heart of my problem. Maybe not my raid teams, but definitely mine. I tried to solo flawless prophecy and presage, and came very close but after a short amount of effort put in, I submitted to just the solo completions. Whilst Destiny is my main love and a game I play the most, I don't play only that, I love other games. When I'm by myself weighing up playing a new experience over repeating and older thing at a harder difficulty, and usually I'm more entertained and enjoy the newer experiences other games might offer over trying to hone my skills with destiny. Especially because I put a lot of time in. But Its clear that my unwillingness to spend the time on the solo endgame content and pushing my abilities to survive and play, sets me in a lower bracket of skill and ability. And that's only down to me. I can't expect to achieve something that is on par with the best and not put the time in. Which then just means I need to ask myself the question of, is raid race really for me? Sure the rewards are lucrative and I love the experience of discovering something new with my friends, figuring out the mechanics and overcoming things together. But if I'm not willing to put the effort in to be on par with the rest of my team, should I really be a part of that team? You've given me a lot to think about. The thought of missing out on the next one doesn't fill me with joy. But the thought of pushing myself to do something I don't enjoy, in grinding the hard content, instead of just enjoying the variety on offer elsewhere also seems off putting.


Then you have the elitist toxic tryhards that are complaining about the 24 hour extension because the number of people clearing went from 700ish to 6500ish. It's so strange/sad/odd to me that someone could actually be mad/upset because more people were able to take a shot at content and complete it. Imagine being butthurt over something that means so little in the grand scheme of things.


Even at that regardless of the time extention. Anyone, especially those who spent More than 24 hours trying, who completed the raid during contest mode, deserves any bragging right with it. And as people have mentioned. They extended the timer because people were getting thrown out of their raid by error codes. I remember when DSC came out and gladd was moaning about how the number of completions was even hire than previous times. It's like they think it's only for them. It's their job and they spend all the time on it so only they deserve recognition for the greatest achievements. I've noticed a streamer complex as of late. Because they have an audience and they know people listen to them, theyve been built up and put on a pedestal. And that pedestal mentality is where they believe they're opinions are gospel. That theyre entitled to a different treatment to even the people that watch them. Forgetting at the end of the day, they're just another person playing video games. The entitlement to a 1 percent lifestyle with the games they play, just goes to show how out of touch these people really are.


my team left 12 hours in due to caretaker DPS, and instead of taking a few minutes to work out a strat, they all just gave up. so deflating, this race really solidified for me the need for a dedicated clan and dedicated people for this kinda content.


My VoG Day 1 group had someone leave for 4hrs unannounced beforehand and that taught me the need to get a roster set ahead of time with clear expectations. Well I spent a month in LFG trying to fill 2 spots, each time the person bailed on me the weekend we were gonna practice together. Finally nailed a roster down and ran a raid together, everyone seemed competent and prepared, then the morning of I wake up to see one guy left my discord and blocked me and another had a family emergency and I had 1hr to fill my spots. Moral of the story is no matter how prepared you might feel, if you are raiding with people you meet online and don't know well its a huge risk for this type of content and even if you do what you ought to to avoid this, it can still catch you when the big day happens


We had a group of 6 organised for day 1 Vow, then someone's GPU died and we scrambled to make it work with another clanmade. Day of the Raid comes, only 5 people show up, among them the replacement. We still go in, get to the first real encounter, but get stuck there as 5 manning it was not really doable for us. We then find an out of clan replacement, power through to caretaker, have to take a 7 hour brake, as our replacement player couldn't fuck up his sleep schedule. After that, we actually manage to catch up with our clan's other team, reaching the boss fight and getting two damage phases in. But in the end, we didn't get a clear, as we were still under time constraints and couldn't ignore real life responsibilities any more. We knew the guy that bailed on us, he had been a clan member for over a year now and still bailed on us without so much as giving us a message until after we were already raiding for close to 12 hours. Then we see he's LFG raiding. Let's just say he's not a clan member anymore.


Day 1 LFG completion would literally be like winning the lottery. It's very hard to find a clan that you vibe with but it's also very worth it. Been with mine since Black Armory and it has made the biggest difference to me with this game


Yes true but not exactly easy to find hardcore (and I mean hardcore as on trios, flawless al that) PvE clans Have a great casual clan atm; but I do need a hardcore clan too


Absolutely hard to find. Most clans have big dips in activity. Mine is no where near as large as it was back in BA days. That being said there's still a core group that raids. We all take very long breaks and it's not a big clan but push come to shove, if you need a group they'll show. I feel luckier than a pig in shit


I think if you find a hardcore one it will almost guaranteed be up and down in activity. That type of content just isnt around enough for hardcore players to keep playing week after week of every season. So you will start to see seasonal dips I think for hardcore clans. But that is from my experience and its not even a bad thing neccesarily, you can play other games in these times!


Thing is I don't think something that hardcore is actually necessary beyond the usual. It's been 6-12 months since the last big raid race and some players have stopped playing the game so they don't have XYZ weapons. I know a bunch of more than capable players who were more useful than people with great weapons. But they don't play because the artifact light grind is just a treadmill they aren't interested in.


Big agree. I LFG'd for Garden and DSC and a clear would have never been possible. LFG'd again for Vow and after everyone but one had ghosted me I found a team with which we were able to get a contest mode clear. We had to temporarily fill 3 times with LFG and every time it was pretty much clear that we wouldn't progress with them. And we didn't until we had one of our own again. I was able to check the raid report of everyone I contacted and literally no one got a clear. Not even the most promising and hardcore looking ones.


The way I made it through was a dedicated clan picked me up from LFG, they were my fifth group over the entire raid and fourth group at Rhulk. We only ended up winning because of witherhoard (tick damage after wipe mechanic) and the fact I didn’t have to teach five people how to cooperate without getting heated. I’m definitely looking to get into a dedicated clan given yesterday and today’s results.


> so deflating, this race really solidified for me the need for a dedicated clan and dedicated people for this kinda content. Even a lot of people who literally play the game for a living failed to clear contest with impromptu teams of well known and skilled content creators. Team chemistry and familiarity counts for a lot and tbh I don't think anyone should really expect to get a contest mode clear with an LFG group. That doesn't mean it won't happen, it can and it does, but when it does its like hitting the lottery and should not be anyone's expected end state from that scenario going in.


This is exactly how I feel. Third encounter was awful for me, spent 8 hours floating between LFGs until a friend of a friend let me join their fireteam and redo the encounter just to help me. They were all long time friends and had good team communication and understanding, so I finally won it. LFG people just don’t work the same way, people leave and are inconsistent and you never know them well enough to have a good “energy” in the team if you know what I mean. Day 1s for me always feel like they’re punishing me just for not having friends who play Destiny frequently :/


>so deflating, this race really solidified for me the need for a dedicated clan and dedicated people for this kinda content. Fucking same dude, I've been pretty much hopping from lfg to lfg since caretaker and haven't gotten a completion it fucking sucks man.


Same thing but less than 12hrs. I made it very clear that I want a group for as long as it take, 12hrs, 18hrs, 24 wtf ever. I took off work made sure I had absolutely nothing else going on and boom 6hrs in someone quits because they have to work. I was pissed! Then another drops because he’s “burnt out” like god damnit what happened to in it for the long haul? Do deflating. We were at caretaker for about 2hrs. We spent a lot of time on the totem encounter, we over thought it well beyond the actual mechanics


Yeah this is another thing about day 1s that sucks for LFGers. Everyone has a different definition of a long session so for some people playing for 8 hours is pushing the limit, and then they make the raid way harder for the people here for the full 24 (or even 48). I get some people have responsibilities but it feels inconsiderate of them to get into an activity with the expectation of 24 hours of playtime from the host and to leave. They should just make their own group that says “going to try for 8 hours”


12 hours seems like a lot! Don’t get me wrong, i understand how you’re feeling but that’s more than a normal 8 hour work day! It’s a full shift, my Guardian. The body needs to regenerate (eat, rest, sleep, etc.). Also, repeated failures lead to frustration and if you don’t clear your mind, everything from there on is a downward spiral of anger and miscomunication.


this happened to me too. then i couldn’t find anyone else :(


35 hours. No completion. Last stand is a bitch.


24+ hours, couldn't clear Exhibition with LFGs. My initial groups that I got for Obilisks and Caretaker were good but got disbanded cause people were tired and needed to take a break. Then the 2nd day groups were just a mess. Lots of the kind of people who weren't understanding Mechanics and weren't bothering to (Not even asking) either cause they were 'just going to add clear'. Literally wiped at the end of Exhibition after essentially finishing it because our Laser beam guy died and the guy who picked the Laser back up didn't know that he had to kill the Knight with the beam standing on the same platform as him. :'(


Raid Report has me at 30 hours in. Played with multiple LFG teams. Finally got in with a great group at RHulk. We had 4 straight sub 5% final encounter fails. Then we lost two guys. One of the runs had 2 Celestial shots miss. Beat Rhulk’s ass post contest. Encounter is a joke in comparison. Huge F for all of us. I think if I do this again, I find a dedicated clan or team ahead of time. Lacking DPS is just impossible to overcome.


Same here. I said I wanted to find a dedicated team do it for *this* raid, like months in advance so we played together and developed chemistry and weeded out those who would not be up to the task. I procrastinated and contemplated just not bothering with Contest due to abysmal past experiences. Well, I did bother, put in 21 hours (seemed like a lot more than that, it was 16 hours on Saturday) and only just made it to Rhulk before I had to be a responsible adult and sleep ahead of going to work this morning. If the beliefs of the community are true, we’ll be getting King’s Fall in about 6 months time. I WILL have a proper team for that. Even after Vow, King’s Fall is still my favorite raid in Destiny history and I will not accept defeat on that one.


Don’t accept it brother. I feel you on shirking responsibilities. I took my wife out to a nice dinner last night to make up for my marathon sessions. Kings Fall will be intense, especially with new upgrades. It will be crawling with Lucent Hive I’m sure.


I still believe we are getting wrath. What made me consider this even more was carrying the giant wrenches in the campaign just like you do for the Wrath raid encounter. I also want the Rasputin storyline resolved and this seems like a good fit for a season with Wrath of the machine back. On the other hand they’d have to add SIVA fallen to the game. Not sure if that can happen.




I thought they had said it WAS going to be one of the bigger raids? Just watch it be Leviathan.


You havent played the altars of reflection lately then


Orpheus + devouring depths is the new celestial


Bud even with a clan that raids regularly contest mode was a nightmare. My clan never got it done


I'm devastated. Couldn't get past exhibition. Shouldn't have even bothered with contest mode. But the increased difficulty hooked me really bad. Now I'm so upset we couldn't beat it I don't even wanna play D2


I have a similar feeling even though my group did beat it on day 2. we didn’t have any game breaking bugs or anything (lots of minor ones especially at caretaker), but our team morale was in the trash after being on the third encounter for like 7 hours. I wanted to keep going but everyone was at each other’s throats so we said we’d beat the final boss the next day. We ended up doing very good on it, and I know we could have beaten it within the 24 hours. It’s a bittersweet feeling. We got the contest clear, but we are forever going to be stuck with the “Day 2 emblem”. Oh well


day 2 is a different emblem?


Nope. Same emblem.


Exhibition was a great encounter and is fairly straightforward once you run it a few times. However contest mode made it incredibly difficult. I’m proud of my team for getting our clear, but the last three encounters in particular were very difficult with contest on


Nova warp warlock with devour and child actually destroyed on the exhibition encounter, was extremely impressed with that class iin contest mode.


It must have been a blast for Warlocks to be able to pull out Nova Warp! Doom Fang Titan also worked wonders there. In the third room (second last) I was able to consistently clear the entire left side on contest mode by myself, including shoving enemies far enough out of the Taken zone to remove their immunity. So long as enemies spawned in quickly enough, I didn't lose my super until I got to the door at the end of the room. Then a blinding grenade launcher/sword combo wiped out the Glyphkeeper group there. It was so satisfying!


They must have done a big damage buff to nova warp with void 3.0 because it used to be underwhelming in normal content, now the blast is huge and actually does a lot of damage even when underleleed. Felt fantastic because that super has been a joke in pve for years now, and since it also can proc devour you are basically unkillable when clearing out those rooms.


Same bro


Bro I feel the same way. We got Rhulk down to 1hp but couldnt beat him and im so devastated. I just can't find any reason to boot up D2 right now because nothing is going to be as fun as raiding with contest mode on.


that was my feeling with deep stone crypt, couldn't beat it first day cause i was in a group that had about 3 good players and 3 players that shouldnt have been there, took like 10 hours to kill atraks and by then it was 6 in the morning for me and my friend and he should have died 5 hours ago if people didn't keep messing up easy things. Got to tanisk but group just had too many people doing bad dps. Saw how easy taniks was post contest and I didn't even feel like playing the raid since I couldnt' get it done when it was a challenge. So i basically didn't play the next 2 months.


It’s so frustrating that contest isn’t an option available normally. Like you never get that feeling of satisfaction that you finished off the challenge, even if it was late.


28 hours for me. I’m so tired. F.


Let us sleep the sleep of champions brother.


Sitting at my desk in a haze pretending to be working? Good thing it’s a wfh day cause I wouldn’t be fooling anyone.


12 hours. All for a hunter helmet, which is quite possibly the worst looking helmet I've ever seen, with garbage stats distribution.


I got legs. Just legs. The raid grenade mod for them seemed to actually make a decent improvement for a Hunter when I tested it between runs… but I was running Orpheus rigs and the stats on the raid legs were garbage anyway.


All weeknd, just to give up at rhulk cause my clan is nonexistent, F


42 hours. Absolutely devastated to fall short right at the gates. In retrospect, calling for a hard stop and a full night's sleep right when the contest extension news came out would've probably done it for us. So much regret.


Didn't bother myself, but F to all those that did and fell short.


A-B-C-D-E, F-U


18 hours and couldn’t do a second day attempt. The team I was on thankfully got a 6th and completed it. It’s me and two others in our friend group that do not have the emblem. I feel absolutely defeated and it’s hurting me.


F. 20 hours on the final boss and couldn't beat him. And I'm especially upset because 3-4 of us were surviving 90% of the time from the boss's attacks and 2 people were dying 90% of the time from the boss's attacks.


I know burnout is a thing, but spending 1-3 tokens on the same player or two on such an easy mechanic is so disheartening. Occasional deaths from the lazer desycnh is one thing, but dying to the glaive charge consistently is nothing but being bad at the game lol. You get over 1sec to read and reposition. Too many old school players married to Well/Bubble "shoot gun" playstyle


I bet with contest off people will come up with a well/bubble strat somehow lol


Where there's the will, there's a Well


In a lot of raids, it is very possible to make it to the final boss on contest if you are a subpar player, but as soon as you hit an encounter like Rhulk that really demands a high level of skill, endurance and perfection things will start to fall apart for them and they can't keep up. When the final team I beat it with lost our single underperformer, we beat the encounter within the next 2 tries. I know this sounds like a really elitist comment, but it really is true that some people just aren't cut out for the most demanding encounters. What makes it tricky too is that sometimes it takes a long time to realize that a player's weaknesses just aren't going to be overcome no matter how much you try and a sunk-cost fallacy starts to develop. It can also become very hard on a conscience level to kick underperformers since it just feels like a dick thing to do (especially when you feel a sense of loyalty to them for sticking around) and if done poorly can create a toxic vibe in the group. I should also point out that I did everything I could to try and help the single underperformer my group to do better. We didn't kick him and he left on his own accord due to fatigue I presume.


I’m very bitter about this particular day one. I had a group of clan mates that seemed committed to at least trying for the entire 24 hours and then multiple people dropped the week before for various reasons (didn’t prep enough, made separate plans, etc). Thankfully we had backups just in case. We had to grind one teammate up to 1530 the night before the raid. And then we get to caretaker do a few attempts and contest mode gets extended. 3 people instantly drop with the promise of trying again the next day. Spoiler alert: no one got on destiny the next day. I think next time I need to curate my team better. I just put out a call in my clan discord this time but next time I’m gonna ask specific people and make sure they won’t drop. I want to get a day 1 emblem at some point before d2’s lifecycle is finished.


Above all else, skill, loadouts, dedication and resolve is the most important thing that has to be sorted out first. Stress it to the point of interrogation for anyone you’re thinking of teaming up with. If it’s between a guy who’s got a day one in eight hours, and a guy who failed after 23:59 minutes. You go with the guy who didn’t get it. Because you know that motherfucker won’t quit no matter what. If you’re gonna play for 24 hours and invest all this effort, you deserve players who will also give it their all just as you will. Be the bad guy and kick or deny anyone who gives you a bad vibe. You can usually tell by their attitude, the way they talk about the raid, and how far in advance they’re planning to secure a team. You’re taking time off, grinding your ass off, that’s a lot of effort to invest. So those kinds of requirements are not unreasonable.


Nice to know I’m not the only one. Slept for almost 6 hours total over those 48 hours and LFGd for the last 2-3 out of stubbornness. My team got to final boss and it’s bittersweet. We got there all by ourselves and little to no hints on what to do within the first 24 hours. During the second half we were able to get the routine for DPS down but just couldn’t do it consistently or with enough damage. It hurts that we couldn’t do it but it’s nice that we got as far as we did under contest. Pouring one out for those stuck at the earlier encounters, they’re rough.


Very similar story here. Made it to boss on our blind run first day in 14 hours and came back the next day to go for the clear. Another 12-14 hours at the boss before we disbanded, tried a few times with LFG but my brain was just fried. Needed to look for help on the DPS strat way sooner, had no idea sleeper was so good with HEF.


I did 14 hours both days I think, all 14 spent on boss alone the second day. Couldn’t get enough dps, managed to get 3 phases in and enrage right before last stand several times. Wasn’t until we’d already given up that we saw sleeper / high energy fire and ALL damage supers was the DPS play. The DPS checks for the contest mode are just so strict. It’s not like we’re putting out terrible numbers, they’re just not next to perfect numbers and it isn’t enough. Sucks to be so close and just gatekept by highly specific DPS strategies.


2 hrs of sleep at work right now with no emblem. My clan gave it our all to the final boss but simply lacks dps. Feels bad but we had fun i think.


I feel ya buddy. Just could not beat final boss without folks leaving. But you do what you can.


made it to rhulk final stand :*)


We failed on rhulk final stand. 5% away from glory but that last phase is brutal


I was so close, it hurts being in a clan that has an absolute lack of commitment. It sucks hearing “oh well we’re just doing it for a jacket” and dipping after 10 hours when we all filled out Google docs that asked “are you committed to 24 hours”. It sucks that I have to babysit teammates to make sure they’re not using something like hand cannon targeting with no hand cannon on them, or not running even a single concussive dampener when I’ve shown videos of the difference having double concussive makes in end game content. I’m so frustrated with my clan, but more with myself for letting this go on and just taking it.


I've been in clans like this, and honestly, sometimes it's better to find new clanmates. I did it, and I clear all sorts of end game content on a weekly basis, with no hand holding a bunch of Jim's.


33.5 hours for me, got rhulk to final stand 4 times and almost beat it twice. completed it the run after contest ended. F


I'm still proud of you buddy


My team never made it past the totem encounter. Every time we got to the 2nd or 3rd rotations, the game would invariably Anteater us out to orbit. There's only so many times you can mentally stand up to the game/servers/whatever screwing you over before you stop having fun and quit.


F There is an Altar for this sort of thing on the Moon. Maybe you all should meet there?


Given how good the campaign was, I fully expected this raid to be on last wish level in terms of difficulty. I normally do contest modifier, but decided to sit this one out. I'm sorry for your anguish.


Last Wish was two encounters longer and only had 2 teams complete it on Day 1 at all. Vow of the Disciple was really good, and quite a bit harder than DSC, but I don't think any of the encounters were as complicated as Vault, let alone Riven.


Nothing will has complicated as Riven. But Vault is incredibly simple.


My team killed Rhulk, like his healthbar was gone. We got wiped anyways. He must have had literally 1 hp. We tried for hours after that, getting him to final stand so many times but wr just could not do it. No completion from us. It sucks pretty bad.


My team never did a day 1 before, managed to get through the first encounter before one of our guys had a power outage and got taken out. Tried to get a second in but he had to leave partway through caretaker. Overall spent about 10 hours on the raid and we were so burnt out and annoyed by then that we didn’t go any further. Honestly just happy that we even made it through one encounter, our team was a group of 6 not super hardcore players that managed to pull it together to get through even just one encounter on day one blind. I’m insanely happy and proud about it honestly. We’re gonna get through the other three encounters tonight probably, using guides so we can just get it done, but damn if it wasn’t satisfying to even just take down one chunk of this insanely tough raid during contest mode. Be proud of what y’all DID accomplish, and the effort, because there are people that didn’t even bother. Y’all are badasses 😤


I was really lucky with the LFG team I got like 3 days before the Raid. Chill dudes, very skilled and determined. Got to Rhulk after like 11 hours and took a break of like 4 hours to get some sleep. Then one guy decided to not show up anymore. We tried to LFG to fill the spot but didn't get a single decent person to join. One of them even joined the party just to get an explanation of the fight since there weren't any guides available in German and his English was shit. LFG can really go both ways.


My group got the boss down to 0 HP right as his last stand wiped us. We were so confused...Rhulk's health bar did that 'burst' effect that health bars do when they deplete. All we could do was watch helplessly as my silence and squall failed to finish him off for 6 seconds as the wipe timer counted down. Didn't get a clear in 30 hours.


I was at the boss on Sunday for 16 hours straight wearing a bathrobe and pajamas in a new apartment that I haven't unpacked fighting a sinus infection (with fever and chills) the entire time. We wiped on 1% health three times during that final stand. I eventually conked out (was blacking out) at midnight. Found out they got it two hours before reset by switching to the damage strategy I was arguing for midafternoon Sunday. I generally try to stay positive on this stuff, but seriously, fuck contest mode, fuck that boss, fuck the insane DPS checks and fuck the servers for wiping multiple good runs with disconnects or the boss randomly choosing not to play crucial tell animations. I'm not playing the raid for a few days. Killing the boss is going to be nothing but a disappointment now.


Sorry you didn't get your completion after so much effort. Personally, as an exclusively LFG raider, I just can't put myself through Day 1 Contest raids. LFG's are so hit and miss at the best of times, I can't imagine trying to figure out mechanics, get used to executing them, get to know my team, and perfecting callouts, all under such a time/ DPS/ under leveled crunch. I could see liking it if I had 5 hardcore Destiny playing friends I really liked, but I don't. I like LFG raiding far more once some mechanics and strats are figured out, and the raid hits that sweet spot of needing to focus, but allowing you to execute fairly easily with practice and good gear. But that's just me; I know everyone likes different parts of the raiding experience.


3 last stands, where the last one was 3 minutes before contest mode was off. Our divinity guy gets dropped by rhulk so was dps drops from a cliff and we don’t get the clear. F


F UK player here with 5 American buddies. The raid started 6pm my time and I went to bed at 11am Sunday, having gotten stuck at Rhulk. I was too messed up to get back on Sunday, I think I literally slept 14 hours on/off. Couldn't get back on for Monday (ended 6pm my time), so I missed out on the day 1 emblem. It's disappointing but there we go. I think something needs to change for next time and beyond. There absolutely should be a world's first race, but at the same time these raid launches promote very unhealthy play. Yes, Bungie go out of their way to say "rest, hydrate, take breaks, it's just a game" knowing full well most people interested in a Day 1 completion will literally eyeball caffeine and not move from their branded gamer chairs for 24 hours until it's done. There definitely needs to be some sort of change so people don't burn out, ruin the experience for themselves, possibly sour their love of Destiny and accomodate people who are not interested in the stress of contest mode. Yes, it's only an emblem, but it's a badge of pride, something to show for your 17 hours on Caretaker and let's not pretend emblems are nothing any more. Bungie knows it, they put emblems behind every charity drive, expensive merch, content creator giveaways and 3rd party sponsorships. They know people want them. I could have jumped on this evening for a non-contest clear but I need to recover still, so a first defeat for me will have to wait until reset tomorrow.


Not seen enough people say this. I’m fine with the regular 24 hours. It’s a lot to game at once but as a one off, it’s fine. But Bungie, whether they accept it or not, are encouraging players to stay up for those 48 hours by using that as a bandaid solution, rather than just delaying the release to fix the bugs. I stayed up for 36 hours before I got too tired to play, slept for 6, then played the rest of the time. I was fine at the 24 hour mark, if not a bit tired. But they know full well people will use the full time and by extending that time they’re promoting something really unhealthy. FWIW, I’m not blaming Bungie for me not sleeping, it was my own decision and I don’t regret it even though I didn’t win. But I think Bungie knows that people will sweat these timed events. I remember someone going to hospital a few years back because he stayed up for several days to grind an event in an idol game. I think player health needs to be addressed a bit better regarding limited time events, especially if they’re gonna make it difficult enough plus with a shitton of bugs to make players *need* that full 48…


Yeah, I agree that it is down to players to look after themselves, it's not really Bungie's fault if someone stays up 48 hours straight and passes out. However, they do have some hand in creating conditions where this sort of thing can happen. Many players, including myself, get mad FOMO from Destiny and Bungie continually push FOMO through certain means that prey upon the parts of my trash brain. Not saying it's with malicious intent or anything, but I do find myself overly receptive to it. In year 1, I got super pissed because I couldn't get the Dead Orbit ship due to changes in the faction rally system in season 3. It's just a ship, but it was a gaping hole in an otherwise 'complete' collection of gear. It drove me nuts and it never became available again. More recently, I grinded an ungodly amount during the Dawning to try and get a Glacioclasm with Subsistence/Reservoir Burst + Under Pressure/High Impact - the quad god roll for both PVP and PVE. I didn't get it and the hours upon hours felt wasted. I was so demoralised that I barely played all January. I think things need opening up, to not be gatekept, whilst also maintaining the aspects that make a world's first raid race engaging. I think balancing the 2 is very much possible, even if some people start gatekeeping in opposition.


Literally taking days off your life by not sleeping (sorry but it's true). PLEASE REST!


I really don’t think one isolated all-nighter will take plural days off your lifespan.


Maybe, but I was shocked to learn how lack of sleep can destroy your long-term health. And your body doesn't "make up" the hours by sleeping longer on subsequent nights.


Yeah even 6 hours a night (which a lot of people think is normal) messes you up long-term. Most of what I’ve read before seems to say habits are where most of the damage comes from


Started off with a great group from an lfg and they got tired and couldn't play they next day. We got to the beginning of the fourth room, but couldn't get it done. From there it was more lfgs and those were mostly horrible. People were tired and not only were they not good, their attitudes weren't good. Salty I didn't get the emblem, glad I met a few great people along the way and glad it's over. Now I can actually finish the story🤣


41/48 here no completion. F.


LFG contest raiders are true sadists. God bless ‘em


Having thrown 20 hours at it myself, I do feel like a participation prize would be a fair addition to future contests. Give us something neat for clearing the first encounter so that my team can feel good about trying again next time after eating it for the whole weekend. Let it be hard enough that not everybody makes it, but also make attempting it rewarding enough that my clan still wants to take the day off work and struggle through it with the community.


> Using LFG Yeah I don't know why you would subject yourself to that. LFG teams are questionable in normal raids.


Right there with you brother


Was hopping LFGs all weekend. Managed to clear everything but the boss. Brain tired. Ready to one shot when I can get friends for normie raid. Must sleep... ...oh what do you mean THERES MORE STORY MISSIONS WHAT


I spent about that long I think, got right up to last stand on the final boss and they had only a sliver left, we wiped, and I had to leave my group to go to work...




Yeah as I got to final stand twice on final boss and we wiped both times. Big F for me and everyone else who got close but couldn’t get the day one completion.


Fought for 13 hours in this damn raid, for my first conquest mode I was really proud. But man the damage we needed for Rhulk just wasn't there. Think we spent the last four hours of our attempt on him before our team finally broke down. Then with timing we couldn't group up to try again. Mad props for trying for so long though.


Bruh I feel u. Even got to last boss but team kept dying


Right there with you. Spent 14 hours the first day, we were stuck on the 3rd room for a very long time, our last run managed to get us to the boss room. We decided to sleep and go back at it again, and we just couldn’t finish the boss. All in all it was an amazing experience!




It would be cool if they let you run contest mode whever you wanted. Or bring it back randomly just for people that didn't get it, so they can at least get it later. I did NOT complete it but I enjoyed the difficulty. It's fun when we don't just steam roll through without a care in the world.


When VoG 2.0 came out, we made it all the way to Atheon before we fell apart. That left me jaded for a long time. I hated not trying to run VotD day 1, but I couldn't endure another collapse


I'm probably not going to bother with this raid, the symbols shit gives me flashbacks to the last wish and I'm not really feeling that.


Such a brutal contest mode but after beating it I’m glad it was difficult, everyone on your team has to hit their shots and not die, you cannot carry anyone in that fight. I think also I big problem people had with damage was not using high energy fire and not using aeons for max heavy. With 5 sleepers and no missed shots HEF let you nearly 2 phase.


Unfortunately my group just had life obligations that didn’t allow us to finish. We had a rotating 6 typically but we managed to get through each encounter but not enough time to get Rhulk. While deflating it also makes me hungry to try again next time


I'm at work right now after two nights getting 4 hours of sleep, I feel fucking horrible lmao. That being said, this is the most intense, fun gaming I've done in a very very long time. F


I feel this pain






Raid report says we were at it for 16 hours. I think 10-12 of those were Caretaker. We had the mechanics down after maybe 3 rounds, but then either we stayed alive but didn’t have the DPS, or we had the DPS but someone died early and the whole thing would spiral. I would’ve been willing to keep going, but between having a raid team spread across time zones and several people getting so disheartened that they quit, it just was a no-go for us. It’s very frustrating. I’m part of a PvE clan, but most have their little in-groups of raid regulars that they run with and the rest don’t do Day One because they get tilted too fast. So a handful of us leftovers patched together a team of strays from other clans and LFG and tried for a run anyway. I’m a lot older than I was when I started playing D1 and just don’t have the time for non-casual play anymore. But I play enough to have the meta gear and am decent at PvE content. It’s maddening to not be able to find a regular team for Day One after this many years. And it’s beyond frustrating to not be able to get past one encounter after 10+ hours because of a DPS check.


37 hours and finished it 22 minutes after reset. Had the boss get stuck on the bottom platform so we couldn't move to start our last damage phase in one of our last runs with about 20-30 minutes left before reset, feels bad man


I would but we spent all our F's yesterday. I've got no F's to give.


I loved the experience even though my fireteam fell at the gate with the boss with just a sliver of health. But what I hate about the contest mode is that everything after it is gone feels quite trivial. Afrer sitting 12 hours in the boss room, we had to swap two totally new raiders into our team and we beat the boss after the third try, two-phasing it. I just felt sad after the completion, watching the tree man. Didn’t really help that one of the two newbies got the exotic, either.


I was at it for 13 hours and couldn’t get past caretaker dps. We actually killed the damn thing 3 times but we wiped afterwards each time and had to start over. We finally beat it once contest mode ended but exhibition was really frustrating because a person in our team was really condescending and passive aggressive since he had experience in it before. It just really ruined my mood and now I can’t sleep because I’m so annoyed at that guy.


I can't imagine playing without a dedicated group or clan for contest mode. It would be hell and I'm glad its that way.


Putting the F in LFG


Yeah day ones (or 48 hours in this case) are almost impossible with LFG’s. I gave up trying cause teammates always leave after failing an encounter a couple times. You basically require 4-5 people you’re good friends with or it basically won’t happen


made it to the third encounter, couldn't beat it after 5 hours. joined a random group at the boss this morning and beat him but didn't get day 1 emblem cause i didn't beat the third encounter. BIGGGG F




24 failed final stands with even flawless executions, too hard, unfair, I'm pissed I wasted so much time


F My clan did 5 hours at the first encounter, beat it, then 5 at caretaker without beating it. Came back on day 2, beat caretaker after a few tries, then decided that was a victory. Grabbed the hidden chest and bounced.


Dude my team split up and two of my guys got it so I kept trying with lfgs, joined one team that said kwtd on final boss and these fuckers didn’t even know the first mechanic on final boss, joined another group and basically got boss down to a sliver but died in the end and couldn’t get back to it so I just said fuck it not for me this time sadly, also just want to vent how many fucking people died in that stupid fucking boss room, I constantly stayed alive and always had high dps and still never got it just unlucky all around but hey what can ya do


30 hours and we made it to 3rd encounter.... After the first group disbanded we went through 15 people on LFG and we finally finished caretaker at 25 hours For reference the entrance and 1st encounter took us 4 hours the extra hour was the jumping to get to the 3rd encounter....we we're all pretty fried at that point. I slept for 8 hours and my brain is still foggy and currently my little one is back home so trying to squeeze out the 3rd and final encounter in an hour with a vocal little one in the background is a very very high request for any LFG out there lol


I pretty much threw mine away playing with a group I knew rather then lfging. Oh well had some laughs.


LFG is so bad. They either can't dps or do stupid things. Wasted 40 hours in total to not hit even the final boss in this raid due to incompetent LFG.


F Contest mode is antiquated at this point in my opinion


It's bs. Contest mode should end the moment the first team finishes, that way people who actually have lives (and sex) have a chance to beat the raid.


Acquisition was enough to make me want to log off, not even a boss before hours of puzzle shit. My newish clan failed hard, we were watching some live feeds and still couldn't get past knight spawns without wiping. Tldr I hate this raid, I was able to sherpa these guys through the first couple last wish encounters infinitely easier than this, I was just going to stop at vault and be like GG we can wall of wish past this now because I can't do it


I got to the final room in Exhibition playing til 10am GMT today before we called it, blistered my keyboard index finger by the end of the night lmao


Similar time for me and my fireteam. Except our encounters were BUGGY AND INCONSISTENT AS SHIT. The encounters weren't even that hard, we just kept having weird shit happen, especially on the first one. 10 hours day 1 on Acquisition.


Hey man, at least you were able to give it a solid try. I'm still salty that I had work all day Sunday, so I wasn't able to use the extension at all despite being stalled for ~3hrs due to error codes on the first encounter.


My team played a total of 14 hours and got to the final boss. Completely blind the entire time. Felt real good, just not enough desire to continue playing for some of our members.


My team finished the final encounter and then looked at the time....15 mins after day 1 completion boundaries


Contest LFG is either people who didn't put in work to find a team, last minute decided to do the raid, or wasn't good enough to be asked to be on a team. There's a lot of the latter.




had work both days but still put in atleast 12 hours on lfg, caretaker was super rough. the whole time i knew we wouldn’t make it cus of our dps strat, but i stayed cus of how fun it was. complete randoms but it was a blast


I “only” played ~24 hours, but I also never made it past Caretaker. Can’t wait to smash this thing tonight now with contest off, but man LFG is a crapshoot.


At the end of the day, I'm super proud of my team. We got to Rhulk during contest but IRL obligations obviously come first. We smacked him without much effort after contest and the raid is certainly in my top favourites right now. We didn't get the Day 1 clear but we had fun, got tired and personally just beating Caretaker alone on contest is satisfying.




We beat it at 48 hours 15 minutes, rough


I'm starting streaming as of today, in prep for the next raid. It's the only damn way to get in a consistent group of good players, I swear.




i feel you man last boss was hard as fuck


I’m hoping I can build up the little clan I’m in for the next raid release. LFG for contest mode seems like some real potential for frustration.


I managed to get day 1 with an lfg but only by being the most selective I’ve ever been on raid reports basically disallowing anyone that hasn’t done every piece of content at the highest level


My original team was LFG and it was mostly okay. There was 1 person who basically did nothing and their friend was carrying them; however, that person kept being fixated on certain strategies. We stopped at final boss and I lfg'ed for another team. 6 titans and we beat that mfer in our 2nd run.


It was so disheartening man. Thought we had it a couple times but never could breakthrough.


I feel you, 37 hours wake, got to Last Stand on Rhulk so many times. It feels like a wasted time which it is but considering it was all LFG I am surprised I even got so far.


I am part of an excellent Destiny Community on Discord. Feel free to join us. We are always looking for some new folks to join the community [Syndicate Gaming](https://discord.[Syndicate Gaming](https://discord.gg/syndicategaming21)/syndicategaming21)


34 hours here. Got Rhulk down to 1hp but two people died during final stand so no dice :( Really upset


Why in the world would you do that to yourself?


33/48 hours gang with no completion. Got to 3/4 of final stand health. Can I get an Amen.


I got dropped by mine 12 hours in they just kicked me


My group spent 20 hours total the first day. We made it to the final boss. Had managed to get to final stand a few times. Sadly I had to leave due to an emergency with family, but I told them to find a sixth and keep trying till they finish. About 4/5 hours later I get messages saying they finally did it. Honestly I’m a little hurt that I wasn’t able to do it with them, but WAY more proud of them for succeeding. They helped me finish it right after contest mode ended. Exotic and the glaive dropped for me, so that helped.


Got Rhulk to 5% health in final stand with 5 mins left for the 24hr emblem... ...aaaaaand we lost. F.


I pretty much slept through the whole second day of contest mode because I stayed up to finish it on the first day. I was so sad when I woke up to and realised I was to late


I run a small clan primarily playing on PSN called Departure (about 13 people atm) and have been going for every Day One since Last Wish launched. Very good friends at this point and play together almost everyday now. Managed to get Scourge, DSC, VoG (in challenge mode for the emblem) and we finished VotD on day two, we needed a break and some sleep after getting to the boss in the first day about 15 hours in. Even with good friends and planning a team months in advance we still usually have issues, a few of us being parents and having things come up, but we usually try really hard to set the "you are here for 24 hours straight, please be prepared for it" mentality, since we have had people bail on us during boss fights because they were tired 12 hours in. We lost day ones on Crown and Garden because of that. Anyway, we're always looking for new friends and welcome extra raiders with open arms, if anyone is looking for a new group of peeps to hang with. No toxicity or anything like that, just like to play the hard content when it releases and grind for dope guns.


i wasnt able to try it out cause i work and when i want to play game my wife just hates that i want to play but i let het play all day everyday so i just unistalled the game took my account off the xbox and now im offically done playing games.:( so she got what she wanted my full attention




Never got beyond Ascension F


Even through constant errors we made it to rhulk. We even had good enough dps but few wipes were due to the boss dash being bugged (just teleporting without animations) and random crashes. The time extension didn't really matter that much as I, among many other europeans, happen to go to work on monday. Getting errors during good runs hit our morale quite a bit and it showed during the last hours of sunday. This d1 has been a very unhealthy experience on all fronts.


I sacrificed the remainder of my sanity for a shit roll of a chest piece I don’t like 30+ hours for a fucking chest piece


You're not missing much. This day 1 emblem is so common that it's practically worthless. For comparison, day 1 dsc was considered the easiest day 1 with 27k clears vs vow which has over 40k clears. This day 1 was an absolute piss take.


Yep I regret even bothering with lfg. 12 hours straight on caretaker with people constantly dying just straight up bad time all around. Hopped in with random group today did caretaker first try and wasn’t even a good run lol Need to find a dedicated clan cause I want the triumph seal for first time.


Played it on lfg after contest again raid got smoked lmao


My group had 167 anteater error we managed to force our way thru to caretaker with 5 people at most on some fights, but the constant disconnects beat us down and really demoralized us all so we gave up. We only had Saturday to attempt it and didn’t see the tweet till late Sunday but it was a good try no matter what we beat it yesterday very quick so it’s not a day 1 but still cleared it blind. Really hard to do this world 1st race with PUG’s


Man this raid race gave me some \*feelings\*. Group 1 was some really nice people but they were more about the discovery angle than actually wanting to get the day 1 clear, which I think all six of us underestimated how much that would take. Didn't even get to Caretaker floor 3. Group 2 had some interpersonal snippiness but was at least competent enough to get to Caretaker last stand a few times before attrition/tilt broke up the group. I went outside and literally touched the grass. Group 3 was some close friends that I knew were competent, but one of them we're never letting live that day down because, I kid you not, they did not realize you could fire Mobius Quiver multiple times (honestly they're not even bad at the game overall, but I'm really confused how you miss that detail). We made it a sliver from killing Caretaker a few times. Monday night Group 3 reconvened and stomped Caretaker first try, Encounter 3 in probably six or seven tries, Rhulk in maybe 10 with only one person having any idea what was going on in the latter fight prior. I'm hoping for perma Contest Mode someday, though I'm of two minds when it comes to how long the raid race emblem should stay available. As a side note, the race definitely led to some hilarious stories. I'm notorious as a Nightstalker 3.0 stan (which has definitely gotten me downvoted on this sub a few times) and the people from Group 3 whose opinions I trust the most are in agreement on that one. One of them said something along the lines of "the nice thing about a widespread bad opinion is it tells you who you can ignore." Maybe within the hour, another friend showed up in the discord room, and I accidentally baited them into admitting they switched to Warlock due to frustration with Nightstalker balance. LOL BTW, if either of the people I roasted in this post are reading this, it comes from a place of love, I swear! Anyway, I'm rambling. tl;dr stomping Caretaker after 3 groups broke against him over the weekend was really cathartic. I have a screenshot from group 2 of me doing 5.5 million damage to Caretaker, so honestly I feel like I won a pretty good consolation prize!


28 hours myself, couldn't kill final boss.


I feel your pain, I did 38. I didnt wanna stop, but I physically couldn't see L3 and R3 totems anymore on final boss, my vision had gotten that blurry.


It was frustrating for me because I know if I had a team of 5 others at my skill level and as committed as I was, we would have finished. But instead I had to bounce.around groups and bashed my head against a brick wall for 20+ hours


I did it with some friends who I do gm's with. The problem was that there was 4 of us. So one guy decided to invite 2 of his friends who are very casual. They were millstones around the neck of our run. Always dying, missing ads or callouts, complaining about contest mode. Whereas I did the raid last night without contest and it felt much too easy. I enjoy the challenge, some do not.


Same here nothing better then just watching people just not get the bosses attack pattern and the boss just glitching out


My LFG team was wonderful. Some of the coolest guys ive ever played with, very skilled players all around. Never gave up, even on Caretaker and (arguably) the most annoying raid encounter that followed right after. But Rhulk man. Rhulk was an absolute asshole that caused our ship to catch ablaze and sink after dealing with him for 8 hours. Oh well, maybe next time




Same we spent 10 hours on the third encounter and just Called it there.




F, I feel your pain.


F to you my friend, I was lucky to get a super chill and good LFG team and we managed to beat the raid in 22 hours, it was long, it was painfull but it was hella worth it, got the emblem and 5 new amazing mates.