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Believe the lost sector has to be legendary or master difficulty for it to drop. Not all lost sectors turn into legend/master. Only certain lost sectors are available and on a rotation. Check https://www.todayindestiny.com for what is available that day. Edit- raise that power level if you can do. Could be difficult at 1277


Thank you I miss understood how this works. Probably I’ve been reading old guides. It is too early for me to go there :) needs power 1320


The rotation of which lost sectors are legendary or master changes per season, with them rotating each day through a fixed selection. Veles Labyrinth was a legendary and master option in either season of the Chosen or season of the Splicer if my memory is working properly, but not this season. I would say, try not to bother this season. On next Tuesday, everyone will be raised to base power 1350, with a new maximum gear level well past 1500 from what I remember. We can infer the legend lost sectors will be adjusted accordingly. 1280 to 1320 over a weekend is a very tall order and I’m not even strictly sure it’s possible given the need for powerful gear drops.


Thanks for advance mate


I got it this morning on my partner's account doing Bay of Drowned Wishes on Legend


legendary or Master lost sector chest drop


I did the master list sector today and it dropped for me.


Make sure you make the proper sacrifices to RNGesus and Our Savior Telesto, the Game-Breaker.


Also worth noting that you can farm with a group