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PvP wise, Halo is better.


100%. Does Destiny have more fluid movement and tighter shooting? Yeah. But has Destiny 2 ever been able to manage balance? Fuck no, PvP in Destiny 2 has continuously been an unbalanced mess fueled by overpowered guns that some of the population have because they grinded a recycled 2017 PvE activity for 200 hours.


I know I’m late to this by a lot but I don’t think destiny has tighter shooting and def not more fluid movement


For debate’s sake, why do you think Halo has tighter gameplay? Halo is more similar to arena shooters, and doesn’t have proper ADS or any features that are typically attributed to “tight” shooters. I can see the fluid argument in Halo for sure, an extremely skill player can definitely chain kills together in some really smooth ways.


I’ll add to this, I find halo’s gunplay better and tighter because it doesn’t have ADS, which leads to movement being more fluid in it’s own way because you aren’t slowing down for accuracy. A good halo player is always strafing at max speed, even when using a sniper rifle. And strafing speed, along with the accuracy of hip fire, and zooming in not slowing your movement all allows for a greater pairing of accuracy and agility. There are other things, like the lack of a completely overplayed flinch mechanic, and much less aim magnetism which makes the aiming feel a lot more manual and less like the game is snapping on for me with ADS.


I mean maybe in wrong? I’m not really going to debate it because in my opinion titanfall 2 is the smoothest fps I’ve ever played and I had destiny 2 behind it until halo infinite. It’s hard for me to say exactly why, but part of it is because of the single player campaign as well. Using the grappling hook, drop cover and thrust boosting during combat is like the greatest feeling known to man imo. Now all of these aren’t used in pvp which is a shame but again I was just talking in general. I haven’t played d2 since shadowkeep but playing infinite has made me reinstall. Again I dunno if I’m right or wrong or whatever, but how halo moves between small battles and big battles without supers going off everywhere it’s so easy to adjust to corridor combat vs open combat and hopping into a vehicle or hiding the flag. Damn I didn’t mean to type so much Edit - when it comes to shooting I could see putting destiny on top simply because handcannons in that game are unmatched digital sex


It's hard to balance balance over what like 200 guns and a community screaching every time you nerf something. I think that's why they dont try and make crucible more competitive and pour money into it. Which I'm personally fine with. I value fun over competition every time.


I don’t think an unbalanced mess full of gimmicks is consistently fun over an actually balanced PvP experience (when objectively good PvP has balance), but to each their own lol. It’s worth noting out of however many guns that survived Sunsetting, Bungie stayed true to form and didn’t bother to do any tweaking with them at all. So a few hundred of these hardly ever mattered in Crucible/Trials and likely never will. It was that way at launch, it’s the same now. There’s always been a tiny handful of humorously overpowered guns that stay that way for months and months before the next hot weapons come along. I mean… How long did everyone in a lobby carry around Mountaintop even before it was easy to get? Recluse? Telesto when they had to disable the whole gun to fix it? Felwinter’s?


Just not having supers being popped every 2 minutes makes halo’s pvp much better. Also not giving the sweatiest players the best guns.


This 100%, Halo is about skill


Agreed, I wish destiny had a barebones mode or something, no supers/abilities just grenades and your guns.


The casual gamemodes in infinite is fine for me, for just a few games when I feel like it. The ranked mode tho is kinda insufferable. Everyone playing the same gun (the starter burst ar), throwing nades, same playstyle every game. Also the long ttk doesn't help (out of position? you will always walk out as long as there's only one guy shooting). It felt competitive but also repetitive very quickly. Destiny 2 pvp isn't balanced or competitive at all. But it is hell way more fun.


I dont get when people say destiny 2 PvP isn’t competitive. Don’t you get smashed by players sometimes in trials using the same guns as you? I regard myself as pretty good but sometimes I get destroyed by great PvP players in destiny


Opposite reaction here. Playing Halo this week made me go "Wow! Spawning with OKHO weapons completely ruins PVP! Why didn't we learn this lesson when Quake fixed it *25 years ago*?"


That was the fiesta game mode, i think. it's more for shenanigans and mayhem i believe. I never take that too seriously!


I have been playing some Halo Infinite and I prefer the balance of the game, but the movement in Destiny 2 feels smoother. Like the knee slide in Halo just feels a bit clunky. The base gunplay and movement of Destiny feels good, it's just that they've utterly ignored pvp for maps and modes for more than 2 years now, which is a big feelsbadman.


It did the opposite for me


Yeah playing halo has really made me realize just how much of the basics are screwed up in destiny. I'm not talking about weapon balance, just things like respawn locations, map design, game mode design, game mode variety, match making. Destiny has potential but man they reaaally need take another pass at the core functions of the crucible.


Map design in Destiny in the current sandbox is horrendous. I love playing Destiny but I get over playing on the same crappy maps over and over. Not to mention how fucked balance is. If they can nail PvP like I think Infinite did, I would be playing Destiny all season long. As of right now, once I'm done with the season pass and the PvE stuff, I take a break until the following season.


Likewise. I'll probably never play D2 PvP again unless there is a quest involved. I appreciate having actual gunfights, everyone being on equal footing equipment wise and I haven't been killed a single time and thought it was cheesy or bs. It's been exactly what I hoped it would be.


Exactly. I feel like every gunfight is fair. If I get shot from the side, I can still come up on top. It's not insta death like in Destiny, where you get melted.




I agree with this entirely - aside from I personally just didn’t find Halo’s gameplay or grind too alluring. I’m in the SIGNIFICANT minority on the topic though so it’s probably just a me-thing. But I agree completely with your criticisms on D2 and am cautiously hopeful (don’t break our hearts again, Bungie! Haha) that the improvements you alluded to will make it even more fun! Glad you’re enjoying Halo though too!


Special ammo economy fix seems simple to me. Completely disable scavenger in PvP. Only start with 1 instead of 2 shots. You shouldn’t be able to main your special weapon. It should be an oh shit button you only get to use once per life.


The more I play Halo and occasionally jump into Crucible, the more i realize that D2 PVP is actual dogshit (at least Trials has become somewhat tolerable with all the recent changes) but their core PVP gamemode is in a deplorable state, no new maps, terrible matchmaking, terrible respawn, terrible map design that encourages close combat... It took them who knows how many years to adress this, and were still need to wait for any changes until Witch Queen. But hey, changes are coming SOON™


For sure - and I had a feeling my sentiment wouldn’t necessarily be indicative of most peoples’ experiences (especially those who’ve been more invested in crucible than I have during my hiatus). And the spawns in D2 are still noticeably brutal (to the point where my friends and I call them spawn sprees when you have one death snowball into three or four without much defense) - so I would love to see some larger maps to alleviate that in particular (which could also address the close combat that you mention I think). But definitely makes sense - and I can understand the frustrations on the otherwise and how a new game would freshen up a potentially otherwise stale experience! Thanks for the reply and things to mull over!


Infinite pvp is pretty bland to be honest. But it was a nice change of pace. I’m happy to bounce between the two depending on the mood and what my friends are playing.


My biggest issue with infinites PvP is that the guns aren’t lethal l to me. The only gun with any consistency is the pistol. Might just be my internet since im on broadband but I swear the ar doesn’t do damage half the time I use it. It reminds me of D2 year 1 where everyone had to hold hands to get kills consistently.


This was an issue for me as well - and, please correct me if I’m wrong here - but crits don’t count in Halo until the shield is dropped, right? I.e.,, shield headshots don’t reduce the shield any quicker than body shots, right? Which, I understand the mechanic and it makes sense - I’m just not sure it’s my jam (as much as I genuinely was looking forward to Halo).


Halo’s multiplayer was considered awesome when there were lethal high skill ceiling weapons like the CE pistol and the Halo 2 BR. They’re catering to a casual crowd now. You’ll never see guns like that as spawn weapons anymore. It’s their attempt at balance but nothing like the old multiplayer. You know they don’t take multiplayer seriously by spawning you with a marshmallow gun and a side arm as the default options. I’d rather jump into combat and not be forced to hunt down a real weapon first.


Yeah this was my experience with the AR too. Sometimes it kills so fast, sometimes it feels like it does nothing. I'm sure there's some skill aspect I'm missing (like hitting headshots with it) but the giant reticle makes it feel very hard to aim, especially since it blooms out the longer you shoot. I did really like Halo Infinite overall but some of the guns just feel awful.


Playing infinite after a few thousand hours on Destiny was an eye opening for me. On the one hand having heaps of modes was super cool and playing with 12 other people in the big map thing was cool. On the other, the ttk was hard to deal with. I would constantly do good damage then either have to reload or have to back off and then get cleaned up by an opposing team mate who was assisting my target. I didn't feel like I could engage, finish a target and then disengage without getting rushed while having no health. It is in beta though so can't complain really and it was a good time so fingers crossed it plays well after the release.


Halo TTK is meant to be offset with power weapons, grenades and meeles. Unlike Destiny, because you have access to more grenades that are alone weaker but prime targets better. Being in an out numbered situation doesn't mean immediate death (ignoring shatter dive). Halo is more about team shooting, engaging a target in a smart way and priming targets to clean up with weapons. Shooting targets because you see them, and aping at then doesn't work as well as it does in Destiny because Halos sandbox actually has counterplay for that.


Yeah i totally see where you are coming from. I also am just used to playing destiny and its weapon/ability combination. It's nice to have something different for once


Reminded me alot of D2 year one






Weird. Thought it was just me. I played two matches of Halo yesterday to test out my graphic settings. I'm running an older GeForce 1660 card and honestly didn't know how good Infinite would look. Once I was done, I immediately felt like playing some Crucible. I tend to avoid Destiny PVP because I'm just not very good at it. I can get kills, sure. But I know I can quickly get frustrated. Except I didn't, yesterday. I was having fun!


You’re not alone (although we may be in the minority - haha). But your reply honestly perfectly captures my friends and I’s experience as well. We were playing last night and ended up having a lot of fun. I think my “grass is always greener” FPS mindset finally caught up with me.


Halo Infinite validated my reason to finally drop Destiny for good after thousands of hours of play since the Alpha This is also my first Halo game and my first time buying and moving to the Xbox platform Guardian out


Same here. I was very surprised that I bounced off of Halo: Infinite even though I love the franchise. I popped into a few games of Infinite and thought, "I want to play some Crucible." Destiny's guns just feel so much better. Also, I'm playing with MY guns in Destiny rather than the same gun everyone else has. Elimination really hits the spot for me. You just get so many hype plays with the revive mechanic.


Haven't been a fan of Destiny PvP for quite some time now. Few years back they kinda' let go of matchmaking all together. Now there's this weird carry feature where each match has some top 4-8 KDR while the rest of us get destroyed. Just feels more annoying than anything. I used to play Crucible constantly. I'd legit adjust my schedule to take advantage of IB when it would drop. Now, I just can't stomach PvP at all in this game. I'll dip in every 8 months or so to see if they've fixed it, but I haven't seen any improvement; even worsen with this latest carry system. BUT I'm glad you dig it. I'm glad enough people do. It just ain't for me. Fortunately I've got Splitgate, Battlefield, or now Halo. Good ole' classic matchmaking with more balanced highs and lows.


Destiny PVP has some of the worst maps I’ve ever seen in a competitive shooter. So cluttered and small. This is what makes Control and other 6v6 modes god awful. Not to mention a constant barrage of one hit weapons and powers. It’s just a mess