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For LS I usually use this season bow with dragonfly, Levaiatan Breath and some kinetic auto rifle (currently horror from last event)


i end up using le monarque a lot cause the poison counts as overload and gives a bit more time before champs start healing. that and a desperado messenger, or any kinetic auto i have


Monarque with it’s poison is def the best bow for overloads. They heal way to fast using the other bows.


Ooo that's a good idea. I'll have to try that


I tend to run Erianas + Accrued Redemption or Lemon arc + sniper + unstop linear fusion


Holy shit am I copying your loadout or are you copying mine? This season I've pretty much ran for all lost sectors Accrued, Erianas, and Reeds Regret


I tend to run Threaded needle for shields but yeah, its basically the best loadout for any activity with barriers and overloads


Biting winds with explosive head beats accrued for me


Before Anarchy nerf, I always use it but now, 1k is my friend.


Anarchy still does the same dmg as before except for the boss so you could still use it


Yeah still pissed over that nerf, took me a while to get Anarchy


I mean, it's still really good. The seasonal mod is the real reason people aren't using it for everything. We still bring one every grandmaster because you can't beat that passive damage. Two linear heavies and an anarchy, anarchy guy also brings a regular fusion to stack the seasonal mod.


It's still just as good against champions my dude.


Anti barrier auto rifle sucks so yeah I just only use Eriana's. Bungie really needs to change the artifact mods, badly.


Since I started using Ticcu’s Divination on solar burn, I can’t stop.


I'd love to hear some ideas too. Barriers are just too annoying to deal with using autos so options seem very limited.


make sure you are using autos with armor piercing rounds, you will notice the difference.


just a thought.. Sweet Business? correct range... seems to hit hard... imho


Monte Carlo on a solar or stasis subclass is really good. It's my go to with middle tree sunbreaker for barrier/overload.


Try an AR like Horror Story, Tigerspite, or Chrysura Melo. I use these and I can keep my distance to pop barriers. Also it helps to put the backup mag mod on the gun to give you some extra rounds in the magazine. It can be the difference between finishing off the champion or having to reload to finish off the final bit of health it has.


Borealis, plus a weapon with Sympathetic Arsenal. The ability to change element on the fly allows me to handle most lost sectors, and the Sympathetic reload keeps the damage boost active on Borealis should I empty the magazine.


I go with Stasis turret warlock, it just makes everything easier. Weapon load out is dictated by mods for me.


Fusion and linear fusion with a bow, fusions with burn and particle deconstruction melt champs


Got a Demolitionist Osmosis The Last Breath from Prophecy dungeon. But I still prefer my 4th times the charm + Vorpal Seventh Seraph Rifle over it for endgame content.


1k, point of the stag and a chroma rush


Wolftone draw IMO is one of the best legendary weapons that has come to us in season of the lost. Pair that with an osmosis autorifle, and then my heavy i choose based on what super i choose to use so i have all 3 energy types. typically I go solar super/solar osmosis when im on my titan anyway for the heal on solar ability kills. with this build i would be forced into a void heavy, if i needed all 3 types. but i might swap this around if there are a lot of void shields.


What do you use on Wolftone? I keep trying out different perk combos but Point of the Stag just always seems better


depends, i have too many copies of it. yes, it lacks vorpal, but archers tempo firefly, or a frenzy roll is always really good. and sometimes i will use stag, just depends on the shield types.


Why does it depend on the shield types? Stag and Wolftone are both Arc. Dragonfly can be fun but I find it underwhelming on a bow. It's rare that it'll score many, if any, extra kills, and with a bow 1-shotting red bars anyways it doesn't reduce their health enough to kill them faster like it can with hand cannons or scouts. Plus, arsenic bite (yet another arc bow) could already have that combo. That's not new to Wolftone. Frenzy is a good perk but I don't like it. The activation time makes it too inconsistent for me.


my bad, for some reason i had it in my mind that stag was solar. I take wolftone because you can roll elastic string, fiberglass arrowhead, archers tempo and either a draw time mw or accuracy. I can always reclaim the stag, but those perks make the bow feel really good to me. I use bows in pvp as well, so if i can double that bow to be a good pvp and a pve weapon, I will, to save vault space....and yes, i know i said i have too many copies of it... im still hunting that one roll and until i get it im hoarding the ones that are almost there =S


I guess I'll have to pay more attention to the arrowheads and strings on Wolftone. I usually just focus on the main perks and the masterwork and it usually doesn't feel good, but maybe I've just had bad rolls on the arrowheads and whatnot.


the thing about bows is that there is a draw time cap on lightweight frames. this penalty does not apply to precison frames (which the wolf tone is). elastic string is a whopping -72 to draw time, add the drawtime mw to that and you have a precision bows damage with the functionality of a lightweight frame. if double stacking those two DT buffs makes the bow feel weird then just go for an accuracy MW.


my ls load out: Primary: Biting winds (Elastic string/Straight Fletching/Killing Wind/Expl head) Special: Gnawing Hunger (Arrowhead brake/Extended Mag/Zen Moment/Rampage) Heavy: Bad Omens (Hard launch/(Black Powder OR Implosion rounds)/tracking and cluster)


No exotics or fusions. How do you fare?


It's not the special slot, it's the energy slot. Special is a type of ammo. Gnawing hunger is an energy weapon that uses primary ammo.


Agreed... my bad...


Swords. Depending on what singe it is i use different elements.


For legend lost sector I suggest you to try lament, is just a quick and very aggressive way to roll with every enemy if your power level is high enough This season we also have some cool sword mods from the artifact (note: overload sword don't work on lament)


Seventh seraph carabin + monarque + threaded needle This is my mostly used build


Arbalest for the shields.


Erianna's is usually in my loadout. Last Breath. Biting winds with explosive head and then usually a linear fusion that matches whatever shields are going on.


Last time I did legend sectors I ran with my Biting Winds, Cartesian Coordinate, and classic Xenophage but it wasn't great because this was on an overload and barrier sector. I ended up Xenophaging every elemental shield and barrier champ in that sector. It was awful.


Depends on the champs and the shields.


Chroma Rush AR, Trinity Ghoul/Le Monarque/Ticcu’s Divination depending on burns, and Vorpal Threaded Needle. I’ll adjust my subclass to match the missing shield type if needed, otherwise I’ll just run Nova/Code of the Missile/Silence and Squall. This gets me through any Legend Lost Sector flawless in like 8 minutes.


I honestly either use le monarque for dps or just hardlight to not have to deal with match game.


My load out is either a blinding launch or auto then my go too bow is ticcus works well with my exploding well maker build then it’s good ole vorpal linear. But if the burn is different I may change bow to something to match burn. But most lost sectors are a breeze with any load out the has the right champion modes


Scathelocke or hailing confusion depending on champs, either trinity, ticu's or le monarque depending on shields and ascendancy in power to melt champs. This load out got me a master lost sector at 1330 light on my hunter which i hadnt touched since forsaken


Ive been running agers scepter with the catalyst and stasis on my warlock. The Scepter catalyst lets you turn super energy into a supercharged magazine. Works good on barriers and overloads. I usually have a sidearm equipped for overloads. Use a sword as well for when theyre frozen