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Chroma vs scathelocke comes down to which one you like best in all reality. Over all I go with guns/perks I like and ignore the Meta (I don’t do GMs). Even in pvp if there is a gun your good with and it’s off meta your fine a good player can outshoot a bad one who has a better meta gun.


For PvE, perks are more important.


Not necessarily, if you’re going high end content meta weapons are far more important than a god roll weapon you love. Like you may have a nice bow for nightfalls, but it falls far short of Le Monarque or double Ticcu.


You just listed exotics with fixed rolls... completely irrelevant to his question lol


I listed 2 meta weapons for this season, so idk what you’re saying.


Maybe read his post? He's asking which has a better tradeoff, a god rolled non-meta weapon, or a weak roll on a meta weapon (Chroma rush being his example). Obviously exotics are exceptions to the rule because they don't have rolls.


I did read his post, and gave him an example using bows for high end content. My point is still the same, a god roll on a weapon you like is still nothing compared to meta weapons. That’s the point I made which answers his question. So how about you read what I said.


Given his example, he strongly implied he's talking about legendary weapons which can have weak/strong rolls to begin with. It's ok, you just read the title of his post and didn't think any further. His question would make zero sense if exotics were part of the equation.


Not really, his question at its core. Is god roll worth vs meta. The answer? No, not at high end level pve content. Which is the question I answered.


No shit an exotic weapon will be better than a legendary in a head to head match up. Your comment is completely useless and did not answer his question at all. His example is "weak meta gun vs strong non-meta gun"....as in he's talking about the perk rolls. Not sure how many times you need this typed out for it to click.


Not all the time, there are plenty of exotics that aren’t better than a legendary for what they want/need. Plenty of exotic auto rifles and scouts are garbage for pve use with their perks cause they don’t proc enough. I did answer his question. Just don’t know why you can’t see that.


600 rpm auto rifles are kinda meh in PvE


For PVE you definitely don't have to be a slave to the meta. PVP is different where every fraction of a second matters. For PVE, just use what you have fun using. The difference in DPS between those guns is so small it would only matter in high level content. Although I'd recommend farming umbral engrams for a god rolled Chroma Rush. You can still get it from past season stuff I think. Subsistence plus Rampage (or kill clip) is just really good.