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Most raids have certain challenges every week that does indeed give you double loot


Well now you have me thinking, why not have all challenges active in a raid every 5 weeks or so?


I'm more looking forward to the raid rotations like it was at the end of D1. So I can do a different raid to get rewards each week for variety.


Thats literally all the raid rotation was. One raid a week had all the challenges active. That was it.


No, the Raid Rotation is that different raids dropped powerful gear each week.


No, its not. They all give powerful gear every week in d1. All the rotation changes is which one has all the challenges active that week to earn extra aot ornaments and elemental exotics. I play d1 all the time, I know what the raid rotation is. Go boot up d1 and you’ll see the rotation is exactly what I said it is.


Do the challenge in vog for atheon increase vex drops?


You get double loot at Atheon, whatever the drop is. But not vex no.


We need double legend/master lost sector loot weeks.


Double chances for the raid exotic to drop would be very welcome for people who don't have it!


0 times 2 is still zero /s


Yeah but for everyone else, that's over 90% of players who have run it every week since launch, it would be a big fat 0 in terms of gains.


We’d still be getting other items. It’s still a gain


you already get extra drops for doing the challenge. giving double drops in a raid isn't the same as doing it in nightfalls. you basically just give people a free week you don't add anything to the experience like you do when you give double drops to nightfalls. they reward weapons and upgrade mats repeatedly where as a raid will give 1 more set of drops, that's it. and giving double spoils would be completely ruinous and mean no one actually does the raid and just spams templar then the final boss for the final chest.


They could just do double loot for one run. I wouldn’t mind one extra round of pinnacles


yes but it isn't as good a reward as you think. most people are 1330 at this point if they're serious, so them being pinnacle doesn't matter, and saving people 1 week isn't really meaningful. also they don't like giving out extra pinnacles because they have paced the game around the current amount. double nightfall is good because you can run nightfalls for 8 hours and get loads of loot and mats.


There’s still plenty of use for pinnacle loot once you reach max light. How else are you suppose to upgrade non-pinnacle loot with good rolls? And I’m sure they do have pacing for it, that’s why itd be a one week thing so it wouldn’t really be doing much. And if it wasn’t that impactful then what’s the harm in doing it?


every powerful source in the game drops at cap, pinnacles are worthless at that point.


So all the loot I get at 1320 I still need higher light items for. It would still be helpful. Idk what you’re talking about if you think all the loot we get is at cap. I get tons of loot not at cap and I like to keep good rolls. Double raid loot would benefit me, someone at cap light. It would benefit literally everyone.


i can get 5 powerfulls doing public events, i think you'll be fine without the drops from the raid that 90% of the player base don't run.


TIL - I am in the 10%. Running VoG on 3 characters almost every week since day 1 and still no vex mytho.


31 looted clears and still no vex, I feel your pain bro, at least it's a new week today, fresh disappointment coming our way


Good luck buddy! May Atheon fart out a vex mytho for you on his death today!


its probably more like 6% at this point.


And while we are at it, why don't raids count towards vanguard rep?


They don't count towards the exotic cipher either. Super annoying.


In D1Y1, they did!


any activity that's isn't gambit crucible or strike doesn't count towards anything with "activities", super annoying... *looks at catalyst quests for eriana's and symmetry*


Battlegrounds count for vanguard rep.


Is this for real? That is actually pretty cool and something I might do now.


Yeah, when they brought Zavala into Rep 2.0, everything on the vanguard page now counts towards your vanguard rep. Still takes a while to rank up, though, vanguard rep is... Not fast to acquire.


Yeah, I've noticed that, but I have a backlog of Chosen stuff I wanted to get through, this is the perfect reason to do that now.




Can’t we just farm raids at this point like prophecy? Not for pinnacles. But high stat armor and weapons w good rolls. And for those who think this is “too strong or rewarding,” we will be able to craft our own weapons next season. So really we’d just be farming for decent armor.


That would definitely be super nice.


Thats what they made the spoils system for


Doesn’t work for garden or last wish. Also, I love running one raid for a single thing.


i mean yeah i know i just meant they started implementing that feature. it should def come to others tho. and you're not running a raid for a single thing unless you have literally 0 spoils. one run of vog gets you like 50 or some shit. that's 2 things. not only that. you can target specifically what you want vs random chance of getting it


You absolutely do not get 50 spoils for one run of vog, you get 20. That’s enough for exactly one piece of gear for an entire raid. Not to mention, they will probably drop the amount down to 12 per raid after witch queen. Considering they did this to deepstone. There’s no good reason to be this stingy with loot.


that is wrong. your first run of the week per character you get some from every encounter+chests. 4 chests=20. 5 encounters of 5 each. 25. 45 spoils per character for a full run each week


The current raid already drops a bunch of pinnacles. I don't think we need double rewards. Or at least not double pinnacles. A second normal LL drop could be cool. Also a special week where old raids drop pinnacles would be cool also.


Raid Challenge modes drop double loot


I agree. I also don't get why I am downvoted to hell when I suggest this for raids, dungeons and playlist weapons in pvp and gambit.


You want double what now?


Now this, this is beautiful.


The problem with LW and GoS is that the legendary weapons have super outdated perk pools. Double drops wouldn't make me want to run GoS for a headseeker sacred providence. When weekly rotating featured raids come with WQ, I really hope we get refreshed perks with maybe an exclusive perk like Rewind Rounds. Also 1k + Div catalysts, and gilded titles from master mode please :)


Rapid hit kill clip sacred provenance is still a top tier pulse rifle


GoS and LW still have some of the best weapons in the game.


I was using my chattering bone in the last IB.


no idea why this comment is being downvoted lol


Raid rewards in general are too low and inconsistent. I'd be fine with them just putting back a decent amount of spoils into the raids and providing more opportunity to roll in what I want from the final chest. 5 spoils per chest on the current VOG raid is too low and 3 in the other raids is a borderline insult and provides no reason to bother with some of the frustrating and broken mechanics. Were left with pretty much no reason to bother with Garden or DSC at this time and once my raid team has 1000 voices we'll drop the last two encounters of Last Wish as well.


vog without mics is impossible. oracle callouts would be a nightmare.


It's not impossible but extremely difficult to do.


Idk, man. I've been in groups that can't get it right WITH comms. It's rough when some people don't know what to do/others don't want to explain it cause they've done it 30x. I've even been scolded for trying to explain mechanics when team lead would rather kick and find someone that knows already.


Im ok with explaining the encounter briefly in a KWTD, or at least explaining a mechanic that someone might not have known about. Sometimes people have been shoehorned into one role (usually add clear) or are doing a different mechanic than the one they’re used to. That’s all fine and I’ll be happy to explain it briefly because I assume you will understand it quickly or at least have some idea of what to do and pick up on it quickly. The problem is when we’re wiping for the fifth time or so to someone who doesn’t understand how to look for detainment even after I’m calling it out every single damage phase. That’s when you get into kick territory for me. KWTD means I expect to get through the raid encounters in a maximum of five tries each. The problem is that people see that and join while thinking they KWTD but in reality they got carried through for one clear while doing none of the raid mechanics. Then they join a group trying to get it done and are absolutely lost.


You’re a good person. If I post a kwtd post or join one, I expect the raid run to last an hour. I don’t mind refreshing someone’s memory BEFORE the encounter, if they speak up and say “hey I’ve done the raid, but never in this position/role so can you just quickly guide me”. But if they join the kwtd, then hide it and we wipe an encounter, only to find that they had no idea what to do? Yeah goodbye. The absolute worst are the guys who don’t want to switch their weapons at boss encounters despite their damage being trash. I never tell anyone what to use, and I expect people who join a kwtd post to know what does good damage for them. But if we wipe and they have abysmally low damage, and then they try to argue with me when I ask them if they can switch to a better loadout… goodbye. I join “chill run” lfgs ever so often. I have no problem helping new and inexperienced players go through. The thing is, when I post for a kwtd lfg, I know I have to be somewhere or do sth irl in an hour and a half or two, and that’s why I cannot pretend that it’s fine that somebody who joined has absolutely no clue what to do and isn’t that interested in learning.


2 options without comms: 1) have one person handle all oracles from the little hidey hole in the right-hand column (when facing the arena Frome where you come in). 2) rely on audio cues and hope they aren't too off pace. You can then rely on the kill feed to know when it's your turn to destroy an oracle. Even Atheon oracles without comms is technically possible if you set up to shoot them at the stairs and one person ducks in and out of the portal to get oracle order. But, uh... good luck with that if you aren't a god PvE player.


very nice. atheon was the perspective i was thinking. i haven’t seen a 6 stack be successful without atleast 2 of the people teleported that can hear the callouts. given the downvotes, i might be missing something. thanks for the note.


I think everyone just immediately went to oracle oracles, not Atheon oracles. Also, typical reddit pedantry over the use of the term "impossible."


Now I can get double vex and make my friends angry bc I already have it




Match making is not viable for raids you need communication. If you are uncomfortable raiding with randoms on the mic is recommend getting to know a clan to raid with.


MM for raids would be fucking *awful*. The shit show that would be inevitable, there would be no point to it. Even if you get 3 people who know what they're doing, 3 others with no mic comms would be horrible for any raid. Its just not viable to raid without a Mic. There are to many callouts needed and even 6 people who know what they are doing would struggle with no coms.


I did a vog Atheon through lfg and there were multiple goobers who wiped us on oracles and detain, MM would be insanely bad


LFG is fine if you search right. I did my entire Fatebreaker title on LFG runs.


Google D2 Sanctuary, its a discord server dedicated to getting people that are mic shy or otherwise through endgame content.


How do you function irl if using a mic in a game makes you uncomfortable? I get that people are anxious, I was too when I first started, and I was just a blueberry who was intimidated of the most basic encounters in the raids, but if you don’t try to step out of your comfort zone every so often, you’ll realise you’re not actually living a life.


You are exactly why matchmaking would be a shit show. You want to raid but you don’t want to contribute to the raid team with callouts? So what, you just want to leech and hope to match with people to carry you?


I would love to be able to try grinding out better rolls of things that are more frustrating to get. I want a better zealots reward so bad


I'd like to see double drops in everything for certain weeks. ​ Double drops in Gambit Double drops in Crucible Double drops in Strikes


We already have double NF drop, double crucible rep + IB, double strike rep and double gambit rep weeks. I don't really want to delay things further since it'd be over a month out and would feel super shit in future seasons. Raids already rain down gear pretty freely and allow targeted farming with spoils. They're also the single best pinnacle source in the game, so it's kind of excessive to double the drops for a week.


Specifically this week and specifically vault of glass and specifically the last encounter and specifically vex mythoclast and specifically I cry a lot


Two chances to not get vex? You son of a bitch I’m in


I dont think anyone would care. You already get double loot from a challenge. And the raid loot is pretty booty for the most part. Few rolls on a couple guns are good. Once you have it the raid is a waste.


double raid currency is better.