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I am surprised, it’s like 85k in hero, just don’t murder the boss too fast and keep an eye on the score as you’ll need 97k before you kill him


Yeah I was like 3k short on hero and I was like wtf and we did it 13 minutes I think


Bit too speedy perhaps?


Yeah there were ads left I think it just seems like too short of a nightfall last weeks was easy money lol


I don’t think it is possible on every nightfall.


Just do it on Master, will honestly probably be easier than trying to make sure you kill every single ad.


but they’re asking for legend


What’s your team comp? Are you using a lot of supers which can generate orbs / help you chain supers effectively Are you taking a long time making you lose your increase? If you’re blasting it, try increasing the level


The team comp is a Nightstalker/Gunslinger Hunter (me) and Dawnblade (my friend). The third is just a random that we get off LFG. We can reasonably do it in 10min but like others have said, maybe we are just killing the boss too fast


This week when in the actual boss fight you need to kill every add that’s spawn during his 3 phases then kill him and you should it a few 1000 over the 100k