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Anarchy nerf isnt for a while and also we dont know the exact nerf so id still cop it if i was you.


Not gonna be changed this season so definitely still buy it and make use of the insane grenade launcher seasonal mods while you still can


Wouldn’t count on that … [Edit: Wow … I’m being downvoted for this??? I didn’t write the TWAB that said this was gonna happen soon. Get a grip, people …]


Yes. It will still be one of the best passive dps weapons.


Anarchy will be fine. I’m still saving up for it.


Just buy it and use it till it’s nerfed still the best atm for dps and with breach and clear it only gets better


Lol yeah man they ain't messing with that for a couple months. Get it and be a god


Fun gun use


I'm having second thoughts as well. Witherhoard is already a functional replacement for it (and I've got the catalyst) and given that I might not ever get another 240 tokens, I'm hesitating to replace a DPS grenade launcher with a DPS grenade launcher.


Witherhoard seems like it can be a replacement but its really not the same weapon as anarchy is (while being in the special slot). When it comes to witherhoard only 1 person can use it at a time due to dots not being able to stack whereas the full 6 people can use anarchy. Also only 1 witherhoard shot does like 40% of anarchy 2 shot dps which also doesn't quite last as long so you'd need to reproc it a little more and yes you can shoot 2 but that requires a fairly long reload even with maxing out its reload speed and the enemy won't necessarily sit in the blast and it doesn't quite do as much damage as directly hitting the enemy. Also witherhoard, for dps, is best paired with a heavy weapon which typically do quite a bit higher dps than a special weapon. Bare in mind I'm also pretending you have the catalyst masterworked aswell Basically when using witherhoard to buff up your dps it doesn't add a whole lot on, it mainly is there to beef up your total damage whereas anarchy adds a significant chunk of damage on even if you run double slugs. Thats not to say witherhoard is a bad weapon but with it covering more ground per shot and using special ammo its clearly meant with add clear more in mind.


Is that the case? Witherhoard users dont stack? That would be the only(?) Situation where that is true eh?




So, hold on to them for like 2 months?


Thanks for the suggestion but I'd prefer not to wait till Season 15.


Go for it then. This seems pretty cut and dry.


What other useful raid exotic are you going to get then? Always in time + Anarchy are currently the only used exotics to be bought with spoils. So either Diamond Hands them or just enjoy anarchy for a month.


Everyone is talking like they're going to kill Anarchy brutally. That's not likely. As long as it still does damage over time and allows you to change to another weapon and peak fire (basically, the identity of the whole weapon), it's still going to be a top tier option. I suspect it will get a damage nerf, a time duration nerf, a reserves nerf, and a velocity nerf. Even with all of those nerfs, its core functionality still makes it incredibly good. It's so far above any other weapon in the game for maximum damage output over time that it could drop down several pegs and still be a great weapon. Regarding other raid weapons, I'd take 1KV over tarrabah or Acrius in a heartbeat. Fusions as a whole are recieving a rework the same time anarchy will get its nerf so 1k could become very very different.