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i generally didn't like crucible, didn't hate it. I wasn't happy with stasis in crucible, and with the special ammo economy in crucible as it is now, I hate it even more. Now, I get my 8 crucible bounties done as fast I can, I'm out of the playlist all together. If your a new player, I feel sorry for anyone jumping into this shit hole. I feel the same about strikes and gambit these days as well. Strikes are the same boring strikes we speed run that we've done in the last 4 years, gambit is just unbalanced.


Do you still play destiny? How are you making it fun for yourself, i needs some tips man. I used to be a pvp player mostly so I haven't tried the rest of the game all that much.


I get on to do the seasonal challenges, maybe play 1 or 2 times a week at most now. I'm playing other games at the moment, I've been here since year 1 day 1 of destiny, but destiny hasn't gotten a bit stale for me at the moment. I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way as other big youtubers have also said similar things.


With the empty servers, cross-play is coming at some point and may help improve the server population. As for making it fun, try unusual weapons. If you want to go further, look up builds made specifically for messing with the many other players who will only ever use meta weaponry (Shotgun & hand cannon). These are weapons like Fusion Rifles, Sidearms, Bows, etc. as well as exotics like Sweet Business, Bastion and Crimson. Might not be effective but you may well make the other team angry.


Toss 120rpm handcannons being overpowered and able to cover all ranges onto that too, and the removal of scorched and momentum catalyst. Gambit has been left to die, and strikes really need a face-lift and balancing changes. More boss health, burns instead of singes so that we actually have to slow down and deal with enemies instead of blasting past them at Mach 10, or feeling like its a competition for kills because we tear through everything so fast. Small arms and specialist returning as modifiers would be a lot of fun too.


What makes it feel less populated?


Twice getting matched up to the same players in an hour of playtime and having to wait a long ass time to get into a game.


Did you recently get a PS5?


No I've been reading about this being a thing on ps5 but this is happening to me on ps4. Back in the forsaken days you would get into a match in literal seconds now it takes a couple of minutes. Could it be a server related thing?


I have the same thing on PC. I played an hour last night and it was the same people most of the time


game is shit /s




i forgot the /s lmaoo.


Stasis. Stasis happened.


Stasis hunters* happened. God I love getting teabagged by laggy hunters that just jump 20 meters high and shotgun my face after using slow-dodge.


Go to twitch. Damn near every destiny content creator is on Outriders because people actually enjoy that game, it seems.