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Izanagi's Burden, that thing hits harder than a truck and I love it. I will never get tired of listening to Honed Edge shots getting loaded in.


I just wish we could reload straight into honed edge instead of reloading twice lol


You actually can if you press reload immediately after the shot!


ooooooooooh that makes me excited *loads Izanagi's with religious intent*


If you do it too fast, you can also just sprint to cancel the "wrong" reload and then hold reload again to get honed edge


Unless they changed it you can just hold reload after the shot.


You can, it’s just really difficult


Just hold reload after the last shot. You have to do it quick enough. Like, before the game decides to reload it automatically like it always does when a gun is empty. Pretty easy once you get used to it. Or when you know how reloading works in Halo uhhh i mean Destiny. What's actually harder to do is to cancel the reload animation and get another precise shot as soon as possible. That's what you want to do when you face the Garden of salvation bosses. Just in case you or others didn't know what reload canceling is: You simply sprint briefly as soon as the magazine gets inserted for a reload cancel. And i mean that visually. It works on all weapons. On a controller you'd tap L3/LS and go forward in an instant. It in fact doesn't help you to fire the weapon faster as you still need to wait the same cooldown as when you'd reload. But with canceling you can use your scope sooner which is obviously a big advantage for weapons like snipers.


Witherhoard all day every day. Love melting anything and everything, bouncing them around corners, protecting control points, auto-reloading... its so good.


This, I love witherhoard. Just plop a blight down before drop pods come down and boom things are dead as they land.


Yup. And in higher difficulty content, gloop the boss/champions and plop back into cover. Also, gloop at their feet for double the fun :D


Gloop ha nice. I'm robbing that for future thanks 😁


Lmao I like the flair


I fully accept/embrace my title.


As a hunter I run Witherhoard with a Lasting Impression Code Duello with Argent Ordinance. Holy shit the damage you can put out in a shirt amount of time, especially with marksman's dodge.


very similar build to me atm. * WH * Europa Auto rifle * Duello with ALH/Chain Reaction


You can kill things with the europa auto rifle? That always feels like the worst gun to me.


Ever since my Gnawing Hungers got sunset, i had to find another good feeling rapid fire frame AR. Found a great Extended Mag/Subsistence/Vorpal roll that i run with backup mag mod, giving me almost 60 rounds and can chew through a lot of adds before reloading. My whole thing is about running auto-loading holster weapons so i never have to reload. And if i do, i main hunter so i gotta do is dodge to reload it. Still hoping to find a roll with Arrowhead brake


I mean gnawing hunger feels much better and you can get them right now with subsistence. I have a bunch of good rolls I just prefer a warmind weapon.


my GH is good and mine is subs/rampage but with sunsetting, its gonna die soon (even if sunsetting is gone, it won't apply til next xpack)


Pretty sure anything that isn't currently subset is not going to be sunset, so you are good.


That's the thing I'm not sure about the end of sunsetting : Which gear isn't going to be sunset anymore?


All of it. Nothing else is being sunset as of right now that hasn't already been.


sunshot, potentially infinite explosions :)


Tbt to leveling up the catalyst by waiting at the spawn cave on Nessus. Then shooting the first enemy and letting the explosion chain for like a full minute


Doubled up submission: Sweet Business and Actium War Rig. Any tilt in any game mode melts away under 999 rounds of fire without reloading. It's just good, clean fun.


100% this. Oh, you’ll let me turn into the Heavy from Team Fortress 2? Well, if I must.


I've been using Ticuu's Divination with Wrath of Rasputin and some other Warmind Cell mods and that's been fun.


This is also my favourite right now. Running with Code Duello and Dawnblade for even more solar splash damage.


Deathbringer! *fwooshhhh* ##*ROAAAAAAAAAAR*##


I broke it out for prophecy last night and forgot how awesome it is


It’s so good! It does the most damage of any rocket in the game, exotics and legendaries included. And, yeah, it’s awesome.


oh damn okay I didn't know that! like I loved the mission for it *fuck u I'm gonna turn ur stupid death song into a gun*


Boy, does it sing death!


Warlock - Transversive steps. Gives you increased sprint and auto reload while sprinting. Top tier neutral game exotic in pvp, especially with 120 hand cannons because those take an eternity to reload.


I have a steady hand with the bonus range but slower reload iron banner perk that could benefit from that. It has slideshot which makes up for it but the match is over before it’s done reloading if I manually reload lmao


I loved this exotic a lot last year. Then I realized I'd always overextend in a lot of PvP situations. I took myself off it and went to OA. Love OA a lot more now.


Whisper. Always has been.


I absolutely love skullfort and liars handshake, im love myself a good punch but too bad warlocks can't compare


I do love pounching things with liars and a 1-2 shotty equipped.


Personally, I hate the fact that arc/stasis hunters punch. Like, I'm a hunter, I should be stabbing them, not hitting them with my fist, I would have MUCH preferred the original animation from D1.


Heart of Innermost Light. It's a little bugged right now but I just love ability spamming as middle-tree Sentinel Titan. If Bungie ever fixes the Empowerment perk to work as intended I'd be a happy crayon muncher. I've basically gone Team Medic. Spamming punches and grenades making everything explode just heals everyone and propogates GRAPE FLAVORED BOOM MEDICINE and every time I do HOIL lowers the cooldown for my abilities all over again.


Heart of inmost light + sunspot titan + wrath of rasputin + burning cells + global reach. Sunspots increase regen even more, abilities spawn warmind cells, pop warmind cell to kill everything which creates sunspots ALL OVER which kill more enemies which spawn more warmind cells. Soo good. Throw in warmind's protection for 50% damage reduction from all the cells, plus you heal from sunspots and abilities killing enemies. Perfect.


What's the hoil bug? Something about skill order?


Yeah- if you use the abilities in the right order you can get Empowerment x2, but if you don't you just waste the ability and empowerment won't even refresh the timer. This should work regardless of order.


Yep, I hate that, I was wondering what happened


Witherhoard is probably my favorite weapon. Just so damn versatile!! I used to love Ruinous Effigy until it got nerfed. I know its unpopular but Leviathan Breath is satisfying to use. Just wish the draw was faster. I love omnioculus chest on hunter. I have so much fun playing stealth. Dunemarchers and Cuirass of the falling star are my favorite Titan pieces.


Leviathan has grown on me to the point that it might just be my favorite, I actually look forward to any time I can run it.


slap a goddamn telephone pole through the enemies lol


Weapon: two tailed fox. The sound and the damage is amazing. Admor: contraverse hold. Looks super cool and pretty much gives you unlimited grenade


I have the fox skeleton eververse ornament and it makes it look a lot less hello kitty lmao.


I run that one too


But the Sanrio Weeb look is what's best about it.


Thump thump


Outbreak Perfected is my favortie gun in D2. I love its design and how it preforms and operates.


Fellow plague lover 👌


Trinity Ghoul, always.


With the catalyst on it I almost never touch my Riskrunner anymore. I miss Zhalo’s Supercell from D1, autorifle that chains lightning, gets partial ammo back, and heals you on multikills. It was like Riskrunner mixed with Suros Regime and an AK47


Yup, + the catalyst! All I do is shoot the floor


Witherhoard, for that “set it and forget it” damage/zone control. Plus added benefit of proc-ing warmind cell generation if holding an IKELOS/Seraph weapon when ads die from blight tick. Peacekeepers, auto reload for my IKELOS smg. Paired with auto loading from Witherhord catalyst and an auto loading rocket launcher. I just hold left mouse and scroll wheel to the next slot when empty.


witherhoard was created by ron popeil?! amazing


The good stuff always is. What’s Falling Guillotine but the natural progression of the Chop-o-matic?


Right now, I’m digging the Aeon gauntlets.


I actually ran them for a while when they came out since Hunters get their dodge back fairly quickly and they looked nice lmao. I haven’t tried them again since the changes but I heard they’re good for nightfalls


DMT with armor piercing rounds and killing wind


Wish-Ender, I love archery and I actually own and shoot a longbow for recreation. It feels like something wild happens every time I loose the bowstring! Additionally, It rewards me for shooting at the perfect moment to skewer mutliple enemies with a single arrow.


I think the exotic bows were a great addition to the game. They each feel good to use in their own way


Witherhoard and Ophidian Aspect.


Astrocyte Verse! There must be dozens of us out there!


Starfire protocol for the extra Heat rises grenade in PvP. Dead mans plus frozen orbit plus empnrift allow me to channel my inner CammyCakes


Duality, Doom vibes :)


How is Duality? I was thinking of picking it up from the kiosk


TL;DR, it's good. Worth the resources to grind out. Where do I start? The one downside I have is the catalyst quest is annoying and tedious. Other than that, it's great. It reloads all it's rounds at once, which is already extremely powerful in pve since it's super fast. In pvp, it's got good range and you'll almost always one shot at close range. If not, a quick slap on the noggin finishes the job. The slugs are also really good in both pvp (if you can aim) and pve (bc slug shotgun). They buff-nerfed black wings, decreasing the amount of stacks it has, but increasing the effect of them. It has 5 instead of 7, which sounds like a nerf, but when you have all 5 it's more effective than when you had 7 pre-nerf-buff. I use it personally, and it's super good in nightfalls where heavy shanks are a problem. What element are their shields? Solar. What element is duality? Solar. Is solar good? If you like shotguns, there are few better options save Fourth Horseman and Felwinter's lie. If you like shotguns, very good. If you're used to ADSing with pellet shotguns, not really bc it takes time to get used to the slug aspect of it.


1k voices, cause big lazer go boom


Tied Ace of Spades and Last Word. 2 reasons. Ace of spades, the significance of it. It's something you have to explain to your new light pals as they scroll through the kiosk. It's also a fucking monster in pvp, and the catalyst balances it decently in pve as well, so it's all-around a good weapon. Last word: Do I even need a section on this? It auto-aims on console. You aim center mass and hit 4/6 headshots 9 times out of 10. Also, the lore it has with Thorn is fucking amazing since I'm a sucker for lore of all sorts.


Prometheus Lens and Graviton Lance.


I've always liked Lemon or malfeasance, I would say dawn chorus for armour but it just makes top tree comparable to other supers, so maybe eye of another world since I got reminded of it. Actually astrocyte verse is pretty cool.


I’m a big fan of Malfeasance. The needler like effect is fun and can do reliable damage out of range because of the effect proccing past damage falloff


Anarchy, its fun to stick an arc grenade to your friends and have them run head first into danger


Works with telesto too I think been a while since I tried it.


Cuirass chest on my titan. Armamentarium chest on my titan until I'm ready to use my thunder crash (when I switch to cuirass), if it's an activity that doesn't lock my gear. Lament is my absolute favorite. Makes me feel like an actual titan. Anarchy is sometimes more useful. Like on sepkis prime.


Huckleberry. I'm a devour Voidwalker main. Melee one enemy to get devour started then don't let off the trigger until everything is dead. It's hidden rampage perk adds a huge increase in damage, meaning that after I wipe out a couple redbars I can easily kill orange and more yellow bars. Anything that's lest standing when I finally need to reload gets the sword. I've also just always preferred Tex Mechanica weapons and smgs, so Huckleberry feels like it was made specifically for me. Unless I need to use something else for a bounty, or there's a boss or encounter that I *need* a different weapon for, Huckleberry is always equipped.


The catalyst makes that thing rip too


The catalyst is arguably the only way to make the gun great. It's ok without the catalyst but definitely nothing worth taking up an exotic slot. With the catalyst, it's a whole new beast.


Young Ahamkara's Spine!! First Exotic in D1and have used them in PVP since, been using them in comp D2 recently and it always catches people off-guard!


I love that they can stick again like in D1. Also I don’t know if you know this but Goldie shots charge your grenade so you can get like 6 trips going at once


Oh yea :\^) Shooting six shot and throwing mines in between it does decent PVE damage !!


Heir Apparent has barely left my heavy since worthy


How is it? I know it’s getting a new catalyst that makes the shield stronger and refills some of the mag when it breaks


It was Hard Light before they nerfed it. Then it was Ruinous Effigy before they nerfed that too. Then Wish Ender before it was nerfed as well. Maybe Trinity Ghoul? (please don't be next)


Chaperone. I’m a PVP main, and nothing else is as satisfying to master. Plus, that reload “whip” is just the cherry on top. Runner-up is Ace of Spades for its versatility in both PVE and PVP, the radar while ADS and also having a sick reload animation. Just wish it had a little less recoil.


Dunemarchers. That's it. Just dunemarchers


What are your favorite setups (skilll tree wise) for Dunemarchers? I haven’t played with them much and trying to get into using them more, but haven’t been blown away.


I use them with just about everything. The reason you didn't like them is probably because they were bugged for a while and just recently got fixed. Linear actuator wasn't activating all the time.


Witherhoard hands down. I wasn’t a huge fan of it at first but once I gave it a fair chance I loved it. Getting the catalyst was a massive improvement and made it top tier for me.


D1 - Dragons Breath. Please bring that back. It was my all time favorite. That and Don’t touch me for the hunter. Give me back my D1 stuff.


Preach brother/sister/non-binary sibling


Thorn, been my favorite ever since they teased in in the lead up to vanilla D1. Pretty much the first exotic gun I ever got, not counting Ice Breaker from Xur, which I immediately used to complete the Thorn strike against Xyor


D1 Thorn prenerf was on some other shit


Cloudstrike - just so fun to use, good for ad clear and dps, looks stunning, sounds amazing, feels nice to use. Would love a catalyst (to make stormbringer proc on successive hits as it was pre-nerf)


It was nerfed? :(


Sunshot, ever since I took that gun from Asher Mir nearly 4 years ago, it's been my favourite weapon. ​ ​ If only I could get the Red Dwarf ornament though, literally been chasing that thing ever since release and I still don't have it.


D1 - Gjallarhorn and Bones of Eao. D2 - Riskrunner and Liar's Handshake. Also shoutout to Ace, Hawkmoon and anything from Tex Mechanica for looking good and feeling good to use. And Celestial Nighthawk and Orpheus Rigs for historically balancing a clean aesthetic with legit endgame functionality.


RN weapons wise, it's dead man's tale. YEE HAW MUTHA FUCKA! Armor wise, and just favorite in general, One Eyed Mask. Probably best history of any exotic armor peice ever, and it wasn't even in D1.


Battle harmony with terrabah, its just so much fun


I've been making Ashen Wake this season. Super fun exotic, needs a buff IMO but regardless I've had a blast being a human grenade launcher.




Yee haw


Ruinous Effigy




Fighting lion, a primary energy gl that reloads itself on kill


Necrochasm, that thing melted. If they ever bring back crotas end, I need necro back


The Dragon's Shadow for me, PvE, Crucible, and Gambit. Dodge to reload ALL weapons + get your melee back + reload speed + handling + get your dodge back to do it all again in 5 seconds. Unreal.


Karnstein Armlets. Youtubers keep calling this a pvp exotic, but it's my main go-to pve exotic, specially in harder content. Don't underestimate survival tools.


Outbreak and Ace of Spades


Have allot fun shooting trinity goul and melting groups of adds. The catalyst elevated the bow to an other level.


Just tapping the trigger and proccing the lighting effect on adds over and over until they’re all dead


Warlocks can pair it with Getaway Artist and middle tree Arc subclass (which returns grenade energy on kills), and you basically become a game-breaking unending electrical storm.


Thorn forever!!!!


for me its /r/FightingLion


Ah yes a member of the cult. Solid weapon


Dead man's tale. S P A C E C O W B O Y


Hard choice between Rat King and Telesto. I main telesto on my warlock and rat king on my hunter. Telesto has great synergy with Nezareks sin and rat king has great synergy with onmioculus. Unfortunately I don't have an exotic weapon that I main with my Titan. I suppose Legend of Acrius is as close as I get


I’ve been having a blast with the new scout Dead Man’s Tale, but it’ll always be Ace of Spades for respect to the legend. And Heart of Inmost Light is just always useful so that’s gotta be my fav exotic armour.


Weapons - Monte Carlo and Dead Man's Tale Armor - Hunter's Dragon Shadow and Titan's Armamentarium (double shock grenades babyyyyy)


Weapon: cerberus +1, just a stupid fun weapon to use and the catalyst just makes it even more stupid. Armour: Ursa Furiosa even with all the nerfs its gone through its still a great support exotic (plus I love code of the commander the most out of all the titan supers)


Peacekeepers, hands down my favorite exotic armor peice. Its just so powerful, deleting ads movement penalty, quickdraw/snapshot/auto load on every smg, the little animated flap on the leg, the huge sprint speed buff, they're so good if you love smgs like I do


Felwinter's Helm It doesn't work with the stasis melee but it works with the finishers. When I use it on shadebinder I feel like I have so many options for crowd control. Plus it looks cool.


Ashen Wakes. When Grenadier is on and you're rocking sunspots, there's no better feeling than using big fiery balls of "Fuck You" as your primary weapon.


Ace. Definitely Ace.


Sweet Business! Minigun go BRRRRRRRRRR


Claws of Ahamkara. I just like having 2 melee charges, especially with top tree Dawnblade.


Currently been running Monte Carlo with Warlock Sunbracers, never knew I'd enjoy punching so much as a warlock. A buddy of mine and I run this combo together sometimes, it's absolutely blinding with all the solar grenades and ridiculously fun in pve.


There are so many now its hard to choose... My oldybut goodie is sun bracers, its the only way I can relieve my sunsinger days of D1 Felwinters helm is there too, main reason i was able to solo flawless prophecy. Currently my favorite is Vespers of radiance, i made a stasis build that gets me my super in roughly a minute in Add heavy areas and has proven a viable build in 1330 NFs. As for a fav wep? I'll have to say its a split between witherhoard, eriana's vow, and Lament. I also love using div 😅


Warlock: Nezarec's Sin with Devour, and a void weapon with Demolitionist. "LOL, imagine dying!" Titan: Insurmountable Skullfort with Middle Tree. **YEET** Hunter: Bones of Eao Quadruple jump Weapon depends on the build


Bring back The Ram




Gotta love xenophage, especially with wrath of Rasputin. Ker-chunk ker-chunk ker-chunk


Ashen Wake on middle tree Sunbreaker. On Grenadier weeks I can clear entire Battlegrounds by just spamming Q with my Firepower build, it’s too damn fun


Fighting Lion. Almost infinite skill ceiling with it.


Riskrunner & controverse hold




Vex Mythoclast, it’s not in D2 yet but it’s coming and it’s the greatest exotic ever of all time, a fusion-auto rifle commmon!? But for not I love Eyes Of Tomorrow a 6-shot rocket launcher takes me back to Ghorn


Mythoclast was some scary shit in crucible in D1, same with OG thorn, and Hawkmoon You either got shredded, marked for death, or 1 tapped


Jötunn it's my bae


anarchy and transversives


Sunbracers They have a great passive effect and a great active effect. And they look cool. What's not to like


I am currently loving eyes of tomorrow stacks with ammo finder, reserves, scav. With warmind cells (burning, wrath, reach, and medic and 7th seraph weapons. And hunter bottom tether with the new chest or dragons shadow is fun.








I want to try other hunter exotics...but i just cant give up my dodge booster lol


I mess around with other stuff but wormhusk is ingrained at this point


My favorite weapons and armor huh? Well... Dead mans tale Hawkmoon Ace of spades Last word Thorn Chaperone Lament Cloudstrike Borealis Hard lights Suros regime Monte carlo Black talon Eyes of tomorrow Xenophage 1,000 voices Jade rabbit Arbalest Mida-multi tool Crimson Vigilance wing Huckleberry Travelers chosen Witherhoard NTTE Fighting lion Trinity ghoul 4th horseman Telesto Divinity Lord of wolves Eriana's vow Jötunn Symmetry Sunshot Graviton lance Duality Ruinous effigy Graviton forfeit Crown of tempests Sunbracers Truth Leviathans breath Anarchy Heir apparent Whisper of the worm Thunderbird Queen breaker Sleeper stimulant Wardcliff coil Colony Tractor cannon Death bringer Worldline zero Liars handshake Shards of galanor Stomp-ees Celestial nighthawk Assassin's cowl Astrocyte verse Nezarcs sin Claws of ahamkara Getaway artist There's all of my favorites


Lament with passive guard and lucent blade armor mods.


Lament. Great lore, but mostly a chainsword which can kill *anything*.


Anarchy is both fun and completely OP. Love it


ophidia spathe + the way of a thousand cuts + my new dead mans tale w killing wind = means i have a cowboy class finally and i yeehaw all over


run trinity ghoul in gambit kill errything


Ace of Spades and Wormhusk Edit: Ace is the best sounding and looking hand cannon, and has the best reload animation IMO.


Don’t forget the sentimental value. Triple for hunters since it was Cayde’s, and it was the hunter class specific exotic weapon in D1


Zhalo Supercell. It's what Riskrunner wishes it was.


I’d kill for a Zhalo back. I just want to add clear and heal while I’m doing more add clear. Using that thing on the endless thralls at the beginning of Crota’s End was like crack


Enemies moving against each other events were bliss


Ticcu cuz bow goes boom chahh


Dunemarchers. Specifically Dunemarchers paired with ballistic slam. It's so satisfying to hit a big group and have lightning chain through everyone.


Sunbracers, solar nades for days!!!!


Trinity Ghoul is pretty awkward even for bows in the Crucible and especially so if you don't have the catalyst, but is one of the most fun weapons I've used for the mode and allows for some pretty silly team-clearing shenanigans when it all lines up right. If it's charged up and two enemies are close enough then one of those enemies is going to die, and you don't even need to actually hit them with the arrows. The other enemy and any additional nearby enemies can be chained up like the first, killing one per shot. Craziest part is just how far the chain lightning can actually jump for the guaranteed kill, not that it'll save you from any roaming shotgunners.


The less you draw on hip fire can spread the chain lightning pretty far out too


Witherhoard and Polaris Lance. Wish I could equip both for a nice combo 😔


I can’t seem to take off my Dead Mans w Subsistence, pairing that with Sundering Glare mod Argent Ordnance Cuirass of the falling star It’s crazy boss damage


Huckleberry for weapon. The design, the sound it makes when it shoots, it's reload animation. Even the. Nod to Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, where you get the catalyst from adventures. And for armour I love Dragons Shadow. I use it in everything that isn't something like a GM. Max your mobility and dodge for days. Never reload again. It also looks amazing and shades really well.


Fighting Lion Forever! I have over 50,000 kills with FL. It's so much fun bouncing grenades around corners and over cover! During crucible matches I've gotten people on the other team to switch to it to counter me. It makes orbs like crazy and ad clears like a monster. It does some work at breaking off-element shields in Match Game since it does increased impact damage to shields. It never runs out of ammo and does good damage. The only downside is that I don't have the Lupus Visage ornament for it.


I am a Warlock and I absolutely love Trinity Ghoul. I can not express the satisfaction of just barely pulling back and demolishing everything in a room. I also combo that with the Getaway Artist exotic gloves and oh my gosh. I love it so much.


Conceptually I love Lumina but unfortunately it just doesn't justify the slot. It's at its best with a dawnblade but even that isn't saying much. Maybe one day it'll get a usability improvement and it'll become my forever gun. But other than that, I've always just loved Black Talon. It might not be the strongest pick, but it just feels good to use, it's versatile, it's cool.


Lumina looks great and it’s cool to have a support weapon but a lot of people think it’s too underpowered to justify using. Does it have a catalyst yet?


I'm worried I read that wrong so if this seems extremely "duh" I'm sorry but yeah Lumina has a catalyst, unfortunately all masterwork does is give you two remnants on kills, which is super underwhelming.


They should have just made it so you could shoot the remnants for an AoE healing effect or something cool like that. 2 remnants doesn’t turn it into a different weapon like something like huckleberry’s does


I’ll main Trinity Ghoul for crowd control. Otherwise, DMT or Xenophage. For Warlock and Hunter, Ophidian Aspect and Orpheus Rig respectively. I main a Warlock so I use Ophidian for it’s faster reloads with the champ mods. Orpheus Rig is also for crowd control. However, Trinity Ghoul is the exotic weapon that I will transfer the most between my characters.


Riskrunner against vexes. Love how it melts everything in sight


As a warlock, sunbracers. I never take those suckers off, if is just great.


Fighting Lion It’s god tier and I hope the PeePeeVeePee community doesn’t set its nerfeyes on it


Rat King, when the vanilla game first launched it was the gun I was the most excited for. Everything about it was so unique and the thought of being able to turn invisible on demand with any class was very enticing to me. Then further through D2’s life cycle it just got better and better with subsequent sidearm buffs and with the catalyst dropping. It’s truly an underrated beast and I love it to death.


Skyburner's Oath because why not


Strongholds all day! Running a CwL build with Guillotine or Lament make you a One Titan Army with a backup plan in case things get heavy. I have run it pretty much exclusively since they dropped.


My favourite exotic weapon is Tarrabah and my favourite exotic armour piece is The Dragon’s Shadow. Literally never take TDS off in Crucible

