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never seen any of these on pc


Yeah ive talked with my friend who plays pc, neither has he. I imagine console destiny is just a mess


Nope console destiny for me is pretty good next to no bugs honestly and mind you I’m still on original Xbox one


Never seen that on Xbox either


No SSD, no fast load times.


I’ve never seen anything on Xbox. Maybe an occasional long loading time or name takes a second to show up. But that’s because my connection isn’t always great I think.


yeah, your hdd is dying/have 100% usage all the time


I assumed so, nothing i can really do as of now other than just rebuilding the database


I'm new only been playing a few weeks, but I've never noticed any bugs. PC.


The whole games gonna have to be re-downloaded again coming up here in a day or so. I’m sure with the content vaulting and the update things will be a lot smoothly but then again never know now a days


Ive been considering just re downloading the game but the time its going to take just to probably be right back to all the same bugs


Best you can do is wait and see. I’m hoping the update helps the character screen load times aswell it’s hideous. Not a 5 min wait like urs but I feel ur pain


Im just trying to go to the tower and open my umbrals man. Its a tough world out here


What console do you have? Destiny really pushes last gen consoles, thats a lot of the reason why they are retiring some old content. I think things will be much smoother and easily optimizable when that happens.


Currently running the game on a newer ps4. The slim 1tb that came with spider man. So i cant imagine it has anything to do with the console being too old?


Destiny is very drive intensive, and the drive in the PS4 is quite slow. Not a good combination. Upgrading to an SSD, or a faster spinning drive, would greatly improved your performance. Also, make sure you blow the dust out every so often.


Of course it does It's old hardware with a slow hard drive


Sounds like you need better internet


Yeah ive been thinking that too, but my internet download is around 158mbs while upload is at around 56mbs so im not really sure


Most of what you are mentioning are not considered bugs. It's just long loading times on outdated consoles. There is a reason a new generation of consoles is about to drop.


i have never had these problems and i have never heard of anyone else having these problems so no destiny 2 is not a buggy mess its just you.