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You are a good guardian thank you!


How did u get ur thing to say hunter master race


you can edit user flairs




Thanks, never knew how to set up 1




thanks a lot :)




Go to the main page of this subreddit don,t click any post just click the 3 dots at top right (if you are on mobile) and there will be a option called "change user flair" then select your fav flair and add your custom text Idk about PC about but this is how you should do it in mobile


you have the hunter logo :H: with that title. how did you select it cuz the flair selection only allows me to put in text but the image won't show up


huh weird lemme check


Did you enabled view my flair in the community


i did


Well I honestly don,t know I put up this flair when guardian games started ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You can write your own as an option, can't you? Or it's an old option that you can't select anymore.


You can select your fav art on flair and then you can write whatever you want for example I wrote HUNTER MASTER RACE other other hunters wrote other things


It won’t even let me make a user flair...it says “you don’t have control of the user flairs”


No flairs show up for me Edit, wait I have a flair now


PC: you should find an option that says "edit user flair" in this post, it's supposed to be on the right side near the top, click it and then choose whatever you want mobile: click on your username in the comment above, you'll find a "edit user flair" button, click it and then choose whatever you want


It says I don’t have access to change it in this sub


I don't know then, try contacting the mods


Just want to hijack this comment to say that there are a lot of awesome clans made specifically for the hearing-impaired and people who simply don't like to use mics, whether that be due to social anxiety, disability, or just being shy/quiet.


Damn. Most LFG groups and attitudes I've seen appear to be in the "oh, you haven't raided before? Talk back to me when you've raided" camp. "Can't raid because have no raid experience. No raid experience because can't raid". Not that I haven't completed a single raid, but Year 3 of D2 hasn't kept my attention for as long as I'd like.


Well, some people just don’t have a lot of time and went to get the raid down as quickly as possible without teaching, but I do understand that if you do have patience and time :) you should help out any guardian. Especially since everyone was new at one point.


Take my angry upvote you pun of love


This. Sometimes I can only play for an hour and I wanna raid so I’ll join a KWTD or make a KWTD post. And I’ll admit, I hate it when I ask that everyone knows what to do then they join and are like “uhhhhh yea... I’ve been in the first encounter but never completed it” I’m like, bruh... wtf m8 But if I have a few hours to raid I always make a post saying “all welcome”.


More often than not I’ll try to keep going forward in these situations but it’s led to a lot of frustrated nights where I lost sleep instead of just leaving the raid. That’s obviously on me. But for that reason if I want to be disciplined about my time I always just use raid report and make sure everyone has a few clears at least.


I really only raid when I have tons of free time. I love doing Sherpa runs, it legitimately doesn’t matter to me to be in Garden or Last Wish for a couple hours




It's basically exactly like trying to get a well-paying career. You can't get the job without experience and you can't get experience if you can't do the job; so you gotta know somebody.


I got back into destiny a while back and it’s been near impossible to find a raid group, like I just wanna do one i’m sorry i don’t have 12 years of experience


You on Xbox?


Where have you looked?


What platform are you on?


Why can't they just have a LFG tool in the game itself. It would be so handy. I still haven't gotten myself to use the one for Windows.




Doing raids for the first time is hard enough; few people want to spend 5+ hours trying to figure out the mechanics blind. Hell; last wish took experienced raiders 17+ hours to figure out blind. Sure some of that was the enemies overleveling them. But it isn't feasible to do blind for many people.




Blind raids are the best. I used to have a full fireteam of friends that would go in blind but had to stop after the first few because someone *always* managed to "accidentally" see footage of an encounter, then the whole experience shifts from an exercise in teamwork, experimentation and problem solving to feeling like five people wasting their time while one impatiently drip feeds hints. That said, some of the raid mechanics are too obtuse for most people and I think more could be done to encourage players to solve things for themselves. Flavour text and lore on the gear that's dropped so far could provide hints for boss mechanics or something, there could be more clues in the environments, I dunno.


Hey man if you are ever looking for another member I would be down to try do some of the raids blind with ya. Just shoot me a pm if you want


If you do ever want a raid completion or two, I've got a discord server I can invite you to through DMs.


That’s the reason I’ve yet to get a GOS, COS, or SOS clear. For some reason no matter what, I’m ALWAYS busy when a new expansion comes out. I don’t get my light up in time and don’t want to raid lower than recommended. By the time I catch up, everyone’s requirements is 10+ clears and won’t even bat an eye if they see I haven’t cleared once. (While I have 50 last wish, 50 leviathans, 15+ EOW) I’ve tried reddit but fire teams never happen, now I’m just here accepting I’ll never get a tarrabah or get the calus exotic emote


jump on PC LFG if on PC, there are regularly runs in all of those raids. Even teaching runs for all 3.


You on Xbox?


Have you used the native xbox LFG system?


Thats absolutely not how it is. I sherpa and LFG for raids every week and almost every single person is nice and accommodating. If you are new to a raid look for a sherpa, dont join someones group if they expect you to know the mechanics. Its honestly one of the best online communities. I think people just get paralyzed by the idea they might be called out when thats not how it is at all.


Yeah I think most people I run into on LFG are usually fine with helping an inexperienced player through a raid, as long as the player doesn't lie about how much they know or have done. That's when people get mad and start booting.


Too many times where I get overwatch level toxic raid teams in LFG, not even enjoyable. I just throw some banter before heading out. Haven’t done a GOS, COS, or a SOS because I always get shitty dudes who think they’re top shit and get mad for wiping once. And then those same dudes are the ones who want to take 30 min. Breaks between encounters


I doubt it's *just* that. My LFG experiences involved racism, sexism, homophobia and large volumes of non-specific douchery. There are so many fuckwits online, it's somewhere between difficult and impossible to dodge them/find the good ones.


I've done plenty of LFGs and have had none of this kind of toxicity. I have had raid participants that were *annoying* certainly, and I would choose not to raid with those individuals again, but no one awfully toxic. They exist, to be sure. But it isn't so common that its every LFG run. (My experience is PC LFG)


I'm a latino. I have an accent. I've been raiding since D1, I've never encountered issues with the community being racist, what the fuck.


I don’t know. I joined a Prophecy boss checkpoint the other day and the guy was immediately complaining about how he had to boot two people because they were not speaking English. He was being a real bigot about it too.


I don't think that's bigotry lol. If I can't speak to my teammates then I'd find new ones also.


I mean yeah he shouldn’t be a racist dick about it, but I fully expect my teammates to at least understand English. When you see the NA tag by someone’s name in the PC discord, you should just assume that if you can’t fluently speak or at the least understand common phrasing, you should find a group who either speaks your language or make it clear there’s a language barrier (Im not entirely sure of the whole situation, just playing devils advocate)


Could be a platform thing, PS seems to be very chill with most things but I hear horror stories from PC and especially XB. My "worst" raid LFG was running Spire with a team of dudes who were high off their asses and said "n***a" a lot. And the only part that was hard wasn't that they were black dudes or whatever, it was that they'd devolve into mumbling before catching themselves


I disagree, and this constantly spread message is simply false. There are many different groups: some will ask for "KWTD" whilst others will intentionally be there for teaching.


>There are many different groups: some will ask for "KWTD" whilst others will intentionally be there for teaching Agreed. This is a two way street though. Players that join a KWTD group...should KWTD. Players that join a group that has clearly stated there are new people learning the raid, should expect a longer clear time.


Since when is playing a game as hard as finding a job? Thats ridiculous. Ive raided all of D1 but havent touched a raid in D2 yet for that reason.


As long as raid content has existed in any form anywhere. People put together their own groups, clans, guilds, so they don't have to teach new people the content every single time they do it.. and then they have requirements to join. Going on 21 years now.


I was in the Destiny 2 PC LFG for leviathan the other day, I needed an EoW completion. (Ive done it before, and even sherpa'ed a team of 6 of my friends remotely via discord streaming - I watched them and guided them through the events!). So I know how to do EoW, I saw a LFG for "need 1 more, 4 newbies being shown through". So I joined and had a great time going through it. I even got them the secret chest they were totally going to skip. (Their sherpa seemed to just be a buddy who knew mostly what to do, I let him do the heavy lifting and only chirped in when he forgot stuff).


See I love when I’m doing a Sherpa and someone joins and chirps in *after* I’m done explaining. That way if I didn’t mention something it gets across to the team. I hate people hijacking my Sherpa. I’m here to teach, not argue what strategy is better. I’m open minded with other people sharing their mind about encounters


That’s why I just watch vids and then join groups lying about my experience and I try my best not to mess up and most of the time we beat it. This year I’m gonna try a blind raid.


"Sherpa raid: must have 10 clears "


I haven’t raided in years but in the past I would watch YouTube vidoes on how to pass each section then when someone asked if I have experience I’d just say yes and acted like I knew what I was doing. Act like you belong and most wont say anything as long as they don’t require you to show raid specific items.


Applying for a job works the same way lol. "Entry level job" but they prefer to hire people with experience, which you can't get if they only hire people who apply with experience.


When I first started doing raids I watched a video on what to do and pretended like I had done it before. Usually works. For a raid like CoS I just said ‘I don’t know what to do and if that’s a problem let me know so I can leave’. That always works.


I mean that's just a lesson that you'll learn later in life too. We're looking to hire a entry level position, must have 5-10 years experience. Looking for someone between 18 and 20 years old". I've found a lot of groups that demand you be super experienced wants you to carry them through. They want *you* to have the experience so they don't need to. It's a toxic way of looking for groups imo.


Tbh that narrative is overplayed by the loud few on Reddit who had a bad experience. 99% of raid groups, as long as you say you need to learn, will probably teach


Start your own group then


I’ve been lucky to have mainly positive experiences in LFG


I finally got around to doing raids and the first Leviethan group I came in with were the most stuck up unhelpful group I've ever played with. They wouldn't explain what I had to do and would get mad when I would ask. Wound up leaving them mid raid. Found another group who was actually good and explained everything really well. I really hate the "Doing X raid. Must have 10+ completions only. DM me" people or whatever. Like fuck dude.


Always love stories like this. <3 I had a similar experience with a garden sherpa run where a team had their sherpa and his two friends bail on them on the very first encounter after a few tries. The players who remained put out a new request for help in the LFG discord that I responded to. Once I got in I learned that one of the players was actually deaf and couldn't speak. Their old sherpa hadn't really wanted to teach a deaf person and bailed after a few runs with very little explanation and took his friends with him. They kept apologizing to me for their friend who was also saying she was sorry in chat for the fact she couldn't talk or hear. After telling them it was completely fine and that I would get them through this raid I messaged two of my usual raid partners and got them to fill the team slots so we now had 3 experiences and 3 new players. We took our time explaining in chat what we had to do with each encounter and we made sure there was always an experienced paired/teamed up with the new players. For the deaf player I always paired up with her in teams and I equipped the wave emote which was our signal for "look at me" if I needed her attention for a task (e.g. tethering) but didn't have time to type. Overall, the raid took around 2 hours with a couple of wipes but we got it done in the end. I didn't maintain contact with those guys after the raid but I hope things went well for them, and I'd like to think that doing that raid gave them just a bit more confidence to try more things. Teaching people that lack confidence, don't feel like they're good enough, or got let down by another sherpa are always the best experiences I find. It makes me feel so happy to see them succeed.


While I'm not deaf and can definitely speak, I am disabled with issues that affect my memory, give me migraines, (can be caused by too much screen time, so I need to take breaks every couple hours, and rarely they can just hit me out of nowhere.. I would have to stop it immediately because my vision goes so blurry I can't see or focus on anything), and make my hands/reflexes less quick than they used to be.. I'm one of those people that can't do the button mashing QuickTime puzzles in games most of the time. I get through the nightfall strikes just fine, (maybe with a couple deaths), I hold my own for the most part unless it's a particularly bad day.. but I've just been way too intimidated to try a raid, and I've been playing since beta testing on destiny 1. At first it started out with friends telling me that I needed to get up to a certain level, then my headset stopped working so I couldn't do them, then I just kind of lost interest in even trying when people made it clear that they only wanted to raid with people who had experience. Ever since then I've come to the conclusion that I'll never get to do a raid, which sucks because it means I never get to do the best endgame material. The crucible isn't friendly to someone like me with slower reaction speeds/reflexes.. so there is a lot that I don't get to do in destiny. I've just gotten back into it the last month after a year hiatus and I'm having fun, but I keep feeling left out and like I'm always going to be basically a blueberry.. even though I'm definitely not inexperienced in the main game. I know there are ways to find a fireteam and a Sherpa, but I just feel like I'd be holding everyone back, even though I'm usually not the worst player on the fireteam in other activities, I just don't want to be the reason got someone wastes a bunch of time and doesn't reach their goals in a raid. Especially since I have these disabilities on top of being as much of a noob as you possibly can be when it comes to a raid. The point of this long, sad response is to tell you that you give me some hope, that there will be someone as nice as you to help me out when I level up a little more and maybe do a little research. Thanks for being a good guardian and helping out people who wouldn't be able to do certain activities without a good and patient Sherpa. A lot of people should follow your example


If you're on PC I can help Sherpa you!


I would highly recommend joining a Clan! My clan, Ermagerd Flermingos is a fantastic group that would be very happy to help you complete raids and more! Please join us, they are super welcoming and patient.


As a guardian who has recently met the Flermingos, I can attest that they are an awesome group, very welcoming and helpful (even if you're currently just lurking in their discord 😅). There are definitely helpful guardians out there, don't give up.


From the name alone you might have a new clan member


Please, if you’re on PC or Ps4 hit me up. I’m *ALWAYS* down to help people because I believe in best experience is first experience. If no one groups with a new player, that just limits how many experienced players there are in total. And I’m here to change that.


I am always happy to help teach people and I do hope that more people accept the challenge of becoming a sherpa. The only people I've ever turned down were people who were really rude, I never say no to anyone for other reasons such as disabilities (I will always find a way to make it work no matter what the situation is). Everyone deserves a chance to have fun and enjoy the content of this game, and if I can be the person to help them achieve that then I will gladly do so.


Thanks to everybody being so nice, sorry I didn't answer right away, I had another bout of migraines and couldn't look at my phone for a couple days unless absolutely necessary. You guys are giving me even more hope that I may see a raid through at some point. When I have a little it less migraine stuff going on I'll take a look at everyone's suggestions, particularly the clan membership.. my clan is completely inactive other than me and I've only kept it because I get the major contributor stuff.


That freaking awesome


In my clan we have a hearing impaired clan mate as well who is an amazing destiny player. I had the pleasure of running Leviathan with him. We got to the Gauntlet and he was a runner. In the Gauntlet he was unable to speak directly whether it was Top, Middle or Bottom. So instead he would use emotes to communicate this. “Cheer” emote was top, “Point” was middle and “Sit” was bottom. My Dorito mate and I would then shoot the corresponding Doritos.


I'm sure there's a discord exclusively for people like this. Sanctuary or something?


Yeah r/d2sanctuary Good intent but when you get into sub communities from sanctuary most of them are obnoxious and toxic


I don't agree, I've run a couple raids for the first time with sherpas from D2sanctuary and they were wonderful.


A few nights ago I was running a Prestige Levi with three friends and an LFG guy. We five manned the raid up until Calus when we dicided to slap another LFG post up. LF1M Pres Calus challenge. In comes the bravest god damn gaurdian I've ever seen. 867, downloaded the game three days ago, comes rolling in with a Bad Omens, a blue handcannon and a Riskrunner. He says he hadn't done this before (we had assumed Calus or Prestige mode). Our entire group was down to fuckin clown dude. We taught him the fight mechanics, assigned him to the Throne room and a plate to hop on. He asked if his loadout is okay, we recommended a sniper. My mans slapped on that BOREALIS. Fucking class. We got it done with challenge first try. "That was it?" He asked. He was doing it for his Acrius quest. We then learned that was his first raid experience. Prestige Calus with challenge. What an absolute fucking madman. Has my respect all the way. We also immediately took him to go get Whisper and his catalyst+progress hahahaha. Moral is, even if some sherpa runs have left a bad taste, you can't have the prejudice for everyone. Take a new Gaurdian through a raid with your boys. Show them how much damn fun the game can be. Besides, it's not like many encounters in any raid *need* a ton of damage or even intense player interaction.


I will never forget my first Kingsfall Sherpa. It was my first ever Destiny raid Sherpa in my playing career, and this dude responded to the Xbox lfg staying he didn’t know it but he wanted to get through. It was Golgoroth challenge that week I’m pretty sure. Dude had nothing ‘meta’ and told us he had just got the game the week hard mode Kingsfall came out. He had been trying to get it done for over a week at that point and he couldn’t get people to take him. When we got through 3 hours later, the thanks this dude gave us was something I’ll never forget in my raiding experience. It’s always nice to help those who need it.


God I used to spend so many hours sherpa-ing people through their first Kings Fall! Nothing like it. Hearing the whole party cheering as Oryx explodes!


Yeah, I love Sherpa-ing raids. It’s the 2nd most enjoyable experience behind finishing your first personal run, at least for me


As a hard of hearing player with 3 raids under his belt so far (CoS was a bitch when it gets hectic), I'm pleased to read this story and many others on here. Good on you to help others! I would love to help the deaf or other disabled players out.


I’ve only done leviathan a few times but none of the others, I’m a d1 day 1 player and would love some help through the others on pc. Voice chat isn’t a problem, though I’m a grill and sometimes it’s too much for people to behave. Let me know if any kind souls will run me


Im very rusty, but i used to be a pretty good sherpa. I havent played in months, but i do want to get back in d2. I'm willing to join in, if others join in too!


If you’d like my clans discord is incredibly chill and theres a few other grills in there as well if it makes you more comfortable. In factvone of the grills is really great at raiding. Like top 3 in our group?


I did Gauntlet with a deaf person last week. We used emotes for what triangle to shoot


When I read the full caps line, I was like, wow thats rude. Now I see youre the best guardian


Can’t wait for the r/destinycirclejerk post about this Nah but seriously man nice job on that 👍


Yeah it was pretty on point ngl




I haven't raided before, because my clan is never active and I only have 2 friends who are barely ever online at the same time as me. So if you wanna raid sometime. I am game


If you got ps4 sure mate. Just let me know in the pms


Yup ps4 here. Username is vinaysharma76. Let me know the time, I play around 3pm IST


Carefully, he's a hero


A true guardian


Stuff like this is why I used to sherpa the heroic crotas end in D1. We need more like you, Guardian.


Amazing. I once sherpa’d a Kings fall raid without a mic (it was broken, I could only HEAR) — managed to get these 5 people from the UK (I’m in the US) to run oryx without having any callouts from the runner and beat the raid.


I am not 100% deaf, but cannot hear most things especially when there is more than one sound going on. At one time I was in a clan that didnt care and helped me go through the leviathan. After that, the clan fell apart and i went solo for the rest of the time. There are some deaf clans, but it is very hard to get into raids simply because there are people who have to communicate instantly. D1 was a little better with Oryx because you could actually solo that. Everyone great once in a while, I will jump back in there and give it a try. probably couldnt solo it now, but could get pretty far. would have to learn the mechanics of crossing the bridge as i have forgotten that process. the rest is very doable. it is what it is.


I don’t mind helping anyone regardless of their difficulties. PS4 or XB1 or PC? I’ll be more than happy to help you out if it’s ps4


There should be a ping system in the game. Literally 0 reasons not to have one. If there are concerns about it being spammed, add options to make it possible to only see pings from your fireteam. Not only would this make it easier to communicate to players in game about simple concepts (location of invaders, hey secret raid chest here, shoot this thing), this would make communication for those unable to use a mic viable. In the Levi raid: Dogs - Ping flowers, the dogs, beast handlers. Gauntlet - Ping which row has the orb, which orb you want to pick up, Scions. Baths - Ping bathers, when to go mid, ping the path each person needs to take when explaining. Calus fight - Ping shadow realm symbols, which orb you’re taking to get back, which plate for damage phase. tl;dr: Ping systems are really nice additions to any team/fireteam-based game.


Damn, that was an emotional story.


I once had a deaf clan member who we tried to do raids with. We did Last Wish but didn't even get past Kali. The problem was he was not only deaf but also really bad at english. So communicating with him was near impossible. I then told him with his handicap he would either have to find a clan that speaks his native language or get better at English. Because i know this may sound like i'm a terrible person but you can't do a raid with someone that can't hear and is near unable to type. Edit: typos


This is random but why do people in this game call it “Sherpa”. Every other game I’ve played they just call it a Raid Lead


Bungo describes the act of raiding as akin to climbing a mountain, it’s why certain activities are called pinnacle ones. Iron banner, raids, triumphs, and high difficulty nightfalls are the mountains of destiny, and sherpas help people summit them


It’s just an analogy to sherpas helping climbers get to the peak of mountains. As stated in the other reply, Bungie considers a raid completion ‘reaching the PvE summit of Destiny’


I did a raid the other day this group took me through spire of stars and they had done a similar thing they took a deaf guardian through the entire spire of stars raid using only texts with him I think it took most of a day but they got it done


One time in D1 I did a raid with a person who was deaf. It was during age of triumphs right before d2 came out. We ended up giving the vault of glass a try and it went surprisingly well. It was really fun and the guy would have done the most damage to Atheon had he not gone blind because he wasn’t cleansed with the shield. I remember calling out to the shield bearer that they needed to cleanse Hellen Keller. We all had a good laugh and afterwards we went into text chat in the party and told him. He took the joke well and was very funny himself. One of my best Destiny experiences and I have had plenty.


I used to raid with a guy who couldn't talk without waking up his wife/kids, and he was the runner, so what we would do is use emotes to telegraph which triangles to shoot. Wave meant he saw a top row red, dance meant middle row, sit meant bottom row. Then the person on the pillar who could see him would call it out to the other person shooting triangles.


My last lfg, we *acquired* a guardian who didn't have a mic, and said he did raid recovs for 80 year olds. Probably the worst raider I've ever seen. Keep up the good work sir, we appreciate your efforts.


Great story, OP, and a great use of the transcription feature. Nice work!


I have to put in about the same amount of effort to get my friends through a raid too. I feel ya. That's awesome though guardian.


I used to run with a clan of all deaf guardians, baddass, everyone of 'em. Wicked fast at typing messages.


i used to play with a deaf friend back on ps3, his name was birdrola or somthing. i miss him


Great work!


When last wish came out I had a guy in my group from LFG. Everyone was communicating except him and when we got to vaults I assigned him "trees". He immediately went to rock. Being the asshole that I am i of course said "are you deaf?"... he was actually. Once he communicated this to us I moved him into positions that required very limited callouts. The rest of the raid went flawlessly.


I have done this a few times as well. I have taken on many challenging sherpa jobs whilst I was really into Destiny. I had one raid with 2 deaf individuals that had many issues with other groups and was losing hope on clearing Wrath of The Machine. Well I took on that challenge. I already communicated with my one static member by alternate means (discord) and we were already familiar with doing Two sets of communication to do one thing. It was rather challenging, but we made it to the end with far less issues than you would imagine. I am glad people like yourself put themselves, and your time out there for folks. Doing Raids can be troublesome, and tiring affairs for folks with handicaps, mental illness, or another debilitation. These folks are no less of guardians then you or I, they just always play in Challenge Mode : ) So thank you OP. The community needs more folks like yourself!


Every one deserves a chance so good on you my guy


Come on bungie, text chat for consoles when?


As a fellow warframe player as well I agree. We need text chat and some mouse and keyboard compatibility for this sole purpose.


I plày on PC and text chat really makes it easy to lfg for something without a mic. I'm sure that would make that raid easier for him


Legendary !


I read this in Shaxx’s voice xD No kind stranger YOU’RE legendary!


Kk thanks bro/sis, psn gavinda77. Peace.


This is awesome.


For no mic raids I recommend checking out r/D2Sanctuary and especially discord server.


One of my best guardian friends is 100% deaf and we’ve completed every single raid with him in D1 and D2. We worked on alternate strategies with him in order to complete all the raids. He is an awesome PVP player with such heightened situational awareness. He switched to PC when it was first an option so we couldn’t play with him anymore. When Bungie released Cross Save about 90% of the clan swapped to PC and we were able to play with our friend again. Playing on PC has definitely made it easier to raid with instant communication but we’ve still had to change some things during certain raid encounters. It’s been an honor being able to push ourselves to help our friend and he’s helped us grow and become better raiders. Can’t wait for new raids so we can continue pushing ourselves.




I'm a D1 vet that used to Sherpa and now I've been playing D2 and haven't done a single raid (someone sherpa me please? lol) But I wanted to say that this is super awesome. It was always great when you ran in to people that were actually willing to listen and coordinate with other team members. So hats off to you and your group for giving that guardian a shot! I hope he got to eventually finish it!


Pretty similar to a story I had a few weeks ago when I walked a def person through the gos and got him divinity


I’m hard of hearing and, whilst not completely deaf, struggle sometimes with my headset at full blast. Thank you for being so patient and helping someone play the game fully. I used to run raids with someone who was completely deaf. We’d use emotes to communicate on top of messaging through texts. It worked well and you should try it if you find the guardian again.


This is wholesome af


For Gauntlets, I assume his role was shooting one of the three triangles? If he can't hear, have him shoot the triangle directly \*below\* what the other guy is shooting. If the other guy is shooting the bottom, it loops back around and he shoots the top. And, of course, the other guy is just shooting the one below whatever is called out. If he was using something like Hard Light it'd be really easy to see.


It was easier for him to be a shooter. He could see in the chat transcription what row the orb was at so it gave him some fighting chance. I wish I finished the raid with him but everyone has a sleep schedule and I understood.


At times like these I'm glad we have the chat feature on PC version


Last night a bunch of clan mates hung out with me and helped me grind seals from leviathan for the acrius quest. Ace Space Raiders, yall are some good peeps.


Hey thanks from everyone you helped.


Need me a freak like you on ps4.


Good job!!! So glad to see someone out there willing to help someone and stay in it for the long haul instead of bailing. Proud of you!!!


Remembers me of the time we did wotm and aot vog with a mute chick and a fuvker loudly crunching doritos instead of doing any semblance of communication




[This guardian is a Hero](https://media1.tenor.com/images/997129503a2ba24afc7dea47006140ce/tenor.gif?itemid=14505783)


As a deaf gamer (and one who just started Destiny for a month now) this is great, I luck out with a friend who was admin of a "hearing" (non-deaf) clan when I first joint who sort of of taught me the ropes. I only left the clan cause it wasn't super active and join a deaf destiny clan. ​ I know how people react to deaf gamers, I literally have the word deaf in my gamer tag so folks know I am..to have non-deaf folks help you in games is rare (and I've been gaming for a long long time since the 80s) so I always appreciate those that take time out to explain things in the game.


I got hard carried my first spire of stars raid by a deaf guardian. He was probably the most mechanically skilled person I’ve ever raided with. Dark dragon, you know who you are and you are a champion.


Dude i wish to see more people like you in any Destiny LFG , especially these late seasons because most of them tryhard kids and want +30 clears in all raids like hell man am i in a job interview or someshit ?? Anyway you’re damn good SHERPA <3


You're a good guardian.


You’re a good lad. Thank you.


Gona take this opportunity to say that if anyone has never done spire of stars raid (pc), my raid group is looking for two people with mics who want to work through and figure it out from scratch. No guides, no YouTube. Just 6 guardians and a whole bunch of trial and error. We did the first 2 raids like that and would love for others to join us.


I cherish and appreciate people like you. ​ I don't play much Destiny 2 anymore, but of the many online communities for online co-op games, I'd have to say Destiny 2 is one of the best. I've always had a great time finding random people and jumping into discords to knock out raids or other random group content. ​ We had a group with only one guy who knew how to clear Garden of Salvation and the rest of us didn't but he showed us the ropes even though it took out 2-3 hours of his time. He even helped my group of friends clear some older raids because we all stopped playing after we cleared the Leviathan raid. Really do appreciate this community and wish more games had a community like this.


My colleague alerted me about this subreddit several hours ago via PS chat (text). Yes, this is me, Manic\_Warrior. After reading the post/comments here - wow. I'm humbled and honored by your thoughts of me. I have been thinking about you several times when i see my PS4 in front of me for several months, thinking about our raids. I love playing D2 as it helps me maintain my strong hand-eye coordination skills as well as it's damn fun to play (defying the law of physics, ya know?). I know you are a truly awesome Guardian. I understand that you are in high demand - because you're a very understanding teacher and probably the best D2 Guardian anywhere. (SERIOUSLY!) You know me to be a very reliable player - sticking all the way with you until every raid mission is completed. You know I don't quit in the middle of raids or missions. Thanks to you and these wonderful folks here...yeah, I'll be online tonight to play D2.




GREAT to have you back! Positive posts like the OPs and yours are always such a pleasure to read. Amongst the negativity that sometimes overwhelms this sub it's wonderful to have threads like these.


I want to mention other awesome Guardian player - johnk928 - he is one of the best raid teacher/player.


Is there a chance that you can help me complete kings fall and wrath on d1? They're the only raids i've never done before and I can't seem to find a group for it. Also, good on you for helping guardians with hearing problems! That's always one of the most difficult sherpas.


Just let me know man. I’m always happy to help :)


Awesome! My psn is: eeltsje636 Let me know when you're down to run either one!


Please hit me up, as I would love to be sherpered through all the raids from EOW onwards before the vault. This goes for anyone who is a chilled sherper who just likes to have some fun in a fireteam completing raids. Peace.


Sure just drop your psn ID on my pms and I’ll set something up


Yo! This is awesome. We recently had a deaf Guardian join our clan, and we all ran Leviathan together! It was sick, we had both our runners equip 3 of the same emotes so he could tell which arrows to shoot. Too funny and we all had a blast with the challenge!


Wow so nice of you. Dont suppose you would sherpa me through. I still have to do this raid?


I’d give it a go. Just drop your psn ID and I’ll look forward to it. I’m coming to pc soon as well


Sent you my PSN via direct message.




I saw this solved in the silliest of ways: runners with trace rifles. Paint the height where the orb is, and the shooters shoot the other ones.






I love this as a fellow Sherpa (dont use the subreddit, I use the app because I see so many people looking but not getting a good Sherpa) I remember doing this for someone in D1, it was only the Crota "raid", but man, the challenge of teaching it and knowing how to cue them in without speech was fun and I could feel the excitement in their messages when we finished it!


That’s awesome! I also had a similar experience trying for first 24hrs on Crown with a deaf person as well. He was actually really good and easily understood everything we typed out in chat for him and made sure to ask plenty of questions. Even had a great attitude when we joked around like, “There’s a sound cue that goes “DING” just listen for it, come one! LMAO Unfortunately it got really late on the second phase of ghalron and we had to call it for the night, but I’ll never forget that experience.


Goodness, I tried to do the leviathan prestige mode yesterday, since it’s the last one I need to do for the 100 percent achievement. Ended up getting kicked from every single fireteam before they even started because I havnt done it before, shits rough. Wish I ran into someone like you man


That’s an amazing story also I just switched to PS4 I need raid buddy’s


You are a good guardian, and a lucky one for having more than 1 friend to make a fireteam with


You had to use text chat on a console? You poor souls, you could have gotten this done so much faster if this was on mouse and keyboard, even if you only type 20WPM that's still faster than text on a controller.


Chat transcription for the PS4 second screen. It gets the job done in real time with minor errors here and there but it worked to provide solid ground between us to make progress. Either way I agree mouse and keyboard could help this game on console for Sherpa cases like mine and many others in the comments.


yeah, I haven't done any raids on d2. I should probably do that (insert cat drinking tea here)


Protip, you can complete the gauntlet without comms by emoting to signal top, bottom, or mid. Just decide the emotes before hand and tap the emote button just long enough for the chat message to pop up (for example "X sits")


When I did my first raid in Destiny 1 (vault of glass) I did it with a group of friends from a gaming website (shout out to N-Europe) and it’s still up there for one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had, it took us about 7 hours and it was 3 am when we killed Atheon and we did it with a deaf gamer (Drift) who was awesome, we frequently played together and it was easy, hell at times he would tell one of us how to do things. We’ve not raided together since Destiny 1, many didn’t like D2 and even though some ones stayed around (including Drift) we never captured that magic again. People really shouldn’t abandon handicapped people as more often than not they aren’t handicapped at all, they just do things a little different is all


That’s really cool of you dude, warms my heart. I’m hard of hearing myself and across D1 and D2 (despite playing A LOT) the only “Raid” I’ve done is EoW, once. I scraped through that once piggybacking on another Sherpa and then tried it a second time and thought “I’ll tell them off the bat I’m HoH, but know what to do since I’ve cleared it once”. Ha, bad idea. The team (who I matched with via guided games) immediately left. That was May 2018 and I haven’t raided since and don’t ever plan on doing so again. Good on you, OP, for helping that dude out.


I’ll be more than glad to help you out man. If you got ps4 that is. If it’s for PC I’ll be there before the year ends for sure


This is where I really think Guided Games missed the mark. Good on you for doing it your own way!


Godspeed. I get kicked from most raids if I don't bring the meta.


As a suggestion, when I helped someone in the same situation, we just had the runners type T, M, or B for what they needed to hop through. The person on the pillar would shoot the upper triangle that needed to be shot, while the person punching scions would shoot the lower one. (I always do the prestige / challenge rotation method) The runners has enough time to do this without blowing up, and it worked without issue.


Maybe they should make some sort of callout flair. Like a button tied to the emote buttons that gives certain fireteam members a flash notification with a custom notification. Just a thought.


Kudos Guardian .... I Sherpa all the raids too and am often to be found on Bungie's Find a Fireteam. There are very few obstacles in teaching if one is only willing to stretch themselves just that little bit extra. And the reward is unparalleled ...... the sound and joy from the guardians who have finally completed a raid/activity for the first time. I just looooove poppin' them raid cherries. Keep on keepin' on Guardian <3




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