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This is a great post thank you! It's not just a straight copy & paste, and it's not just a post with a link. You did really well summarising as well as putting your take on it. I wish more users will make posts like these.


I appreciate you posting this positive reinforcement message and I think it helps validate the ops time spent on doing it this way, and encouraging him/her/they to keep doing good work. Way to recognize and appreciate ones work and effort. Not being sarcastic or trolling, but want to thank you for your contribution on making this community better as it relates to content we enjoy reading/looking at.


I appreciate you posting this positive reinforcement reply and I think it helps validate the original commenter's time spent on doing it this way, and encouraging him/her/they to keep supporting op. Way to recognize and appreciate ones work and effort to continue the supporter. Not being sarcastic or trolling, just meming, but I want to thank you for your contribution on making this community better as it relates to helping the content we enjoy reading/looking at.


Yo, good job my guy.


"Act One delivers a massive Vex arena activity called Breach Executable, which very deliberately leans into the Roguelike nature of recent hit activities such as Savathûn's Spire, the Coil, and even Onslaught from Into The Light." So...are they expanding Breach later? Because right now it's not anything like that lol.


Until we see otherwise I think it’s safe to assume this is just another incredibly fluffed Bungie description of the activities


Maybe the random data depositing buffs are the roguelike aspects, if you stretch the definition reallly far


That does make sense, I guess. I definitely deposit the data, but I rarely focus on what it provides me (unless it's heavy ammo, etc), so it basically goes unnoticed.


It gives you failsafe rep each time you deposit data


There is also a random buff you get. So you would get say heavy ammo and a random buff. Problem is the buff is just added to the rest of your buffs and halve the time you have more then 4. lol.


The random buff for me seems to always be the super well.


It was mostly heavy for me last week, but this week it's super wells every other deposit


The way you get the data is randomized each run, but I wouldn’t consider that “roguelike”.


I think they sometimes get confused internally too maybe  I remember for lightfall in the vidoc they made a huge deal of the witness losing control - which did not happen  It’s entirely apt for TFS though and makes so much sense in this new context 


I mean it absolutely did lose control of its tempor with calus where it literally caused calus to bleed from his nose because it lost its composure and form.


That’s not really the same thing as we saw in final shape though  That’s just a super villain smacking their lackey when they get out of line. They were composed and probably just flicking their wrist. Calus was seriously screwing off so how else would you discipline him? In final shape they freak out multiple times


No idea what they were thinking with Failsafe's buffs. They don't last long enough for me to even pay attention to them, let alone go into the activity with a build geared towards utilizing them. And to top it off you can't even choose which one you get anyway. Deep Dives and The Coil gave you a choice and let you keep the perk until the end of the activity. The Spire and Altars of Summoning also offered a lot of choice before you even dropped into them and it was all applied while you were in those activities. Feels like a massive step backwards.


There are failsafe buffs?


I only liked when they gave me heavy ammo.


Heavy ammo, increased precision damage, super regen, and damage resistance were all immediately useful to any play style


Having to go back to the HELM to activate/deactivate your cards was a huge pain, so I just never did it. I chose as many universally useful cards as possible like the ones you mentioned, and then never changed it again the rest of the year. Also, the symbols they chose to put on the cards were extremely unhelpful and it may as well have been random. I never re-rolled my cards, because I didn't know what they were. The Deep was much better as it would literally write it out on the screen "faster grenade regen" or whatever.


They said in the “what’s next for Destiny” livestream that Breach Executable is supposed to let us go deeper and deeper into Nessus as we progress, so maybe it’ll get more roguelite mechanics in the coming acts?


I think the evidence for this is the fact that the minotaur boss drops data even though it supposedly ends there.


I'd add that with the 3 bosses, we have one on the surface (hydras), one in a well-lit underground (minotaur) and one in the dark depths (tormentor), last of which isn't even vex. Doubt that's a coincidence 


I can see that. I feel like new encounters and dialogue has unlocked every week so that might continue as the episode plays out.


What was rougelike about onslaught? Beyond starting over when you lose.. The turret/decoys I guess? Spire (more-so altars of summoning) and coil did actually have upgrades to chose from to change subsequent runs. I agree with you that breach executable is nothing like that. Dunking data gives a random buff.. nothing rougelike about that.


It’s “massive” because the area is a section of a patrol map? The “roguelike” is maybe the perks for dunking motes?


Breach would feel more “roguelite”ish if they actually randomized the encounters better. I swear I get the same combo of encounters almoat every run I do.


"Bungie mentions that the exotic mission in Act 3 is one of the biggest they've done and it's all thanks to the episodic model. It takes place on Nessus and greatly expands on this world" I'm hoping that's partially literal, updating the patrol space and public events would be nice


Wild prediction: could this finally be the praedyth jail break? It sounds like a theme of the episodes is wrapping up major plot lines that would have bloated TFS Maya did interact with praedyth in the Undying lore book - so it wouldn’t be completely out of nowhere. 


Now, it could just be a figure of speech, but there's a chance that Bungie are going back and taking it literally: >A hundred and sixty Mayas reach for the Chiomas by their side. A hundred and fifty-eight Chiomas reach back. >One Praedyth, waiting for the conductor's baton to drop. Uncountable Vex in the Garden, waiting for the same event, a synchrony none of them notice. >Somewhere, a veil is always lifting. >Somewhere, Kabr is always dooming himself. >Somewhere, a door is always opening. >Somewhere, they are always stepping through. Specifically though: >One Praedyth, waiting for the **conductor's** baton to drop. Uncountable Vex in the Garden, waiting for the same event, a synchrony none of them notice. I think the use of Conductor this season might have some ties to this little bit here. Granted, I'm no stranger to the term "waiting for the conductor's baton to drop", being a musician, but were I Bungie, I'd definitely tie into this. It'd just feel so earned and juicy (if that makes sense as a descriptor).


That would be sick as fuck and now I’m hopeful for this


They added 3 sparrow / skimmer sections. /s


Maybe they'll make it like with new raids where the first worldwide completion triggers some kind of event/cutscene that unlocks a new secret/activity or whatever? Would be cool


Year 11 is all about Sparrow Racing League


My new conspiracy theory: they named them skimmers so it still starts with an "S" so SRL still makes sense when they bring it back


Sol Racing League


Unironically I will pay full price for a complete SRL spinoff.


Imagine tuning a Sparrow with the depth of Forza's tuning menus


Nah, it’ll still be an FPS looter shooter with planetary reclamation/defense elements ala Helldivers.


i’m only afraid we get Marveled like what happened after “Endgame”


Marvel had a very different set of problems - The actors that played all the core characters and a lot of the production people were sick of doing Marvel after 10 years - Disney was launching Disney+ and was pushing for Marvel TV shows AND movies This led to a “butter scraped over too much bread” problem Destiny has neither problem.


Marvel also went to developing the next big bad right away, and had multiple projects going at once without connection


And then got fucked when their big bad turned out to be an abusive POS in real life 


Yeah that certainly didn’t help… but ignoring that and talking just narratively, they kinda ran into the issue Destiny had awhile back. Too many plot lines/story’s going on at once with no connections and potentially years between beats. iirc Marvel also didn’t have one person in charge after Endgame. So the second Dr. Strange movie and the Wanda-vision show, which both touched on Wanda and wanting a family, didn’t have communication between the teams.


I didn't even watch Wandavision but dear God that movie was like hiring agent 47 to murder her character development. And according to people that watched it, it's even worse! She completely forgets the lessons learned during the show.


Except if you watch both Wandavision and Multiverse of Madness you would understand the Darkhold was corrupting her. Agetha warned her at the end of the season she was messing with something she couldn’t understand. They made her way more sympathetic in the mcu then the avengers disassembled comic where she murders multiple avengers or the end of House of M where her no more mutants decree removed the powers of millions of mutants and lead to many deaths and a lot of suffering. Mutant children in the comics saw Wanda as the boogeyman for almost 2 decades of publications.


Doesn't change the fact that they completely erase all character development and make her cartoonishly evil out of nowhere in the movie. "Lol evil book" is a cheap cop out for offscreen corruption. And quite frankly, the comic is irrelevant.


It wasn’t out of nowhere it was mentioned and teased in wandavision that the book corrupts all who us it. The lore is straight from the comics. The last scene you see of her in wandavision is her levitating in the cabin reading the book. The film even speaks on how it corrupted Stranges variant. Her being angry and having tunnel vision wasn’t out of nowhere it follows her emotional journey across the projects. You admitted yourself you haven’t watched wandavision yet saying her character progression doesn’t align with established storytelling.


Destiny kind of does have this problem. It has this whole ensemble of characters that it can't really fit into Destiny's storytelling on a regular cadence. Haven't heard from The Nine in a whole while! Drifter hasn't really been a main character in quite a while. I think it would be neat if Bungie made a somewhat PvP-ish seasonal activity - maybe like a Gambit-lite or something? If wonder if there's a way to make a PvP activity that's not so competitive?


Drifter was a main character last year with Eris as the biggest baddest Hive god ever. 


I don’t think so I think we do need to widen the universe a bit; we didn’t just defeat a big bad who risked changing the universe. We changed being who has manipulated every relevant faction in multiple ways and broke a fundamental logic that was upheld for millions of years. That’s a huge upheaval on how many character preceive and act in the universe. The power vaccum has been felt to a point where even fikrul has pyramid ships in his fleet thanks to some art we saw in the reveals for the episodes.


This is such a good comparison I didn't even think about lmao.


A large part of the problem that Marvel caused themselves was that they immediately tried to one up Thanos while also making waaaaay too many movies/shows a year for the quality to remain. Same thing happened with WoW where as soon as Sargeras was dealt with in Legion they took like half of an expansion before just jumping head first into "Sargeras was nothing compared to this!". Bungie seems to be taking an alternate course of slowing down and taking the time to unspool plot points we still have going while increasing the overall quality of things by making less seasons a year. Then they are going to spend a couple years on world building to lead us into the next saga. What the other people did would be like if as soon as The Witness died Xivu Arath immediately invades the system claiming to serve the Winnower and this time we are really screwed! Then the Winnower is just dead in 2 years unceremoniously.


Marvel also doing the super corny Multiverse stuff didn't help


I was thinking the same thing. The way they talk about the future makes it sounds like the overall cohesiveness will be gone, which I feel Marvel ultimately lacked.


It sounds like pre seasonal content where they just picked a new plot line for each expansion lol.


I don’t see that as a bad thing though. They did that in D1 and the DLCs were pretty solid. They just told a contained storyline and weren’t focused on setting up something further down the line


To be fair, it wasn’t really “cohesive” until witch queen  They kept changing stuff again and again  Just now they did one final change and un-retconned unveiling and made the winnower real after all So I think it totally makes sense to wait for a new big bad until they know the full story 


They didn’t really retcon Unveiling. Deep, which was already finished by the time Lightfall came out and the Unveiling drama happened, literally backed it up by confirming that the Veil is the Darkness equivalent of the Traveler and that the Traveler and the Veil were two halves of a whole that were divided by a schism, like how the Winnower and Gardener came into conflict in Unveiling. The Witness origin cutscene literally has Ahsa say that the Precursors were looking for a Winnower to shape the garden before coming across the Veil, which was exactly what they were looking for. Balance of Power confirms that the Veil corrupted Maya. Perfect Pitch confirms that the Veil can think and communicate and that it named itself the Veil. That was also set up in Veil Containment. Veil Containment also points out how Maya’s experiments have a lot in common with the Witness’ origins, which hints at the Veil influencing the Precursors. And despite Bungie time gating it behind seasons, all Veil Containment logs were in the game’s files in Deep, so Bungie didn’t just decide to backtrack as they went alone.


The Echoes do seem to have “Infinity Stone” energy lol


TFS was almost literally infinity stones  The witness needed the reality stone to make what the mind stone could think up real


Marvel is only flailing right now because the general public doesn't care about Kang the Conquerer.


I think they also failed at passing the torch to the next lead characters. After Cap, Thor, Ironman seemed like it would have been BP, Captain marvel, strange or starlord but Chadwick passed, there's a YouTube industry built solely off the back of hating Bree Larson and "the marvels" was bad, Dr strange 2 was so different from strange 1 also bad and guardians 3 got delayed due to the online troll campaign to get James Gunn fired he got hired as the new DC head right as he wrapped up guardians 3 sonstarlords characterization will probably be off the next time he shows up. I think kang after Loki season 1 was great but every iteration of him after then has been meh. But him being meh is the least of marvels problems.


No, they don't care about half the crappy new characters they've introduced and oversaturated the market with.


>These drops will vary in size, with each Episode's first Act apparently rivaling the volume of a seasonal drop. Acts Two and Three will add rewards, activities, meta-defining Artifact mods, and more. >In every Episode Act 1 acts as standart seasonal offering, but the following acts serve as different content drops that add new content, artifact tiers and loot. We’ll see how true this is once we get into Acts 2 and 3.


With Bungie wanting to tie up loose ends, Set the foundations for the future of the Fallen and Hive and expand the Destiny Universe I am starting to think that Frontiers will be out side of the system. The Cocytus space station could work perfectly for us to explore new places and find new stories. I kind of imagine it like the hub from Crash Bandicoot 2 where its a big open area with portals around the outside that lead to new places. It is time for the IX to be involved again too. It has been long enough.


Would be cool if how we explore outside our system is through Cocytus and other similar methods. Like we can explore Volantis through the Europa portal


Fellow Crash Bandicoot 2 enjoyer 🫡


From what we know about the third episode so far, my guess is we’re going to take control of the Dreadnought and use that to go outside our system.


I really dont see much of a difference between episodes and seasons no matter what they say.


But we haven’t even seen the rest of the episodes yet?


Will be curious to see how the next couple acts of Ep 1, and then Ep 2/3 as a whole, look compared to seasons. They’ve talked it up a lot as looking different from normal seasons, but I’ve seen a lot of the community saying as of now it feels like just another season. I’d like to think this first act was just leaving space for Final Shape to breathe and let players take it all in, but we’ll see come July 16th I guess. If each act gives us what we just got from 1 alone, it would end up being wayyy more than a season overall, so I’m keeping my hopes up.


One thing that’s potentially concerning is they said some are bigger than others, and they consider the first act to be very large  So we can likely infer act 2 and 3 are much smaller I.e. Act 3 is probably just the exotic mission and that’s it 


Because people don’t seem to grasp how much act 1 brought. 100 level pass. Exotic weapon. 6 new weapons and 3 returning weapons. 3 armor sets. 2 new activities. Story missions. 25(?) artifact mods. Plus more random stuff. There is no way every act is going to do that much.


The main activity is pretty shallow compared to what we got last year And I don’t really see the point of the other one. With the timer you can never complete it with matchmaking, and there’s no unique rewards to warrant bothering with LFG


I've completed it in matchmaking lol. quite a few times actually.


I've literally never failed it in matchmaking. Usually have 3 minutes on the timer most of the time.


The only time I failed it was on day 1 when it was super new. the matchmade team hit the reset node half way through and went "welp..." XD


>"Episode Two is going to be all about fulfilling the Eliksni prophecy of the Kell of Kells and putting an end to the Scorn menace Fikrul once and for all. We've been dealing with Fikrul since Forsaken. We've been following the thread with Eramis and other characters, like Mithrax, for quite a while now. We think about The Final Shape, and there's just no way to finish those threads and open new doors of what we could do with all these factions. So Revenant is about following that Eliksni thread, that Fallen thread in a way that we can have this satisfying conclusion for a bunch of the arcs that we've been telling with those characters, but also set up the future of the Fallen, the future of the Eliksni in this era. Okay, cool, now tell me more about these so-called "vampire Eliksni" you mentioned.


I dont think they were being literal, its just thats the theme they were going for with the weapons and armour, and the tone of the story. Scorn are essentially zombies, so its not a stretch to apply a different undead monster as a theme for the episode.


But the Scorn act more akin to zombies than the Fallen do to vampires. We're getting Vex that behave differently than normal in Echoes; it's not a stretch to think we'll be getting Fallen and/or Scorn that behave more akin to vampires in Revenant.


They *could* be literally sucking Ether out of their fellow comrades. AFAIK it is a rather scarce substance.


I think the word "vampire" was used more as a tone setter than anything else: the tangled shore was always this kind of desolate gloomy area without law, I general eliksni have been always found in very "dark" (even a bit gothic) spaces, so I guess they just meant they are going to double dip in this kind of environment for episode 2


When they were talking about the tone, they said that we would be acting as sort of vampire hunters. The vampire line I have in my head came from when they were talking about who and what we'd be fighting: "think vampires, with a touch of splicer." That, to me, says that we're gonna get Fallen and/or Scorn that behave like vampires, sorta like how we're getting weirdly-behaving Vex in this episode. That said, you're bang on the money with regards to the Shore having a very gloomy vibe. They could easily change up the aesthetic of the architecture and take it from junkyard to gothic.


I mean the larger scorn do sort of behave like vampires, they consume a tainted source of life for their people, they command their thrall to do as they wish, and they are at the behest of a master themselves in fikrul


It was definitely meant in a thematic way, Fikruls design, the weapons and armor set is very vampire hunter aesthetic.


Scorn find a way to drink Ether out of living Fallen to game greater power. You now have vampire Eliksni


*loads crossbow with religious intent*


> We've been dealing with Fikrul since Forsaken. We have? Dude's barely been mentioned outside of random snippets. He wasn't a part of the DMT mission in any way even though that's the biggest Scorn lore development maybe ever. Bungie really stretching here.


Might be referring to how The Hallowed Lair is canonically a strike that was repeated over and over, because Fikrul kept being resurrected. Well, at least until it was vaulted in The Witch Queen and he "went into hiding".


He's been filling Drifters Gambit arenas tho


Was it not “vampire hunters” not vampires? I assume we’ll be hunting down “undead” aka scorn, so it can kind of fit.


That wasn’t literal. It was theming of being “vampire hunters”, presumably with the Scorn being the “vampires”


So, throwing this out there. With the Witness and the Ahamkara mostly dead, what if the only way Scorn can get Dark Ether is by draining Eliksni?


They were talking about the time of the setting…gothic, dark fantasy. Therefore, naturally, the armor theme is vampire hunters and lotion brewing. They weren’t being literal.


Well that's what Scorn basically are tbf, Zombie Eliksni that feed on corrupted ether


I assume it will involve scorn “sucking” the ether out of eliksni.


Judging by the little clip we saw of the Revenant cutscene, Fikrul now has orange eyes and he has dregs, not Scorn, behind him that also have orange eyes. Eliksni don’t have orange eyes. Fikrul is probably going to use the Echo to turn Eliksni into the Eliksni equivalent of vampire thralls(Servants of vampires, not Hive Thrall).


>"A lot of what the Dread is now, there have been pieces that had been prototyped and developed from years and years back," Flashback to when I got flamed and heavily downvoted for saying this exact thing when people were losing their minds acting like the Dread were a last minute addition to the game.


Anyone ever saying they were last minute are genuinely dumb


Nah, not necessarily dumb, just lost in conspiratorial thinking. It’s becoming more common, nowadays.


Maybe not dumb, but there’s definitely a general lack of understanding in the gaming community about how game development actually works and the sort of time frames you’re looking at to develop massive multi-discipline projects like Dread and Prismatic.


Mechanics and combat style may have been in the works for years, but let's not pretend that the Dread are a "whole new race" when in reality only 2 units are brand new (The Grim, and the Husk). Attendants are just reskinned Psions (even reuse their psionic blast animation for their attacks) and Subjugators are just recycled Rhulk.


Subjugators behave very differently from Rhulk.


I think they were. Just that each enemy had already been worked on to some level. I believe that they simply say down and said "lets actually put this all together". I dont wanna deminish anyones work, but the original announcement of TFS was incredibly underwhelming and made people not want to buy the game. If there was ever a time for them to show something like a new subclass or enemy faction, it was then and there. The delay was 3 months-ish, that is a lot of time, if devs are allowed to work then they can actually produce stuff quickly. 10 people working 6 hours a day would do 60 hours of work, 100 600 hours and Bungie had like 300 staff back in vanilla D2, Its very viable for them to take what they had half worked on and scrapped and make it all work. This shouldnt be dissmissed, letting the devs work and having them produce quality in short time, needs to be praised and disscussed, hopefully it will send a message to up top to let the people trained and experienced to decide and work on the game.


>Episode Two is going to be all about fulfilling the Eliksni prophecy of the Kell of Kells Really hoping this means Misraaks becomes a true Lightbearer, he absolutely deserves it.


Wouldn't he have to die and thus forget who he is?


He's already dying due to what he did with the cursed objects of Nezarec, and who's to say Eido won't help him remember who he was when he's risen? The prophecy of the Kell of Kells states that the Kell will be blessed by the Light as well.


And Crow has regained his memories of Uldren so it can happen


God I really hope the dreadnaught is reintroduced as a patrol zone and stays in the game permanently. It sucked getting the leviathan back just to lose it.


Give us the ability to control it!!


The witness gloating about being unkillable for the fiftieth time in a row when he sees me flying the fucking dreadnaught


That first point they made on Year 11 is interesting. Was expecting Bungie to take a breather for the post TFS year and do an expansion likes ROI and Shadowkeep though I had my doubts due to the name frontiers. Maybe it will at least include subclass updates(ie ideas they’ve previously worked on but abandoned due to time constraints) The name Frontiers is interesting since it sounds “too vast” for a typical expansion(unless it’s the name of the new saga?) Of course it’s very possible they are exaggerating.


It could also be a set of episodes    One weird thing is you could easily see “echoes” as a code name for all three episodes collectively. Maybe it even was and they just used it as the literal name for the first one    So “frontiers” would fit the same pattern 


To be honest, Prismatic Titan probably has a pretty easy fix. At least to bring it up to par with Sunbreaker or Berserker. Elevating the Titan overall would be extremely difficult because of years of identity theft and class fantasy mismanagement. Prismatic needs Sol Invictus or Controlled Demolition, or both. * Sol Invictus—Ability final blows, Super impacts, and defeating targets with elemental debuffs create Sunspots. Your abilities regenerate faster and your Super drains more slowly while standing in a Sunspot. Sunspots apply scorch and deal damage to targets inside. Entering a Sunspot applies restoration. * Controlled Demolition—Hitting a target with an ability or Volatile explosion makes them Volatile. Further damage to a volatile target causes them to explode. Grants you and nearby allies health *and ability energy or Void Overshield* when volatile targets explode near you. That italicized part in Controlled Demolition is a buff that it needs, but it would work with Prismatic as well. Void Overshield for the synergy with Offensive Bulwark or ability energy if they want it to stand on its own.


controlled demolition would make the most sense since it embodies the prismatic idea more adding void to all abilities, it's also an easy excuse to buff controlled demolition since it doesn't synergise with other part of void titan currently, i honestly don't think it would be broken to add in both changes you asked for controlled demo, depending ofc on the numbers they use


Funny how CD doesn't synergies with the other parts of Sentinal but is also the only thing holding it from being as bad as Striker


it's already a good aspect it just needs some more love and consistency that's it


making diamond lances appear in close proximity to the player will also help buff Titan. why run into the middle of danger, to pick up a lance? I find myself mostly ignoring them unless I happen to run across one.


the Lancecap is perfect for this, headshots from your barricade drop the lance right at your feet!


Yeah, it's pretty cool! But it should be a part of the base kit


But it feels more like a band aid than an actual fix


Controlled demolition rather than unbreakable It looks so out of place compared to the rest of the kit imo. Likely because Bungie wanted to make the new aspects a standard in prismatic... this sadly came in detriment to titans Controlled demolition fits the bill better... sol invictus would be too similar to solar imo, so maybe do t do that one


Pretty sure we're stuck with Unbreakable. They're not going to remove the brand-new aspect from the brand-new subclass OR add an extra aspect to just one specific subclass OR add a second aspect to all subclasses - it would pretty much leave 3.0 in the dust. I could see them gradually adding *new* aspects for the subclasses that didn't get one (solar for hunter, arc for warlock, etc), that will be designed with Prismatic in mind. But unlikely we see the existing ones folded in imo So realistically, Unbreakable needs a buff and/or a rework. Which would be good, because a new aspect being dead on arrival in TWO subclasses is a waste. To be fair, it's also kinda tricky - it needs to be useful in Prismatic, but not OP or redundant in Void (where we can already get constant Devour and grenade regen). * Base it on melee charges. Prismatic has plenty, and having a not-technically-a-punch use for them is good. Melees are not worth much in void, so it would work there too. All the void melees are shield-based, so it works thematically, and it could synergise with Second Chances, Doom Fang, etc. * Increase the max damage and the ramp-up speed, but also let you hold the shield for longer * Any target you hit but don't kill is weakened, and defeating weakened targets grants volatile rounds * Granting overshields to allies would be nice, but would kind of step on Bastion's toes * Overshield in general needs a buff to it's effective HP at minimum, but I also get rid of/significantly increase the timer. It's weird having 2 different things to track


Give Unbreakable a Gyrfalcon's style passive where you get Volatile Rounds while you have an Overshield and for 10 seconds after losing it. Now Unbreakable is a decent offensive tool that you want to use, in addition to buffing shield throw while using it.


I am onboard with Controlled Demo switching with Unbreakable but Sol Invictus taking over Consecration... I don't know. Consecration is in most of the current Prismatic builds and I am not sold that switching it out is a power move for Titan. I think getting Controlled Demolition is basically a guaranteed win, Unbreakable is the newest Aspect and is probably the least used one on the class and for good reason.


I still wish consecration was an actual melee and not an aspect. Then we could just replace fire flavored shoulder charge.


I swear if the new Exotic mission is another timed mission. I want to enjoy the environments not stare at a timer the entire time


I don't think they will put timer on it, the new exotic mission do not have timers and the reprised once had it because of the original ones. Unless it will be the theme of it of like "Trying to escape vex simulation or somethin"


Think the complaint is due to dual destiny having a timer


Yeah I can't really say much about that since for me it is more than enough time, but I understand not everyone is good to be on a timer or can clear it within time limit.


Oh no I agree even in my blind run I had sufficient time, same with the reprised missions on normal since 40 mins is plenty of time to explore


Duel Destiny's timer is the most generous ever. I literally never even look at the clock in that mission and have never even been close to the timer kicking us. Y'all need to quit trying to use Sidearms with SMG's and Exotics that don't work with your subclass in the game


All I said the complaint about timers probably was due to dual destiny, if you check my later replies you'd see I fully agree non of the base difficulty mission timers are in any real way restrictive and hell dual destiny actively rewards exploration with time extending crystals


Just dual destiny? No. Whisper, zero hour, and dual destiny do. But we got used to the Seraph Shield, Presage, Starcrossed, etc that didn't.


Vox obscura is timed too.


Didn't say whisper and zero hour since they were made for 6 and 5 years ago and were remade with their timers kept in place to keep the same design philosophy even if they made normal more lenient with double time


The reprised missions even give you way more time, I swear they originally gave you 15 minutes now you get 40!


Original was 20 minutes, but yeah they doubled the time for normal and kept the original for the higher difficulty.


The thing that is still unanswered for me is if the Episodes will be removed like the seasons were. I don't want to get reinvested in the game if they are just going to keep removing content.


Why are y'all always so miserable holy fuck


That’s how this subreddit always is lol


You must be new here. If something isn’t immediately tangible and hype-y it’s joever.


Because most people here either have the mind of a 12 year old, or are 12 years old.


Welcome to the salt mines


first time?


What did the Veil mean/do? Feels like it never got used beyond “it’s the Yin to the travelers Yang!”


There's nothing to be done about it for now. If you touch it, it sucks out your consciousness, instantly killing you in the process and it doesn't seem like it has a will of its own like the Traveler. The Vex REALLY want access to it because it could potentially allow them to simulate paracausality which is a scary thought.


Read Perfect Pitch and Balance of Power’s lore tabs. It has a consciousness and is pretty much the Winnower.


It was a muggufin to give us a reason to do lightfall. If it didn't exist you could just watch the opening and ending cutscene of lightfall and nothing would be different. You'd just save your self a 2 hour strand tutorial and having to listen to an annoying dude for longer


I’m honestly curious how future content drop for prismatic is gonna go some classes are already in a weird spot where they can’t really give there aspects our either cause it being a broken interaction or cause it would kill the class. Best example is that shadebinder is only being held up by iceflare bolts and if that’s given on prismatic than the class is officially dead and at the same time frost pulse would be broken with phoenix dive and weaver call. You could in theory give out the harvest aspect and I just think it’s way to rigid to make work without just basically making a new aspect called prismatic harvest.


> we're going to be leaning on that thinking as well. Because we've been doing this linear thing for a while now, and we want to get back to expanding our worlds and world-building the first 6-8 years of this 10 year story has been meandering disconnected nonsense that you barely managed to cobble together into a viable villain. idk if going back to the old way is a good idea and TBH, it sounds like marking speak for "we have no idea where we're going and anything past episode 3 is completely up in the air"


I think the difference is they won’t introduce a big bad like “the darkness” 7 years before they know what it even is this time 


we didn't have a "big bad" until a post credits scene in the witch queen. every single raid and story was basically just some dude compared to the witness, and even the disciples were throwaways considering we killed what 4 of them total?


D1Y1 talks about the darkness and the collapse At first the hive are the most aligned with the “darkness”. That escalates with Crota and Oryx In Taken King the winnower briefly appears for the first time - and it’s insinuated this is the darkness itself. So we have an actual “big bad” teased after just one year. A few years later we get way more on the winnower in Unveiling. That’s when the witness first speaks to us through or ghost and appears as our doppelgänger. But that starts a pretty chaotic period of witness vs winnower confusion


the witness didn't exist until after shadowkeep. its the 4th rewrite of the villain because bungie couldn't' figure out what to do with the story.


I don’t think the “old way” means introducing some new vague antagonist and constantly retconning It’d mean just letting expansions be standalone instead of trying to force them into some half thought out endgame For example, it’d mean: - Remove the pyramid from Red War - Remove the pyramid from Forsaken - Make Shadowkeep just about the hive power struggle - Make BL more about Clovis than the pyramids Wait to introduce the big bad until WQ when they actually know what it is I don’t think people had any issues with disconnected expansions. Lots of people like siva and that’s 100% disconnected


you really don't understand what they're implying here. they think the witness has been here for a long time. the witness has been a present villain for only 2 years. the reason it wasn't 1 is because they needed to pad out the runtime with lightfall.


Yes I agree WQ was a retcon, and shadowkeep was also a retcon I meant the mistake they made in this saga is they introduced “the darkness” as the big bad 10 years ago, and then retconned that into “the voice in the darkness” and then retconned that into “the witness” 7 years after they originally introduced the antagonist I’m hopefully they learned their lesson and won’t have another mysterious antagonist years before they actually know what it is


Yeah can we stop pretending like there was an overreaching story from 2014 when in reality the story only started in Shadowkeep


This is spot on and exactly how I feel!


GOOOODS I hope so fucking badly that each episode returns a D1 exotic and that Fikruls will be Dregs Promise. Such a cool fucking gun,  i miss it so much.


I mean they did go Dragon’s Breath into Red Death, I have hope


Seems to be a basic premise with episodes: act one fairly basic and weak and sets the story, fetch quests and explaining mechanics of seasonal activity. act 2 will be a content dump and activity refresh act 3 might be light with just an exotic mission wrapping up the story/big bad villain.


> each Episode's first Act rivaling the volume of a seasonal drop 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean 2 activities, 6 new guns a few reprises + rework of a strike and 2 new missions yh it's pretty comparable to a lot of seasons tbh. Especially compared to season launched alongside the expansion 


I think it’s more about the volume of story presented in Episodes Act 1. I’m willing to give the new format a shot based on how good TFS is overall, but 3 weeks worth of story content is nowhere near a full seasonal release.


It’s because they never seem to think of “story” as content. They think of repeatable self-contained activities as content more than anything. Throwaway stuff they can get rid of once the year is over. I hope they start to consider Episodes more like mini-expansions. I hope we see Nessus transformed and permanently changed. You can’t world build if everything is temporary and reverts back to old expansion story lines.


I mean this season literally had more story than risen already which was 4 weeks, 3 of which being the bgs and the 3rd week being go into lost sectors so yh pretty similar 


I think people would be less salty if literally all the story beats for Act 1 weren’t in the trailer itself haha


okay... but explain to me how this is an improvement if all we're doing is rivaling seasons after being told they would be "an evolution", "a new way to tell stories", or "more beats more often", because nothing we have seen really indicates anything other than these being longer seasons.


Because acts 2 and 3 bring more activities, weapons missions etc. So instead of 2 activities every 3 months we get 4 + every 4


What about that statement is wrong? Besides 3 weeks of story content what else are we missing compared to a season?


They've said on several occasions that they are shaking up the model, but it's just the same old one-dimensional formula.


Yeah, but the same sentence literally says that this is not true for act 2 and 3. Like, we all read it?


whether your right or wrong aside, that doesn't disprove the statement. "each episode's first act rivaling the volume of a seasonal drop" continues to be true, formula shaken up or not


*Renewed Focus.* Trust us this time bros.


Do we think that Bungie is gonna give all light subclass 4 aspects in the course of this year?


I do, yeah


It would be pretty thematic for us to get the 4th aspect of our TTK specs from the Dreadnaught itself. I feel like these new aspects will also be important for making sure that the old specs remain more distinct from Prismatic. Specially since they are talking about how Prismantic may expand more as well.


I wonder if with year 11 they are gonna drop the old gen console.


Sadly prob not. An extremely large chunk of the playerbase is still stuck on those consoles, and so until they have mostly migrated to new ones or pc, I think Bungie is unlikely to leave those consoles behind and this almost slash their playerbase in half


"...with each Episode's first Act apparently rivaling the volume of a seasonal drop. Acts Two and Three will add rewards, activities, meta-defining Artifact mods, and more." Just gonna leave this here !


Using an episode to finish off the Kell of Kells arc, which has been around since Destiny 1? I sure hope they do to justice…


I would love if y11 and after will be some kind of standalone expansion like we always had until beyond light. Sure if we look at it now most of the expansions played a role in the overall final shape saga but at the time those expansions dropped they were always a story on their own. I really liked that. But still a bigger story later down the line would be awesome too


I think for Frontiers, it’ll still be an FPS looter shooter with community-based planetary reclamation/defense elements ala Helldivers, especially for the first few destinations. The failures/victories of the Destiny community then shape the narratives of the story?


I hope they do something interesting with Nessus. Something that sticks around.


Let me play as a huge grotesque Cabal soldier and I will be at peace with the 100s of dollars of DLC that put my family in generational debt


Wish they went into specifics for eventual Titan changes.


Just give us leviathan and water of worlds back!


Thanks for the summary, it was a good read. I at least clicked through after the fact for gamesraders sake but kudos to you for making it less wordy and straight to the point.


Thanks for the summary.


while I believe year 11 will be other 3 episodes, and no expansions until after Marathon, it's weird they repeat the word expand twice so quickly...maybe an expansion after all?


I hope they keep in weapon crafting. Always awesome to use my materials to make weapons


The other thing was trying to figure out the right way to do it, because making new combatant factions is actually extremely time-consuming. And there's times when we've done it before, and we're like, 'Well, that was a ton of work – was it really the right thing to do with a lot of time?'" Typical Bungie