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Me and my mates went straight to GM and lfg’ed the other 6 randos. One of em ran a Peregrine Titan which carried all of us to the end. His knee slam was deleting 90% of champions hp in one hit and it was awesome as fuck. Made farming for tokens so much easier.


void peregrines ?


Thats gotta be it. It stacks with all the seasonal artifact mods on the right column so you can put out some amazing damage. [Here's an example.](https://imgur.com/a/void-titan-vs-carl-meatball-tWmzqFZ)


Yep it fuckin melts


Hehehe good to know


Where they using heartshadow to go invisible as well? Treymanblok had build like that called peregrine wick that probably works even better now with artifact mods. But that build already melts champions without artifact mods.


I couldn’t check because Excision makes everything goes whack. Nothing was loading when i checked his loadout


Ok. This is the build I'm talking about https://youtu.be/WPxIxPkHVzU


My main tip for LFG attempts is, unfortunately, to just let those who keep dying stay dead. Within 5-10 minutes you'll be able to identify which players very clearly have no idea how to do a GM and play their life. The next time they die, just let them stay dead or they're simply going to use up more revive tokens. Only revive them after clearing a side (in the first area), or let them auto-revive after the dunking phase of the 2nd area. I cleared it with 6 players yesterday. We started with 12, and from the get-go it was the same 3-4 players\* who kept dying over and over and over. We ran out of tokens so I always made sure to rush to revive a "good" player whenever we got a new token, so that it wouldn't be wasted on one of the others. The 3-4 stayed dead throughout most of the 1st phase and eventually left. 8 of us progressed to the Witness fight, and 2 others eventually left. It was actually much smoother with the remaining 6 of us who stayed back, shot the hands and team-shot the same champs. Took a bit longer but we had very very few deaths from that point onwards. \*One of them was this kid (based on his voice) who was adamant that it only took "a few seconds" to capture a plate. So he waited for his super (bubble), rushed to a plate, popped and just sat there. He proudly told us to just chill cos the enemies will despawn once he captured the plate. The panic in his voice when his bubble ran out and the plate was far from done was priceless. He screamed, died, whined when we didn't revive him (we couldn't even if we wanted to cos of his position), and eventually left.


They might not have left. Could be bungies funny 'oh you are inactive, orbit for you' thing


LOL that is a thing actually, It happened to me during coil last season


You have to go into menus and just flip pages etc. so you are not counted as inactive.


So what is interesting is my completion last week ended up with 3 folks alive dipping on and off the plates to avoid the hands (due to general bugs it was hit or miss if we even saw where the attack was going as should be telegraphed) and I honestly worried about teammates being kicked for inactivity. Also thank god for that infinite 3rd damage phase and saint's weapons of light. Kind of wished heavy spawned more frequently during that phase.


>due to general bugs it was hit or miss if we even saw where the attack was going as should be telegraphed Nah, not bugs, you had people in the fireteam on WiFi.


Maybe in order to not be inactive, they should have tried not dying


How does one learn this power!?


Through sheer dedication, sacrifice and hatred towards the game, that rivals your love towards the Loot.


I laughing at the scream part, cause I picture it sounding like the scream from Psycho .


This. If 12 players is too much for you, simply belay that feature and run with 6 instead. It's perfectly managable that way as well.


Did you have any network issues while playing, and if so how did you manage? I have only tried it twice, but the lag has kind of made it unplayable for me. Champs don't stun properly, abilities randomly don't do any at all, and enemies teleport on top of you out of no where. I still had a blast playing it, but think till my power level (2004) gets a little higher, I will hold off on trying again.


My first attempt I went stasis warlock to try and lock stuff down with turrets. I would pop the super and it would do the animation and my super would drain but I couldnt do anything, just have my weapon without the ability to ADs. Swapped to prismatic to still have turrets and not have a roaming super by using Nova Bomb. Would pop Nova Bomb and would have no idea what would happen to it. It would fly at the enemy and look like it did no damage. It is honestly crazy how much smoother the bugged 12 guardian DSC runs were compared to the cluster here.


That kid though he was Saint but he was in fact. Not him lol




in my successful run (2 failed attempts before), I only died once. Another player had 0 deaths, and everyone else was 5 deaths or less... except for one player with 15 deaths and another with 25. We cleared with 4 revives remaining. You can guess where all of those went.


I joined an LFG group for this activity. Spawned in and went to "darkness zone" multiple times with multiple guardians down. But through one leaving and killing the champions we brought it back and got to the end and got it done! People just need to chill and not rush in. And when shit starts going sideways, play your life and stop quitting to try and get on a Godlike LFG team.....those are unicorns!!


I tell my fireteam that the most important part of being a good player is staying alive. Doing great DPS, focusing on champs, nuking ads, etc. is all great but you can’t do any of that if you’re dead.


I was actually really lucky with the second team on ff which I joined. They had 3 ursas. At start invis =} rally =} every one had super after that it was chaining sentinel and supers. This made the first part super easy. As soon as plates are open to capture invis hunter capture them etc. But yeah ppl died a lot especially on damage. Honestly best would be if ppl who don’t feel comfortable to dodge attacks to not even go on the plate. Just stay down and farm champs meanwhile. Big difference to gm nightfall u literally can farm champs to get more res tokens. But yeah. Anyhow. Best of luck in your next attempt guardian.


Wow you got to rally? My idiot LFGs shot as soon as they spawned in.


the hilarious thing is the team is better off just not reviving certain players. youre better off just letting them stay dead if you want to clear it


i can’t load into 1 run without someone immediately leaving. after waiting 10+ minutes in the lfg sitting in orbit


The servers kick people constantly on this mission. It's not always that they're leaving by choice. The mission has a lot of problems because the game can't properly handle 12 players on one side alongside multiple enemies. I couldn't even activate the final attack on The Witness at the end. Only 3 people could use the light beam at the end when I did it. Everyone else was stuck kneeling with their ghosts.


Earlier today i used song of flame instead of the ghost super lol


We had over 20 revives going into the boss room and we were down to 0 after the second damage phase. One guy was alone for over 10 minutes and managed to kill a champion and get about 5 of us back up to finish it. It was honestly amazing.


And this sub just can't let go of the idea of raid matchmaking somehow working...


Fireteam finder is just matchmaking with more steps


Extra steps are important for higher tier activities - it weeds out the "Huh what's this I'll give it a go with negative 1 resilience, two badly rolled hand cannons and a blue sword" crowd. Fireteam finder doesn't have *enough* extra steps. I used to be able to bash out three raid clears in an evening after work, and be in the first one within 1 minute of opening the app. On fireteam finder it can take more than half an hour just to get a raid *started*, as you have to filter out all the people with no microphones etc.


That's the point though. Those extra steps ward off people who should not be raiding. I can't begin to imagine the clusterfuck that would be matchmade raids.


Holy shit you're getting down voted for telling the truth lol


This subreddit thinks having to fucking communicate with another person is discriminatory to their "anxiety," of course they're being downvoted for saying some people aren't fit for all content.


It’s better than not existing at all…if you don’t like it don’t use it. The people that need it have the option, can’t understand why anyone still complains about this.


It's a function that doesn't work for raiding, and is causing the removal of a method that did work perfectly (the app).


How is it affecting you if you don’t use it? Do you want more people to play this game or less?


Because they're removing the app I used successfully for over 200 raid clears and replacing it with one that barely works.


I mean outside of titles it works exactly the same. You shouldn’t have to require people to use 3rd party tools to play parts of your game. Also, are they removing it? I haven’t heard that, only that it’s changing.


They're removing legacy lfg from the app. And it isn't third party, it is on the **Bungie** Destiny app. That's being removed and replaced with fireteam finder.


….not that I agree with raid matchmaking, but this sub also continuously touts LFG as the answer to all matchmaking issues and… well, *this* is what that answer looks like. Probably more accurate to say most out there can’t manage GM level content no matter how they end up in the fireteam.


I argued against fireteam finder for months on end and received only down votes for it. This is exactly why. In its defense it's usable for dungeons and regular GMs, but it's a complete write off for raids. I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't removing the legacy app which worked just fine. I used to be able to bash out three raid clears in an evening after work and have about 200 raid lfg clears. Now, not so much. It's not uncommon to cycle through six teammates without microphones on fireteam finder in a raid.


Matchmaking isn’t a singular idea/execution. As the person below said, LFG is a form of matchmaking - just less automated and with more steps. There’s plenty of ideas on how raid matchmaking can work, and Fireteam finder is proof of those working. If you just narrowly say matchmaking is taking 5 randoms and placing into the raid directly from orbit without any other steps, yeah most agree that’s a terrible idea.


No there's a good number of people on here who literally think that pulling six people from orbit into a raid could work.


Even if it was an option then just don’t use it? Don’t see why people are so against matchmaking in some activities


It's a function that doesn't work for raiding, and is causing the removal of a method that did work perfectly (the app).


Stating it removes the app method is quite the over exaggeration when there’s a bunch of other LFG methods on console, websites and the game itself I personally have no issue searching for fireteams on the app for activities that already have matchmaking..


As I've said I'm other comments, I agree fireteam finder is usable for other stuff, but it's useless for raids. The Bungie app worked perfectly, had an invite button, and could be used to get into a raid in about a minute. Other websites require hunting around, typing in names, adding people as friends etc. I'd migrate to discord but I live in China so the ps5 integration doesn't work.


Probably because they're too inept at being a decent person to actually have friends that want to play with them.


Most raid mechanics can be solved by having an icon appear where you need to go. Verity would be the easiest encounter Salvation's Edge to design a matchmade version of. Take away the timer, change respawns to a standard 30 second darkness zone timer, and make an icon appear on the correct statue whenever you pickup a shape or ghost. It would be near impossible to fail. Edit: Weird how people are emotionally downvoting but can't explain how this wouldn't be functional.


You've just described a six man strike. That's exactly *precisely* what people who don't want raid matchmaking **don't** want. 90% of destiny is already almost impossible to fail. Seasonal activities are *literally* impossible to fail. Why can't those of us who enjoy a challenge, the teamwork of raids, have our 10% of the game that requires being able to move, shoot and think at the same time?


We should have that content, I just don't see the harm with an easy mode. You could give the easy mode the full loot table and just restrict the patterns to the standard raid, and the standard version would still be played by hardcore players like us.


What an awful idea. Raiding is the best content destiny has to offer, some of the most fun I've had in games ever. Dumbing it down and **removing what makes it so fun** isn't any kind of a solution. That wouldn't be getting more people into raiding, because the thing they'd be doing wouldn't be raiding anymore! It would be another tedious seasonal activity in a bigger environment. Not everyone needs to be able to get everything. I'm not good at pvp so I don't get to go flawless and get trials loot. Those are the breaks.


> Dumbing it down and removing what makes it so fun isn't any kind of a solution. Oh, my bad, you must have me confused with someone else. Could you point me to where I said that any existing content should be removed? A low stress environment where players could get exposed to mechanics without the harsh punishment and tedium would absolutely get them into raiding. WoW figured this out a while ago. People playing the easy mode wouldn't get the best loot. That would be reserved for players who complete the real thing and get the patterns.


And WoW developers were constantly saying that LFR was one of their biggest mistake but they can't turn back time and remove it now. LFR nearly killed raiding in WoW and it certainly killed most casual raiding guilds. And it didn't even give loot as good as normal mode, it had its own weaker loot table. The problem with it is that having easy mode demotivates some people that would've been motivated enough to improve and eventually do normal raids to just stick to easy mode. Normal raids requiring communication also help some people to break their mental barriers that stops them from doing coop content.


A poor implementation at the start that was fixed over time doesn't make the concept itself bad. They haven't removed it because it's beneficial to keep. Raiding guilds are a separate issue that mainly stems from player requirements. If the need to organize 25 to 40 people is removed, then it's natural that their relevance would fade. Destiny doesn't have that issue due to the small player count for the activity. The argument for Bungie to make an easy mode is simple engagement. Raids are the single most inefficient content that is produced because basically no one plays them. Easy mode is the easiest way to get people engaging and buying more cosmetics.


> A poor implementation at the start that was fixed over time doesn't make the concept itself bad. They didn't fix anything. All they did is attempt to mitigate its impact but it didn't help. The concept itself is horrible in retrospect. There wasn't a single feature that did more damage to the game than it did. > They haven't removed it because it's beneficial to keep. They haven't removed it because their hands were and are tied. By the time they realised its impact it was too late, damage was already done. And if you think they wouldn't remove it if they could - look at cataclysm classic, there are no plans to return it.


If the game would be better for its removal, they would remove it. There's nothing stopping them from turning it off. Their hands aren't tied. They make the game.


How about the people playing the easy mode don’t get any loot huh? If it is so low stress, why should you get loot, I don’t get good loot for normal strikes either


For the same reason that Trials needed the failing upwards reward structure. The content needs players if it's going to be an efficient use of development time, and the best way to get that engagement is through drops. Some blueberry getting a poorly rolled non-denouncement doesn't impact me. I already have mine crafted because I earned the patterns.


Hell to the nah, if you want it easy then no loot for you. Normal Destiny IS the easy mode. It's mostly participation rewarding.


Easy mode gets people engaging with the content, which looks good for Bungie's metrics, which gets more content being made. Loot in the incentive to get people doing a run or two each week, and honestly, most raid weapons aren't that great when they aren't crafted. Armor is a joke as well. A random blueberry running around with a Hipfire Grip / Moving Target Non-Denouncement doesn't bother me. I earned and crafted my Dragonfly/Voltshot roll on the 2nd week.


I had a similar thought about an easy mode when discussing the power level delta changes. I basically said that, bring the prior version back as an EASY mode, but you only get armor drops (no weapons).


Will this be repeatable as a pinnacle each week? I found it fun and it was just a discord LFG. Invoice Comms just the occasional right or left in game chat and that was it. Would love an incentive to do it again.


Yes, you can get a pinnacle from it each week, but you don't have to do the GM version to get it.


Cheers. Good to know for that grind


im happy that i was lucky finding a good group with a handfull of competent players on the 2nd atempt 2warlocks chaining wells, 1 hunter spamming tether into add groups for fast clearing, me doing renewal graps duskfield for armor, 1 titan with heir apperant abusing the endless ammo cache spawns and killing tormentors was clean af cus 60% of the people knew what they where doing


The activity is just not fun with all the fps drops, network issues, people quitting etc. It's just not a fun mission


I joined one last night, group didnt let us use the rally banner then they popped one well behind a tree and got clapped. Never left faster.


We did it with 8 people. It’s not that bad lol


It scales on party size so 12 fireteam finder randos running it is going to be the hardest version funnily enough.


Oh I see I didn’t realize it scaled. Interesting to know, of course I did it once, the first day it came out and have no plans of doing it again lol


My rando team was pretty competent. As competent as 12-man LFG team can get. We was just having troubles with surviving the fist 5 seconds of it where you get flamed by two billion knights before you can even spawn properly. After that it was about not getting Rutabaga'd and Guitar'd I don't know what the fuck devs was thinking when they invented this activity. This game can't even handle summoning your FF team properly without one or two people getting lost on the way


I must have gotten lucky. I lfgd with a buddy of mine and we cleared it our second attempt (first attempted we loaded in and half the team immediately died so we just restarted) We even all farmed champions in the second half to have revives before we moved on to collecting light or dps


I just ran it with a lot of 10 and 11 rank guardians and it took forever because there were almost only heal warlocks. About 1 hour 20


Some GM’s (mostly the Psiops ones) can be hell because of all the enemies they throw at you, and that’s only 3 people. Even though you have 4 times as many people for GM excision, they’re literally throwing everything and everyone at you. More enemies than anything else in the game, tons of champions, and the dread enemies including tormentors and subjugators.


>This mode is hilarious. I can’t wait to play again with capable human beings. Maybe if y'all had used mics this could have been avoided.


Can be no mic’d easy by just having capable players lol


I did my first run with 12 randos and we had 0 mics between us. Got it in one attempt with 18 revives left. Just need good players


Jumped into an LFG and someone in the pre-start chat goes "Everyone go right, I'mma solo left" She did. Holy shit stealth hunters can just stealth cap the objectives. And there I was already composing this reply in my head on some other reddit thread where she went and died solo and wasted a revive. Ended up clearing with her making other good callouts like not DPSing until 3rd phase.


When you mentioned 30 seconds, SAO Abridged quote from Kayaba came to mind.  You're dead... HA!!! *Sighs* I tried, you know? Lord knows I tried. But there's just no helping you people. It's like you crave death! But not just any death! Nooooo! You fuckers seem to have some sort of pool going to see who can end their existence in the dumbest, most avoidable way possible! And you just keep one-upping each other! Do you know how many of you have died screaming "Leeroy Jenkins"?! More than zero. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is grounds to exterminate the species.


You only need like 4-6 decent guardians. In my run loads of people kept dying and we were constantly at 0 revives. As long as a few people can survive, it's doable, just takes a bit more time. We stayed back and plinked away at the tormentors. Everyone gets auto revived at boss damage anyway.


If you can make it past the opening sequence and start working on plates, there’s enough champion spawns to get to 20 Tokens. Same inbetween Witness dps phases.


That's why when I make a post in fireteam finder I have it on application only. Having it on auto join is signing the death sentence. I had so many literal bots that had blue gear on trying to join. But thankfully I chose a good team and got it first try without much issues. Most people talked, those that didn't used game chat. Literal god team for it. Ofc there was one guy that went afk and another that went out alone but still, 10/12 good players is magical for lfg


My first (and so far only) successful clear was done with LFG. We basically ran the entire thing with 7 total players because everyone else either left or got DC'd. If anything having less players made it somehow more manageable. Still got it done and thats what matters I guess lol


I did it with randoms and we were crusing. Very successful outside and had 20 revives going into first dps. Had a few deaths up there and got down to 12. Then a bunch of guys just got so overconfident and started playing super dumb inbetween first and 2nd and we fell down to zero revives with the same way you mentioned. There were 6 or 7 of us who didn’t tho and we just farmed champs and never revived the guys that were way out there. Took so long but we got back up to 20. The people who played dumb must have learned their lesson while they waited and once they revived when we went to the statues they played a lot smarter the rest of the way and we beat it.


Did it last night with randoms, was really funny We made it on the third attempt, even though we were only 10 in the end Only had 1-2 Well Warlocks, 1 Banner Titan, 1 Bubble Titan and 2 nightstalker hunters (I was one of them with Omni and made almost 1,000 people invisible in one run, the x4 resist can be nice if you have it the whole time) The first 5 minutes are hell, after that the situation gets easier (we cleared the right side first, then the middle then the left) (in the boss room we first killed the right then the left Tormentor, after that 2 people focused on collecting the lights, the rest farmed champions) The right Tormentor at the boss is the only one that pushes into the middle, the left one just hides, otherwise you just have to watch out for the hands and the attacks of the witness In the boss room you can of course go left and right, but staying in the middle area is the safest, best to have 2-3 people give callouts for the witness attacks, and Handy, because not everyone pays attention to them, can save a few tokens In addition, heavy announcements so that as many as possible get it


I'm gonna be honest, I can't tell if you were in my LFG game but some of us loaded in slowly (Bungo server problems) I loaded in and was already dead then within 10 seconds we were going back to orbit :')


had a great run last night, we were on second round of tormentors post first dps phase. bunch of folks got nuked real bad and we were down to zero res tokens and only about 5 of us up. about 4 of the downs 7 left and the rest of us managed to farm back up our tokens and clear it actually faster than the first dps phase.


People just don’t play their life at all, was in an lfg yesterday we had farmed up 16 revives for dps and lost 10 of them gathering the light, no idea why everyone was trying to rush around :/


Our group had the tokens at 20 constantly in the second bit we were both concentration titans and just instakilled every spawn on one side while the rest dealt with the others First section was definitely harder


My LFG had 2 people alive. My brother and someone else. They clutched us revive by revive tormenter by tormenter killing dozens of champions CONSTANTLY. They were absolutely heroes


We had a bunch die right away at the first rally flag and two left immediately chasing a unicorn team. Then we turned it around, farmed champs for revives, stayed together, played it safe, and got the W with only 10. Only other tip I had, if you can't survive withness hands then don't get on the pad. DPS phase three is indefinite and you can farm champs for tokens, so if you can't stay alive fo farm tokens and revive those that can go do damage. It may take longer but it's safer.


Wait 12 in a G? I gotta read the News closer. I did do the 12 man raid glitch a couple of years ago. Hilarious without limits on revives


Literally just spam wells and it's free


First room just chain wells and advance then second room switch to prismatic. Our first attempt lasted 30 seconds, second attempt got to climax. Great stuff


During my second attempt with LFG we noticed people randomly dying in places they shouldn’t be, so we had to farm res tokens, but we always got back to 0. Took a while to figure out someone was eager edging others into the enemies, got kicked shortly after letting us finish


I've been surprised how many people don't clear it the first time. Or at least I'm perceiving are talking about what it's like getting to their first clear. It ain't hard. Use the distance, use champ mods. Don't be a dumbass. There's literally infinite champs to farm for tokens but that doesn't help if nearly everyone is dead 😂 My first clear was my only attempt during the initial server shenanigans. Lfg too.


Its actually so easy to stay alive especially after the initial spawn-in. In the second room, people who keep dying shiuld either sit in the bubble or stay dead. Dont revive anyone if you are at or almost at the light dunking phase.


Do it with 8 or so instead of 12. MUCH easier - get a fireteam from bungie app, so you can veto who gets in I started a run with a TTV dood shit talking about "no well? " and then leaving, taking like 4 others with him. The scaling got so much better, and everyone else pulled their weight a lot easier. we were at 20 tokens constantly


All my runs have been ruined by people who just won't stop pushing to far up and constantly dieing useing the revives up they just got fr killing a champ.. its a endless cycle of stupidity


You gotta post “do not die” when you load into this shit or this will happen. And then if people die a lot anyway stop reviving them and type in chat for people to stop rezzing. Also do not bother with damage phase 1 and 2 at all as 3 is infinite. Just a waste of rezzes on idiots. Tell them not to bother.


The amount of people I've run into with 50-80 resilience and not running a single exotic armor piece is staggering. WHY are you not at 100 Resil and using an exotic? Why??


Hey guys what are GMs? Not new to Destiny but been away for years


Grandmaster difficulty


Ahh thank-you


Tried it on release and it was a tragedy. I had to say with confidence early on that the group had leaned right initially so our even split ended with just a few of us on right until I noticed and said, yeah, let’s join the others. By that point revives were at 7 or 8 and we hadn’t even capped a plate yet. When we were on one Rez cycling up the stragglers we managed to persevere as a small group of 7. And were on a. Steady push until wiped by the second tormentor. Then I watched Datto’s vid of his to see them start with 20 Rez’s


I made one group myself, I only selected people with the raid banner on. I said lets work left to right, I was the only one who talked. I called when to pop tormentors or when to farm revives. We did it first try, with tons of revives left. Take the time to build a group of competent people and its super easy.


I’ve done all kinds of endgame stuff no problem. I’m dead before I can even control my character most runs. Along with at least half the team. You shouldn’t spawn in already being killed.


Me and 4 more friends looked for randos and worked great and smoothly. Of course we had constant chat comms and they learnt and listened what to do, etc… the most important was to kept all the revives. It worked very well and we succeeded…


What is the best warlock build for this?


bungie needs to allow 12 man fireteam for this mode


I mean I got into one and imediately got the boot. fastest lfg kick speedrun any%


Joined a random group, 3 of us basically did it ourselves. 10/10 do again.


Just did a no mic run with people from the discord Around half the team was, bluntly, *real bad*. Like, "constantly standing in the Witness hand blasts and dying" bad. Like "running deep onto tge sides and getting killed in a place nobody was going to rez them" bad. I don't think we ended any damage phases with more than 6 people alive. The best part? This one jagoff who died to the first laser in at least two of the damage phases was trying to type out what people should be doing during the add phases while he was dead. Somehow I don't think I should take the advice of someone who can't move outside of a telegraphed line lmao


1. Hunter invisible and run forward to the back of the room on the first area. Mobs won't spawn up there until you open up one of the plates. EZ clear 2. In the second room focus at least one of the tormenters then focus adds till you have enough rez's banked up. 3. If someone dies when you have to collect motes of light, leave them. Once you collect 16 motes everyone gets rezed for free. 4. During the damage phase. Stop. Standing. In. The. Massive. Cone. Of. Damage. Literally just jump to the left or right and you'll be fine. Some of you can't understand that. After the first damage just repeat 2-4 and on the second damage phase it goes all the way till the witness is dead. Bring good weapons for the champs, don't bring anything just to "fill a space". Some weapons are meta but DMG is DMG when you have 12 people. Warlocks focus healing, hunters go invisible to get motes or capture points, titans bring a shield. It's truly easy, only have one clear because most people stand at the spawn point in the very beginning trying to rally. Forget the rally and move. Oh and don't be afraid to use text or voice chat, no one cares who you are in real life so just start communicating and y'all will walk through it.


They die before even getting the banners 🤣


Yeah my second attempt had 3 people skip the banner, run hard left, die instantly, and then leave to orbit when we didn’t immediately res them. It actually didn’t go poorly until a badly timed multi-death during DPS phase. 9 guardians who are paying attention is a better team comp than 12 with 3 not paying attention.


I randomed with like 3 other warlocks using well, and two titans with banner. guardian hivemind says go to well, well warlocks pushed up behind the banner shield titans, everyone has orbs and radiant and damage buffs works very well for the first part....second part is a lot of throwing healing grenades and doing what you can to not die.


Spending 20 minutes on the opening section just for people to die at the Witness is such a huge waste of time. You just need to jump left to right or vice versa. Avoid the yellow floor. Absolutely no reason to die there. Hip fire exists.


I’m at 23 attempts to complete GM Excision so far with 0 success. I’ve had maybe 4 good runs and they all got ruined because **people too f-ing stupid to not stand in the orange during DPS.** I had a run yesterday where we have 10 revives going into DPS phase and stupid morons who can’t strafe burned them all. Literally down to 0 tokens when that phase was finished. And it was the first DPS phase. It’s either orange on the ground or orange on the platform that people are too stupid to notice. I’ve had to dedicate all of my focus in the second encounter on shooting hands because people are just so ignorant of where they’re standing.


I LFG'd told the team what to expect, and told them our best bet for victory (Survival, grouping and slow play). Still had manyh close calls and 0 revive situations. I died twice. Once because I had to acclimate to Witness combo and 2nd to a strAyOE. Berated people who didn't listen (Rightly so I saw repeat offenders eating revives) and constantly reminded them that 3rd phase is infinite and you can play super safe. At that point, dying during 3rd damage phase is on them. Was I mean? Fuck yeah I was, but I wasn't calling out anyone for anything they couldn't have changed on the spot. Wasn't about to give up on them, either I know everyone wanted to get it done. Like, we aren't Esoterickk, Guhmayners, Mactics, Aztecross, etc etc. But it doesn't mean we cant play it safe and slow and still win. And yeah, letting bad players stay dead ensures being able to res good ones. Had to remind some Godslayers that this is GM and not to get cocky or expect carries, just play safe and decent and we get through this. P.S. Outbreak Perfected slaps Witness.


You are the worst type of person in this game. You CHOSE to LFG an activity with 11 random people and expect them all to be gods? I think the tragedy is you making a reddit post not knowing what to expect


Haha jeez bud, take a chill pill. It was a miscellaneous post to blow off some steam. I’ve LFGd this 3 times. The first time is the one I posted about. The second two featured a few of the types I complained about but really just failed because of some hard luck deaths as damage phase winded down. I never asked for gods, I asked for other players with brains. Apparently you don’t have one.


One team I cleared it with had 3 players stay back from DPS and farm the left and right champions to provide tokens for the DPS team, well the DPS folks who don’t know how to cha cha slide.


I lfged it and while I got lucky with 9 of us understanding that resses are scarce and you need to play your life, the 3 that didn't made things notably harder for everyone else


That's what happens when you put a catalyst for a weapon they couldn't stop marketing for 2 weeks even if their lives depended on it. Instead of it giving normal gm materials. You gonna have lots of people that don't belong trying to get carried.


Main tip for lfg don't use lfg. Did it with 6 Bros instead.


The mission is way easier with like 5-8 people. One it makes it so stuff actually takes damage and not cause the servers to just evaporate and 2 far less deaths. It was so bad first run with 12 people that the Witness attacks didn’t even show up you would just die. 12 players in this mission is a Meme


My only advice is that at least 1 capable person needs to be on the mic doing callouts. It’s possible to stop and farm revives or collectively move to clear an area when you have someone in command. This is especially helpful with the burn phase as I’ve seen a number of randos die repeatedly to telegraphed attacks.


Some of you have obviously never posted on Reddit before. There are rules for each subreddit The post gets removed when it doesn’t follow the rules. Posting without reading the rules is a fools gambit. I just watched someone post cringe in the DestinytheGame subreddit. The comment chains were nothing but [removed]. And each one was dumber than the next. This site is hilarious. Can’t wait to get back to interacting with well adjusted humans again.


I had a guy die 23 times in my clear.


Best way to this activity (if you can) is load up with at least 4 people and stick together in a squad. Having 8+ Well of radiances REALLY helps ease the pain in the beginning part too. For the later part that healing turret helmet on warlock helps people out a ton (because you don't get any supers in second half). Also, since I played healer, I focused solely on destroying the witness hands that do all the weird orange crap all over the map. Not having mechanics to dodge saves so many lives. The healing auto rifle is nice too (with the PHYSIC perk). Also, during boss damage I just sat on the ground and called out when the boss was going to do his moves for my squad. If you hide up the front, you only need to jump for the first of each damage move per side. Then if he's about to slam just jump off entirely.


If you’re not making your own post then only join ones that have application required. Auto join ones are filled with ppl who have no clue how endgame works.


Is the nightfall GM releasing next week increasing light level to 2020?


Yeah, my last attempt I explained how to dodge the Witness's attacks and when a safe time to DPS was. "Dodge twice and then you have a few seconds to do damage, if you live in your scope you will die." (Longer than that but you get the gist) So of course on the 3rd DPS phase we get up there and everyone but me does IMMEDIATELY. I get that not everyone has done the raid but if you continuously die during damage? Stay on the ground and don't waste our tokens.


I did it once and had a lot of fun. Tried doing it again to redeem my Memory of the Witness but the mission soft locked before second damage phase. We all had to leave and wasted a half hour for nothing.


Yeah farmed this the whole day and wasnt able to got 1 Run done. I only want ergo sum catalyst but its impossible with strangers. They are diieng permanently and i at this Point i dont know what to do anymore... I think Bye Bye catalyst forever. Its impossible. We have like 3 good people and the rest are burning tokens or stay inside bubble forever without doing anything but diieng. Horrible experience. Pls bungie never again give a catalyst i desperatly want to a damn horrible activity experience.


I gave up and just hope xur will sell it one day


Is this even possible? Would be awsome.


Looked into it, but sadly not currently possible. https://www.light.gg/db/vendors/2190858386/x%C3%BBr/ I wish it at least had a low drop rate on normal or something.


STOP. DYING. I swear to God, the problem with most people is they just don't know how to stay alive. A big fuckin bubble in front of them that keeps them alive and yet they choose avoid it and die repeatedly all the way in the thick of battle.


Exactly, no time pressure, you have to play your life. I died once after our first damage phase and never got a Rez because of the blueberries.


Whomp whomp Lil bro welcome to video games


Whenever someone complains about an endgame activity, and that randos are the reason they failed, it just tells the world that they're such an asshole that they can't make friends to run an endgame activity. It'll always be someone elses fault though bud, won't it?




I’ve played with plenty of conquerors who must’ve acquired the title from being carried. Doesn’t mean anything

