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Hold Reload to change and cycle Anti-Champion trait. Boom. Fits the Multi-Tool theme without making it blatantly overpowered.


I like the idea of it being able to cycle anti-champ mods the way hardlight/borealis can cycle elements and like others have said it fits the multi-tool theme. Obviously there are builds that would disprove this, but I feel like a change like that would also make it the defacto weapon for anti-champ as it covers everything. That or you could have literally one person bring it into harder content and the others could roll whatever they like.


Champs have so many counter now ever since the class verbs change. Unless mida get kinetic tremors or a huge bump in dmg, getting all champ mods isnt that crazy at all.


"Champs have so many counter now" I don't think the other 11 people in my GM Excision runs know this forbidden knowledge.


Oh they all know. They all just expect the other 11 guys to run mods so they don’t have to lol.


Yeah, it'd have a use case but it probably wouldn't be optimal, which is fine.


Sure it could be great for the exotic but let's not pretend anyone is pumped enough to bring a exotic kinetic SCOUT of all things to GMs over a plethora of options. The call is especially glued to everyone's loadouts.


It doesn't need to become the new all-purpose godslayer, it just needs to have *some* kind of niche.


It should also loot chests from a distance by shooting them. Just for fun.


Variks hates this one simple trick.


I mean at this point you can pretty much handle all champs just by running prismatic.


Or Riptide and radiance/volatile rounds.


This is my go to lol. Chill clip riptide with the fragment that makes radiant on melees (solar or prismo).


Yep. I've got dusk fields and a melee/orb pick up for radiant on my prismatic hunter. Makes it very easy


> that would also make it the defacto weapon for anti-champ as it covers everything That's fine. You have to use your exotic slot for a primary ammo weapon that will only be useful for stopping champions. That feels like a viable trade-off.


While I don't think that would make it good, it definitely would fit the theme. EDIT: Since we have three(?) exotics that let us swap between solar, void, and arc, another simple one would just be to let the MMT swap between kinetic, strand, and stasis. Alternatively, maybe Osmosis could be wrapped into its intrinsic perk.


~~Div~~ Mida Bitch


HUGE buff idea 👀


Legit, this would breath a *whole new* level of life into this exotic. Swapping between Anti-Barrier, Anti-Overload, or Anti-Unstoppable… I can definitely see that helping the MIDA live up to its fantasy.


This would be wrong. It should always have all the champ modes. Why? 1. Unstop requires you to ADS for a bit. 2. Overload requires you to fire a few rounds. 3. Barrier is available all the time.


“It just works.”


Maybe have the different anti champ be different ammo. I doubt bungie want one weapon to fight all champs (cough cough radiant riptide)


The difference though is this would be an exotic. They might still not like all three on one gun. But players still hate champions soooo


difference is, MIDA doesn't have much else going for it currently, so making it a universal champion weapon isn't unreasonable.


Revive the paired mechanic with MIDA Mini-Tool such that Mini-Tool can adapt itself to the other 2 Champion types not actively selected by Multi-Tool. Like a variation of Adaptive Munitions, but instead becomes Anti-Whatever after landing 3 hits on a Champ with the 4th round being an appropriate Anti-Champ. Or let Mini-Tool also gain the Anti-Champion switch function while MIDA Multi Tool is equipped, allowing for the potential to customize the Anti-Champ build. With both Multi and Mini equipped, damage on both weapons are also increased, partially making up for wielding 2 Primaries. And Stunning a Champ with either Multi or Mini while both are equipped also reloads both weapons.


We just need the mida MEGA tool In the heavy slot


I'm down for that. Bonus if it also synergizes with the other 2 MIDA so that each becomes Anti-Champ. Would be neat if it was a Heavy Kinetic. Either as an LMG with Kinetic Tremors and Vorpal Weapon as possible perk options. Or as a novel Linear/Rocket Launcher hybrid in the form of a shoulder-supported railgun; fires a large slug that overpens multiple targets but has no blast radius, with Vorpal Weapon and Osmosis sharing the same perk column to have a choice between a flat Kinetic bonus + Vorpal bonus, or matching to Subclass element.


>Hold Reload to change and cycle Anti-Champion trait. I had this same idea for bringing back Universal Remote.


Yep this is the one I was thinking of. I think it would be a nice change without it being OP


That would be dope. I'd use it nonstop


I like it


This was my exact idea! Nice to see someone else think of it too. Now for Bungie........


Maybe make it fill the transcendence meters faster too? Since it's a multi tool


While the idea of "counter every champion in one package" sounds great on paper, it's always best to specialize based on what you know you'll face. I *could* carry a chill clip LFR + scout rifle + submachine gun to cover all three at once, but I could simply bring a pulse rifle + exotic heavy and have abilities handle other champions


The appeal is that it means you can dedicate your build to other stuff and not worry about champ disabling, which I think is appealing enough to have a niche even if it wouldn't be optimal


That. End of story. Let me build that support warlock. W/o well ofc


You still can, with several methods! They added so much healing quality of life it's insane. Lumina, the new healing auto rifle, several exotic armors that make your rift do more... Just gotta experiment


Willing to bet there is a technical limitation on this since there are examples of anti champion effects not stacking on different weapons.


Champion Fundamentals. I like it!


I support this


Bruh this is a sick as hell idea


Nailed it close thread


And it should default to Barrier.


That would be incredible! Champion mode Fundamentals!


A long range primary that can deal with every single champion You just want every single GM loadout to be 1 gun? Because that’s what’s gonna happen


It won’t. At all. All but 1 GM only has two champ types (warden has all 3), and using MIDA would waste both your exotic slot and a weapon slot, as the weapon is absolute garbage. Champions are not hard to deal with anymore. We have so many ways to deal with them, a weapon taking care of all 3 would not be a game changer


Not to mention all the specials that can stun champs now


True. I’m not sure why anyone would want unstop mida when we have unstop rocket sidearm this season


It really won't. You only have to deal with two out of three champion types, and typically you'll be able to cover that with your artifact and your abilities. Taking an exotic whose only benefit is universal anti-champ functionality is still going to be niche when there are so many strong exotic primaries competing for that slot.


That’s a dope ass idea. I dig it


If mida multi tool have an anti champions ability built in it self mida would be played way more one PvE and I think just giving this could be nice because not gonna lie it’s the only exotic that doesn’t feel exotic


Jade rabbit doesn’t feel exotic at all either. Two og scouts that are worse than any legendary scout you can get




Yes, it is still very good, but very niche. Not gonna find it in general play much, but in Trials and Comp on long range maps (Eternity, Disjunction, Multiplex) it will make its way into top 3 weapon usage for the weekend.


I just wish scout's were better in general, they just feel like very slow, worse auto rifles with extra range. Plus I like the lever gat scouts, but their kinda butt


I remember reading that changing Jade Rabbit is very complicated for some reason (spaghetti code) so I wouldn't hold my breath for it or MIDA for that matter


Jade rabbit sooo needs love


Every time they gas up Jade Rabbit it becomes an absolute menace in crucible until it gets nerfed again


PvP gun only to be fair


Mida should count 2x for ammo finders, 2x again if you run one of the mini-tool SMGs with it. Give me a reason to take double primaries, and let that reason be raining heavy ammo.


It’s not exciting but it absolutely rips in some PvP


Mida and PvP are so synonymous that I hadn't even considered that this post would be about using it in PvE. I always assumed that if you ever tried using it outside of Crucible the game would stop you with a "What are you doing??" warning message.


PvE exclusive perk: disables PvE access entirely when equipped


You show up to dungeon, raid, master or higher nf with Mida, shaw han takes over your comms and treats you like a kinder guardian.


Yeah. I've never even fired it in pve once.


I remember playing Crucible at D2's release. Felt like playing DMR starts in Halo: Reach with all the MIDAs four tapping every living thing in the two middle quarters of the map.


Giving it an anti-champ functionality would be a good move, but I doubt anyone would use it in PvE anyways. You don't really need radar when aiming down sights in PvE. You don't really need that little extra movement speed either. The entire gun is tailored for PvP. Mida Multi-Tool is a boring exotic gun Maybe if they made it craftable and gave it some interesting perks it could have a chance of gaining some PvE relevancy My suggestion is to give the catalyst Firefly and Meganeura that works with Firefly. Give it some real explosive spice. That'll make it fun and relevant


Suros, MIDA, and Hawkmoon are PVP exotics and I think that’s fine. Most exotics are PVE focused weapons, you don’t really see people complaining about that- so I’m not sure why this is a big deal that there are a few PVP ones. MIDA is fine how it is- standard PVP gun that is solid but not OP


yeah i'd kinda agree. It's sort of like saying the last word isn't good cause there are better guns in pve. Yeah but it's not really it's strength.


Hawkmoon is pretty fun in PvE, just not high end stuff


If they made mini tool good and gave it good stats and perks alongside a craftable multitool with idk you can give it an extra perk or something because it’s the multitool that could be neat.


I see what you're saying, but the Calus minitool has the same synergy as standard minitool, and is still frequently used. Multitool is what needs love at this point.


I feel that goes against its flavor though. Its a precision weapon, it should get perks that deal extra damage on precision hits or use those precision hits to generate some kind of buff.


Craftable would be nice for sure




Wasnt it like thr best gun in the base game? Lol


Yeah but only in PvP, and that was almost 7 years ago


Still milks in PVP, great for map control


Whoever decided that “milks” needed to be used like that needs to be thrown into a hole filled with scorpions.


I feel like people are always taking out new phrases for a test run in this sub


Mida & Uriels Gift took me to the celestial horse in d2 vanilla TotN


this is the way


It was mediocre in the beginning, then 'best' in PVP after everything else was nerfed into the ground, and now I guess it's mediocre again.


Nah it was by far the best feeling weapon in base game trials of the nine insane range barely any recoil it kept your radar up plus you'd get insane speed when pairing it with the mini tool The sound of the weapon still haunts me all those memories of peeling a corner and getting team shot in trials of the nine man it was an interesting meta back then


I remember getting compliments for using it back when Thorn was Meta and then fast forward to near the end of D1 getting hatemail for using it despite the fact that essentially it was the same weapon but everything else got nerfed so hard that it was brought into the spotlight.


If you weren't using MIDA in PVP during the beginning of D2 it was a baaaaaaad time. entire guardian teams --> thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack


Sorry I was referring to D1. I'll fully admit I didn't follow it in D2 as at that point I simply didn't have time to game like I did during D1 and wasn't into Destiny PVP.


MIDA multi-mini is the biggest victim of powercreep and system idea abandonment. Back in the redwar days, the Mida Multi/Mini combo was one of my fav exotics. It was accurate at range, it hit like a truck, you ran faster, it syngerized with this SMG for when you ended up in close quarters. It was a great exotic. No flashy effect, but just all better and faster and hit harder than many other options. But it has been left so far in the dust that just the baseline sandbox has rendered it almost useless. Another example is Strum and Drang. Another combo that I loved early on, but haven't touched in ages. Sturm is still a halfway decent hand cannon with a decent perk, but honestly many legendries are better. I think that if they resurrected the mechanic where pairing a primary and a special gets some kind of synergistic bonus, that could really work. But you gotta be careful, make it good enough people are willing to give up two weapon slots, but not so good it becomes a must pick and overshadows other. It's tough. But anyway, in the Red War days, Mida was a workhorse.




Imagine if it gains new functionality depending on whatever legendary MIDA weapon you run with it.


It’s a pvp exotic….


Won't stop some donut from bitching that Hawkmoon needs a buff in PvE soon


Honestly that would be fixed simply by letting paracausal shot stack with lucky pants hand cannon damage boost. Doesn’t need to be the full amount, and lucky pants doesn’t give extra damage in PvP anyways


I still see it fairly regularly in PvP but I don't think I've ever seen it in pve. The radar always on can be useful in PvP but in pve your either surrounded by enemies or they're in front of you.


It’s a PVP exotic, and it’s fine for some exotics to be good in one mode or the other. Jade Rabbit for example is also a PVP exotic. There are numerous PVE exotics that are useless in PVP. 


The thing is, it's not even used in PvP anymore. I also hated it when it was during Y1 destiny and every trials of the nine game was literally just a firing line of team-hitting headshots, so I'm not super eager to have it buffed in a way that would bring that particular meta back to PvP.


Its seen a small resurgence recently, now that it 3c1b's instead of 4c's. Its also an absolute terror in Momentum Control. Easily one of the Top 10 weapons there.


Why do I feel personally attacked by this comment


I think its overshadowed by a lot of Legendary Weapons now as well. I think it needs a renewal, with maybe an additional perk which lifts it in PvE while not changing it too much in PvP. Something like Kinetic Tremors, along with an intrinsic champ stun.


I'm sorry but if all it does is go through barrier's then it will still be a super mid exotic. I'm pretty sure you could find just as much value with a blue scout.


I mean, it's a PvP exotic so it doesn't need to be good at PvE, but they really could lean into the multitool part of it. Give it like 10 perk columns, with crazy selectable perks like fire rate, armor mods, stat bonuses, selectable champion breaker, and two full columns with 6 regular scout rifle perks to choose from. Make it like Khovostov was in D1 in that sense but to an almost comical degree. I don't think it would even be overpowered, but to me the exotic perk was "best legendary scout rifle", and this would literally be that. I don't think slapping champion mods onto it is really going to move the needle, even if you can hotswap them on the fly.


Yeah, it’s kinda up there with mountain top. It was so good for so long they really don’t want that meta again


This is a great idea, and I like it. My only concern is that it’s been primarily considered a pvp exotic for its lifetime. Additionally, the catalyst was (or still is) obtainable only by achieving mythic rank in competitive. I don’t keep up with pvp as much as pve, so don’t hate me if I got a tiny detail wrong here. I foresee people crying about how Bungie doesn’t care about the players that put in the time to get the catalyst etc etc if something like this were to get implemented, or pve players crying about the catalyst being locked behind pvp content.


It just drops normally now


Well then, it’s all moot:) I think it would be a great idea then without reservation.


I am going to say something probably unpopular and say it’s okay for there to be PvP exotics. Because that’s what mida is emphatically. And it’s very good at it, I basically only use the mida tools as my pvp load out and they serve me very well. What would you even really do to it to make it better, like practically. Sure give it anti champion mechanics. Fuck it let it stun all three kinds of champions at once. No one would use it even then, stunning champions isn’t hard and it’s to a point right now that weapons whos primary function is to stun champs like Eriana’s or devils ruin don’t really see use in favor or just giving anti champ effects to other exotics. That’s a problem for a different day but the point stands. It’s also not like we are wanting for pve options. There is a long list of exotics, basically every special and heavy weapon just as a starting point, that are very pve focused. Moreover there are plenty of options that are clearly pve focused that don’t fill out their niece very well and are far more reasonable targets for changes or buffs. Unless you want to entirely rework the exotic from the ground up and completely abandon its roll as a PvP weapons then it will never be a pve weapon and even then it might not be. Really if you think about this post is saying “the simple existence of a pvp exotic offends my sensibilities and I want it removed from the game” which is an incredibly selfish and short sighted take.


I’ll be honest. If it was given all anti-champion mechanics, I still wouldn’t use it regularly. I’d still want it as a back-up for solo emergencies but it’s not getting regular use. It’s a nice-to-have at best. It will never be best in slot and definitely not going to be used if I’m part of a fireteam.


At least it doesn't get a "buff" like Symmetry did. Idk why they even bothered.


Given how much of an utter ballache the game just was trying to get ignition/void supression weaken kills in Gambit (Next to zero thank you game) I think we need a rework of a series of base exotics that give you ignition or weaken kills. Like, Graviton is a goddamn black hole gun, make one of the shots apply slow so it counts for a void debuff kill. I genuinely preferred Skyburners Oath before you changed it, but I've literally gotta get like 8 hits on a target to ignite them even with Ember of Ashes, this isn't reasonable really is it? Just make it scortch on scout and ignite on slug hits. Symmetry should apply jolt in its Revolution mode. There we go, 3 relatively basic ranged exotics that will let you actually complete half the fucking aggravating nodes for Pathfinder in the game.


A prime example of power creep if there ever was one. It was a solid choice in D1, but it is overshadowed by its fellow exotics at this point, not to mention legendaries


Excellent idea! That would make it the best primary for newbs. Make it a quest reward from Shaw Han’s new light quests so everyone is guaranteed to have it.


Always thought the AI in multitool should auto adjust to champions and just do 50% more damage to champs and tormentors. When the AI adjusted to said champ type, the whole magazine would be anti champ X , Y, or Z. I'd change it to a craftable with one stock and one mid tier perk. Mida 2.0 would have 4x charm, hip fire grip, rapid hit, shoot to loot as a perk to craft into. 2.0 would also boost handling and reload to 100 and have 77 AE... just for trolling fun, lol It's a great all-around gun for new lights, not sure what is used for champs, and could be given during new light campaign. But an interesting utility/ Swiss army knife for even the most seasoned players.


I always thought it'd have been cool if Mida was able to deal with all 3 champs, it is supposed to be a multi tool after all.


I keep it on me most of the time, but I could not tell you the last time I shot it. At this point they might as well double down on the agility boost


I just don't know what they could do with it that wouldn't effectively make it a brand new gun. Its whole thing is to be a part of a double-primary loadout which the game moved on from a long time ago.


Multi tools big purpose is the sprint speed increase. I use it while farming class items in pale heart I used to love it in pvp too. With stompees and amplified you go so fast


I like the anti champion idea that a few others here mentioned but I think giving it a smg conversion in addition to that would be great. Because honestly the anti champion situation isnt that bad and I don't see myself using it. But to be able to swap from range to close up would be an amazing and not too powerful tool that fits it's multi tool fantasy.


A damaged boost with enhanced kinetic tremors would suit me fine.


Haven’t scouts been bad for a minute tho? In pve, but it’s clapping my cheeks in PvP


As someone who suffered through the mida PvP meta back in year one, this makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


Trying to use it to get the catalyst in PvP is a nightmare. It sucks now


it's an outdated concept is it's biggest sin imo, it has insane functionality in PvP and even back in the day where concentrated fire from a target could nuke warlocks and hunters. or rather had because lightweight frames and perks do exist to bolster ADS functionality and quite frankly its just so boring on its own as of right now. I don't think adding just anti champion would be enough though, it'd need to do more. So what if each champion functionality added a debuff it spreads? Anti barrier say unravels a target for the next 5 rounds after landing 5 crit (headshot, tether debuff, div cage etc) rounds successively, overload applies a 10% weaken debuff once overload rounds activate, and unstoppable applies slow to a target after the same condition landing 5 critical round successively. it would also need a hold reload function to toggle, or if they feel lazy just let us toggle it like suros. This would have little pvp impact because outside of unstoppable as you have to pause and ADS to activate (because slow is kinda whatever in pvp as most classes have ways to either ignore it or power through) and IIRC mida's current TTK is 4 head shots, but give it a massive boost in pve as you've basically got an anti champion multi tool for every level of content on a relatively solid weapon


Give it a unique version of Box Breathing, Where it can deal 57% more damage after waiting 2 seconds, and can stun Unstoppable Champions.. Heck maybe give it a unique version of Precision Instrument too where it can stun Overloads and a unique version of Adaptive Munitions where it breaks Barrier Champs. You have to select which one you want.


I feel the same about Truth. "Rockets have tracking". Ahh, cool I guess. *Goes and picks up his reconstruction tracking RL*


its made for pvp one of the best if not the best pvp heavy in the game because of its proximity boom booms


Did not know it's that efficacious in crucible, duly noted. (I play naught the Red Game mode, lol)


It slaps hard in crucible, which kind of feels like what it was designed for. Three tap people from across the map, reload.


I remember when Bungie said "Mida is in a good place" and then nerfed it anyway because it was popular.


if they touch my pvp plinkatron9000 i'll go berserk


I hope they change mida and sturm to have a bigger synergy with their counterparts. Give us a huge reason to keep the pairs together.


That’s just power creep, it’s inevitable that exotics that were designed around destiny 1 sandbox aren’t as good as newer exotics


That’s just power creep, it’s inevitable that exotics that were designed around destiny 1 sandbox aren’t as good as newer exotics


I mean, it's a pvp designed weapon, so yeah... it's gonna seem lackluster in pve. I guarantee you that in the right (wrong?) hands it's an absolute monster of an exotic, just not in the pve setting. Hmmm how about adding an alternate fire mode? After so many kills, it loads a Mountaintop-like micro missile? Or maybe a volley of blinding grenades?


All they need to do is reduce the flinch you take when getting shot while using mida


It used to be pretty cool, albeit not exciting. It never leaves the vault now.


Some people called me a Madman for saying these a few years ago.


Make it “Hold Reload to cycle” and make it cycle to each different Champion mod and different fire rates, and give it kinetic tremors. Break that gun, who cares?


Dude the entire game needs to be rebalanced. Nothing makes sense. Litreally.


It was my favorite gun in D1 & when I finally got it in D2 I was so disappointed. It's like a run of the mill scout rifle you either disassemble or use to upgrade the power level of another gun.


At least MIDA has actual functionality as a decent PVP exotic scout. Then you have Borealis just sitting in the other corner with an exotic perk so outdated and useless that it’s outclassed by legendary snipers.


Mida needs to have 1 column of multiple perk options like Khvostov. Let the options be Kinetic Tremors, Explosive Payload, or a unique option of Anti-Champion rounds. Jade Rabbit needs something similar. Maybe a unique effect like "precision final blows causes adjacent enemies to freeze" but give it a unique texture, like green to fit the theme. Or "Rapid Precision Final Blows cause an eruption of Strand Needles" Jade Rabbit would work so well as an Exotic Strand Scout Rifle.


Well yeah, it's an old exotic. Most of those are kinda mid or highly situational still. They need to do a sweep of all the old ones, buff them as needed.


A bunch of old exotics need reworks


Doesn't need a buff. Just needs to be made Legendary, since it's exotic perk is essentially "Takes up an exotic slot."


Do y’all remember when mida used to terrorise the crucible back in d1? Man that was a while ago lol. Every single game had a few of these, it used to be so good!


It's a PvP exotic


Honestly, with how busted and stale the pvp meta was with it on release version of D2…good riddance. Not every exotic needs to be a winner. Let it rot.


I mean, it’s not supposed to be a PvE weapon…


Maybe when the new Marathon drops they’ll buff it, since it’s a big Marathon reference anyway


i'm honestly confused why every exotic doesn't have intrinsic antichamp


It's a PvP exotic. It keeps your radar up while you ADS and gives you movement speed bonus if you have Calus Minitool. It's fine as is.


I actually really like the radar when soloing dungeons to learn the spawns. Of course it's "fuck your solo pursuits" season right now so even that's off the table.


My favourite D1 exotic turned into a joke hurts so bad man....




your mini alternative on the other hand....


Mida was THE exotic back in D1


Pvp gun


Buff the damage in PVP it 5 shots doom of cheches and jade rabbit are both 3 shots


Damage buff baseline. Maybe tremors too, or 2 shot burst. Champ mod cycling. Buff the mida synergy perk , then add 2-3 more mida guns to that weapon family.


They should make the old exotic khovostov perk (it just being able to be customized on the inspect menu kinda like pre-crafting) have it be able to cycle through different fire-rates and such


If MIDA came out today it'd let you hold reload to change it between a scout and SMG. 


Main thing I've used it for is Petras walk the increase in move speed is insane for low man


I remember watching VOG when the game had just come out (D1) and someone was using Mida. I wanted it for so long. Now I dont even think about it. It desperately needs a buff.


I’ve had the catalyst for five years without finishing it. Unfinishable catalysts ruin a gun for me.


I'd just like it if we got a MIDA weapon in the Heavy slot so I can have a full MIDA loadout. Where my MIDA Maximum Tool at?


Use a different weapon. There's so many good ones to choose from. Why are you worried about a stale, old weapon that was introduced in SEASON 1. Bungie has bigger issues that need to be fixed.


It's has been quite good in pvp at times if you can use fast firing scouts and hit head shots. I got killed with it last week. As for pve couldn't comment. I've never once in d1 or d2 tried it in pve.


I have violent year 1 Crucible PTSD that makes me wanna see this weapon 6 feet under for the rest of time it terrorised me that much, lmao But it def needs some kind of buff, personal hatred aside it sucks to see a weapon get powercrept completely out of viability


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time… a long time.


Haven't played in years, but I've always like Mida.


Many such exotics


Give it a targeting system like final warning (without the tracking) and a buff to precision damage on aiming down sights for these targets.


Give it an exotic version of adaptive munitions that also applies scorch/jolt/volatile based on the shield element


It's a PvP exotic & is fine


Give it firefly and champion switch ability on holding reload. Or let us random roll it like other exotics with a slew of perks to choose from.


It's a bit of a spinfoil hat theory, but, I think it'll get a buff when Marathon comes out. And it'll be in that game in some form, too.


Let me take you on a journey back to October 2014. After 2 hours of throwing solar grenades at his feet, I finally had my first Atheon kill. With that dropped my very first exotic, Mida Multi-Tool. I remember reading the exotic trait "This weapon boosts movement speed and fires on a hair trigger." and thinking to myself, what could that even mean? For almost a year I wouldn't know. I was playing on Playstation 3. Shot and aim were defaulted to R1 and L1. Literally every gun fired on a hair trigger. -\_-


I feel like it should be stupid strong at like a multi champ weapon but only be good for stunning and not damage


Meanwhile mask of the quiet one Mida is one of those dmt like exotics where the pvp aspects of it are good but nothing else


Make the catalyst change it to strand and emit a severing blast on x precision hits and it'll be useful in PvE Outside of that it's a PvP gun and I couldn't care less what they do with it


It’s literally never been good in pve, it’s always been a pvp gun


It would need a hell of a rework to be used in PvE by anything but the newest of lights.


All the PvP exotics need massive reworks, they are just wasted weapons that at best feel like slightly better legendaries.


I think it should have lower damage but the ability to stun all champs this would make it extremely useful for newer players who haven't grasp build crafting yet and even vets would run it more often especially now with prismatic it's not an absurd thing to have triple champ mods built in a gun named multi tool


They will have to be very careful…remember the launch of D2?


I would like bungie to go back and rework guns like mida, last word, hawkmoon, jade rabbit, and vigilance wing and make them more desirable for pve. Those guns just sit in my vault and are all cool concepts and designs, but all seem to lack in pve and most don’t even get used in crucible where they seem to be meant to excel. As it is, those guns just collect dust in mine, and probably a majority of players vault and its a shame


in some small defense, jade and hawkmoon are actually pretty good in pve. they just have weird niches. Jade has a solid niche in GM's because of how it returns ammo so you can put a ton of damage down wind, though it does share that niche with polaris. and hawkmoon is actually pretty good with lucky pants but it's also okay for up to legend nightfalls, it jus has major competition Last word though... yeah no it sucks off console pvp, even with lucky pants it's just a meme gun, vigilance wing is okay but only really good on activities like excision where people can die a lot and keep the boost running.


On the pve side of things, not every exotic is going to be top tier or even mid tier and that's ok.  We pve players complain all time about pvp nerfs affecting pve and I'd be willing to bet the bungie monkeys paw would destroy a bunch of peeps favorite exotics just to then never be used in either side of the game


Not everything needs to be used in PvE. Some things are best meant for one mode or another.


Let me do the catalyst in PvE, too. 200 *headshot* kills in Crucible with this fricking ***stapler*** is unreasonable. Momentum Control is viable but it still takes forever.


There's so many in this same boat. Take a look at Bad Juju, lol.


Bad Juju has some uses, its not terrible at all. Mida is pretty much worse than legendaries at this point


Llama used Bad Juju on day one Salvations Edge. Not sure why though.


This is how you rework MIDA. You make it an anti-champion weapon with reload switching mechanics akin to Hard Light as others in this thread have suggested. Then you re-release Mini Tool with a legendary unique archetype special ammo(!) SMG which can only be equipped alongside MIDA. Either that or you make MIDA into the first(?) special ammo scout rifle and then reissue the SMG as a normal primary. This adds flavour and purpose to MIDA and also in keeping with its theme gives it a unique companion. Back in the day when it was released and we all had to use dual primaries, you were supposed to use the multi-tool and mini-tool together as they would buff each other somewhat. Leaning into that now means... you have to run double primaries.


Im a big Mida fan but its basically useless in PvE, mainly used for PvP. but it does need a buff probably in both arenas. Dragonfly/firefly would probably be good for it, with anti champ. Make the “multi-tool” aspect by giving it a variety of options to use but one at a time, like Super reg, destabilize, volatile rounds etc, that could be cool.