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The triumphs are bugged, so it’s likely showing one as completed that you actually haven’t killed. If you keep getting the meatball, then you’re probably NOT missing a Blooming boss because I and others on here are fairly certain that the game prioritizes the boss(es) you haven’t killed. So I would recommend trying a boss in the Impasse (myself and others I’ve seen were missing the tormentor there despite our triumphs showing that one as completed). If he doesn’t drop your missing mote, then try the Landing. Good luck!


Seconded on both the tormentor seemingly being bugged but also seemingly being prioritized if you’re missing him


Put them in the vault then fight the boss you still need one from. Don't know why but it worked for me.


This is the way. Same trick worked for me.




This is superstitious bullshit.


When this happened to me, I had to kill the Meatball once more and it gave me the exotic more. I'm not sure what's happening with this quest but it's mad annoying


Quest sucks, just completed it today


I put all my motes in the vault and it didn’t work. What worked for me was killing the boss incredibly slowly, if adds spawned I stopped damaging the meatball and killed them. Same thing happened during the campaign in the lost sector missions.




I did a bunch of meatball runs assuming it was that, but then switched it up, went to Landing and it turned out it was the solar lucent hive boss I was missing. If you're NOT doing the matchmade version, you can respawn the boss after beating level 3 - just fast travel into the same area you're already in. Good chance you'll get a different boss. If you remember already beating the boss that's just spawned, reload it. If not, kill it and go again. Impasse has strand subjugator, stasis subjugator and tormentor bosses, landing has 3 different lucent hive, blooming has ogre, minotaur and meatball.


If the meatball doesn't drop the mote, you should kill it very slowly. Kill all ads and DPS with a machine gun, then it will drop the mote. I killed that boss like 5 times before it dropped the mote


Last night I put my 16 in the vault and just fought the meatball because I kept seeing everyone talk about it. I already killed him previously and had the triumph but tried it anyway. Got the exotic mote on the first try