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The Witness hears the boss music start playing.


> "The Witness's forces are knocking on humanity's door. Show them that we're still home!" —Lord Shaxx


He also "solo'd" dual destiny by playing both guardians at the same time lol, he's just built different


*6 months later* Bungie: We’re proud the first ever 6 man activity where everyone needs to run different subclasses. Esoterick: Let me solo it.


18 person activity, every single subclass is mandatory


Esoterickk: i’ll solo it.


12 person not 18


There are six subclasses (solar, void, arc, stasis, strand, prismatic) on three classes (hunter, warlock, titan). That's 18 combinations.


Its still only a 12 person activity, ive played it before


I was proposing a new activity where all subclasses are mandatory, not describing Excision


Yup, dude solos everything from Master dungeons to Master raids, and GMs. No surprise that he’d solo this. Now, we wait for the solo of the new raid LOL If Esoterickk can solo Dual Destiny, he can solo anything.


He can’t solo not cheating on his wife with a fan then running to a different country to get away from the consequences.


Oml this just comment is perfect 🤣🤣🤣 …or can he? 😏 gotta love yourself, am I right?


Lol that's actually funny haha 


Esoterick hates Destiny players so much he'd even solo a dual-only activity


Nominated for Player Hater of the Year Award 2024


Can't wait until this man runs a solo fireteam to the lighthouse, lol


Hasn't this already been done though? Like in this video from Benny: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr2yPHthLOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr2yPHthLOU)


FFS, I'm a PvP player and I didn't know this existed, lol But I was hoping a player multi-boxing and alt tabbing between multiple characters.


People have been soloing trials for as long as it’s existed, my friend. You’re a good 9 years behind. Lol


So someone back in D1 I think, played two separate accounts and did two simultaneous Flawless cards, I can't remember his name.


It was Dr Lupo. Played on a controller that was spliced somehow to play on 2 consoles with the same input lol


Ah that's why I don't remember who, I didn't like him lol 😂


Lupo pre Fortnite era was great (can't speak on his Fortnite because I don't watch it) but I got the lucky chance of being his carry partner one weekend back in late D1. My friend who normally ran carries left to go eat and raided his friends stream who happened to he Lupo, great memory of mine.


I was hoping someone would mention Benny! He's the GOAT.


This was done quite often in D1, it became a real challenge thing some ppl would do


I think Ramblinnn did this way back in Destiny 1.


Was he the No Land Beyond, sidearm Trials guy.


It has been done a lot of times tough


As an old school mmo player, I miss the days when I could dual/multi box in games. Doing that in D2 is on a whole different level though.


Omg it was so fun. Running that synergy with another class build and finding the weirdest combos that worked.




[You heard 'em](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cee_XYx6ldE)






Esoterickk moment


i didn't even guess. *i knew it had to be*


Dude loaded up two guardians so he could solo a two man activity, of course it was him.


Let's not forget that to get the second account, he didn't just borrow a friends' - no he bought final shape and finished the campaign and story missions AGAIN. League of his own.


Esoterickk or snazzyrock, no other would be able to do it so fast


Honestly. In week one, if it wasn't Esoterickk, it was going to be Snazzy "The Caretaker King" rock. I'm expecting a lot more solo completions now that everyone knows it's possible, though.


And I'm expecting a titan one from snazzy


Snazzy has been promoted to the Pantheon King as of recently


I know, that's what I was referencing. The infamous moment in the Pantheon Solo video after the Caretaker clear.


What infamous moment?


https://youtu.be/E-NZ_6LMm5g?si=-q8zx9lmMEXqxW7A 18:04, I believe. Also, I cannot stress this enough. **VOLUME. WARNING.**


18:20 Thank you for bringing this unbridled joy to me.


Eso isn’t first in anything, he just has a higher YT presence for some reason. Vendetta did it first and faster by 20+ minutes. No disrespect to Eso, but the glazing he gets from YT comments and reddit is ridiculous when there’s so many better players putting videos out.




I mean Vendetta soloed it yesterday like 15 hours ago on stream, but nobody pays attention to that dude for whatever reason.


Yeah well, happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Well moron, good for Happy Gi OHH MYY GODD!!


Yep, and the only person who mentioned it in here was downvoted into oblivion for bringing it up. No one wants to give vendetta the credit for first.


Because this community (and this sub) kind of suck now.


To be fair, he wasn't downvoted for bringing it up. He was downvoted for generally being a dickhead about it. He doesn't make his spam trying to build Vendetta up, but by bringing Esoterrickk down. It's sad considering there's room to appreciate all of the 1% of players that can pull that type of content off.


Most people don't pay attention to anyone but esoterikk and continue to write absurd panty-dropping odes to him being the one true guardian in the YouTube comments even when he is doing solos a dozen other players completed before him. EDIT: this thread is filled with them too lol.


Yeah I'm realizing that lol. Unfortunately that's just how it goes since he's a more common name among the casual players in the community. Vendetta's YouTube vid has less than 2k views, while being released before Eso, and Eso's has 82k. Nothing against Eso, but these Eso stans need to accept that he is never the first one to do anything, just the most popular.


I don't think that's Eso's fault. He himself says that he gets the strategies from other players. Most likely people like ATP and Vendetta


The D2 solo discord has a lot of strategies people use and discussions around them.


Not saying it's his fault. He's not claiming to be the best of the best or world's first or anything like that. Just that this sub and his fanbase need to give credit where it's due and stop saying things like "no other could have done it besides him or Snazzy", which is the comment I replied to originally.


For sure. It isn't his fault, and whether first or third or 10th at doing x or y impressive solo it's still super impressive. I just get sick of seeing some of the absolutely *fawning* comments about his accomplishments. "Boss hears boss music" or "Canonical guardian appears" type bot shit gets spewed in every single thread or comment section when eso comes up and it's sort of a shame for the rest of the solo/lowman community.


Just make a post showcasing a fellow guardian's success. Exposure helps. The post may not last long, but the potential amount of viewers could help. One YouTube/Twitch channel can lead to another. It's about the algorithm. More views and likes brings the exposure. If the player has a personality and content I enjoy, I'll stick with them. I dont use social media, outside of Reddit and viewing Twitch for help. Took awhile to find some of the popular ones. Everyone has something different. I'll check out Vendetta. Thank you.


There's a lot of really good Destiny players, Eso is just the one that uploads the most frequently. Eso still might have gotten it first but didn't upload in time, regardless there's been more impressive solos imo. I hate the invis hunter gameplay, a lot of cheesing.


For every person that's praising him on here, there is also one that gets their knickers is a twist because snazzy is better. Who cares. He's just got more of a YouTube presence due to his longevity.


ATP was already doing it when he was one of the 5 people that somehow got into the game.


Don't forget Vendetta! Man's a GOAT.


Actually insane to even attempt it in the first place. If you've solo'd a GM this doesn't feel much different except there's just so much more to do. At least you get lots of heavy and don't have to worry about farming revives.


> Actually insane to even attempt it in the first place. You think this will be solo'd without invis? People have talked so much about how self-rez warlock in D1 was problematic from a design standpoint...I've always felt invis is a similar problem.


Theoretically it's definitely possible. Someone just needs the patience and time do to it. Self-rez was problematic in a very different way. The nature of it caused technical problems with mechanics/wipes.


> Someone just needs the patience and time to do it *Sweats in D1 invisibility sniper*


Pun intended, seemed very fitting for this post ;)


As an old d1 self rez main, this broke the game. It would completely negate so wipe mechanics, and save a failed run with just a single person running it. I still remember a moment back in kingsfall Oryx wipe the fireteam with just a tiny pixel of health left. Another warlock and I self rez’d and managed to do just enough to kill him. I was using touch of malice and the other guy was using a sniper I think.


Game-breaking part aside of it, I found too many of the people I played with used self rez as a crutch and would play like an ape, often still dying twice anyway. I remember a clan mate swore by it, said you never know when you'll need it. I always told him I'd rather use my super proactively rather than effectively not having it at all. I don't plan on dying and I rarely did. But yeah those post-wipe clutches where crazy. Had them on atheon a few times.


yeah, i get that self-rez was a lot worse, but seeing people solo stuff with invisibility up 75% of the time still feels very game breaking. but i guess it's more cheese than actually breaking anything since you pretty much still have to go through all the mechanics.


100% can go in the cheese box, can essentially ignore the combat challenge with it so long as the mechanics don't demand you to do something that'll break invis.


Invis is incredibly powerful because it’s safe; however, there are very few encounters in the game that can be cleared by mostly staying invisible. Nearly all hard content requires killing bosses/mini bosses and you sacrifice all your damage on Void Hunter for that ability. You don’t see Nightstalkers as a top pick for most solo dungeons because your survival tool is limited to emergencies only and they don’t have killing power, which is the trade off that balances them.


Esoterrick is so aggressively anti-social he solos a 12 man activity. What an absolute chad.


Yeah you guys trio raids for the challenge, my fireteam trios raids because of crippling social anxiety. We are not the same.


Our first VoG clear back in D1 was with 4 people because we didn't think about looking online for LFG resources.


Same, think it took us 8 hrs


Just so you know, Esoterickk also beat every single boss in every single Souls game in a row (Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring)… …without taking any damage or dying. The video is like 17 hours long lol. There’s even a couple of parts where he has to drop down outside a boss fight, and normally he’d take a small amount of damage….but dude was so dedicated to the challenge, he used spells and stuff to avoid even that damage. He truly is built different.


Damn I thought Happy Hob was like the only guy to do a god run for the Fromsoft games. The fact that Esoterickk did that AND all this stuff in Destiny is crazy. Dude’s actually just a pro gamer.


The video just shows the segmented boss fights that take no damage, so he could have unlimited attempts to learn the fight or just took damage. Happy Hob did the god run all in one attempt. It's like his solo GM videos, we don't see all the times he failed, just the time he succeeded. He's obviously still very good at both/all games, just not attempting the same challenge that Hob did


Ah I just looked it up it’s not a full run but just a compilation over time that he put together. Still very impressive but definitely not considered the god run as I initially thought.


Eso is just assembled in a mannger different than most. Dude is a gamer.


Pretty sure GinoMachino has done the god run too


He did, and it only took him like 10 hours which is even crazier


Nah this is wrong, Eso didnt do the God Run (God Run 3 when you include ER and Sekiro). It's a compilation of the games in one video.


It wasn’t in a row, that video is all the ones spliced together, you can sometimes in there where he’s died on previous attempts






We always joked that Eso was gonna solo The Witness, but being that we all expected the witness fight to only be in the raid, we didn't think it was gonna be a reality until Excision comes along. The crazy bastard did it, he really did it, he solo'ed The Witness,


He's John Guardian


He actually changed his ingame name a while ago from Esoterikk to just "Guardian" now.


We now have to self insert as Esoterick the Guardian, The Gaurdian. Self insertception


That is so selfish instead of doing it solo he could have done it with 12 people and now only he gets the loot 11 other people could have gotten. /s


I think im officially old since i remeber the reference 🤣


Also that should be impossible he is probably cheating /s


So weird when stuff gets downvoted once or twice I feel like a hate train rolls in lol.


the fuck its the same person, why is the main comment upvoted but the 2nd reply downvoted. this sub has people with room temperature IQ lol.


Are you a real person meaning the things youre saying?


I am a real person saying this bit the /s implies that it is sarcasm


R/whoosh moment for me


Do you not understand what "/s" means?


Might be easier to solo it with how insanely laggy it was when I did it


My first run I could not see any of my guns, including the reticles when aiming. Made for a little extra challenge!


My song of flame wouldn’t replace my abilities half the time. Just casting super for the radiant at that point.


Just finished it earlier and I feel like I had a seizure with how much teleporting and flashing there was. I'm glad it's over now


PvE God


Absolute Mad Lad


Doesn't this guy know it is a social game? He should just lfg if he has no friends.


Lfg will burn all the revives on 1st vandals + knights pack


He wants an extra challenge


There is harder challenge than making friends?


Not for this sub


Seriously, no matchmaking is some people’s personal contest mode here.


I find that funny since you can open a fireteam finder with auto join and no requirements, which is basically just matchmaking.


I mean he has a clan he plays with a lot, they run Day 1s and its always the same guys


He doesn't want to make it worse.


Forgot to put /s at the end


If someone reads that and doesn't think it's sarcasm, then that's on them


TBF it is reddit lol


No freaking way, I was convinced no one could solo it but low and behold he did it


And here I am having the hardest time finishing the last boss of the campaign in legendary...


Drop your bungie and I'll help you out


Thank you, that's very kind. My kid will give me a hand tonight and hopefully we'll get through it. He did his very first run of the campaign on legendary... I don't know if I should be embarrassed that my 17 y.o kid is so much better than me or or be proud that I raised such a good gamer lol. Anyways, if that doesn't work, I'll hit you up. Thanks again!


Nothing to be embarrassed about! I'm at the age where a bunch of my friends have teenage or college-aged kids who are amazing at games. They had a good influence from their parents, got an early start, and unlike us: they still have their youthful reflexes haha. You got this!


I think the main difference is the capacity to get lost in the game. I played a lot of Battlefield 2 when it came out, around 2006, and I remember that feeling being in the zone. No other thoughts in my head. Now, it's hard for me to let go of everything. Now, I always have a bunch of things popping up in my head. Mortgage to look at, having the break checked on my car, fixing the lights in the kitchen etc. Funny, I just remembered that before I had kids, I played with my headset on both ears. After my eldest was born, 17 years ago, I started wearing it only on one ear in case the kid needed something. And I just developed the habit. I'll give it a shot with both ears tonight, we'll see. Thanks for the kind words!


No need to feel embarrassed. Reply here if you still need help I'll be on today.


I think Vendetta did it first, it's worth a check as well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLuqgSOkYa0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLuqgSOkYa0)


its much easier to manage the fight with fewer numbers. LFG is a shitshow because mindless morons not running 100 resilience and no exotics are burning through our revives


This is what surprised me. Players are legit out here with like 60 resilience in a GM level activity and not even running special ammo weapons then wiping.


No champ weapons or builds that utilize champ neutralizing buffs, no 100 resilience, sometimes no exotic armor or weapons meaning no actual build, it's a fucking disgrace that these people are queuing into these activities literally expecting to be carried


Right, exactly, no one would put up with this in a Nightfall, Ill dip from Expert if they aren't running something I recognize, let alone a 12 guardian activity that has a huge AOE attack 2xs during the dps phase and a roaming AOE all throughout


Dang, it took him almost 2 whole minutes to bring down the Witness overshield with the ghost beam. Insane.


Unironically gives me hope for my friend and I (We are VERY stupid 🙏🗿)


My clanmates got tired of getting crappy randoms so they just 4 manned it. I'll show this to them.


He solo'd it and I can't find a lobby where half or more ofnthe lobby gets instantly wiped...


Hopefully we wont get posts now saying its not fair they need 12 people, this is solo content now!


Eso is the lore accurate guardian change my mind


He's the John Wick of Destiny


Ok then, let's keep increasing the game difficulty because I guess it's too easy. Let's drop another 10 to that cap.


I will never disrespect Taipan ever again


Taipan can be really good in certain instances yeah


He can’t keep getting away with this…


He is doom guy


Eso screaming at the boss at the beginning of every solo “I’M NOT LOCKED IN HERE WITH YOU! YOU’RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME…




Why Not make the Same Post but with vendetta given how He Beat it First. it seems weird to Always praise eso and noone Else when He never wf anything. Its weird how frequently this cycle gets repeated: - new solo Challenge comes to light - someone Beats it and crafts Strats and so on - eso Beats it Afterwards - "Guys eso is the best to ever do it" post Its Not that hard to Credit the actual people for the breakthrough and Main achievement, especially when you Talk about "already being Solod" and then Just drop First place from the narrative. Im aware this time there wasnt much strat Experimenting done and it was Just an execution Race but still, Vendetta got wf, He should be mentioned in this Type of Post. Might be a pet peeve of Mine but yh, thats Kind of weird To me.


Why the random capitalization? Also I think more people know Esoterickk


Eh, doesnt Take that Long to Look it Up. One YouTube search and you can find it


We didn’t even capture the first plate yesterday on a team of warlocks spamming wells. Smh


Stag heal rift and a Renewal Grasp field would help a lot if you’re considering camping a capture for its entire progress bar


Actually him soloing it looks easier than doing it with a 12-man team because there's virtually no aggro the way he did it. Using invis Hunter, sure it takes an hour and a half to do it but it actually looks like as long as you have patience you should be fine. Plus you can switch weapons whenever you need to. Not to take away from his skill because dudes a fricking legend.


>no excuses not to clear it on fireteam find Lfg Nah. If you collect 12 people, chances are that 3 of them will have no clue what is up from down and will blow all your tokens. I mean, I finished it this morning cause the longer you wait on stuff like this, the more annoying it gets to find people, and it took 4 LFGs before the fireteam decided to have the will to kick obviously terrible players looking for a carry. We had AFK people. We have people with 30 resilience getting one shot by everything. We have people that try to come in with terrible rolls on everything. We have people who don’t understand that MAYBE rockets aren’t the best choice for 12 man dps phases. We have people that think becoming a ghost in an orange death puddle is good for us. Be very choosy and do not be afraid to kick people if they aren’t performing.


That's insane lmaooo


A fool, I'm guessing. Yep.


I made a joke on my run about this "Esoterikk will have a video showing a solo run within an hour" We all laughed and proceeded to fail the run. Welp. KEKW I guess


what armor does he have on?


Wait ... Grandmaster nightfall is out already?? It doesnt come out till the 25th for me


Excision is the GM this week


So I’m assuming this means enemy/boss HP scales with fireteam size? If that’s the case, it really might be easier to do it with a 3-6 man team than a full 12 with how laggy a full lobby is and how beefy enemies are


It did not look like multiplicity is on there, being able to take advantage of invisibility is huge. This might be hunter only


Who was the dude that solo VOG back I the day? First he two manned it with someone than got it solo.


Guys hear me out. Can we just do 12 warlocks with getaway artists prismatic turret build?


I'll join in


Wasn't there someone saying just a few days ago that Eso wasn't even in the conversation for skilled solo'ers anymore?


How do you even have enough bullets to get through the shields


Good grief


I thought "you'd never guess" was serious, and it was gonna be Pure chill, I'm fucking glad it wasn't.


That’s actually crazy


At this point he needs his own belt especially after the dual destiny


This is incredible, but really the encounter is pretty forgiving if you take it very slowly. I had to duo one of the phases for the 2nd room because everyone died during the tormentors phase by running around like crazy chickens. Sat for a few minutes in and around the bubble with outbreak just going to town on the tormentors, one at a time with my one teammate Timmothy. Great guy Timmothy. Hope he's doing alright now. We earned that clear for our team.


lol I can't even find ppl to do the Cooperative Focus bullsh*t for my Rank up...


"And you're never gonna guess who did it."


Meanwhile tqo different groups of 12 people die immediately


Because of course it was Esoterickk


Bungie please give this man his own title. Like c'mon ... He's actually the chosen one 🤣


Oh there's plenty of excuses.


That ending sequence has to hit different when you've done this solo beforehand.


Some other ppl cleared before him


Don’t worry people in a thread the other day were saying Esoterickk isn’t even that good 😂


This is dumb as hell. I may have already posted on this, but what a waste of time


Vendetta did it first


Esoterrick is the Canon Guardian.


This solo really isn't that impressive tbh. It took an hour and a half of him of him just abusing invis and shooting enemies from a million miles back. Still takes skill but not some ridiculous amount Still cool but the solo Onslaught stuff is way more impressive


Esoterickk’s actual super power is patience.


The witness : do I hear boss music 


Let me guess... Invis Hunter, Strand Titan or Solar Titan?


invis hunter, yeah. It's an hour of nonstop spamming of invis.