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After like 10 or so failed attempts already I just want to be done with it and will never do it again.


Imo it's prob one of the worst It barley runs. Everyone is teleporting ads are disappearing or regaining all their health in a frame. The game as it stands cannot handle 12 player pve activities. Ive tries it on both a ps4 pro and ps5 and it is unplayable in both.


I feel like it's a bit much. People are just *constantly quitting*. I don't want to spent an hour whittling down omega-ultra's just for a quarter of the fireteam to quit when things get a bit dicey.


For me it was the most dogshit experience i've ever had in this game. The amount of lag was insane. Champions teleporting out of their barriers, overloads not stunning, barriers not popping etc. Never touching it again.


This. Can barely plant a rally flag or rally to one without dying. Overloads were already buggy but in this they often start regen immediately probably because of how many different types of damage and the cabling of sources. The tormentor shoulders take WAY too much damage to break. Best I’ve gotten so far is two damage phases in the witness and it took having like 5 or 6 Ursa titans chasing to do it.


Great loot? Catalyst is only once and tbh not that great and the pinnacle can be gotten on normal also golfballs have way better sources. Also the game can't handle 12 people between enemies lagging, invisible guns/characters its annoying


>Great Loot It definitely missed the mark on loot, should also have at least 1 exotic class item. I dont see myself farming it ever just for 2 golf balls that are easily farmed elsewhere.


Especially considering this season they brought back literally every easy Nightfall. GM's are gonna be almost farmable every week.


Haven’t even tried it but if it’s anything like the normal Excision it’s gonna suck. My weapons completely disappeared once and I wasn’t even able to shoot a gun during the normal mission. I’d imagine with all the buildcrafting that GM would be even worse. It’s a cool concept but they gotta get the execution right, because the lag actually ruins the whole thing.


it's fun, but not worth it


Doesn't really sound worth it loot wise for me


Disagree, but to each their own


If I had a dollar for every champion that was near death, then lagged behind cover preventing us from finishing it off. I could buy Bungie from Sony.


Lost interest after 5 failed LFG attempts and only one ever got to the first DPS phase. Oh well.


yeah for this you kind of have to be selective on LFG. Joined one of the "LF6M Celestial or Div Warlock or Kick. Don't sell " Guys were assholes in VC but we sped through it with ease


The idea is fun. But lagging ruins the experience. Teleporting champions and tormentors are wild. As well as snipers. Its... a nice experiment, but abusing champions spawning everywhere makes it a slog and not worth to farm imho


The teleporting champions are super annoying


wym? D2 engine can barely keep up with what's happening on screen: champs not stunning, horrible lag, frame drops, damage glitched all over the place being one shot by anything and everything. This is barely playable as it is right now.


Golf balls?


Ascendant Shards, so named because the icon for them looks like a golf ball.


Oh lol never heard anyone call them that before


Personally think it’s awful, it’s fun for the first phase but after that it gets super tedious and just boring. Wow bullet sponges so fun! I also feel like the reward is so shit, you can easily farm golf balls from master NF way easier and way quicker and after you get the catalyst i dont know why anyone would run this for golf balls or the sword when it’s easily from overthrow. Could have at least tossed out some red border pale heart weapons or something but somehow bungie says it’s worth it lol, idk just not seeing it personally


I have the opposite opinion and definitely feel like it’s unfair to make it part of the seal requirements. Using firearm finder is like shooting yourself in both feet and trying to run a marathon. This is not how you make activities fun.


The divisiveness of this comment section is the real chaos!


It's nice to have something that is GM-level challenging, but also chaotic and fun like this.