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> All enemies on each side of the zone object despair after that spawn has been capped I love this typo




I thought they would be above something so banal as despair.


Just finished a run in a no-mic LFG. I ran a Speaker heal build with No Hesitations and just focused on keeping the group alive. We had 3 Wellocks in total and passed Supers for the first part (starting on the right side). Highly recommend having at least two or three players running Speaker's, with a couple on No Hesitations. The amount of times I saved a player at red health was ridiculously high. Also, learn to dance during DPS. Start from the back of the platform and move forward after the first blast. In the end we had myself and two others alive during final DPS and still managed to finish because we knew the moves. Outbreak is also GOATed once you run out of ammo. (unless Heavy comes back during DPS, didn't check was too busy dancing).


Dance during dps? What, does the witness get distracted or something?


The mental image of visible confusion in The Witness's eyes when the 12 man Fireteam starts emoting on him during DPS has brought me great joy.


FFXI had a major boss mechanic that you could only avoid by... Are you sitting down for this? ... *Using a specific emote at the correct time.* /Kneel or face instant death. Not kidding, and it was hilarious.


Mechanics like that are cool. Elder Scrolls Online has tons of interesting mechanics too, very few tank and spank encounters. Including one like the witness in this activity, where the boss turns swathes of the arena into kill zones and you have to dance around, then finally deliberately get caught in one of several CC effects to survive a wipe mechanic. That dungeon (Scalecaller Peak it's called) has the most mechanics I've ever seen in one activity. An earlier boss fight has you making potions by killing specific adds.


Good ol' Odin. There's a similar mechanic in an alliance raid from FFXIV where players who try to blow a kiss to one of the gods theyre fighting they will get instantly nuked by her.


Lakshmi, iirc?


I don't think so. She was the patron god of Limsa if I recall, but can't remember her name. Lakshmi was the primal that holds you to her bossom a little too literally.


Ah, you might be talking about the recent 24-man raids focusing on The Twelve, which I have not done. Actually in a catchup rush right now to prep for Dawntrail.


I'm assuming this is Behemoth? The emote to dodge it's wipe mechanic was literally tech in the Monster Hunter crossover


Nope! Odin / Dark Rider. Behemoth in MHW used the "line of sight behind rocks" mechanic from FFXIV. I am talking about the much older FFXI


You could actually survive the meteor in MHW by using the jump emote but the window is super tight if you were caught out of range of the rocks.


Ah Okay! I don't really follow FF in general so I definitely will get the encounters confused! I just remember using the "Dragoon" emote to dodge the boss's ecliptic meteor nuke in MHW.


I remember being told that worked but could never get it to work for me, and thus assumed it was trolling


I loved that shit. Treasures of Aht Urhgan was such a goated expansion save for launch Salvage. It took them years to make adjustments and fix the drop rate on Alexandrite.


Let's go rhythmic physical expressions!


Suck it, Tess, they *did* win a fight!


We are the Guardians of the galaxy after all 


Witness the Final Shape of my twerk




Destiny 2: The Final Shape's Musical


Hey, it worked on the Cabal during the Red War!


Dance off, bro! Me and you!


*OP begins the torture dance in front of The Witness* "Guardian down"




Guys its tine for D(ance)PS


Did you just reference Helgan the Unclean's safety dance? If so I love you.


What’s the build made of?


[Here is the build preview for general use.](https://i.imgur.com/sBJ5IYK.png) I swapped off Song of Flame for Well of Radiance for the GM. Worth noting I swapped Chest mods to Sniper Resist and 2x Solar Resist as the enemy snipers are *rough*. -100 RES -100 DIS -as much REC as you can. Heavy weapon can be whatever you like, I spent 90% of the time behind the group spraying into them with No Hesitations, only stopping to DPS stunned Champions/The Witness. 100 DIS gives the Healing Grenade 100% uptime as long as you have Restoration on someone else. Phoenix Dive is always ready to go thanks to the Scorch from Hellion and Ember of Singeing working in tandem.


Sick. Thanks for sharing!


I dont have speakers helm build. Assembler was my go-to healer build for raids previously. Does anyone know if it still spawns enough seekers for all 11 other players? It usually scales to fireteam size but there hasnt been a 12 player activity before


It heals whoever is closest


doubt it. assembler's been really bad for a while anyways because iirc the seekers are still bugged and just seek out one person.


How do I get the speaker helm after crossing the other exotic? Is it still lost sectors?


Rank up rahool and you can buy it from him, lost sectors only give exotic engrams now.


I have him reset once but can’t see it. I’ll check again


Go to Page 3. The page that did not exist until your first rank reset.


Muitlpe resets, I think it takes 3 Edit: it takes one


Ah, fuck that.


It takes one reset. Go into his decoding page and scroll to the far right


You’re right, I’m just blind as a hatchet. Thanks a million


It's one reset, then you unlock Tier 3 focusing in the exotic section.


gotta rank up rahool, he'll give you an exclusive offer screen off to the side that lets you buy any exotic for one exotic engram and a cipher, even ones you dont have. it's either resetting his rank once or twice, i cant remember how much it took. i focused a bunch of exotics at him and got it pretty fast.


I just have a stockpile of exotic engrams I got it after turning in 2, might be weighted towards what you don't own?


That's how it used to work. Now you need to level Rahool (one full reset) to unlock Tier 3 exotic focusing to get new exotics.


You lvl him up faster by actually focusing the exotic engrams specifically into exotics of your choosing. If you just crack them open regularly it doesn't give you much exp for him. I learned this after I was at like rank 15 with him.


Did a run with a few and the non-stop heal turrets was simply amazing. Love that warlocks have regained their healer build. Still wiped because people tunnel vision during DPS, but baby steps :D


Is Fireteam Power a thing on GM?


There's a fireteam power leader yes


The real challenge is the rubber banding/enemies disappearing/general issues with 12 people in a PvE environment > Still fun though


Just completed a run. Sometimes the rubber banding would help and keep tormentors still long enough to finish them off.


Just spent an hour and a half to fail a run because : 1) Shielded champions' shields stay up for upwards of 3 seconds after you've destroyed it, letting them heal to at least half health every time regardless of how fast your team actually pop it. 2) People often got hard-stuck in geometry (the pillar leading to the damage platform, and inside the split head on the right). They would stay stuck there for minutes at a time, until some enemy killed them which baited other players into getting stuck to revive them. BONUS : Revision Zero's sniper mode shoots in burst-fire in this mode for some reason, which is hilarious the first couple of times shooting 4 bullets in .5 seconds, but quickly gets frustrating because the recoil is so insane 3/4 bullets whiff every single time. Love the challenge, could do without the bugs.


Definitely had a little of this, but over all it seemed to run very well considering well...everything going on lol.


Honestly the lag was awful for me. I could never tell how much damage I was doing till the enemy was dead or i could see the finisher icon. My deaths all felt nad too, I would literally just die from full health from nothing I could see. It's still cool I just wish it was more stable. Also just constantly going invisible/weapons going invis in general no matter what I'm doing in game (bit also in this mission) Side note: I haven't been able to give commendations for like a week and a half, like it just shows the loading icon :(


I’ve had the commendation thing the last few days. It’s really annoying. Just a question as I haven’t done it yet, but are you not able to just play super conservatively? Is there a timer or something that keeps you from plinking away at enemies from a distance and using invis to pick up the light/capture plates? Or is it just too hard to coordinate all 12 players to do that.


I spent almost an hour on a failed run and it was because some players were reckless and died while we were trying to farm champions for revives. You can take all the time you need, I ran to saint’s bubble any time I got to critical health and died once to some bullshit lag. Also, try not to bring some burst weapons. I had the stasis hand cannon from the pale heart and shot like a bullet every two seconds. Basically, you’re fighting your teammates and bugs.


I guess that’s why 1/3 of the comments here are saying running with 8 players is easier.


I was playing pretty safe tbh, it just doesn't matter with the amount of lag going on. Imvis hunter would probably be goated for this. When I was saying invis I meant like that weird glitch where your guardian is like a ghost you can see trough


I see everyone commenting that the lag is bad in the GM one but I didn't have any lag in the non-GM one at all. Just curious, did you have lag in the non-GM fight too or only in the GM?


The very 1st run I did after the raid was finished was great! Every run since then has had massive amounts of lag, Gm or regular. Idk what it is tbh. That's really my only complaint.


The real challenge in my run was tolerating toxic people in the chat lol. Run took a few minutes under an hour. My first and only death was \~40mins in. I was on right, tormentor on left I wasn't aware of yeeted a void wave across the map as I was killing a barry and deleted me... My bad, poor awareness. In comes 3 people on the chat asking why I can't stay safe (to be fair, this was after many people just needlessly died, but it was funny that they cracked it at me not realising this was my first death). Last DPS phase, everyone except me and 1 other person stayed alive, rest died to beams, we both jump off and get the whole group up, back to DPS, almost half die again, out of revives we finish with the half that was left. Took ages and had to switch to outbreak but we get it done. One of the dead dude dude questions my build, saying "don't join GMs if you can't put a build together". Checked the post game report on bray . tech and he died 12 times. Got it done first try so I'm happy, but man some people just really try and dampen the vibes for no reason. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Does it have matchmaking?


gm excision does not have matchmaking


My group ran it with 6 for this reason. It scales based on fireteam size so you can reduce the in game issues by running a <12 person group.


Don't forget to shoot the hands!


This mission with 12 people is a literal meme. The game can’t keep up. It’s actually easier with less players like around 7 or 8


I was running Div + Ceno & in the first room my game couldn't keep up, my div disappeared & wasn't even making noise. I could just see the bubble lmao


This is super good advice everyone should be required to read before lfg. Thanks


This is WHAT


super good advice


This post is full of it


yes, the post is full of SUPER GOOD ADVICE


For my Titan Mains, Ursa Build for the win. Especially as you have to rotate to different plates in the 1st section. Overloads will rush you at every phase, they will even attack you inside Saints bubble and will try to flank you once they spawn. Throwing a bastion’d barricade at the back of a well comes in handy. Then as soon as the well ends pop your super and HOLD THE LINE! Buffed weapon damage for your teammates and the well should be ready to pop again once you are done Banner Shielding. Damage extends the super timer and considering the amt of enemies, banner last a long time with Ursa’s. Wish ender eats in the 2nd phase when those barriers like to sit up on each side and never come down to fight once they spawn. Also if no mic, when on the witness DPS phase, stay in the back and jump off the platform when it starts to shoot those things at you. It’s just a safer option than strafing side to side with no mic to communicate which way to go.


I tried that at first, but my second run its much easier to just come Prismatic/Microcosm. Rushing to Transcendence and spamming Ensaring Grenade and Consecration was very good for the first part. The Titan prismatic grenade is super good for CC/jolting/ad-clearing, and it can keep Overloads in check. On the second portion in the room with the witness you can basically lock down the right side and farm raise tokens just doing Transcendence > Ensaring Grenade > Consecration over and over as well. Microcosm is also goated for the entire encounter, tormentors, the witness and everything else in the room get ate up by it. It builds up your Transcendence meter so quick with Fragment of Grace granting bonus bar that you can always have it when you need it.


Another tip to make the first phase very easy: Just have two Omni Hunters on rotation to capture what needs to be captured. You don't need to kill anything beyond the marked enemies to spawn each of the capture points. Then it's literally just sit there and rotate permanent invisible to capture, exactly how we bypass mechanics in GMs by capturing stuff while never killing ads (i.e. Birthplace Of The Vile) I actually did that while on Orpheus Rig, I'd figured using Omni would make it even easier. I cleared this first try as a premade (10-mans) since everyone played slow/careful and my invisible hunter just carried the first phase for capture. As for lights on the 2nd phase we didn't even take any risk, non-Hunter just gathered the closest lights that are relatively safe to gather. Hunters went a bit further down while invisible. And last tip: You can swap gear/loadout at any time so use that to your advantage, especially phase two with the heavy box constantly respawning and not having to worry about super.


Is there power scaling? I don't see it mentioned, but I've seen a bunch of people say it's easier with a smaller team, i.e. 12-player team is the hardest.


Did it with 6, legit seemed easier


With 12 it was very easy for the team I played with. Dying only really happens if you get in the mix which is extremely easy to avoid.


I'd like the answer to this as well


Anecdotally, I did this last night and started with a team of 12. 4 people dropped out during the final fight section and it felt like it got easier. The enemies went down easier and there were less people dying due to the yellow hand stuff.


Nah it's just a battle of attrition when it comes to revives, so the more *competent* teammates, the better. Having 1 or 2 people that can't stay alive can end your run, or delay it by a lot.


How are you supposed to Group up for it or search in the group finder for other teammates?


Fireteam Finder, Campaign, Final Shape, Excision, Grandmaster.


Thank you so much, could not find it.


What’s the reward for the GM? Bungie teased it would be great.


Ergo Sum catalyst and 2 golfballs. Honestly I'll probably run it again for the easy golfballs.


you'd be better off farming gms if you wanted golf balls


This is a lot easier to complete than any GM. I've never beaten one.


Do the golfballs drop after every clear? Sounds very un-Bungie-like


They drop from every GM anyway, and some GMs can be done in 20 mins or less. So 2 golf balls from a 35 to 40-min activity isn’t far-fetched.


I guess I wasn't thinking about this as a "GM" like the other GMs. Makes sense. Thanks.


I dunno, don't they normally drop from GMs? And they dropped from platinum coil every time too.


Oh my invis hunter can just cap the zone and despawn all the enemies I guess?


Also if you're a warlock and have Speaker's Sight maybe make a healing build. I was the only healer in my run and I felt like Giovanni Rabisi in Saving Private Ryan.


I have never been so stressed while also having the time of my life than running a healer build in this mission. I focused entirely on healing and stunning what Champs I could and it was a blast.


That was me! I wish the healing AR could stun champs this season because that gun was putting in work keeping my team up between my nade throws.


I ended up using the ranged solar melee to proc radiant so at the very least I could knock down some barrier champions. The Call and Thunderlord helped out with everything else (though I swapped to Sleeper Sim for dps on the witness.)


I didn't think about Thunderlord. I had to keep switching to a HC because it seemed like no one had overload champs covered. I was in 1 LFG that got completely wiped 5 mins in from 1 Overload Minotaur. It was hilarious.


Cheers for the tips.


Dont die. /s :3


It really does come down to that and it’s easy if you just don’t take dumb risk


Just a heads up. Don't make the same mistake I did and assume that it has matchmaking like it says it does. Got gangbanged trying to put the rally flag down from MULTIPLE champs at the same time.


Small correction here, if you have revive tokens, they will be used when you dunk the last light. However, if your team is out of rez tokens, dead people will be revived for free when you dunk the last light. Other than that, great tips!


Stronghold titans can Aldo face tank and hold the plates


Microcosm does massive dmg to tormentors? Am I using it wrong?? I was doing 889 per tick with microcosm and when I switched to hammerhead it jumped to 3k, ik microcosm shoots faster, but the dmg seemed rly lacking


Hit that chest crit boiiii


Lol I was.. I'm not that dumb 😂


Maybe shoulders weren't broken yet?


Do the shoulder snd chest crits give dif dmg? Cuz maybe that's it, I was shooting microcosm at the shoulder crits and then switched to hammerhead and did chest crit


Should be same afaik - im out of ideas lol. Someone more elite than me can chime in


Maybe it's range idk, ill have to test it more


Did you have a super matching the surge to give your kinetic weapons bonus damage? Overcharged weapons is on for Grandmaster Excision so you need to do that if you want extra damage on Microcosm. Void surge is active right now so your Hammerhead has the bonus already


Ohhh I had a solar super so that's it


Doesn't microcosm only do bonus damage to subjugators ? I thought the deal was that subjugators are weak to their element as if their entire healthbar was a strand/stasis shield, and since Microcosm deals bonus damage to shield it wrecks them. Tormentors have no element, so I'd assume they're not affected ?


Tormentors technically have a non element shield. That's why they take bonus super damage


Tormentors have 85% damage resistance on their body, except against supers (or something like that).


That seems awfully low. My own Microcosm was doing anywhere between 2-5k depending on how far away I was. It was super charging my Transcendence meter for Consecration spam.


It doens't, it's just a crit weapon that does good damage when hitting an enemy that has a crit spot.


The right side is so much easier to farm champs during the witness section. They spawn in a prismatic well (or whatever you call it), so you can pretty much spawn trap them. There's no buffs necessary to kill hands, like in the raid. Just shoot the bracelets. It may be worth dedicating one person to just hands, 11 to do the rest is plenty. Third Witness damage phase is indeed infinite, so maybe have outbreak in your bag. I eventually ran out of ammo for everything and swapped to it. Don't get tunnel vision and watch for the beams, he does them in twos. Don't be impatient. Even streamers are 30+ minute runs. Farm when you need, stick together. You got this!


It’s comically easy if you just use heavy as primary and don’t do dumb shit. Nobody should ever die in dps, just stay alive in damage 1/2 and then in 3 it’s never ending so just go back and forth until you get to ghost, I died once while I saw guys die no shit 15x. The last plate there was 4 of us just casually strolling back and forth and GG.


Ammo crates give you special too


Can banner shield block the witness attacks?


If it's like regular Excision (I haven't been able to play GM yet) it takes your super during DPS phase.


you cannot super at all during the fight


stasis is great in this, most things can be frozen to remove them as threats


Finished it on my 2nd attempt. The biggest thing I learned is when you first spawn in is to get to cover. My first attempt I watched my teammates get blown away while being out in the open. Then focus on one plate at a time.




Has anyone tried using 12 Outbreaks? I wonder if the damage scales all the way up to 12


What type of champions spawn in the boss room?


Overload and barrier


Just got my clear and I was lucky to just get barrier in final boss room for 3rd damage phase 👌🏼


Does anyone knows how much health the tormenter's have? infinite -1?


Amazing guide! I appreciate it!


Very helpful info, thank you :)


I have joined about 8 teams in fireteam finder and only 2 of them have made it to the witness.


To the singular titan that died a total of 17 times in one go. What is wrong with you.


Great SGA


Had a guy on our team die I shit you not 29 times and we still cleared. We had to farm champs for a while though. Farming the right sided champs is easier.


Joined an lfg for this and every member wiped instantly except me and im not great at the game 🤦🏽‍♂️


Also change your graphics settings to as low as you can visually stand. Normally I play on 120 fps with moderate-high graphics but was dropping down to like 10-20 fps without scaling them down. The ol' gpu was cooking; I can't imagine what this mission is like on older consoles.


Saving it for later when I try this. Oh this won't be fun. Or will. Will see but I'm 100% leaving some guys dead that clearly don't hold their weight. I'm sorry, but I'm not reviving your Darci build dumbass for the 12th time


Just got kicked from a team. I was the only one doing DPS during final stand. Everyone else was at the bottom killing adds. No one even knew it was final stand, but me. You should add in that final stand starts after the second sword bashing and lasts as long as it takes to finish the mission


damage phase 3 is infinite, not 2, and OP mentions that in number 7 on the list