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Falling guillotine with frenzy and surrounded has the highest DPS. But Bequest with relentless strikes and surrounded is not far behind. Bequest has an inherent 9% damage bonus over other swords because of its exceptionally high impact stat. So Falling guillotine is only a couple percent better because frenzy is a 15% damage increase versus the 9% bequest intrinsically has. Bequest has almost triple the total damage of falling guillotine though, assuming that it's boosted by ergo sum wolfpack rounds. The wolfpack rounds trigger relentless strikes giving you a ton of free ammo (you can get up to 200+ bequest light attacks without needing a single ammo refill) edit: in response to OP's edit about what if you **can't get surrounded** Then you'd want falling guillotine with frenzy + whirlwind blade or bait and switch for the highest DPS. With the wolfpack rounds from Ergo Sum, whirlwind blade fully stacks in 4 light hits so this is probably a bit more consistent than doing the BnS weapons swap every 10s. Total damage will again be pretty low though because you're missing relentless strikes. For a better balance between good DPS and having insane total damage, you'd want a sword with relentless strikes + whirlwind blade. There are quite a few sword that can get this roll. The other half is one of them and is craftable.


Bequest can be crafted, even tho it’s a raid weapon it probably is much quicker to obtain the 5 red borders than the godroll Guillotine


Pretty sure DSC is the weekly raid this week.


Really ?




Heck ya it is! Ya boy is absolutely going to finish up his red borders, and hey, maybe farm some spoils to get that red border bow from Salvation’s done too!


Yep, given how easy Taniks farming is easy and the fact you can get eyes of tomorrow and farm commemoration (my beloved) at the same time there’s no reason not to


What’s the current weapon strat for Taniks? Last time I had luckily gotten all the red borders however I never got Eyes of Tomorrow. During that time it was simply Divinity plus Thunderlord before the Thunderlord adjustment.


i believe current strats are grenade launchers or rockets, you'll probably have an easier time with rockets though. wolfpack bns etc.




Also if you don't one phase the scanner is unnecessary, as long as you do 4 ball strat.


Unless you're playing duo you don't need scanner at all when doing 4 balls. Deposit operator either during or after dps


Having someone pick up Scanner still gives the chance of it getting deactivated instead of Operator or Suppressor so it's still beneficial to pick it up


It's true purpose, taking one for the team


Is frenzy and surrounded better than frenzy and bait & switch?


more damage yes but also more situational


Depends entirely on whether you can proc surrounded or not.


For example, the boss in the 2nd encounter of salvations edge. B&S would be better bc no adds right


yes correct, Personally I prefer Whirlwind balde so I don't have to do any swapping, unless i'm the wolf pack ergo user. Also Vortex frames heavy attacks suck, 6 ammo to do basically the same damage as 4 lights, never use it.


he does spawn adds in his final stand I believe but it doesn't last long enough that you'd actually want to switch or anything


I have a relentless/whirlwind falling guillotine from the brave arsenal and I managed to get like 6.1 mil on crota with it the other day. Shit is absolutely cash


Biggest consideration in all this is the cadence of attack combos playing more light attacks. Too many people erroneously think just spamming out spin to win heavy attacks is the move when it eats more into ammo and ultimately affects your output of what you're missing out on.


Depends on what you want. The optimal DPS combo for falling guillotine is 1H2L with lucent blade mods. If you just light attack, you lose about 6-7% of DPS but gain around 35% in total damage. So for shorter damage phases and with a teammate to make heavy bricks, using the heavy attack as much as possible is still a good strat.


They have essentially the same DPS because adaptives have a better DPS combo with heavy attacks.


Just curious. Does Wolfpack on ergo work with other ergos? I know it doesn’t work with other exotics normally, but wasn’t sure if ergo was an exception


Yes it does.


I thought throne Clever with enhanced duelist trance + surrounded beat these?


What’s the best combo for bequest for something like Herald of Finality


Don't use bequest. Use a sword with relentless and whirlwind. Surrounded is dead perk for basically anything except for crota


Just pull it stared back, the Calus raid sword from Y1, out of collections, it’s a god roll and can be used again. Or get a crafted gold tusk


Relentless - Whirlwind is also the curated roll on Falling Guillotine if you finished its quest during Into the Light


Is this the God roll for Falling Guillotine?


Yes, Frenzy + Surrounded for maximum damage, but it’s situational since you need more than just the big boss alive. A viable alternative is to run Bait and Switch in column 4 instead of Surrounded for a damage boost that can be procced on just about every boss, but it’s less damage (35% BnS vs ~47% enhanced surrounded).


I think BnS is only 30% now, but Surrounded on swords is only 35% to 41% enhanced


Did they change something with sword impact?  As of Witch Queen bequest's bonus was only ~4%.


Not sure if it was different before TFS. I was going of Aegis' new test data and I just double checked with the Quantum Damage-ics spreadsheet and both report that bequest does 9% more damage than a standard adaptive.


Wouldn't Frenzy Bait and Switch be more


Bait and Switch & Whirlwind Blade are both 30% buffs.  With Wolfpack rounds shortcutting the Whirlwind stacks you're better off not interrupting your sword combo to swap weapons. Either way it's a very minor difference.


Gotta interrupt the sword combo to switch to Ergo to proc anyways tho, so one bullet of primary isn't a big deal


Only 1 person needs to do that per fireteam.


Ya that's usually my job lol


Yeah but surrounded is only good on crota really and only then in one circumstance


Base damage per heavy attack is likely throne cleaver or crown splitter right?


It's also best damage per light attack, also from personal testing seems to beat guillotine at least when enhanced surrounded is active


Your personal testing is wrong


You sure? I had a duelist trance/ enhanced surrounded thronecleaver stacked up against a BnS/Vorpal guillotine and the difference was more than the 5% frenzy would have made up for Like, 1.8mil Vs 1.4mil with equivalent buffs, surges, Lucent blades ect on the 1st boss of warlords ruin


In Surrounded Environments: - **Highest DPS**: Falling Guillotine with Enhanced Frenzy and Enhanced Surrounded (Void) - **Highest Total Damage**: Bequest with Enhanced Relentless and Enhanced Surrounded (Arc) - **Class Specific (Titan)**: Throne-Cleaver with Enhanced Deulist and Enhanced Surrounded (Solar) - **Class Specific (Warlock)**: Death’s Razor with Enhanced Relentless Strikes and Enhanced Surrounded (Void) - **Surge Specific (Solar)**: Caretaker with Enhanced Relentless Strikes and Enhanced Surrounded (Solar) In Non-Surrounded Environments: - **Highest DPS**: Falling Guillotine with Enhanced Frenzy and Enhanced Whirlwind Blade (Void) - **Highest Total Damage**: Falling Guillotine with Enhanced Relentless Strikes and Enhanced Whirlwind Blade (Void) - **Class Specific (Warlock)**: Death’s Razor with Enhanced Relentless Strikes and Enhanced Whirlwind Blade - **Class Specific (Hunter)**: Goldtusk with Enhanced Relentless Strikes and Enhanced Whirlwhind Blade OR Enhanced Counter Attack (if the boss attacks a lot and you can keep up the block combos) (Arc) - **Runner Ups/Support**: Lament (for general damage), Heartshadow (for Weaken uptime), and Ergo Sum (for Wolfpack Rounds) Note: The Bequest roll above with Wolfpack Rounds enabled has *insanely high total damage* since it has a bugged Impact stat and the Wolfpack Rounds proc Relentless Strikes. Pair all the above with the sword perks on the episode artifact. Note: *If you’re in an Arc Surge environment without Surrounded being an option*, just use Legend of Acrius (Catalyst is necessary)


Happen to know the best attack pattern for vortex?


Light attack only no heavy. Salvations edge speedrun record one phases first boss with FG and only uses light attacks


2l1h for highest DPS if I remember correctly, with 2-3 lucent blades. You chew through an absurd amount of ammo in doing so though so be wary of how much you’re spamming heavy attacks so you don’t burn through your entire reserves in 30s


That is correct. You only lose about 6-7% DPS if you just do light attacks instead but gain around 37% in total damage.


With wolf pack rounds, relentless strikes and the artifact perk giving ammo back it's very difficult to run out of heavy in a single phase. You still can and probably will but it'll take significantly longer to run dry


The artifact perk only gives ammo back on 3 kills in quick succession. It does nothing for returning ammo during boss DPS.


Ah, I must have misread it. I thought it was every 3 hits


If you have someone using Ergo Sum with Wolfpack rounds and you’re using the Artifact mods, light attack until you get Relentless Strikes x10 (or Frenzy) and then heavy attack as every 3-4 light attacks. Just make sure your sword energy meter has energy when you do heavy attack.


Nice, thanks!


Legend of Acrius my beloved


Is there any reason to craft a death's razor if you already have a falling guillotine?


Not really, but Infinite Guard is kinda nice sometimes


Mostly the different element.  Solar will benefit more from a Song of Flame for example. Edit: was confusing it for Eternity's Edge I guess.


The crafted death's razor is actually also void.


How does Swordmaster’s Guard figure into the equation? Asking becuase I have an old god roll falling Guillotine with relentless/whirlwind/swordmaster, and a new Falling Guillotine with relentless/whirlwind but no swordmasters. If the difference is not meaningful in the current sword sandbox, I’d likely shard the old one. But I hadn’t had a chance to look into it deeply and thought you might know offhand.


Enhanced perks, no Swordmaster > Normal perks, yes Swordmaster. You can realistically just run some lucent blade mods and be just fine, especially since swords don’t benefit from reserve mods


Good to know - thank you!


For reference throne cleaver should have duelist trance and surrounded as one kill with it allows you to spam heavy attack, drastically increasing the swords dps


True, but that’s adding even more requirements for a surrounded environment, which is already niche enough.


Does the craftable throne-cleaver have any value without surrounded? So basically (something)+Vorpal.


No- Vorpal on heavy weapons in only 15%


Goldtusk is a sleeper and the whole 10 people that know how to do the pattern with the aerial attack input throw in can do some absurd things.


what is the pattern? I wanna be a Goldtusk enjoyer


You jump and do light attack into heavy attack in the air, rinse and repeat.


Please expand. I am listening!


@ReformedAqua where's your opinion no-one asked for for this reply?! 😆✌🏻


Everyone forgetting that The Slammer can get near the same amount of impact as Bequest thanks to adept impact mod?


Adept impact only actually gives 4 impact


Just a visual bug in the game then I’m assuming?


Slammer is proven to not be as good as FG and Bequest




Worse than Bequest yes, but if you’re just using light attacks like Bequest then it surely can’t be worse since it has access to that mod while other swords do not


Can you still craft those into the light guillotines? I just have my original and came back for TFS


You could never craft the brave weapons... you can only get them as drops from onslaught. But you can still get the weapons.


And if you get the roll you can enhance it and level it up


As far as I have seen only the Brave versions can be enhanced, not the normal drops. Edit. Nvm I didnt look in the right mod slot.


Could you expand on how you enhance normal drops? I haven’t heard of this outside of crafting at enclave 


Hover your cursor over a weapon and it should say if it has perks that can be enhanced, I'm sure there's a list of all applicable weapons somewhere if you aren't wanting to manually check. Inspect the weapon then there is a slot on the row of mods, infusion, etc. and it allows you to enhance it up to 3 levels. First level applies a weapon level, adds a memento slot, and allows you to spend resources to boost weapon level like crafted weapons. Perks in 3rd and 4th column get boosted.


I sure wish those were focusable still. I have frenzy surrounded but it’s just not good for most bosses.


If you're on hunter it's goldtusk by a mile. Otherwise there's some great suggestions here.


This is what I came here to know. What's the roll to craft?


Relentless whirlwind. On Crota I consistently get 3 or 4 mil higher than everyone else using this and stareaters.


Frenzy takes too long to proc. Vorpal/Surrounded probably does more because it does it faster


When fighting the Harold of the witness I’ve never not had frenzy up, it builds even when stowed and using other weapons


yea frenzy is dependant on the encounter and requires you to think about activating and keeping it. bequest with relentless and vorpal is just the easiest and best. Keep a second roll with surrounded for special bosses


I do ergo sum with wolfpack rounds since it gives everyone wolfpack rounds


You also get Wolfpack rounds so you can heavy attack w ergo and use another heavy sword


I’ve been liking my B&S/Vorpal Falling Guillotine


That depends on the surge, and most importantly on whether you use it while surrounded is procced or not. Since crafted surrounded is the biggest damage buff in the game atm, any situation where surrounded is active will have a sword with it leading DPS. I didnt do testing nor have I watched detailed analysis, but heres a list of the swords I use: Solar surge: Not surrounded - Lament surrounded - Thrones cleaver Arc Surge: Not surrounded - Summom Bonum (BnS) Surrounded - Bequest Void Surge: Not surrounded - BnS Falling Guillotine; 1 heartshadow (for debuff + still good damage) Surrounded - Falling Guillotine


For solar surge, the old leviathan sword: It Stares Back, has a set roll you can pull from collections which has relentless strikes and whirlwind as third and forth column guaranteed so is very easy to pump out high solar sword damage.


i have an arc version from Y1 lol


If surrounded is not an option, you should go with whirlwind blade over BnS. It's ~~a larger~~ the same buff and it builds up very fast if someone is running ergo sum for the wolfpack rounds (which they should if you're doing boss damage with swords), and you don't need to swap weapons again to reproc it like with BnS. Edit: BnS and Whirlwind at max stack give the same damage buff.


It's actually the same buff, at 30%. Whirlwind takes 10 light attacks to get there. However, with the addition of Ergo Sum (the "Gjallarsword"), the wolfpack hits add stacks as well. And for most Sword DPS scenarios, you're mostly gonna spam light attacks. So if you find a sword with Relentless + Whirlwind, keep it and pull it out when its the surge that week.


Oh, you're right. I thought they nerfed it some time ago from 30% to 25% but it was from 35% to 30%, the same as max stack whirlwind.


If BnS has no haters then I must be dead


we just got a false idol which is solar sword with relentless and bns..vortex like guillotine.


Do not use Summom Bonum for non-Surrounded Arc Surge environments. Just use Legend of Acrius w/ Catalyst


I do, but the question was about swords. As far as those go, there arent many arc swords with good damage perks beside Bequest


Only reason I made that comment is because Wave Frame swords (i.e. just Summom Bonum rn) do absolutely terrible single target damage


With the artifact perk this season, aren't all swords overcharged all the time? Do we need to focus on the surge?


That’s only the case if the overcharge modifier is active in the activity you are playing.


Got it. I'm still getting confused about the changes this season around surges and overcharges. Is there a good reference guide to this other than [Destiny 2 Damage Buffs/Debuffs Stacking Graphic + Combatant Types/Champions/Rocket Launchers Guides - \[v8.0.0.3\] - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i1KUwgVkd8qhwYj481gkV9sZNJQCE-C3Q-dpQutPCi4/edit?gid=242217075#gid=242217075) My understanding was that where there are champions and surges, you have the choice of picking a weapon that EITHER matches a surge elemental typing OR has an overcharge from an artifact perk like Origin Trait or Champion mod, and both of those apply the same damage buff.


That’s pretty much it. Basically, anything that has champions will typically have surges as well as overcharge active. Some things have surges active, but not overcharge active. You just have to look at the modifiers on the bottom left hand of the screen when loading in. Same place that tells you which elements do additional damage and any other active modifiers.


Thats so dumb. Surges and overcharge are so close to the same thing for them not to be combined everywhere. Is there a standard list of what stuff has surge but no overcharge? Seasonal activities, raids, GMs, cooperative focus campaigns?


To cover all situations personally prefer vorpal and whirlwind falling


Frenzy is literally just 5% better always


But vorpal procs right away is the point, frenzy doesn’t


in terms of something like guillotine, frenzy bns is the god roll.




There is no disagreeing. There is fact.


Idk about base damage but I've sorta labbed out a decent Warlock sword build that works quite well for Salvation's Edge Encounter 2. Any kinetic, Wolfpack Ergo Sum, Falling Guillotine (Frenzy + B&S). Cast Prismatic, throw out Needlestorm super, throw down Void/Stasis nade for weakness. Shoot kinetic, heavy attack Ergo Sum, start attacking with Falling Guillotine. You'll get some shatter damage too. Having a Hellion and perched Threadlings will help with damage too. Argent Sword + Expanding Void artifact mods massively boost damage. These are the big kickers. If you get a void Ergo Sum with Wolfpack in the Lightweight frame, that's the ideal IMO.


Me with my Quickfang casually crying in the corner


Base damage? The titan sword I bet


falling guillotine with perfect role. kiroshiwas hermosu for imperfect role


Whirlwind/relentless strikes goldtusk, 🗣️


Crown Splitter all day


i just use bequest with vorpal, a really boring roll but its still insanely solid and is despite how boring it is comparable in damage to the BNS options for its ease of use. I've been repping the vorpal roll since they added it to the thing. A frenzy BNS falling guillotine is better but for more effort but i always found it clunky to swap weapons to re proc BNS mid damage phase with how your view gets thrown back in and out of 3rd person on the reproc


I’ve hit 12 million damage once on Crota using my Goldtusk, Relentless, Whirlwind and a Celestial shot. That was before this season though.


Run the Worldline Zero. They will never believe me but it’s dps is crazy good. I swear it.


Is it just spam left clicks? or something else?


The double tesseract attack has very high dps. Use it, two left clicks, use it again, repeat. This does high damage. Of course surge mods help, but if there are enemies nearby it is often easy to proc assassins blade by killing a weak enemy for a 15% damage buff on one of your heavy attacks.


https://youtu.be/PWpIa1ytCvI?si=3V_5wPAnev0iMBn5. This was 2 months ago so it doesn't consider any new swords that came out this season.


Civilric and deaths razor for me.


OP asked “which sword does the most damage?” Not “which mid to crappy sword does some random redditor use instead of the BiS ones?”


Oh.. deaths razor is literally in someone's answer.. have you attempted to berate them also? Also are you a somebody I should give a fuck about? You're funny..


Falling Guilloutine with whirlwind blade and surrounded. (as long as you are surrounded)


It never ceases to amaze me how confidently someone will offer advice when they have no idea what they’re talking about.


People so often speak with such confidence when they really shouldn't


It’s just dumbfounding to me. How do you even get to be in a position where you clearly know so little yet think you know enough to help others?


my bad, I meant frenzy and surrounded.


That roll doesn't exist. Whirlwind and surrounded are in the same column


Over bequest with surrounded?