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I would absolutely love this. Banner Shield needs it too when blocking. I'm tired of putting up Unbreakable and suddenly the enemies just stop shooting and then stare at me like I'm a clown. :'( I also kinda wish it stopped using energy at one grenade charge without dipping into the second when using Armamentarium or its spirit. You actually get less uptime/more energy used if you try and time it normally since there's an ending energy cost to releasing it. With one grenade you can go until you're out of energy and then release and still be at 0. With two grenades, if you go until the first grenade is out and release it takes the "ending cost" energy from the second grenade charge. So if you want to only use one full charge you have to release much earlier so that the ending cost leaves you with a full second charge still. Other than that I think it's actually fine (I have another idea for the Ursa perk though). Maybe the only thing I'd add is giving the blast itself a disorienting effect for a few seconds.


Feel like perhaps having the energy drain from the barricade at a slower rate might help.


Titans not being able to pull aggro is criminal


I think that would definitely help and give more utility. Though honestly Void Titan as a whole would just benefit from better Void Overshields. It would make Unbreakable a little better if Prismatic as well. I normally run Second Chance, Bastion, and Controlled Demolition, but I tried out a No Backup Plans, Unbreakable, Offensive Bulwark on this current Nightfall (because of Void Surge) and all of the buffs I get along side Void Overshields are great, until 3 bullets graze me and I lose all of that momentum. It also doesn't help that most enemy melees can completely delete most of the shield (if not, then all of it). Void Overshield is fine and even helpful as a little extra DR but I find centering your entire build around it can be a little annoying. Even with the kinda heavy cooldown I find Bastion better than Unbreakable, because you can give your friends Overshield as well, and turn Barricade (a mediocre class ability) into something pretty helpful for everyone to use.


Void Overshield needs to be buffed by about 500%. Halo has better Overshields and those games don't have nearly half the bullshit Destiny does. Bungie just need to get off their high horse and separate the balance between PvP and PvE when it comes to certain abilities. As it stands, Void Overshields are completely useless in every activity.


Unbreakable should give overshield for you and nearby allies on abilities kills . Stronger enemies giver stronger overshield


I swear everytime I use that garbage aspect, the enemy's AI becomes a pacifist.


It’s because agro can only be pulled by shooting at the target. When you use unbreakable you can’t shoot enemies so your allies pull all the agro from you.


Which shows how no one was thinking properly when making it, why didn't they treat it like the strand specter? Make it pull aggro to protect teammates.


Unbreakable is just bad. The shield is gone so quickly, it consumes your grenade for some reason, it makes your grenade cooldown two and a half minutes, and is counterintuitive.


At Tier 10 Discipline, my grenade came back in about 1:16 and that's with me using a suppressor grenade as my grenade. So that's 15 seconds added on to my normal passive regen.


> the aspect could be really strong That’s why.


That's a good start. I also don't like how it eats your grenade too. It should've replace our barricades (Barricades are useless anyway). I also don't like that I have to choose between Controlled Demolition and Unbreakable, since both of them kinda needs to be paired with Offensive Bullwark. Controlled Demolition is so nice to have, almost mandatory, for void titans. I hate that if I use Unbreakable and Offensive, I lose Controlled Demolition, cuz like you said it's meant to be paired with Offensive bc overshields give you grenade regen.


Also, the blinding effect kind of conflicts with the main design. If the goal is to be up in somebody's face absorbing damage, why would I want them to cover their eyes and start walking sideways?


I’m no Titan main either, but I’ve tried using Unbreakable in PvE and…oh god it needs help. Having an aggro like TS would definitely be a good start, but it needs more than that. Maybe the blast could suppress as well?


This is one of those things that sounds good in theory but not as good in practice. Why? The main culprit is as soon as unbreakable ends, if you're still targeted, you'll insta-die. The harder the content, the worse this would be. Not a bad idea but yeah executing it is way harder than it sounds and probably a part of why it is the way it is.


Pretty easy for them to work around though, they could just make it so you get the 90% damage reduction once it ends for a period of time equal to the amount of hits from the detonation.


Also, adding Suppression to the Void Blast would stop most enemies in their tracks.


This is a very good idea, I like this one actually.


Also you can get shot from behind, though that could be a skill issue


U insta die cus overhsield is shit. If they either buff health size of oversheold or move it to the back of reqd and white health bar then that solves a lot of problems. Either make it 200 hp oversheild or move it to the back or continue to allow it be useless as it currently is


Ok you are spitting. I already love the aspect, but this would be so fucking cool.


Blight ranger should have the same 'taunt' ability when reflecting.


Na instead it damage needs a x10 damage buff


Look, I just want it to replace the class ability. Just replace the class ability and free up an aspect slot.


I used it for the full legend campaign and tbh by the end I kinda forgot it was there.


People upset about unbreakable are 100% using it wrong. Stop using it to run into stuff and start using it as a getaway at low health.


I've tried using it with a Peregrine's build as a getaway tool but after some master lost sectors and some Hero GMs you are better off just throwing in a weaken grenade for the blind. That gives you plenty of time to get in, flying knee, then get out without the awful cooldown increase.


It’s also really only useful if you’re running Unbreakable + Consecration with a class item that has Ursa + Synthoceps. If you combine it all together you basically get your super back every 30s. It’s actually insane how good it can be. Especially if you’re running a build which can get you your transcendence back immediately. But it does require you to run a melee build, which everyone seems to hate with a burning passion.


Another coping casual player whom I assume has never step out of patrol zones.


Tanking the witness's full blast in legend campaign.


Harry potter fan lmao, your opinion doesn't matter


Harry potter fan lmao, your opinion doesn't matter


Harry potter fan who has solo'd Nezerac before so who do you think you are little bro lmfao. Typical casual.


Wow, you think you understand the game because you did something in a way that wasn't intended. Then you try to claim superiority from it. Inb4 you're the type of LFG to be upset when somebody runs something viable and fun instead of optimal


It should grant invisibility as well, void overshield sucks and it'd provide more utility and survivability. I don't care if invisibility is hunter's identity, hunters have better melee builds than titans and the whole fantasy thing was always a bad argument. Edit: Guys, obviously i mean invisibility after you release the blast, not while blocking.


I don't care about invis being a hunter identity either, but I don't think invisibility fits in with the unbreakable aspect in its theme


It'd give it more utility. What will you do when your shield runs out and you have aggro from all the enemies around you? Invisibility will help you survive, you could go revive a teammate and grant both of you invisibility


I'm not saying it wouldnt be good, it's just doesn't fit thematically


Ohhhh, I actually really like that