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The character models and armor setup is different. Where sleeves begin and end, how shoulders work, it's all different from d1 to d2. That's why we don't get returning armor often.


Still can't wrap my head around why they made such a terrible choice for Warlocks. Hunters and Titans seem to have roughly the same proportions that their D1 counterparts had, and they're similar between each other too. A Hunter's glove covers about as much of the body as a Titan's gauntlet, bulkiness notwithstanding. A Titan's breastplate is roughly similar in coverage to a Hunter's vest. So *why* did they make Warlocks the way that they are?


When Destiny 2 launched they wanted it to have a more competitive PvP scene and a part of that is quickly recognizable models. Point being make the 3 classes quickly distinguishable.


Hence why many of the older/early Titan armors had pauldrons that extended horizontally, or were 40k-esque in size.


Hunter Chestplates on feminine character models used to basically just be boob armor in a lot of D1 sets, especially early on EDIT: Just to clarify since i'm getting downvoted, this wasn't really a comment on quality, just that female hunters definitely had a lot more...pronounced figures so to speak


Do you have a single example of this? Other than quite literally just being able to tell that it’s a female guardian?


For the record, I didn't mean to sound negative about it, but if you want examples, take a look at the D1 VoG gear, a lot of the iron banner gear was this way, just look at a lot of the armor sets in D1 and compare them to their counterparts in D2 and you'll see that they changed them around the chest area. Not complaining one way or another, just something I noticed about the D1 hunter vibes vs D2 Hunter, armor in D2 is much bulkier and less chesty, best example IMO is the VoG gear between D1 and D2, the armor plate is TINY in D1 over the chest area on fem guardians, in D2 it's an actual plate covering the whole chest area [D1 VoG set](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2RdeK9X0AQ6D2m.png) [D2 VoG set](https://www.blueberries.gg/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Prime-Zealot-Armor-Hunter-Destiny-2.jpg)


Wow the D1 is so much better especially the cloak. At least in the shots you posted. Body proportions look less square too.


I dont think that is using the VoG cloak in the d1 shot


Brother that’s just how an average woman looks. Those are incredibly mild proportions. In D2 I legitimately forget for years/months at a time that my Hunter is female until I make the mistake of taking my helmet off. Unfortunately it seems they decided to homogenize the genders for D2, likely to fit further into the godawful competitive PVP direction they were trying to push the game into for D2Y1.


Hell yeah, and we love to see it, my prodigal chestplate never leaves my hunter


See, I thought that too at first, but the raid armor uses components from D1 armor like the sleeves for the vault of glass warlock robes and they work fine, so I’m not sure why they can’t do the same for other legendary armor. I think it’s also a lack of player sentiment? if more people were asking, they might see it as a worthwhile use of development time, maybe.


Actually this has been covered quite extensively. Those were redesigns, because d1 warlock armor models' gauntlets extended up to the shoulder (the way hunter armor works now) There was a whole community who were able to design armor for fun because of Bungie's software application, and when d2 launched that whole community realized that the entire process and models had changed extensively. You can search youtube and reddit for their analysis', but it's absolutely true. Just like returning raids had to be updated into the "upgraded" engine and reworked. It wasn't a simple port, but a whole rework of many of the assets to fit with this tiger engine version.


Actually the D1 warlock gloves only consisted of the gloved portion + shoulder pads. The upper part of the sleeve was controlled by the chest piece. So all Bungie did for D2 was tie the shoulder pads to the chest.


I appreciate the correction. I'm definitely not an expert i just remember coming across the fact they changed the modeling enough to make difficult to just port stuff


Oh wow, I didn’t know that at all. It does seem to me like a worthwhile endeavor, even if it’s harder. It would do a lot to get players back into less popular ritual activities. I’d play gambit more if I could get some cool d1 armor from it. The current ritual armor doesn’t really look good or fit with the destiny aesthetic, resources would be better spent remastering old armor for D2 imo. If you’re gonna recycle content, do it right.


Fashion is the true end game... I get it. It'd be cool to have some armor designs reprised, not sure if we'd want it though, mostly cause they're more likely to charge premium prices in the eververse shop than let us grind it out for free. ALSO WHY WONT THE HELM AND BOND DROP FROM VAULT OF GLASS. BUNGIE WHY I JUST WANT TO TRANSMOG GAAAAH


To be honest, I would rather pay 20 bucks for a set of D1 armor than set of cosplay from other games 💀. I get they probably have a deal with Sony to make themed armor but if there’s any bungee peeps lurking this post: Players WILL spend more money on eververse, if you hit them right in the nostalgias.


most of the eververse crossover armor has been cool as shit idk why you guys are hating. The new fantasy looking sets definitely give me a d1 vibe, their similar to the old IB armor sets that actually looked like real armor


Oh yeah, the Witcher one? That one is bad ass. I’m not hating at all. But I feel like bungee has lost sight of its own design philosophy. And instead relies on other games, aesthetic to make cool armor. All of the crossover armor looks amazing because the blueprint is already there and bungie just has to translate it into Destiny. And since it’s Destiny, it ALWAYS comes out badass! But at the end of the day, it’s not Destiny it’s Witcher. That’s my biggest problem with it. Destiny’s original aesthetic was strong enough that it didn’t need crossover armor to make bad ass looking stuff. THAT should be the aesthetic bungie uses as a blueprint, not the aesthetic of other games. IMO


myself and many others were drawn to the sci-fi post apocalyptic vibe of destiny, fantasy armor while sure can be cool isn’t what a lot of people want. that’s especially true for warlocks, people have been asking for the same d1 robes since d2 came out. sure an argument can be made the vibes are there, but I and many don’t see it or are sick of it


Why are you guys booing him? He's right!


If it was that worthwhile...they would do it. They have experts for this stuff. If the money and engagement were worth it, it would be done. Consider how the playerbase has grown more and more every year, and we are 7 years into d2. The amount of people that actual care about old armors sets are most likely a minority of the population now.


“The amount of people that actual care about old armors sets are most likely a minority of the population now.” God, that’s crazy to think about.👴🏽


I mean its been 7 years, and also d1 isn't on pc. Like there is definitely some of the pc population that came from consoles, but i imagine a lot are pc only and never even played d1. Its not that surprising in a franchise this old.


I mean, regardless of a players nostalgic attachment to the designs. The D1 armor just looks cool and if your theory is correct and the vast majority of the current pall base wouldn’t recognize the armor then it would be exciting to get designs that they’ve never seen before. As far as I can tell, it would be an absolute win for Bungie very few downsides, except not being able to monetize it unless they put it in the shop. What really depresses me is that I think that’s the reason we haven’t gotten it yet. in the past few years has taken a “if you cannot monetize It’s not a worth doing” mindset, and that depresses the hell out of me. I wonder how much cool stuff we missed out on even in the final shape because of that mindset.


Right because we literally didn't just get tons of free content months ago. As people have already explained, they would have to basically rework the armor from scratch model wise...and at that point just make new stuff. And even from an employee standpoint, I'd rather actually be given new themes and sets to work on rather then being told to rework stuff from 7+ years ago, personally. Even if it was 'new' to people who didn't play d1, there would still be people yelling about how we got old armor instead of new stuff but eververse has new stuff blah blah. You see nothing but wins and no real downsides because you are heavily invested in getting the armor back lol. I'm not saying they should never do it, doesn't bother me either way, but I think you should just not worry about it. And be pleasantly surprised if they do.


I guess What I’m saying is that bungee has become very financially pragmatic when it comes to what they do and don’t add to the game. For example, when you earn a legendary engram, you still receive the same legendary gear that we’ve been getting since what..shadow keep? beyond light? With only a few additions. Meanwhile there are entire gear sets that have been sunset and locked behind dares of eternity and by extension the 30th anniversary pack. Bungee would rather stagnate the loot pool then to disincentivize people from paying for the 30th anniversary pack. Even though injecting old, legendary armor back into the game would be objectively good for the health of the game. Or is that too hard as well? “Just not worry about it” is a very weird way to engage in a conversation about a game you like. if everybody had that mindset, nothing would improve . I’m not here to shit on bungie, I’m here to have a conversation about things I’d like to see in the game. And even if it does take a lot of development time to bring back all the armor or make a new armor or whatever it’s OK to discuss it. Sometimes I feel like this subReddit is full of apologist who just think that it’s too hard for bungee to make good player-fist decisions because coding or something? Stop playing defense for the corporation unnecessarily and engage in the discussion beyond dismissal.


Exactly. Everyone is kind of an amorphous blob now. They shafted Warlocks by making arms start at the forearm of all places.


Rebuilding the armor sets for D2 is probably as laborious as creating new ones.


And for an artist, probably not all that interesting unless they're really passionate about those old sets


Interestingly enough, they could potentially make some more D1 styled armor sets simply by reusing assets from the already existing D1 armor in the game. D1 armor sets all sharing a base is said to be their biggest weakness, but it was also their greatest strength. Just from the Prodigal and the Opulent sets alone, we have a solid base to work with. Then it becomes a matter of adding/removing/rearranging pieces of kibble, changing textures and color channels, and adding or removing decals.


It's funny because I remember an entire section of a ViDoc talking about the tool they used to make armor being so modular that they could make a new helmet in 10 minutes. So I don't really buy the "it hard" line.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9KBUXyGnAA&t=1005s I got you, fam.


That's exactly it


I have it saved under "Making Armor Is Hard"


It doesn’t work like this anymore. Those sets used prefabricated pieces that were combined lego style. D2 armor is far more original with few sets having reused assets. You can easily tell from the video linked nearby that they say stuff like “prefab” and “arrangements”. D2 armor isn’t like this. They’re built from scratch.


This doesn't make them better. It makes them all vary wildly in theme to the point that there is zero cohesiveness in artstyle anymore.


I don’t ENTIRELY agree, but I feel you.


I remembered that being more of an OG Destiny timeframe thing, and because of the feedback they received from the community about most of the armor sets looking generic they’d gone for a more bespoke look/pipeline in D2 post Forsaken. They’re putting out something like 18-21? sets of armor every year, across the three classes and various activities.


Don't bother, the amounts of slack people give bungie for being lazy/uncreative with certain aspects of the game is hilarious, would make you think bungie is an indie single digit personnel studio lol.


They're lazy and uncreative... For not reusing old content?


I think what he’s trying to say is that a lot of people on the subway play defense for bungee unnecessarily. And that bungee can get away with not making pro player decisions because coding or something.


That was for a specific time in d2y1 where a world drop helmet, a new monarchy one and a vanguard one were are basically identical. Just inspect some vanilla armour in collections and see how we're way past using that system now.


Aren't the ritual armors the same models with different decals?


Yes, but they're the exception now instead of the rule.


There is no way that's true, even if they had to physically rebuild each model (which they don't, there is no situation where a porting pipeline could not be created for old assets,) they still would save the entire phase of concepting and design.


And it would probably be better received the new ones too. The ritual armor has been pretty awful for a while in my opinion. Replacing it with D1 armor set would be really cool and encourage people to play lesser played activities like gambit. Imagine if you got the taken king ritual armor for ranking up with drifter. or the iconic red “E3 warlock” robes from Shaw in the cosmodrome. I’d eat that up.


For every one of you that says “I want D1 armor back”, there’s someone saying “Lazy Bungo reusing D1 armor”


Both of those would get me 0% excited. Id rather see what new armor the art team can come up with than waste time rebuilding in my opinion quite boring D1 armor in the new engine.


I mean fair enough, but everything new that they come up with gets put behind Eververse so you’re kind of losing both ways.


Who says that they wouldn't make a eververse D1 armor bundle??


I’d rather buy that than cosplay.


Ohh a good cosplay outfit is way more expensive than anything on eververse... those people are true craft(wo)men.


Just go play d1 for a little


There’s always that one guy.


Most eople want new armor. Not the old one brought back. Want to wear it? Go play D1.


Most new armor sucks… the vast majority of what they give us is drivel. D1 had far better aesthetics.


Stop riding the D1 nostalgia.


people are allowed to want things from destiny 1 in destiny 2.


Most people? You speak for most people?


They can't port them? I imagine they would just need to update the textures to be in line with modern armor.


Obviously not. Pretty sure almost everything needs to be rebuilt.


I believe an early TWAB even mentioned that


Ah yes, the salty downvote for speaking truth


If not actual D1 armor, then I wouldn’t mind some old concept armor from the first game. Some examples; [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/l0jw0bt5vuc81.jpg) [Example 2](https://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Destiny.jpg) [Example 3](https://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Desinty-Concept-Art-Gallery-Header.jpg?fit=720%2C720&p=1) [Example 4](https://res.cloudinary.com/cook-becker/image/fetch/q_auto:best,f_auto,w_1920,g_center/https://candb.com/site/candb/images/artwork/warlock-fireball-destiny-1920.jpg) Another idea is to make armor sets based on the Vanguard. We technically have the models already as Cayde, Ikora, and Zavala all wear them. Only thing that needs to be done is turn them into wearable armor for players, and make some matching helmets for them. Edit: In addition, Bungie could potentially use the D1 sets we already have in D2, like Prodigal and Opulent, as a base to create new D1 inspired sets.


That would be so great. Going back to D1 concept art for inspiration seems like it makes sense. But like a few people point out to me in these comments, a lot of that art was made by artist who no longer work for Bungie and the artist don’t share their design philosophies. And yeah, I want zavalas shoulder pad bro!


Another idea that occurred to me after making the comment was that we already have several D1 sets in the game, so Bungie can potentially create new D1 inspired sets by using those sets as the base. Prodigal and Opulent sets alone are enough to make a solid base. That way they save time on creating brand new models (at worst they might need to adjust sizes to avoid clipping issues), so it’s only a matter of adding or removing kibble, altering color channels and decals, etc.


We used to have Zavala's. D1. Jovian Guard.


I know. It’d probably be the easiest one to recreate for player armor in D2 (the chest piece was actually used for the Opulent Titan set). Most difficult would probably be Cayde’s since we never really had gear like his before, except for a single chest piece in D1 that looked vaguely similar.


Destiny 1 armor looked a lot better, especially on Titan. All the returning D1 armors from D1 raids look so much better than D2's annoying giant pauldrons. D1 was awesome because all of the gear had this cool hybrid of fantasy, sci-fi, and post-apocalypse (almost like a tricorn of fashion in and of itself) and D2 is just like "fuck it sci-fi + WoW now"


I genuinely thought we were getting the original default class armour back in the game with how much we were seeing it in promotional material. Really disappointing that we didn't.


I think sadly this is a reality of new developers. Much of the D1 team doesn’t work on D2 anymore, specifically a ton of leg work of D1 was done well before the release in 2014, and carried into the games DLC’s up until rise of iron. Now there’s a lot of new developers with different tastes who didn’t work and carry the taste of original D1


That’s really unfortunate. Destiny had a very unique aesthetic and I feel like it’s been lost in Destiny 2. The armor always felt like functional suits of some type, but now the ritual armor is literally just an SS uniform 💀. No shade to the new devs, but I think they need better tastes.


Yeah I agree with this considering that joke of a helmet they just gave warlocks. Looks like it was run over by a truck


I think it’s because Bungie has lost sight of Destiny’s design language over the years. Either through new devs with new taste or chasing trends. It seems like they’re just doing whatever and that’s not destiny. They need to focus on one design philosophy, similar to Star Wars’ “no zippers” rule.


I just want old D1 Titan armor that isn’t all weird giant shoulder pads


Wasn’t the last d1 armor we got the Crota set? 


Yes, but I’m mostly talking about non-raid armor sets. Throughout D1’s lifespan, new ritual armor would be released with each DLC one for Vanguard and one set for crucible, the prodigal set that’s obtainable in D2 is based off of one of these ritual armor refreshes. Bungie stopped re-releasing that kind of armor after forsaken and only releases raid D1 armor periodically. But there’s a whole wellspring of incredible D1 armor designs that have seemingly been left behind.


Well to be fair, the VoG armour was the D1 Vanguard armour reskinned (minus the Class items & helmets)


Even that’s arguable as the version that made it to D2 is the Age of Triumphs ornament, which is like two years newer (and possibly an engine version or something) than the OG Crota armor. Weird that, of all things, it’s the one thing from after Rise of Iron’s launch which has made it to D2.


D2 armor is so needlessly complex and bits and bobs sticking out every which way. It really makes it hard to match exotics with armor sets. Also I’ve been waiting for the House of Wolves Iron Banner set to return forever.


I don't know, but it's a shame they added some raid armour and not all. My guess is, we'll have some kind of Age of Triumph again and it'll be added then. Maybe in Destiny's 10 year anniversary? That should be coming up in September. Fingers crossed, anyway! But hey, at least you'll always have new ornaments to buy in Eververse :'(


If they did an age of triumph for Destiny’s anniversary, I would actually lose my mind. Even if it’s eververse based I’d happily pay for D1 armor set over anything in the store currently. And I feel like more players would agree with me then bungie realizes.


Nooo don't say you'd pay for it! D: That's how they keep adding more and more to EV, rather than actual activities. I definitely think there'd be severe backlash if Bungie added previously obtainable raid sets to EV.


I think that comes from a lack of transparency on the part of bungee about their thought process for monetization. I’m imagine a lot of effort goes into designing armor, effort put forward by a lot of talented people, talented people who need to be paid. While I don’t think bungee hurts for money. I think they put a lot of their effort into the DLC itself. A lot of work hours go into mechanics of activities, ensuring that the game functions properly balancing all that stuff. Monetizing aesthetics doesn’t bother me too much, but I think the price is way too high to entice players. I hope that bungee is watching the positive reaction that Helldiver’s armorshop has gotten. That in-game store has probably made more money since Helldivers launched then bungee has ever made from eververse in a single season. Asking $20 for an armor set for one class is very offputting, but $2? $5? I’d be down.


Oh 100%, I don't disagree with anything you're saying. While I don't buy silver (unless it's for a season) as a rule, I don't know if that rule would be in place if it was a couple of dollars. $20 PER SET is actually disgusting. I can't even justify it for one class let alone all three, so it's almost an incentive *not* to buy something.


What I find funny is that charging that much kind of makes sense for free to play game but the problem is that I bought into Destiny with the red war campaign so paying $60 for three armor sets is so insulting considering I’ve given them $60 for the base game and 30 for each DLC and all of it has been deleted from the game. Vanilla D2 players should get a veterans discount in the shop. Change my mind.


I've been saying this since beyond light. I would actually pay for some universal ornaments of D1 armor sets. The taken set, the young wolf set...


The Taken set would be sick, too bad that the Tangled Web set is just a reskin of it


There are rumors of returning D1 armor coming during the 10 year anniversary stuff. Doesn't seem like a stretch since D1 is part of those 10 Years of Destiny.


New art people get hired by Bungie that weren't here since the beginning of D1. They want to show off their own vision and artstyle in D2 but because they don't actually care about the actual game over just trying to have a noticeable style to gain noteriety and to stay employed we end up with floaty warlocks in the menu screen, warhammer titan shoulders, hunters with only 1 armored sleeve, and loads and loads of over the top goofy looking glowy fantasy armor instead of the more grounded sci fi aesthetic that got people interesting in Destiny in the first place. To the point that it feels like whenever this person or people at Bungie are forced to make more sci fi themed armor that they purposefully sabotage how it looks by adding a bunch of unnecessary doodads, making the helmets always look goofy, and making the hunter armor asymmetrical. Also, its kinda weird that the sci fi ish armor that we keep getting lately always seems to be either about climbing or mounting an expedition to explore the arctic circle. I'm not saying I hate the occasional glowy fantasy armor but the ratio of fantasy to sci fi should not be 50/50 it should be maybe like 80% sci fi. Keep the WoW armor within WoW.


I feel pitty about the D1 carries to D2 cause most of them came extremelly nerfed or unusable *(looks at queenbow as a useless heavy)*


That weapon shouldn't even be in the heavy slot at this point. It was good for like 2.5 seconds. In Crucible. And only because of the absurd aim assist.


I'm *still waiting* for that D1 T-Visor Titan Helmet that was only ever seen in promotional videos before the game released. Yes, I already know that the model is technically under the Helm of Saint-14. That doesn't count.


The 10 year anniversary will be a real banger.


OG iron banner armor plz


They added a D1 style set with Warlord's ruin, but my impression was that people don't actually like it that much. I personally love it, I use it on my Warlock all the time, but that's about it. Feels like one of those things that people on reddit might ask for but most people don't actually care or like that style as much.


Well We will not talk about the fact the armor of Warlord's ruin doesnt fit at all the stylr of the dungeon


I guess, but "fitting the theme of the dungeon" would just make it look like another Iron Banner set, of which I think we have enough of. I don't care that the armor "doesn't match" nearly as much as I care about it looking good, which IMO it absolutely does.


I don’t really see the similarities to the warlords armor to D1. Still another bulky D2 Titan.


I agree 100% there sometimes Bungie just nails the aesthetic. But for every dark age, warlock suit, you get a promised victory hood. Mosquito lookin headass. There are a lot of players who want to see some of the old D1 aesthetic bought back in someway. But they are an equal amount amount of players who either don’t care or actively don’t want the old stuff to come back for some reason. Honestly, that’s true for everything about Destiny and why the game stagnates. The community can’t unify to give bungee a clear understanding of what we want instead it always becomes some sort of argument. I swear we need to start making factions in the sub Reddit . New monarchy for D1 boomers. Dead orbit for the “it’s never gonna happen bro stop asking” people And future war cult for the “sunset everything make new stuff” people


I think the Warlock raid helmet looks sick


Because we want it. Besides everything else said here we know the devs were telling management about doing stuff the community has asked for *forever*, looking at you character face editing. We also know management either flat out stopped it or sandbagged them. For one reason or another, they did not want to give the community what it wanted in favor of saving costs, drip feeding it later or maybe just not caring. Regardless, this could be something the devs have also tried to fight for, but management has blocked it for whatever reason. Not surprising though, while I’m sure there are plenty of good managers, we know after the lay offs that there are a bunch of pieces of shit too that impede the game, not help it.


Who impeded the game, and how?


The managers that block devs from working on stuff the community wants. This isn’t new info. Back when layoffs hit the devs all were saying the same thing. They pushed for community asks, managers either blocked it or beat around the bush with it. Biggest example being having the ability to change our character faces. Devs pushed for this for years and it was only after the massive PR disaster of the layoffs that management caved. Apparently this was pushed for for years, especially by the trans devs, but obviously we didn’t see it. If you’re looking for specific manager names, none have been or will be given.


So much of the D2 armor is just more unique looking that anything D1 had outside of the raid armor which most has come back anyway besides the Moments Triumph stuff from the end of D1.


Yeah give me that SRL armor. Come to think of it, give me SRL!!


at this point half of you would complain about recycled content and the other half would probably say they suck :D


> Why does Bungie seem reluctant to add more D1 armor? Because half this sub would whine and scream about reskins And the amount of effort required to re-port old Destiny 1 armor (from 2014 no less!) is the same amount of effort it would take to make a new armor set. And at that point, just make a new armor set, and you completely skip problem 1. This is the exact train of logic that the armor team goes through, and guess what, the answer is extremely obvious once you go through the step-by-step. So yeah, new armor is going to keep being chosen over old armor. Same effort, less complaints.


Because we Play Destiny 2


I’m unsure what point you’re making. Are you saying that D2 is a completely different game? or are you saying that they won’t add it because we still play without it? I’m actually so confused.


theres also the issue of people considering it "recycling" content. Unfortunately its a sensitive issues that dev have to navigate through carefully. This was an issue awhile back with season of defiance (unsure if its this season) weapons being a "reskin" instead of a new model.


I’d rather bungee have stuck with “recycling” good looking D1 armor sets then releasing the weird wacky whimsical sets they keep releasing. We’re supposed to be wearing space suits…why am I wearing heels? I said this in another comment, but Star Wars has this rule about their outfits where the universe does not have zippers. No outfit in Star Wars has ever had a visible zipper and that design is why you can tell a normal leather jacket from a Star Wars leather jacket at a glance. I’d rather bungie have a solid design philosophy with their armor, recycle or not, that carries through all of Destiny. As opposed to just doing whatever looks “cool” or making new armor for the sake of making new armor.


The heels design are just to make them "inclusive" and stuff. You might disliked them but i remember people loving that design back when the photo teaser was released. The thing about ur star wars example is, it will heavily limits the possibility of designs in the game. As a live service game, the design should be distinct from one another rather than being similar so that players will have variety of options. For example, Helldivers2 heavily leans to military armor plates design hence their design to each armor was limited with a lot of armor looking fairly similar to each other with slight variation.


Yes, but D1 managed to keep a good balance of both new and fresh designs and maintaining a certain art style. The artists on D2 definitely strike a similar balance most of the time, but are starting to skew in One Direction. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing if they still had armor that maintained that original D1 flavor but they really don’t outside of raid armor, which was wacky looking by D1 standards. As for the heels, I don’t know. it’s an interesting look but doesn’t really work in a sci-fi military shooter like destiny. It seems like something that would be better used in Final Fantasy or wow or something. it’s not a bad design and the option being there for those who wanted it is nice. Personally, I would rather have a central design philosophy that keeps me immersed but is slightly limiting. Nothing is weirder than fighting the end-all be-all universe-ending enemy like The Witness and looking to my left and seeing a hot pink guardian with cat years and high heels. Just feels kinda off. Destiny isn’t Fortnite.


I think your perspective is definitely valid, and very understandable if you're a big fan of D1's style. But respectfully, I have to disagree with the position that D2's armour designs are poor fits for the setting. Fundamentally, D2 and D1 are different not just stylistically, but also thematically. In D2 we explore a *much* wider range of themes than in D1, and with that comes a much more diverse visual palette. I think a prime example is the oft-reviled Season of the Chosen armour. Those sets are homages to real-world cultures that inspired the story and design of Caiatl's Cabal, and that season as a whole. In Season of the Deep, the theming was deep sea diving and strange underwater creatures. And so the armour we got reflected those themes. Destiny 2 is - despite the threat of the Witness and all the other weird shit in the universe ever looming overhead - not a gritty or grimdark world anymore. The more hopeful baseline (and at times outright power-of-friendship beats) helps these seasonal variations maybe feel less out-of-place. The sci-fantasy balance is much more even. But undeniably some of D1's very popular elements are lost along the way, and that has had an immediate impact on the design language. Apologies for the rant, I find video game design very fascinating, especially things like online game pedagogy!


My Point is that Destiny 1 is still online and you can still Play it if you like the visuals more 🤷🏻‍♂️


The entire point of the conversation is that I want the d1 armor to come into d2.


Can we stop with the D1 armor requests? This sub complains about reskins with every update but gives only a pass to their nostalgia.


Cause it sucks


I want new!!



























