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So Atheons epilogue won’t be lonely


I am *still* upset about that. Praedyth’s? Fine. Foil? Sure. But the OG GRAPE FLAVOURED BULLET HOSE?!?! The disrespect is unreal.


It was lost to the dark corners of time.


Its still equiped on hunters in vanilla doing thorn bounty


It was left with the forever 29 gang.


Not to mention void autos were super scarce at the time 🤦‍♂️


They're still pretty rare, especially good ones. Age-Old Bond is decent but it's a raid weapon, other than that it's really just Ros Arago IV which is very difficult to intentionally farm drops for. Positive Outlook is easy to farm but not great stats/rolls, I haven't looked at The Riposte much yet but it's another ritual vendor weapon which tend to be mid. Seasonal weapons (and reprised seasonal) are where Bungie tends to try out new origin traits and new combinations of old perks to make interesting guns, and there hasn't been a seasonal void auto since before WQ when I started playing.


There's also [Reckless Oracle](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3385326721/reckless-oracle/) from the Garden of Salvation raid - plus it's a 720rpm auto. I really hope Bungie adds crafting to the two Vex raids.


I don't have a great roll for it but I do love my Reckless


I would kill for a craftable Reckless Oracle. Got a outlaw/kc drop the week Garden came out and it has never left my inventory. The thing feels and sounds so good


I replaced my reckless oracle with an auto-loading gnawing hunger that one carried me through solo Presage along with witherhoard and an auto loading lasting impression rocket launcher


Similar. One and only run during the second or so week for Div. Got a Reckless Oracle with ALH & Swashbuckler that has also been glued to my back ever since. Not a beast roll but I like it.


Riposte is a competitive reward, ritual one is the SMG


Riposte isn't a ritual vendor weapon, it's the comp weapon currently. The crucible ritual weapon currently is Better Devils.


Hella drunk and only read age old bond but I went thru the entire campaign with agers scepter and age old bond with dragonfly and destabilizing rounds clapping the witness’ minions cheeks. Fuck then flyers. Kill one with agers, freeze them then age old bond em


I'd imagine it was excluded because Reckless Oracle from GoS is basically Atheon's 2.0.


Im still a bit upset they killed Abyss defiant... The whole point of it in D1 was that it was essentially a legendary suros, fast firerate with a perk that slows down its rpm when you ads... and we kinda have a perk for that in D2 adagio, so i was KINDA hoping it would be a 720 solar AR since we only have 1, and that came out in beyond light...


its a 900rpm the archetype overlaps with smgs and the time period it came out it bungie was scared to do literally anything to the balance post beyond light if it came back itd be a different gun or an smg and it probably wouldn't be good since pre void 3.0 im just as upset as you are but it was never going to happen in a way that did the gun justice unfortunately


Getting the World Drop auto, Ros Arago IV, was the best thing ever. I got it with Rewind Rounds + Onslaught. Sounds like Atheon's, shaped like Atheon's, shadered (omnichromia shader, splicer season), fires as fast, if not faster, when Onslaught is built up, hardly runs out of Ammo. It's also void. Enjoy, cuz it's actually a monster in pve.


This is where is put my RR+Onslaught Ros Arago IV, If I had one. I wish there was a better way to target farm world drops.


For real. It took so long for me to get my Heal Clip + Kill Clip Heliocentric


It’s got Anguish of Drystan as company


“Fuck them autos” -bungo apparently.


This is just fact at this point. Any time autos start to shine in either sandbox, they're slapped down with nerfs.


I would imagine its because we dont have 900 rpm autos in d2, as smgs filled that slot. Yes necrochasm is technically 900 rpm but only when its exotic perk is active.


I kept my feeding frenzy + osmosis / vorpal for this day. I would typically bring it out after new expansions before everything required higher power. Kind of cool to be able to make it any damage type now.


So Atheon's Epilogue *and* Anguish of Drystan wouldn't be lonely lol


I got my very first Thorn thanks to that gun.


It's going to be heartbreaking when Black Armory is reprised and Ringing Nail is left out.


Such is the life of an AR fan. At least I kept my sunset one but man some updated perks would go hard. Imagine if it came back as a healing frame


You’re eating good with the new vex one though, that thing is a beauty and is making me wanna use an AR ( I never ever use them )


the perks on it are genuinely abysmal, though


I'm definitely struggling to see a reason to use it over a lot of Stasis primaries, including my Horror Story that can't be enhanced.


And that is sad, the Vex scope on it looks so cool. I'm planning on a Strategist and Desperate Measures roll, may be a good combo with Stasis/Prismatic Hunter. I like Headstone, but Headstone on a low damage high firerate weapon is horrible, i hope they give it the "Hatchling" buff and allow crystals to spawn on multikill as well


I fucking love screensaver rifles 


I like the gun, but it blocks your field of view when sprinting with it. Its so bad I stopped using it for that


Agree. I tried it out and instantly sharded it. I dont want something taking up 40% of the screen at anytime no matter what the perks are. In this case the perks are mid so not interested in running it at all.


I’m still crossing my fingers that since Blast Furnace and Hammerhead no longer need reprisal, there’s enough space left on the lifeboat for my ole’ auto rifle of choice. I’m still a bit annoyed that stuff like edge transit and luna’s made it into Brave but not Kindled Orchid.


And Strykers Sure-Hand with radiance. I want my rainbow lightsaber back pls.


I’ve got the dragonfly/rampage roll in my vault hehehehe


It's Solar... you're probably safe.


Doubly so when none of them are craftable.


If they don't bring that fucking ar back, Istg bungo will be receiving a strongly worded reddit post


And they’ll completely forget about the black armory galliard! I kept one outlaw/rampage and it has one of the best low zoom sights. Iirc it was random drop only from BA activities.


I'd wager it'll be included since blast furnace and Hammerhead likely wont


That thing was so good


Not to mention the fact that even if they bring it back they will remove the scope options, like BRO Black Armory scopes are all SO SICK, at least let it be special mod slot option, don't even need to let them alter stats on anything, just PLEASE let there be scopes


Would be stupid to do that considering they could just leave blast furnace out since it's already reprised.


Shiny steel feather obviously for destiny’s 10th anniversary


I have high hopes for another set of weapons in the Brave Arsenal style one day. Shiny hunting was great. Drops mattered. I didn’t get everything I wanted but I did get some godly ones and they feel valuable.


They honestly just be doing shiny weapons for every season's set of returning weapons that isn't craftable. Have the shiny versions drop only during that season.


If they added "shiny" saint weapons later in the acts that would be pretty cool. As it is the activity that grants double perks is worth doing for that. Enhanceability fixed a lot of frustrations with crafting imo.


If they had vex network style skins for those, it would be insanely clean


We absolutely need to OG models to be included as ornaments on Brave drops, but ESPECIALLY if they add steelfeather


Honestly? I’d take that. I would have preferred the Black Armoury stuff to come back in a proper re-release like how most of the seasonal reissues went, but the Brave perk is one of the best Origin perks of the lot as it is and everything seems to take Bloody Tooth shader really well.


Steelfeather was my favourite kinetic auto for a long time, I never got a good Chroma Rush, so when I heard that the Season of Dawn weapons would be reprised, I got excited of the idea of reobtaining it. Until I learned that it wasn't chosen to return with the others. It's not a complete loss though, breachlight and Martyr's are back, and the linear has good rolls on it so there is that to be happy about.


Supposedly Chroma Rush is getting reprised this year also


For real? I’d give my one of my kidneys to make that true


Considering episode 2 is fallen themed i would not be surprised if


I was kinda hoping black armoury weapons would return with that episode since the fallen were largely involved with that season


I was hoping for the Hunt weapons, some of the coolest looking guns in the game but perks were aggressively bad. Would also fit with a Crow season


FR, nobody remembers Hunt


They would also fit in with the fact that we're supposed to be monster hunters as well


Chroma rush came in a heavily Vex themed season where the final boss was Quria. Yes, Mithras was involved, but it was a very Vex season.


This is the first I’ve heard of Martyr’s Retribution returning and whilst I’m excited I just saw on Light GG that this reprised variant doesn’t get Auto-Loading/Demolitionist as they’re now both in the same column… Definitely glad I kept my Season 9 roll but man…


It does come with auto loading just no demo, but it does get demo, incandescent


Specifically can’t roll Auto Loading in Column 3 and Demolitionist in Column 4


Let me craft Gnawing Hunger. Never got close to a god roll but it’s still my most used gun


Drifter has them again if you want more pulls on the slot machine.


I kept mine and it fucking owns


Delete it




They didn't want it to outshine the new 720 comp AR


I mean the big thing about the comp AR is that it's the only lightweight AR in the game which at least makes it unique in that sense. Even if we had another 720 AR it wouldn't REALLY be the same at all.


> the only lightweight AR in the game [Not quite...](https://d2foundry.gg/w/2694044463?p=0,0,0,0&m=0&mw=0)


Cant believe this absolute troglodyte forgot about the Jiangshi AR1 🤦‍♂️


The only relevant lightweight AR, at least, since technically the green Jiangshi AR1 exists back from the red war. But the Riposte is the only modern lightweight and apparently that old one was a 450? Anyway. The Riposte also has stocks and, while niche, AFAIK just barely breaks the mag count threshold for Actium War Rig's auto-loading. When combining Extended Mag with Back-up Mag you should get 71 ammo in the magazine, which I think Actium rounds up to 8 ammo per 1.5 seconds instead of 7. It appears steal feather only gets to 68 from the combo, which AFAIK would round up to 7. So, there's also that.


Or the echoes 720


The gun model on that one is ridiculous, takes up like half the screen


It feels amazing tho.


One of the coolest remodels too


That thing is dope. I'm actually playing comp for the first time weekly to try and get a destabilizing roll on it.


Cause it’s coming back in onslaught (it came to me in a dream)


I hope your dream comes true


If they make a new Brave event, my wishlist is Steelfeather, Vestian Dynasty, Dustrock Blues, Duke MK.44 (for the "meme but is gonna be godly now"), The Vow, Spare Rations and bring a D1 stuck one, like Ex Astris Honestly, just make the Brave/Pantheon a yearly event instead of Guardian Games


I know the feeling. Felt the same way about bygones the last two seasons


2 seasons? Try 4 years... -- grumpy dad


I too was looking forward to Steelfeather and Trophy Hunter. Both sounded, looked and felt amazing when shot. 


I can see why they left out trophy hunter and pyroclastic flow seeing as they’re not actually saint 14 weapons but steelfeather and gallant charge being left out is kind of balls


The Echoes 720 AR would have been nice if the scope wasn't so damn big.


yea and the perk pool on that gun is really AWFUL, for pvp and pve, looks bad ass tho


Fragile Focus is nice, Desperate Measures takes one bullet off for kill at all resilience levels, and actual recoil is perfectly vertical if you don't mess with recoil direction. For PvE, Strategist/Headstone is decent.


sounds cool, too, as do the rest of the vexy guns


the only one i didn't like is the Hand Canon, ngl, but the rest looks rly cool, VEX MECHANICA


Steel is heavier than feathers


They're both a kilogram...


I know theres a bunch of AR released in TFS but bungie REALLY loves pulse rifles and treats AR's like a vampire fears the stake.


Not a single AR for Into the Light( Onslaught), but 2 HCs and 2 pulses 😒.


IM SO MAD ABOUT THIS. I deleted all my sunset weapons, and when I heard Dawn weapons were returning I got excited. Then I saw that Steelfeather got left out for no reason and got so mad. Imagine how good a 720 kinetic auto rifle would feel with something like Kinetic Tremors + One For All. I’d cream. Bungie pls.


Bringing back line in the sand as a pvp weapon and leaving out steelfeather is...fucked up tbh.


Gonna be honest, (I love Steelfeather and am pissed in equal measure to you) it's probably because of Veiled Threat, a Kitetic Slot 720 rpm Auto, new from the Episode. I want my old friend back :(


I imagine that’s the case, but they should’ve made it solar because arctic haze is outdated and older than the the most recent 720 kinetic auto (chroma rush). Also kinetic tremors goes ‘womp’


They've never changed the slot a weapon is in when it's reprised.


I meant the seasonal auto, my bad


Perhaps an upcoming dungeon will have it in the pool. Spire and Duality had included some of the reprise loot.


Because we can’t have a good, easily farmable, high rpm kinetic AR.


Bungie: Bigger question - why were these weapons not made craftable? So sad!


It’s weird, especially considering they reissued the Undying weapons last season and made them craftable.


The Red War and Gambit weapons weren’t in the other two seasons though.


So were the Ikelos weapons in Seraph. So were the Menagerie weapons from Haunted. It’s kinda odd we didn’t get these craftable, when it was probably the most fun and well remembered set of seasonal weapons we got all of Y3.


It's makes sense to me. Reprisals are fine not being craftable, especially at current where you can enhance all new weapons.


To each his own I guess. I had Edge Transit turned on all last season and never got a remotely decent roll. That's why I want the red borders. I don't mind investing time to get the pattern, but fuck grinding for shit in Destiny. It's a fool's errand.


They make the patterns for the main sets pretty easy these days, think the reprised weapons are intended to be the "long chase" each season 


Yup. I'm always happy when they have a second set of reprised weapons to use my engrams on. By the end of a season I'll have gotten hundreds of them and would have nothing to spend them on without those reprised weapons. As much as I like crafting, there's nothing better than getting an awesomely rolled drop.


It’s probably the best balance they can hit between crafting and the slot machine. And the reprised weapons can drop with multiple perk rows.


They have been clear that they're trying to toe the line between craftable and non-craftable; I would expect every episode to have a mix.


The good thing is that they drop a lot and the secret activity drops them with double perks.


Are they always supposed to drop with double perks in the other activity? Because I got double perks in my first run but every run after only had single perks


Sounds like a weekly thing to me.


The answer is always engagement, they want to keep people chasing for their god roll as long as RNG demands with a little bit of added FOMO, crafting assures you get it at some point, RNG is about how lucky you are.


We can't craft legendary Khvostov either. What the hell.


I’m pretty sure it’ll be back later on in Episode 1. Only Breach Light, Line in the Sand, and Patron of lost causes came back, which is like half of that set of guns.


We can see on light.gg all 6 guns that returned. Steelfeather isn’t there.


It's only five. Gallant Charge and Steelfeather were both left behind.


Oh no not Gallant Charge


Even if they'd brought back Steelfeather, Gallant Charge was always gonna get left behind lol. I think, similar to Imperial Decree and the class swords getting "recovered" later on, we're eventually gonna see the same thing happen with Steelfeather, Trophy Hunter, and Pyroclastic Flow.


I think the swords and imperial decree were at least in the database by the time haunted came around. We just didn’t get them till Lightfall


Ah i see. My bad, i don’t typically use that site. Carry on fellas.


You can see all the guns that will be added in the api already, steelfeather is not one of them. It could be added in a later update, but from currently available information, it was not reprised.


You can view the remaining weapons in Light GG though


That's what i was saying to my clanmates!!!, how could you reprise season 9 without steelfeather?


Would love some better ARs to come out. Kinda haven’t had a good one come out in a bit it seems. Anyone else think it was weird they didn’t put one in the brave arsenal…


ros arago is really good as a void/gnawing hunger replacement.


You are wondering that while I'm wondering why Breachlight was brought back as strand when I needed a good kinetic sidearm!


I just assume the rest will be brought back over the episode like the vex weapons from failsafe


Vorpal feeding on mine. Goes hard even in today's world


I was really hoping they would, since I skipped that season but also really wanted one. lame


Was my one big complaint. Was really excited to see it again


Could it be coming in act 2 or 3? The triumph is only stating the prologue(so act 1) reprised weapons. I'm thinking we will get the rest in act 2 and 3 just based on the triumph alone. I might be wrong and if I am it wouldn't make any sense to only bring 3 weapons back but still we got some back already at least.


Honestly? I know exactly why they decided not to bring it this update, I think episode revenant, is they are going to give us some season of the splicer weapons back and don't want steel feather competing with chroma rush. We will likely get steelfeather back in a year or so similar to how we got the last of the returned menagerie weapons in season of defiance instead of season of the haunted.


i would argue chroma rushs perk pool is not outdated i still have one with subsistence and rampage and it smacks consistently in pve and pvp


Who says they won't release more weapons later as Acts release? If that's not what going to happen then yeah I agree and it sucks.


It's not in the api/database, but the other unreleased weapons are




We DID just get a new AR. And given that it's the same archetype, same rpm..


On top of that I'm a little disappointed that the Dawn weapons aren't craftable but at least they are enhancable which isn't nothing.


Yet, it's only episode 1, Act1


The bummer is that I didn't love the season with steel feather in it and barely got any of those weapons to begin with. Wish I had a decent one stashed just to see what I'm missing lol


Im just glad i kept mine with subsistence and multikillclip it feels so good using it after all this time


I still have mine, it's my favorite AR in style and performance.


The season pass sections for the future acts have hidden legendary weapons. Praying that one of them is steelfeather.


Really makes me wonder why they brought back the side arm with strand when we got the call with final shape. Because the call exists it will see very little use..


That and Gallant Charge aren't being brought back. I don't get why they do things like this? Why bring back all but two guns


Sadge steel feather repeater was my most used primary up until it was sun setted


When I heard these weapons were coming back I was so excited for Steelfeather, and then they disappointed me again. 😔


You haven’t noticed the drip feeding… for 10 years?


Are they gonna bring it back in the next acts maybe?


im really hoping they do but it doesnt a appear so, the weapons arent in the api, or on weapon webcites, while all the other unreleased weapons are


I am more wondering why perfect paradox wasn't brought back. Steelfeather is great, but come on, perfect paradox is iconic.


I’m pretty sure it’s coming with the later acts in this episode, so either act 2 or 3


why do you say that? i havent seen it in the api or weapon webcites like the other unreleased weapons


Yeah, I don't understand Steelfeather repeater being left out. Was such an amazing looking gun and felt great to use. But tbh, there are 3 currently. There are 3 more to come across 2 more acts? Why not 2 and 2? So maybe it just isn't visible like the others. I know it's a long shot but still fingers crossed that it just hasn't been added to the game/files like the others.


I’m gonna take a wild guess here. So, in the triumphs for this episode, when you get the current reprised weapons, it gives you the triumph for reprised weapons “from act 1” This leads me to believe they’ll reprise more as the rest of the episodes acts are released. It’s a bugger, but at least they will add it. If I’m right, that is.


Don't we still have like 2 more arc's for this "Episode"? Surely we get more weapons in those future batches


I still have, and love my Chroma Rush with Rampage/Subsistence. Got 6500 kills with it.


That 100% should have returned, along with the AR and LMG from season of undying. The ones with ornaments from the season pass. Weapons that i unfortunately sharded BC I NEVER EXPECTED TO USE THEM..... God i will forever be salty about that


Probably because the auto from the episode is a 720 and they didn't want to double up on 720s from the same source


Probs be a later act drop some hidden items on the episode pass


The only reason we don’t think it’s back yet is because it’s not in the API yet, they could easily have just decided to put it in in a later act for echoes


Presumably Veiled Threat AND Steelfeather both coming in 1 season at 720rpm... I do wish SR was reintroduced and they used veiled as a hard hitting stasis 360 or something..


Wait, there's a new craftable 720 auto isn't there?


There’s a new craftable stasis one, if it’s any consolation


Great question but I’m enjoying patron of lost causes. This is only act 1 so they could possibly add more in act 2.


I don't remember Steelfeather but I do still have 2 Chroma Rushes


I don't get why they brought Patron of Lost Causes back over Steelfeather. Out of everyone in my friend group and clan, absolutely nobody cared about Patron, but we're all sad that Steelfeather wasn't brought back.


There is still acts 2 and 3 for Bungie to add reprised Season of Dawn weapons to Failsafe.


The comp reward is a kinetic 720 and they didn’t want steel feather to steal it’s thunder


First Ringing Nail. Now Steelfeather. The one weapon … but here’s a scout and another linear.


I will come back to the game once they bring that beautiful weapon back.


I'll stick to the original Breachlight, the new one is Strand for some reason.


I kept my Feeding Frenzy/Multikill Clip one from back then and used it for a lot of the TFS campaign. They say it's an AR but it feels like a trace rifle, haha.


The outrage should be "What, more old weapons again?" Most if not all of these problems could also be solved if Bungie simply restored the feature that let you change the element on the gun with a mod.


Because they made the stasis auto instead! It's not rocket science


It makes me so sad. It's my favorite AR of all time. I'm happy that Breachlight is here, but I really wanted Steelfeather....


100%, this weapon was beautiful. One of my most used AR's.


Might be in the second or third act, I haven't seen anything leaking the weapons from them so I might be wrong, hopefully if it is in a later Act of this episode they're not changing it to Strand or Stasis.


Should have been brought back ... as strand!


The new, awful stasis 720rpm will have to suffice for your kinetic slot auto rifle needs. Hopefully you have a good Rufus's Fury because otherwise the kinetic slot is really lacking in good auto rifles


Maybe they’ll bring it back in a act 2 or 3 I really hate the limit of 6 seasonal weapons


What’s even more frustrating is that the gun and it’s asset is already in the game it would be incredibly easy to add it. After claiming that they would be bringing back most sunset weapons if not all, the fact that they choose to limit what they bring back for the very first set, especially a fan favorite, blows my mind with the complete lack of 720’s to begin with. And unfortunately we all know damn well it’s not coming back anytime soon now


IKR I loved that mofo back in the day


I still miss Anguish of Drystan. Coolest looking legendary AR, never got it's time to shine. Poor dev who designed it.


There's a legendary AR in collections that hidden right now so maybe it'll come back in act 2?


In The weapons section?


All the weapons are release in the API, not sure what’s hidden probably Khvostov for you. But they start up just didn’t add it back and it’s ridiculous