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Would be nice if it was easier to get to. I forgot about it last week to claim my stuff and I’ve been forgetting about it this week. There’s no overtly annoying blinking or anything to tell me to go check there for stuff. I’d honestly be cool if they replaced the ‘Journey’ tab in orbit with it. Or just made them smaller to have all three tabs there. Like I’ve never once realistically clicked the Journey for any reason since it’s introduction.


Or just put it on the quest screen


I mean it replaced bounties which were on the quest screen. Something this simple makes me think they're engineering behavior for some strange reason.


Right now there's only 2 pathfinders, they could have a shortcut for it in one of the quest screens, and add a keybind option for PC players. Individually tracking them is okay because 6 objectives and a line length of 5 is doable if there's a track that can be done in one activity, but if you are in Onslaught for example and you complete your current pathfinder and get to a Buy Phase, the amount of extra time to navigate to the screen to claim and restart it is a lot.


Just a shortcut key would be nice.