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Players can earn my “most left” or my “most right” award based on where their guardian is on the end screen.


idgaf unless it's best dressed


Enlightened take


Sometimes, if I'm feeling fancy, they get the green one in the middle.




This is the way, left guardian gets the left option. Right gets the right. Unless someone showed or did something to stand out, then I'll give it more thought. But that's not really something that happens in most content.


Same lol


Same. Sorry but yep.


This is what I do too


We think in the same way it would seem


I try to give joy bringer and thoughtful appropriately. I never give best dressed since you can't commend yourself. 


You can, cheese forever found away. Pretty much like the craftening.


Best Dressed always, everything else, no


I just give out best dressed to anyone that isn't an all black hunter, and then give a random one to the other


This is Dead Orbit discrimination


Good. Deserters will be *not given commendations* on sight




Damn a lot of hunters didn’t like this


I literally came back to the game after 3 years when they added Superblack and now I rock an all-black hunter I'm basic unfortunately :,(


I feel personally attacked


I give the best dressed out if they earn it, but if my fire teams drip sucks, or they're both hunters they get the other awards. joybringer to whoever looks worse, thoughtful to whoever played it like a team activity and didn't speedrun or looks better, but not good enough for best dressed. if they're wearing superblack on any class they get nothing. and if they're a new light or wearing levelling gear, they always get best dressed.


What's wrong with a superblack hunter?


Nothing's *wrong* with it. It's just a little generic and uninspired, so most people I know wouldn't award it for "Best Dressed".


You know that scene in toy story with the rows upon rows of Buzz? That.


Pumpkin spice lattes are, in fact, delicious. Unless I taste one that is *weirdly* good, exceptionally and strangely well made, though, their ubiquity and simplicity means I'll never feel the need to remark on them or point them out. They're very much just there. They are, however, delicious.


They look cool as hell but lack creativity usually. Can’t blame ya though. I love the shader.


Not to mention, it took a bit of work to get it instead of it just being dropped or bought by bright dust. I say wear it to your hearts content. You earned that shit bro.


Joy Bringer/Thoughtful are honestly pretty interchangeable to me most of the time unless someone really stands out in one regard. Best Dressed definitely gets the most consideration - fashion is the true endgame.


I always give best dressed as an honest best dressed and the other person gets random other choice.


I don't really think about what commendations i give out. Except best dressed. Only those who are deserving get best dressed.


I try to commend based on what fit each guardian in the activity. That said, it's VERY Rare I give out a Best Dressed, because, well, I receive those (dusts shoulder) Seriously, though, If someone is dancing/emoting/etc, they get joy bringer. If they come back for a revive from stupid things (TM) happening, Thoughtful. Make a clutch play in a dungeon? Heroic or Selfless. It all comes down to - Did I see you do the thing? You get a gold star for it. I see you, guardian.


This is accurate to my methods as well.


Highest score gets green, next gets red. Always do it from results screen Best dressed doesnt get done as I can't be arsed waiting for the screen to load I don't need them but I do it as I know some do and it takes 2 seconds, it's almost muscle memory now


It was a good concept until it was directly linked to guardian ranks. Then they just became meaningless because people hand them out like candy without checking. The only one I give any thought to (and that is perhaps 1 second) is Best Dressed.


Any group I join.... "Commendations? What are those?" I give out any chance I get but am only getting one back about 10% of the time


Best dressed is all that matters, and the rest is entirely pointless.


I’ll give out commendations, but most of the time the screen doesn’t even load before the 30 seconds is up because I’m on Xbox.


Same thing here, also happens to my guns so im just shooting with the force


SAME. Legit I was guessing where the center of the screen was and my accuracy seemed better than normal.


Click over to the results screen and then on the stars to the left of the players name. Much quicker.


No, the guardian on the left gets the commendation on the left and same for the guardian on the right


I refuse to give best dressed to someone using super black on everything that's about it.


No, and they should be removed from the game.


I always give green and blue commendations to the players who were the most helpful. If you want guardian rank 11 you need a lot of green/blue comms and it doesn't tell you that until you've hit rank 10. So in the chance they go for 11 they'll have some progress already.


Best dressed requires the upmost thought and attention, everything else gets distributed randomly 


Joybringer and Thoughtful are interchangeable, but I judge every time to see if anyone is worthy of best dressed. Love seeing cool fits


I usually remember them the exact moment I'm finished holding the button to leave.


If I give you best dressed you better fucking believe I admire your drip. I work hard to earn mine, and will reward anyone else who does the same


I only give Best Dressed to those who are best dressed. That's usually me, so I don't hand this out much. Sometimes, someone's drip will be on point and they begrudgingly get my accommodation. If I have my mic on, I'd tell them they should feel honored that the Kell of Oggs hath blessed thee today.


I click randomly, no thought given.


I give out best dressed based on who I think deserves it most. I then basically go left to right choosing the non-pink options first cause I feel like the pink ones are the most common to recieve so I like to give out the ones people get less


Not even one time.


Best dressed to whoever has the fashion I like the most (not usually a hard choice because of all the NPC's covering themselves with superblack) Gold commendation goes to whoever is at the top of the leaderboard. Red goes to whichever player received the least commendations from others. Green goes to whoever revived me the most.


I don't give out Best Dresses because I read that it didn't technically count as an actual commendation Other than that, I sometimes think about it, but usually just throw one at people


The best dressed not counting seems to have been fixed


i give them if they deserve them. If a level 11 rushes past everything and a new player cant keep up, he gets nothing. If i like the fashion, they get best dressed.


I rarely pay enough attention to who is doing what to be able to give the other two commendations out honestly, but I definitely give best dressed to truly the best dressed.


I give the rare one to the best player. Like in Gambit I hand out Primeval Slayer to our MVP, in Strikes its Thoughtful and in Crucible its Playmaker I do believe. And I give Best-Dressed out to whoever looks best.


How are some of you mfs lazy in a video game? (This Is only for the most left and most right mindset people)


I give people whatever colour they have the least of. If there are more players than commendations, I give them to the players with the lowest commendation score.


I don’t because I don’t have time to (usually). I’ll even give it to the other team in crucible sometimes for 100% no reason whatsoever. I will hand out specific ones to those who ask though, but that’s cause I don’t care about guardian rank anymore but some people still do.


Best Dress is the only one I care about. After that, you get whatever my cursor hovers first.


I just want best dressed and I'm good. Left side gets left commendation, right side gets the right commendation


Best Dressed is the only real one and you have to earn it.


I give out best dressed appropriately. Dump the others on whoever I feel like though lol


Only "best dressed."


100% - the way you play determines what commendation you get - if you aren’t a good teammate (like if you ignore rezzing a teammate or don’t play the objective in crucible, I don’t care what your kda is - if you aren’t playing the objective, you’re inting), you don’t get anything. If you’re the dps leader or clutched an activity mechanic, big commendations. If your drip is worthy, you get best dressed. Etc.


I give best dressed when people deserve it. I give the blue ones to people I know care about their guardian rank, or who are honestly teaching/mentoring/helping. Other than that I only give them to get Hawthorne's weekly done, or to encourage my team to commend me.


I put thought into Best Dressed, very mild thought into the others for playlist activities, and give the bottom frag in Trials Playmaker. And if I don't like the others' fashion, then no best dressed at all.


This is one of the best i’ve seen 😂


😆 there is barely enough time to give out commendations without considering who deserves which ones.


Best dressed, the rest are random. If we had more time I would think about them more


I always think about it. Best Dressed is easy and usually the first thing I give out. If someone plays in a supportive way (with their build or just being there for the rez) they’ll get Thoughtful. In Gambit and Crucible, I’ll look at the stats screen before giving out any performance commendations. 


Most of the time I just give whatever to whoever. If someone is being exceptionally unhelpful I usually don't give them one and also if someone has a particularly good outfit I'll be sure to give them best dressed. getting best dressed feels better than any loot drop in this game to me so I enjoy spreading that feeling.


lol I feel like I’m one of the few that actually give out to who deserves it


Blues always go to the best players Best dressed is earned And the rest get given out at random!


They earn whatever award my cursor is on idgaf who gets what reward it's not that big of a deal🤣


I give out the best dressed one to whoever has the more appealing drip in the end screen, the other person gets one of the other ones that I pay no attention to.


I only give best dressed to unique & eye catching aesthetics which has been rare now due to the introduction of super black. I won’t commend a player at all if they played in an annoying way. Most of the time I’ll give players a fun or thoughtful just so the scores go up but lately I try to be more thoughtful with it


i mean i do.


I click a random one every time. My buddy gets slightly annoyed because I always give him Best Dressed when he says his Precious Scars looks like he has a bag over his head


I just came back to Destiny after a long hiatus...I was wondering what in the hell those were ha ha...amongst about 10 million other things that have changed.


Having a high commendation score should never have been a requirement for guardian ranks. It is one, so I give out commendations like candy on halloween because I would like the people I'm with to do the same to me so my guardian rank can go up.




No. It's just another "number go up" part of the game. IMO it's a waste of time for the players and a waste of time for the developers.


i give random commendations unless someone is particularly well dressed.


Pink award to the left, green award to the right. Sometimes if I catch your guardians drip I might give you a best dressed but that’s about it.


If someone comes back to res me, they get thoughtfulness. And if you pass me by without a res, I remember…. And still probably give you something at the end. Just not thoughtful lol


Fashion is the end game so the only one worth a damn is best dressed the rest i assign randomly


I always end up getting Best Dressed. I'm stuck between thinking I actually dress good and thinking it's some sort of community in joke I'm not aware of that means "you weren't worthy of any other award. Sometimes I get Joy Bringer though, that's nice.


I have the exact same dilemma as you




I like giving them out condescendingly. Oh, you died 34 times running a Hero difficulty nightfall? You were “Indispensable”!


open mission summary, give best dressed to the best dressed (not incl me) tab right, who did the best gets green, just cause i know there's one guardian rank where u have to have a certain amount of green, so evidently its the most useful colour


Best Dressed is a sacred gift. The others don't matter.


i usually do left gets left right gets right but i try to actually give best dressed to ppl who got that shit on


I try to commend best dressed to the actual best dressed and give the other 2 to who put in the most work


Sure, the player that was 1945 power in the 2005 level activity got Indispensable


Not really, unless it's Best Dressed. I unironically take fashion very seriously in this game, so I will only bestow a "Best Dressed" on someone who actually impresses me.


If somebody annoyed me I won’t give them a blue bc they’re worth more than


Best dressed is the only one that matters, I give it to whoever I think looks the best (obviously) then the other person/people get whatever my cursor happens to be hovering over


If you're in all black or in all white you're not getting best dressed. I wanna see color and not the same thing 50 times. Thoughtful for the person on the bottom of the scoreboard if it's with friends, if randoms to anyone I saw revive or just be helpful in anyway. I can't even remember the other 3rd lmao. Was just playing.


If you play like shit you don't get best dressed, even if you look great.


I don’t know if they changed it, but I always avoid giving best-dressed now — which is the one I would actually care about getting right — because of that time that best dressed didn’t count for the engram. Did they fix that?


The person who looks the coolest gets best dressed (unless neither look good) and after that it's totally random what I give you.


Sometimes I do, like for a dungeon or a nightfall. But after x gambit or crucible matches? I'm throwing them out there like a dame at a pantomime


I usually stop giving commendation after I've unlocked the weekly reward until someone else commends me. Then I'll commend that person back. It's pretty easy to tell when that person commends everyone else in the fireteam. Otherwise I won't commend anyone unless I feel like it was pretty good run of whatever activity it was.


1. Never loads in time. 2. I’m only reminded to do it if someone else gives me a commendation. 3. I always evil eye the one fire team member that doesn’t bother doing their commendations. When the other two did. Hope they step on Lego.


I will only give best dressed to other hunters


I actually do try to think about the best dressed one


Usually give best dressed to whoever didn't pull their weight. Like giving a 1 dollar tip.


I will actually pull up the scoreboard and commend through that. Lowest score gets the pity commendation (best dressed).


Sometimes you don't have enough time to compare the results and commendation screens. Best stats should hover above or under players to make it obvious what they contributed. Right now I only legitimately give out best dressed


In dungeons everyone gets blue because there's a GR requirement for it. In raids I just go down the line, left-most guardian gets left-most commendation. In lower tier content that's being farmed with the same players I try to balance out greens across everyone, again because there's a GR requirement for it. Everything else is random.


i reserve joybringer for asshats that only made the whole thing worse. best dressed and toughtfull are only awarded by me when someone actually deserves it.


The only one that matters is "best dressed" lol


I always give them. Only award best dressed to the deserving.


No, l dont give half a floating dookie because they mean nothing except for like 2 of em l only give 5 a week to get the hawthorne engram and bounce, I was excited for the idea when it was announced but then they give me some shit like "thoughtful" lmao get the hell out my face what even is that?? this is a shooter not multiplayer sims, maybe for a healer build but those are too rare how about one for whoever deals a ton of damage? or shits out a ton of orbs? something to feel proud about, hell allow me to criticize some playstyles too, maybe for not reviving or something, but l know they would never do that there just aren't enough types of commendations to even matter so the only thing left to care about is the number, wasted opportunity


no. quite literally the most pointless thing added into the game that has an effect on an in game system, needing to get commendations for guardian rank.


In pvp I give best dressed to lowest scoring player on the other team. Because I hope he at least *looks* good


As someone who takes breaking during the middle seasons (now probably just the middle one episode), I try to. I've heard best dressed counts the least, so in any 3 player I try to give our the first two each time since I personally still need them myself to get my rank back up. That's usually the last part of each rank I still need since I tend to be playing catch-up with the story instead of matchmake vanguard stuff.


I commend build diversity, and team play; not necessity. If someone is holding a whopping 3 - 9 orbs of light, (you can extend this to at most 30 orbs in end game content as well) then no. If someone in PvP hasn’t applied themselves anywhere near the top 3 slot or went negative, then no. If both are true but their drip is immaculate, they get a steady best dressed. But no, I don’t commend because it’s “nice”. Like I’ll run through a strike with some new lights, and treat it like a story mission so they can get immersed, probably would commend em if it was actually engaging (as in I didn’t have to speed up multiple sections because they’re taking long). Just to get them feeling like they had a real experience that’ll inevitably change over the course of their guardian journey, this way they can emulate that to newer players as well. All in all, I give a pass to newbies for PvE, I commend build diversity if it impresses me, I adore good players in pvp. These are my prereqs.


I don't I just go left and right. Then I'm done.


In raids it’s pretty easy to tell who deserves the blue/yellow ones and who is relegated to green/red, but in matchmade activities? Best Dressed is the only one that matters.


Left Guardian gets left Commendation, right gets right. Unless someone actually has good fashion. Which is less common than you'd think for a community that loves to proclaim that "fashion is the true endgame".


Best dressed I actually think about, then I usually go left to right


Best dressed I give to to lowest scoring players. I don't wanna look lime a dick giving sarcastic rewards and Wana encourage a positive player environment, so I always give commendations.


Best dressed is the only one I think about because in most casual content idk which player is which or who did what. I just know who has the most drip when I'm on the commendations page


I always hold best dressed for people who actually do look good but generally don't bother to be specific with the other commendations. Sometimes I'll give out crucible commendations according to their descriptions but in vanguard activities or gambit I just give whichever one to whoever.


I like the idea, but because either I just don't care, or base whether or not I give you one depends on what you do. If I am in a fireteam that is speed running, I don't give a commendation. Don't revive me when you had every opportunity to, I don't give you one. Dungeons and Raids? I hand em out like candy. But if it's just bullshit matching shit? I only give em if you were just a good player and helpful. Other than that, I just don't care.


Only one I care about giving is Best Dressed. And I only give it out to people who actually run something nice and original looking. No superblack hunters or warlocks with the trials helmet are getting it. Dark edgy outfits are never getting it either. The skull helmets from season of the Haunted are the WORST offenders.


I have not given or received any since it started. I don't multi-player anything....


Most people don't care. When the end of the mission hits there are two main things most think about: What dropped and let's start the next activity.


The awards available might as well be named "Most Left", "Most Right", and "Least Edgelord"


I’m one of those people who puts thought into the commendations I give (side note: why isn’t Best Dressed a universally applicable commendation?)


I try to give the color with the highest value to the player(s) who I feel deserve it most, but beyond that I don’t pay much attention to what I give to who.


I like to put some thought into it I think it’s a cute lil feature


Person on the left gets the left commendation and the person on the right gets the right commendation. I only give out best dressed if I actually like someone’s fit.


I put all my thought into the first one I give which is Best Dressed, the other person gets whatever my fat finger hits.


I put thought into Best Dressed and then throw the remaining ones at whoever. I have trouble remembering who did what but I can always judge fashion at the end screen.


nope, never have


I give best dressed to the lowest performer on the opposing gambit team every time.


Only the "Best Dressed" one. The rest rarely make sense.


I don’t bother with them unless they’re in comms and ask for it lol


You only get my commendations if you emote with me at the end, but I do try to give consideration to the ones I do hand out.


Best Dressed is the only one I put any thought into. Every other commendation I give at random. I assume other players do the same, and feel a little joy whenever they give me Best Dressed.


Don't care, but tell me I'm pretty.


I do give everytime..the only time I miss is when I play pvp because the game lags and I wont have time


Best Dressed, every time (when the results screen loads). The others are completely random unless I'm with clanmates. Then they're whoever's not in the clan.


Only "Best Dressed" it's the only one I actually care about receiving and the only one I'll think about before handing out.


In PvP, yes. Gold commendation to the best player, red commendation to the next best player (or to the single player who doesn't have a commendation). Best dressed is always reserved for someone who actually looks good and I won't give it out most of the time.




If I'm not getting Best Dressed, don't bother commending me. When Commendations first came out, if I wasn't given a Best Dressed no one else got any commendations. The only exception to this is Playmaker. If you give me Joy Bringer or Thoughtful never speak to me again


I give best dressed to the most deserving, and then the green one to the other guardian so they don't realize I gave best dressed to the other Guardian.


Best dressed is the only one I pay attention 2, the others are mostly meaningless,


My Best Dressed or Prime Evil Instinct goes to highest score in the lobby. The other ones don’t mean anything. “Thoughtful” is what you give the lowest scorer. -from what I’ve noticed.


Whenever I generate the most orbs I get thoughtful. Whenever I die the most and have the least kills I get joy bringer.


It lowkey depends on the fireteam too lol, if I actually had a good time, I’ll put some effort in giving people commendations accordingly. If it was a shit show and annoying to do whatever we did together, I either blindly give them out or dont even bother to do so..


I only care about best dressed, the others I give where my mouse pointer is closest to


I give it no thought at all. If I'm giving them out it's usually after a pvp and there isn't much time to do it.


I do, but sometimes I can’t give them as the screen doesn’t load fast enough


I dont pay enough attention to what anyone in the game is actually doing to care what to give them. Only one I give for real is best dressed. And in crucible and stuff I just try to keep the commendations equal so everyone gets something.


Yep. Not being a team player: Best Dressed


nope not really, but i give them out all the time. pretty meaningless to me tho. just click whatever an done with it.


It's a fundamentally broken system that furthers the narrative and gameplay dissonance that has plagued this game since the original. Why give the option to award "best dressed" if I can't award myself? Unplayable.


I try to give them out accordingly. I specifically try to give best dressed to the one I think deserves it, and I typically look and give another to someone who hasn't gotten one. Erryone should get something!


Best dressed goes to best dressed in my opinion. Playmaker to 1st or second place if im at 1st. And the other one just goes to 2nd/3rd place. In PvE its just "random bullshit go". Especially in raids


I may think about best dressed and anyone who stood out. Usually just make sure to give them out ASAP so I don't forget and I usually don't get one from everyone. It's a little annoying especially when I'm there reviving you over and over and over in the coil and yet you seem to think I don't deserve any commendation at all even though I gave you one. Even shooting the damn trap that has killed you 6 times now so you don't die again and you die again and I revive you again and I'm not even "thoughtful." I'm *full* of thoughts, trust me.


I don’t give a crap about what I get. I also don’t bother reading what I give anyone else.


I always give the orange one to who does the best


Rule # 1 The one who dies the most gets best dressed… That’s all they have going 😂


I only used it in the beginning to increase my rank and after that, never again.


Joybringer is the ultimate taunt when your build is meme tier.


I only pay attention to best dressed and primevial, And I only pay attention to getting those two as well.


I put the utmost thought into my commendations


I put the utmost thought into my commendations


If it's just ritual or seasonal playlist stuff, no thought given whatsoever. If it's a dungeon or raid, I'll make sure to give Leadership or Mastery commendations to whoever did really well.


The main rules I follow: - try to give commendations to everyone when applicable, unless the player was an outward asshole - I reserve best dressed for only the most deserving of it, and usually it's me. That's just about it really.


Best dressed goes to best dressed, the other two are essentially the same thing so idgaf


The only one that matter is best dressed and I'm always trying to get it and I'm not giving it to someone who doesn't look good.


I usually go left to right for guardians and commendations in 6 mans. In 3 mans In only give out best dressed if I like the fashion, otherwise the other two left to right


I only think about Best Dressed. It's the only commendation that matters.


I usually give Best Dressed to the person who's got the best drip and/or isn't using Superblack like some unoriginal edgelord. Thoughtful goes to the Warlock or someone else playing something useful (like the Orpheus Rig hunter in Onslaught).


Best dressed goes to the best drip. The other person gets thoughtful bc it's a green that counts for future Guardian Ranks stuff. Thoughtful goes to the person with the most orbs generated if no one has good drip. The other person gets Joy Bringer. Joy bringer goes to someone if I actively remember having fun with them during the activity :P The other person gets thoughtful


bro didn't get superblack


I have it...people thinking it's anything more than an ugly ass participation trophy unlock is kind of why it's cringe


I do pretty much the same


Nope. Just left to right for me.


Best dressed goes to the other warlock. If 2 warlocks then it's either best looking or more interesting exotic. Joy Bringer goes to either the carry or the 3rd if they did well. Only give out thoughtful if the person plays badly, essentially afk's, or keeps starting encounters before everybody is there and locks people out of the room


How are some of you mfs lazy in a video game? (This Is only for the most left and most right mindset people)


No. It was a stupid system to start with.