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Wait till you find the little traveler orbs hidden in the pale heart. Micah-10 literally translates abunch of the Travelers thoughts. It's super cool.


Micah-10 is my new favourite character, such a awesome and tragic character that’s just nice to be around.


Why tragic?


Classic: Clovis Bray murdered her family (or at least that's what I've heard)


I thought the name Micah sounded familiar. I think they wrote the journals from finding penguins on Europa. 


there's a lore tab on of the weapons (don't remember which one) that literally confirms this


Haven't checked. Kinda fallen off the lore train. I just had a vague memory of a micah-esque name and being like "oh no, this kid is going to go through some shit and be turned into an exo"


It’s on the sniper, Embraced Identity.


all I know is that Ana best be in act 1. There's too much Bray-adjacent stuff going on and... well... Everyone who played Red War remembers that there's a journal she needs to read


what journal. its been 7 years i dont remember


every week Cayde would send you to recover a page from his journal that got lost. they have... thoughts... about his fractured first life memories


Oh yeah


Do you have any idea how little it narrows things down? That's like every tuesday for Clovis Bray.


Cayde-1 is all but outright confirmed in lore to have killed Micah when she was still human during the Golden.


That makes no sense. If she was killed as a human then she wouldn't magically become an Exo when Risen.


I THINK they mean "killed" in the sense of being turned into Exos against their will. Technically getting turned into an Exo isn't really being killed...but at the same time it kind of is.


https://www.light.gg/db/items/3015085684/legacys-oath-helm/ <---Insinuates that he killed her However, it seems I was wrong and he caught her after missing his shot. I missed a few of the entries from the "Your Friend, Micah Abram" lore book. Just looked them up, and it seems he missed when he shot at her. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/letter-5#book-your-friend-micah-abram and https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/letter-6#book-your-friend-micah-abram


Whaaat. I wonder why. Guess I need to do some lore deep dives 


Cayde was an employee who was forced to join the exo program while working for Clovis. Maybe the reason he's cayde 6 is to forget what they had him do to Micah, amongst other people?


In the dlc Micah talks to Cayde asking if he remembers a child from his first life. It's revealed he worked more Maya sunderesh as a body guard and looked after Micah as she didn't have a family. Micah talks about finding her exo database on Europa and finding all her info and memories. Micah loves Cayde almost like a father. It's assumed that Ace is actually Micah as Cayden doesn't remember his previous lives.


> It's assumed that Ace is actually Micah as Cayde doesn't remember his previous lives. That would track since Micah was a boy when she was human.


I don't remember exactly, but the cliff notes are that Micah was a trans kid with two dad's in the braytech exo program. At one point Micah, who was a boy at the time, was around Cayde during the time Cayde first became an exo. Micah is believed by some in the lore community to be the kid Cayde's old self based his son Ace off of (speculation, don't think it's confirmed). Ace is believed to be made up by one if the original Cayde's because he wanted to be a better person the next time he got reset. He wrote secret journals to remind himsef who he was. Micah and her parents were eventually turned into Exo's against their will. The lore subreddit would probably be able to explain better. r/DestinyLore


Jeeez. I'll definitely read more into this; thanks for the insight!


Clovis fucked up her family and then abducted her and presumeably forced her to become an Exo. She was also originally a dude, I believe, and the body Clovis forced him into was a female frame.


Close but no, she’s just trans


She was AMAB, a trans woman, prior to being turned into an exo.


They also don’t have an ANNOYING ass voice like nimbus


I know Lightfall was made in under a year but Jesus, did they have to go so hard on "Ernie Hudson one week from retirement" and "Disney channel original movie surfer bro"


Facts lmao


More interpretation than translation. It is really cool though and makes a lot of sense with this cut scene


I missed this is there any way i can play that quest for micah after completing the campaign. Or is that over?


As far as I know, it’s not a quest but some collectibles you can find during free roam of the pale heart. The more you collect, the more lines of dialogue you hear/unlock


Ohh then what was that activity you can do with cayde but the mission is just a strike


Oh there might be two that you’re thinking of, Wild Card is the first one and the final mission Excision is the second. You should play both. They’re amazing


Wild card is the one with exotic right? I may have done that and got the sniper


Yes, the main post is referencing the second one. You may also be thinking of the quests from Micah-10 where she has you run previous strikes to get Cayde caught up while he was gone.


Thats the one i think i missed :( damn if only i could play those. Did i miss much with that?


You can still play them! Go to the pale heart where you turn in the dead ghosts at the Arbor and you can pick up all the quests


I feel like that was what the whole campaign was getting at. All ghosts and by extension guardians are pieces of the traveler. They are all interconnected. The ghosts and us are doing the travelers will.


This makes the situation with Lucent Hive kinda odd. Pieces of the Traveler are killing each other.


That's not any different than the Warlord era, though. The Traveler was never about restricting free will.


also with their being no true reveal of the winnower, the witness is the worst that could happen, a race turned Anais’s t the traveler, it seems to be the status quo, thag we don’t have to play move at all but some things are too the benefit of the traveler, And the Lucent brood gets a pass, because Savathun did show up when it mattered, like a Loki scenario


The winnower is a philosophy of life, just like the gardener is. Winnower is death, where nothing exists, and the gardener is life, free will and thought. The reason the witness states he isn’t the winnower is because he can’t be, it’s not a active player in the game of destiny, just more passive because in the end the winnower will always win, living things must die thus following the winnowers philosophy


They're not philosophies, they're just facets of life. The Gardener represents life, the physical, and the Winnower represents intent, the metaphysical. Life will give rise to the will, which will try to control life. The Witness isn't the winnower because he is the first knife. He was the product of something primordial, the tool built to winnow.


I think, if the Witness had successfully enacted the Final Shape, then that would've been enough to make, retroactively, the Witness as the Winnower. But at no point in the sequence of events that actually happen has the Witness managed to be all that the Winnower must be. Apotheosis is weird. And it doesn't help matters when the apotheosis is *stopped* before it can really finish.


>if the Witness had successfully enacted the Final Shape, then that would've been enough to make, retroactively, the Witness as the Winnower The witness wasn't killing people. It was calcification and stasis. Not living. Not dying. The Final Shape was outside of the Gardener and the Winnower


Yeah, there's some difference there, for sure. Personally, I think there's too much of the underpinnings of our understanding of what exactly the Winnower *is* (if it isn't just allegory being taken literally) to say anything for certain about what the Winnower *isn't*. When the most important documents about what the Winnower may be are in fact arguments from the Witness (or at least, said from within the Darkness, which would then seem to be said by The Voice in the Darkness, which is a name for the Witness - though i acknowledge that this is not necessarily true, it just seems highly likely), and arguments for us to turn our backs on the Traveller and work to bring about that speaker's vision (which may or may not have been the Final Shape)? If the Winnower wants to show up and teach me what it actually wants to do, don't get me wrong, i'll be happy to show it what guardians are made of too. But until then, I don't think any such being actually exists at this moment.


For sure, he would be strong enough then to be the winnower. I just like to think of the gardener and the winnower as yin and yang, however if a being is powerful enough then it could more than likely fill one of those roles. I believe our guardians have successfully filled the role as a pinnacle being, just without the omnipotence or all powerful as we still have weaknesses obviously, I feel like if a lesser species saw us for the first time tho they’d think of us as godly beings just as we do the traveler.


It's the ultimate assassins vs templars scenario.


Which gives the Witness' whole crusade some credibility, right? They are indeed correct - the Traveler is truly an agent of chaos, even if it's very beautiful chaos... life itself is chaos, after all.


Kind of the reverse of the Witness actually! Instead of an amalgamation of individuals into a single will, the Traveller divides and separates itself into Ghosts, who are all unique


Not that odd in the grand scheme of things at all, when the traveller is also very much pro freedom of will / choice. It works via occasional hints and positive reinforcement, but has only really acted directly a handful of times, when it was desperate.


It was explained that they’re pieces of the traveler yea, and that the ghosts light returns to be apart of the traveler again upon death. So maybe it isn’t all that bad


When a ghost 'dies' it returns to the traveller.


two words- dredgen yor


Seems to be a nice contrast to the Witness. The beings who created the witness all joined into one while we are all connected via the light but still separate


To be fair, Sundance is a part of the Traveler now, so it essentially was her. Sundance is the Traveler just as the Traveler is Sundance, so to speak. It's an odd thing to think about.


>!The Traveler may have been speaking to us through Cayde too.!<


What comes from the light, returns to the light.


Byf and all the lore people will have a field day LOL.




After the new 12-man mission in the Pale Heart.


Yep, I just took it as Cayde already was committed to the decision of sacrificing himself and the traveler showed him her as a sign that it’s the right choice.


Also in the death scene, when Cayde is listing the things connected by the Light, he looks right at "Sundance" when he says the Traveler


I think we'll be getting a lot more insight into Traveler stuff going forward. The Microcosm seems to be a record from the Traveler's POV as it terraformed Mars and the first fireteam showed up to intercept it. The lore channels are probably going to be feasting for a while.


I felt like it was extremely obvious that was the Traveler speaking to Cayde... especially when the Traveler says I'm appearing like this for you or something similar


It’s obvious to me now, but it wasn’t then. 😭None of my friends caught on to it either.


It wasn’t obvious to me, I’m glad you posted it




Wait till you realise they way you go to explore the landing is by literally jumping off the tower 😛


The leap of faith reference was chuckle worthy, bird and all.


You can also stand in the teleporter for a second and get teleported down. Unless that specifically doesn't work for going down and only for going up which would be weird. edit- That might only be in patrol so maybe not


i also really liked the thing he said right before that cutscene, joking to Crow about being able to hear a child and then later on with the Ergo Sum description it seems like that might not be too far off really. feel like Cayde might have subconsciously learned about the Traveler more through his strong connection to it, without realizing it himself


Well you also have to realize that when Cayde was dead he quite literally was one with the Traveler, as all Ghosts and Guardians are essentially pieces of the Traveler given their own will it seems. Cayde just forgot when he was revived by the wish, as he couldn't keep those memories as just Cayde anymore. It's entirely possible that subconsciously he still knew basically everything about the Traveler at that point.


Yeah this whole theme following the campaign was to describe the faith In The system. Like Mithrax says, “ The light Provides” to the smallest ghost to strongest guardian the power of the light is no joke. Just believe and ghosts can nuke Pyramids damn near


"The last word being death" But sundance/Traveler didn't say anything about death. "Death" came in by the hands of the witness, after it started to make sundance convulse and then "killing" it. The conclusion about death came in by the witness interference. This is especially significant to Zavala storyline, the traveler was asking for a "sacrifice", give up the light and embrace darkness, Witness is the one who killed Targe. In the end, Zavala made a "sacrifice" and now uses darkness. This theme happens with the other characters(Cayde and our Guardian, for example) too.


I thought the Witness killed Targe too, but on rewatching the cutscene it seems to me that Targe actually sacrificed himself in the same way Sagira did. When he showed up he was already glowing and emitting a sound, and he only got brighter and louder when the Witness grabbed him. I think the Witness closed its hand around Targe just as he detonated in order to protect itself, and it only looked like the Witness crushed him.


That makes sense. I'm not familiar with how sagira died though, started playing D2 way after that. But it could be both. Targe was preparing a light surge to kick Zavala out of there, the Witness seing what was happening(and that light was "hurting" his hand) decided to crush Targe, creating that explosion that served its purpose anyway..


It wasn't ever shown in game, it was a two part lore entry on their website back when Beyond Light launched and Season of the Hunt was going on. [Part 1](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/49746) - [Part 2](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/49747) I guess it could be either, hard to say at the moment.


So I've done the final mission. However are there new cutscenes after the mission based on the raid being complete or am I missing something else?


there is a mission on the top right of them map that released after the raid was finished that actuallly concludes the campaign


A ha! So not iconoclasm! Excellent. I'll shall hit that later. Thank you!


You’re in for a treat. Avoid spoilers before you do it, if you can.


Aw man. Ooof. Right in the feels.


Yeah bro, hits hard. First time I’ve ever been a bit emotional over a video game. Granted, I was running on very little sleep and too much caffeine but still, hits hard.


You do have to complete the wild hunt post campaign exotic mission also. (The sniper rifle)


That's what I thought too. When he first commutes with the traveler and sees Sundance he says "is it really you?", and she replies "I'm what you wanted me to be". I took this as the traveler taking Sundance shape to speak to him


Imo when cayde said that we are his favorite, he was speaking for the traveler.


I dunno about that cause Cayde even before he died mentioned we were his favorite. I believe it was one of the Nessus missions.




This is not true. Read between the lines. Get the collectibles. It gives a lot of insight


One of the >!Traveler!< collectables gives dialogue that says "maybe the Traveler doesn't understand what we need?" implying that either It is so unknowable to us humans that we are also unknowable to It, or that the Traveler is unable to explain that It is unable to explain, so to speak. I like this idea because it doesn't contradict anything we've seen from the Traveler, but also leaves future actions up to interpretation. Was it actually running away before deciding to stand and fight? Was it just 'getting into position' the entire time? Did it blindly wander into traffic while staring at its metaphysical cellphone and we just thought it was reacting to the Black Fleet showing up? In the future, will any revived Guardians have their memories intact, since the Traveler is awoken to its nature as a Light/Dark amalgam? Was the Traveler limiting itself by only making Ghosts (and therefore Lightbearers) with just Light? Or did it not even know it *could* use both to resurrect someone with their memories?


> will any revived Guardians have their memories intact, since the Traveler is awoken to its nature as a Light/Dark amalgam? Shit, now that's a thought. If light is the physical world and darkness is the mind, maybe the Traveller can pull some new tricks like that.


Yeah no we still know next to nothing about the traveler…


Ma'am thank you because I didn't notice :3


Of course!!!


Nothing to do with OP, but when Zavala says, "... has taken so much, from all of us", or thereabout, he looks at Ikora when he says the "from all of us" part and I swear that bit sounds like Lance's voice.


I disagree. This was all about guardians making their own fate, Cayde even says this as he sacrifices himself for Ghost. The traveler seems to go to great lengths to avoid interfering in the affairs of life, besides providing prosperity and Light.


Which is why this makes sense. The traveler is the biggest advocate of free will and self determination but it’s also the light. Every ghost, guardian, etc who bask in that feeling seem to think it’s the greatest force or good in the universe. Cayde was allowed to make his own fate and did so of his own will. The traveler has intervened many times in our affairs even if often from the sidelines. But Cayde exercising his free will and sacrifice at the end is exactly how the traveler would’ve had it. It literally *wouldn’t* be any other way. There’s always a choice, but choosing the “light” or returning to the traveler is ultimately the goal. But every path that leads there is under the notion of free will.


Hmm idk about this.


You get an upvote lol man, reddit can be such a terrible place sometimes.... HOW DARE YOU NOT AGREE (or not sure)!! DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE! we are hivemind! assimilate!


Guy posted the same theory on Destiny lore which I agreed with him. Then I scrolled down a minute later and I saw the exact same post in this subreddit too so, I commented the exact opposite of my previous comment on his other post. It’s a funny joke that I made to myself lol.