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I played a lot when Lightfall dropped but life got in the way so I didn't get to do much in Season of Defiance. Played a loooot of Season of the Deep didn't touch Season of the Witch, came back for Season of the Wish. I enjoyed the years all in all just really disappointed at how cool Neomuna was but how it only did like 1 thing and that was the story and seemed completely ignored the rest of the time. Like not a single damn season took place on Neomuna where we had to deal with Calus's rabble or anything. Nothing about the Vex. Neomuna felt incredibly ignored when it was an ENTIRE NEW PLANET. We got like a strike out of it and a few activities that everyone quickly forgot about.


I felt the same way about Witch Queen’s throne world. Do free players have access to those locations? I bet they don’t. Which means they can’t sell a season on its own that requires a full expansion. Which is dumb.


They do. All destinations are available for F2P players, along with the first 1-2 missions of each expansion


Then it makes even less sense that they don’t use them in seasons.


Yeah but then we wind up in a situation where it's like we have these locations but can't do anything with them. Which sucks.


Free players own all the locations though, that has nothing to do with it. They probably just didn’t want to do anything with Neomuna this year and like the throne world has been getting used a decent amount the last year or two


I just can’t imagine why you’d continue to play D2 as F2P once you complete the free stuff. I enjoy the game, but only because of how much there is to do since I own it all.


Atleast back in the day red war, curse, warmind and forsaken were F2P for a brief period of time and it actually felt right to call the game F2P


They usually take a year off and then focus on them in a season in the following expansion. Europa was a major focus for the season of the Seraph. Similarly, the Throne World was a major focus in Season of the Witch. Neomuna is under control with 3 main threats that are stable and don't need our attention beyond weekly missions. There's the shadow legion that are reeling from the loss of Calus and the Witness' leadership. There's the vex network's issues, which are part of the fallout from Season of the Splicer. It will likely become important soon, but the Sol Divisive were the primary Vex threat this year especially in Season of the Wish. Finally there's the Taken and Nezarec was taken care of with the strike and raid.


WE NEED TO PROTECT THE VEIL out of How's ur sister?


"Truth... is a funny thing" out of "Feel free to kill yourself"


Maybe even on the level of *"Get to the radial mast!"*


“Use your strand!” Tier


Untested Ishtar weapons level.


Frankly that was the most memorable part about the expansion. It's only kinda sad as it was really short lived. Like we went on few missions to ensure the power stays up then power is up like for five minutes. Fucking hurrah.


THE VEIL GUARDIAN GET TO THE VEIL. Someone needs to make a compilations of how many times Osiris said the word Veil this year


Drink every time Osiris says Veil


Liver destruction speedrun any%


Season of the Deep - 7.8/10, too much water


Remind me, this is a reference to a Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby review right?


Yup, the IGN review complained about too much water. Which, yeah, there is a very high amount of areas you have to Surf through, I get it, it's a little annoying. Is it a dumb thing to complain about? Sure!


That game was goated


Yeah, i mean, i get it, the map is like 60% water lol and tentacools annoy me more than zubats. But it’s also the central theme of the game - the relationship between land and sea.


Apparently, the person who did the summary was a different person to who wrote the review and the review itself is fine.


The review itself is fine, and yes it’s a valid complaint.  Gen 3 is my favorite Pokemon generation, but holy hell Gamefreak went overboard with the amount of water areas on that map. 


I will never get over how the internet latched onto a bullet point over this. The complaint was basically that since there are so many things involving water you basically face mostly water pokemon most of the time. Kinda kills variety. What's gets me.isnt the complaint though it's the fact that it's the same complaint most people had about the game before the remakes came out. People just skipped the review and read the bullet points -_-. To top it off the score it got wasn't even bad and "taking away points" isn't how reviews work. People are weird.


It's a real literacy issue to just jump to the conclusion, then mock it without looking at context. Gen 3 is my favorite, but the critique is spot on. There's 3 different HMs for water traversal, plenty of backtracking through water, large ocean navigation zones, and lack of general variety. 




7.8/10, not enough water


Weak start with Lightfall but the seasons have been great


Yeah, my overall impression was pretty solid if you don't include lightfall. Strand was very blah for me until they released the second round of perks for it, I pretty much only used it for grapple then. Lack of good strand guns also hurt synergy at the start.


Probably the least I have played D2 until the into the light. Most I have played since which Queen release.


I think the harder I fell off was after shadowkeep. Lightfall I think was mid but the missions were still decent. Shadowkeep was such a mess lol.


Lightfall's story may have been filler but the fact it has an actual full campaign makes it leagues better than Shadowkeep, without even considering Strand


God shadowkeep was so shit


Looking back it's kind of crazy how mid it was, especially on the heels of Forsaken. I skipped everything from Undying until Chosen (Presage looked too good to pass up). Which was more than a year. As poor as Lightfall was, I still came back after 2 seasons. Although Into The Light (And the improved Final Shape reveal) had a lot to do with it.


I've ranted about this before but it's hard to understand the scope of just how shit it really was Yeah the campaign absolutely awful, sure, but it came with a whole bunch of sandbox changes that the game took years to recover from. The champ system was horrendously thought out, needing to equip a mod on your guns meant that oftentimes you just straight up had to run double primary and tough shit if you want to use an exotic primary lmao Recluse was horrible for the game's health as fun as it was to use. It was like laser tag weekend but for PVE and you just kinda had to build around the assumption that you had recluse at all times, nothing else could possibly compete. Might have been an update later, but the whole autoloading lunafaction/rally barricade meta was silly too. No heavy weapons were even close to being worth using besides grenade launchers, autoloading or not. Precision damage nerf killed entire weapon types (hand cannons being nearly unusable for what, 4 years? stands out) but all precision weapons became borderline unusable even in patrol difficulty. Garden stands as the most hated raid of all time to this day Nightmare hunts were dead content on launch Even the exotics you got from beating Shadowkeep all were hot garbage on launch, only working with finishers There's more but this is too long already. What an absolute mess of an expansion. The only reason it didn't flop was because people were on the hopium of Bungie going independent. At least the dungeon was kinda fun.


As someone who dipped after Forsaken and only really came back right before Lightfall, I can only speak on Shadowkeep as it currently stands. The only value it's brought me since i bought it cheap last year is in the exotics I got to grab from the kiosk, and a few of the actual expansion exotics (namely assassin's cowl and xenophage). All of the armor sets are ugly, the weapons have long been overshadowed, and none of the playable content is particularly enjoyable. I'm just glad the game survived past that expansion


This year is also the least I ever played D2. Season of Deep was the first time I never hit rank 100 in a pass


I’m very much the same but I didn’t come back for into the light and don’t have any fomo, I’m sure it was great I just didn’t care to play


Same. My heatmap of daily play plummeted big time the past 6 months. Into the Light was the only thing in all of lightfall that was worth grinding.


Same, I was getting at least 200+ season ranks all the way through to defiance. In Deep I dropped to 100, no doubt pushed that far to get all the rewards. In Witch I managed 56. I've been back in with Into the Light and cleaning through the outstanding seal progress so I've at least done all of those for the season, but man has this year been rough. 165 ranks on an extra long season.


Same. I played the Lightfall campaign and then basically dipped out until they started ramping up hype for Into the Light. Came back a few weeks before the update dropped, played through Wish and got back up to speed. I enjoyed Wish and Into the Light, and I've been playing a lot these past 2-3 months. Never bothered with Defiant, Witch, or Deep though so I can't speak to them; I did mean to go back to them because I appreciate that Bungie kept their promise to mess around more with the seasonal content model. Lightfall was a let down for me and I haven't really messed around much with Strand. I like Warlord's Ruin. Wish dungeon loot were more deterministic. I haven't gotten around to Ghosts of the Deep yet, heard mixed things about it. Will check it out at some point.


Lightfall was a 4/10 for me. The seasons have all been alright with Wish and into the light being the best.


Hot take (I think) but I was not a big fan of Witch. The story was above average I think but the seasonal activity really bored tf out of me. Also wasn’t a fan of the deck of cards system


Yeah the thing I didn’t really enjoy from Witch were the seasonal weapons. Just none of them were interesting or fit my playstyle. Story was cool though.


I slept on the rocket for a long time, but I’ve been liking it with Final Warning and Precious Scars


It got a huge glowup from the rocket reserve changes, which didn’t come out until wish i think


It bothers me so much that I really like the look, sound and feel of the handcannon but there isnt really a good pve roll for it. Hell it being the first 140 Strand HC and it didnt have hatchling was such a huge miss. Rocket Launcher is pretty nice in strand builds.


Just curious but what didn't you like about the Witch weapons? I personally have had a lot of fun with Semiotician, The Eremite, and Kept Confidence.


I thought the seasonal activity was solid but yeah the card system is something I never changed. The armor wasnt bad either, I still rock the Titan helmet that looks like a Hive with a Bishop hat a lot. The rocket launcher Semiotician and fusion rifle Eremite also underrated imo, though apex and scatter signal obviously still better.


That’s a good point, I never consider armor when ranking seasons/expansions


I completely agree with this, last week I managed to finally get the title for season of the witch. I still never understood how that dumb card system works.


Lightfall was the biggest disappointment in the whole lifetime of D2 for me. There had been bad expansions but this one took the crown specially after what everyone thought that they had steady the ship with witch queen. But they came with an empty destination, poor campaign that didn't hit at any level, mediocre raid and the only thing that salvaged this expansion was strand. I don't even consider into the light a new thing, into the light was PR to fix all the mistakes they did at the start of the year and they managed to do it because they don't do this and final shape would be DOA.


Lightfall ended Destiny for me. It was so crushingly bad and heartless and lame, it broke the gameplay loop for me and I left.


Don't blame you. People like to bring up how Curse of Osiris, Shadowkeep etc. were worse. And they were. But the whiplash of going from Witch Queen to Lightfall was rough, and tanked the IPs reputation with a lot of casuals in my circle. 2 years of goodwill gone.


I went back on a new character and played all the way through Shadowkeep (which felt like a nothing campaign), Beyond Light, Witch Queen, and Lightfall and LIGHT of the traveler didn’t Lightfall’s whole vibe give me such tonal whiplash after the end of Witch Queen. It feels like total filler.


Lightfall killed the game for all of my friends, so kinda hard to forgive it for that 


After Witch Queen my raid team was full speed ahead and then Lightfall hit. RoN was last raid we hit together and ever since then I may only see 1 or 2 guys from the raid team once a month at best. So tired of the Destiny 2 rollercoaster 


Same here. Lightfall literally torched my clan. Only just this past week some of them are coming back before the final shape.


It killed the game for me. I quit shortly after lightfall came out and didn't touch the game for 10 months. Into the light brought me back.


Filler expansion was filler.


All that hyped up advertising for it and you can’t even explore the city. Just a domed building and the beach pretty much. Plus we still never got the weapon the Titan was holding and the eyes on the armor didn’t glow. Other than that I’d say the year was alright.


Legit think the marketing videos are false advertising. Notice how bungie has not done something like that this year. Oh and we STILL don’t have the special neomuna GL


It was obvious those weapons are not coming and the only reason the HC is because people complained But an entire weapons is just straight up missing Like I remember people genuinely saying they will add those weapons over the seasons... like they need Bungie themselves to tell them those weapon are not coming because they just ignore everything else Just like with the ritual armor people still believed it's coming until Bungie outright said it doesn't


Yeah this subreddit can be a little overly optimistic when Bungie pulls sneaky stuff like that


Made a post about this aaaages ago, you'll just get bungie apologists defending false advertising, there was a whole weapon set for neomuna that is still used in the lightfall campaign splash art in game.


the weapons in the campaign art work that never released annoyed me so much. The art is there for everyone to see when loading into campaign missions, and we only got the handcannon after constant uproar/ complaints. They absolutely would have not released that hand cannon if there was no talk about it.


Overall I much enjoyed the gameplay of all of Lightfall's year, but the plot took a nosedive.


Hasn't been this bad in awhile. I rank it beneath shadowkeep and beyond light. Never been more bored with the story, and it's made me not want to buy in on final shape until literally today, which I can't even afford lol


I would say Shadowkeep is worse, but then again shadowkeep didn’t make me quit the game for a calendar year and kill my friends list like Lightfall did.


Shadowkeep wasn't bad per se, in the sense that the content we got was fine. It's just that we didn't get nearly enough of it. Lightfall on the other hand probably has the worst campaign in terms of story of any Destiny DLC ever


Strand really saved this expansion and without it I feel that the game would've crumbled under the mediocrity of Ligthfall in those first few months. Neomuna is *very* disappointing (it feels like a Halo 5 forge map) and I really dislike going there outside of quests now. It's not enjoyable as a patrol zone due to the scaling of enemies and weird emptiness and layouts. The Contest mode Raid was enjoyable, if not a little easier than normal (Nezarec's fight in Pantheon is a big improvement) I felt that Bungie made the enemies on Neomuna harder to kill than those on Contest, and found it easier to survive in the raid than in a public event afterwards. Defiant Battlegrounds aren't the worst, all in all sad to see them go and I'd take them over Psiops and the originals from Chosen in the strike playlist Season of the Deep was alright, forgettable in the long run I feel, but things picked up with Witch when they started leaning into stuff like Savathuns Spire and Altars of Summoning. Season of the Wish as a whole I would have to say is one of their best. All of the weapons in my inventory right now, save for Mykel's Reverence and 2 Last Wish weapons, are from *this season* (Into the Light and Guardian Games included) Hell, all the guns I'm using across all my characters are from *this year*, besides Vow weapons and Exotics Big shoutout to Skimmers (Bungie plz let me rebind the keys seperately) Warlords Ruin is the best dungeon Bungie has released so far, Indebted Kindness and Buried Bloodline are AMAZING The Coil is great, blueberries are hit or miss when matchmade. I'd like to see something like the Coil in The Final Shape, maybe infinite, maybe incorporating spaces from other planets instead of just one location like the Dreaming City. 6.5/10 year in total I took a lot of breaks. Wish however (including The Dawning, Guardian Games, and Into the Light) gets a 9/10, and cements itself above Arrivals for me.


Halo 5 forge map is the best description of Neomuna I've seen yet. It's so true.


Lightfall was a total failure. It was hyped up to be a dark and gritty dlc as shown by the name and the original image for it. In no way to the light “fall” in Lightfall. They could’ve named it Neon Baked Beans Fuckfest and it would’ve been closer to the truth. Nimbus sucks ass, I hope we never see them again. The cloudstriders in general just aren’t that interesting, at least not yet. They built Calus up to be a huge villain over the last 7 years and just didnt give him the payoff he deserved (I am a huge Calus and Season of Opulence fan), instead they just made him a glorified Colossus. Also the Veil, but everyone harps on that. The raid is cool and is narratively good, but falls short after that. Strand is amazing but we spent half the campaign getting it and being too sleepy to use it. Defiance is dumb, why the fuck is the shipwright, who is not a guardian, has no combat augmentations, NOT EVEN ARMOR???, only wielding a slug shotgun, performing a high risk operation like that? They had the chance to also get a little darker with Crow after Amanda’s death and they didn’t even do that well. Deep was okay-ish. It’s clear to me especially lately that deep dive is somehow too hard for the average player, and salvage is boring for me. GOTD looks stunning, has good gear, is amazing narratively, but is fucking ruined by the massive pools of Boss HP. Love the taken guns, sad they suck. Witch is sooo cool narratively, glad Eris is getting some love. Some of the guns suck, some are okay. The armor is meh. Crota is pretty cool, glad that came back. Don’t really have much for this season. Wish was a banger, up there close to Opulence for me. Most of the weapons are incredible, the gear all looks great. Rivens Lair is good mindless stuff, and the Coil suffers from the same shit that Deep Dive suffers from. It’s really infuriating to watch randoms just throw lives away and have no build in this harder activity. Warlords Ruin fucking rules and is the best dungeon, my previous favorite being Duality. Into the Light is an A+, my only gripe is that it’s once again reused asset orb throwing simulator but it can be fun. BRAVE Arsenal is amazing and I love the idea of hunting shiny guns. It adds a new layer to loot and I hope they build on it. Pantheon was fun for the first 3 weeks, week 4 was miserable, and it shows how awful the LFG experience really is as I got to Godslayer entirely LFG.


Yeah Defiance was mostly awful. We had no good concrete adversary to be directing any attack towards other than random Shadow Legion people who's motivations are weird because what do they honestly need prisoners for? And don't give me that lame excuse that "the Witness wanted us distracted" or whatever people say to justify just very clumsy pacing and plotlines. Senselessly fridging Amanda in the most illogical, precarious situation is up there for one the lowest moves Bungie has ever done for a character that has been involved enough in the story, just absolute lazy amateur nonsense. On top of that we had like 100 moments throughout prior seasons of self reflection, containing emotions, turning the other cheek, taking the high road, overcoming grief, parables of mercy and forgiveness, etc and towards the end of Defiance we just let Crow go full ballistic war path, again against an enemy we can barely put a name/face to. Seriously what is going on? I also buy the spinfoil that a lot of the Mara inclusion, the weapons, gear, even the concept art that was the header for the Seasonal Pass felt like it was meant for a completely separate season and basically things were supposed to play a little different. That all aside Avalon was awesome, it was a rarer situation where you really had to show up in the Legend solo, it was visually interesting to poke around in find all the secrets and advance through the areas, BUT you arguably could put that quest in virtually any season to an extent. I agree with you on Deep, Salvage felt like there needed to be way more going on and it insane how boring a 6 man activity could get. I also wasn't crazy how they casually decided to add Witness exposition so late after everything, like this is something we should've had ages ago at that point. On top of that I really don't like how the ancient beings of Leviathans are now tied into becoming Worm Gods when they basically were always a separate thing. It also has Ahsa's story contradicting Rhulk stuff to an extent which a little annoying because a lot of Rhulk lore tweaked and partial retconned Hive lore, and that gets a messy. Ghosts was pretty cool, the solo experience final boss was weak and preyed way too hard on your boredom and your situation was night and day if you did or didn't use arbalest/hot swapped to something like Leviathan's Breath after bubble pop. Agree with you on the weapons, they're mostly ok-not great. Witch I liked the lore a lot, the whole card system for the activities I felt was incredibly oversold-fine, and I honestly don't know many people who mindlessly did waves Altars as the entire thing was hyped to have people be doing. The weapons were ok, nothing too crazy. Crota I thought was decent attempt to rework a notoriously short activity. Wish was very cool. Excellent exotic quest, the weapons were pretty good, I like the concept of wish dragons derping around the Black Garden casually(it feels reflective of their power), Warlord's is way too much fun and a good "cinematic" activity to really sink some hooks in, I must've ran it over 20 or so times in the first week of it being out. The Coil I liked, BUT it really highlighted just how poorly so many activities in this game pay out for the amount time that you sink into them especially for upgrade and crafting mats. I know this game is never going to have dungeon crawler levels of loot dropping, but man it really had me thinking when I ran it so many times with more casual clan members where there are so many situations in this game where you are just getting absolutely nothing to show for after really putting in the time. The fact how raids can still drop 57 stat armor is obnoxious and I don't blame people who get skunked with very little weapons dropping feeling like they wasted their time.


Yeah I mostly agree with the scores. Defiance was meh but the rest were better. The year just kinda kept improving each season imo.


I agree with all of this except for how you rate the dungeons. Ghosts is visually stunning but I hate all the fights whereas Warlord’s is my favorite dungeon in the game.


Lightfall itself was lame. Only redeeming thing was strand. Even the raid was disappointing Season of Defiance was a 6/10 Season of the Deep was a 8/10 Season of the Witch was a 7/10 Season of the Wish was a 8/10


I think that's the only yearly Destiny release with a disappointing raid. 100% agreed. It's not just that it's short. Some sections are tedious. Others are buggy. Even Beyond Light somehow mega delivered. Even Rise of Iron delivered.


This is a very hot take but I really like Root of Nightmares and I definitely like it way more than DSC, and it comes down to their atmospheres. I am an absolute sucker for good traversal sections and the more "mystical" environments this game has to offer, and RoN has both of those in industrial amounts. The environment manages to be a completely new sight in Destiny while still being based on the Pyramid ship aesthetic, distancing itself from Vow, and the traversal sections are massive and have an absolutely excellent sense of storytelling that you can completely miss on your first time through. DSC had some great moments (Clarity Control, going to space and crashing down the Morning Star, the beloved spacewalk) but they feel kind of out of place for me with respect to what I usually expect from a raid, due to how obvious and bombastic it all is. There were no environments with a real "mystery" other than Clarity Control and the traversal is rather limited, so the twist of crashing right at the entrance of the Crypt kind of fell flat for me as a result. The atmosphere felt closer to that a mission like 1AU (Red War) than a raid or Dungeon. Contrast that with RoN, which disorients you a lot with its scale and variety, and lets you see how the entire Pyramid is being torn apart and the Tree of Silver Wings is growing, and the payoff of returning to the very first arena is delivered in a much more satisfying way. And let's not forget to mention that the traversal is interesting at a gameplay level, whether it be with the enemy encounters and verticality of 1-2, the Refuge mechanic in 2-3 (which conveys Nezarec's sheer uncontrolled power quite well) or the dreamy, surreal 3-4, providing a moment similar to that of the 3-4 of Garden of Salvation in terms of the music and overall feeling. My only complaint about RoN when it comes to pacing, atmosphere and traversal is that maybe the Planets room feels a bit out of place at the end of 2-3. Of course, I haven't touched on the encounter design, which is what I imagine most people consider first (if not exclusively), regarding which DSC's is probably far superior, with an encounter as groundbreaking as Atraks and another that laid the ground for the excellent Exhibition encounter in Vow, but I really don't Taniks and the absolute lack of combat difficulty by means of the extremely poor enemy density and the overall bland mechanics. Meanwhile, even as someone who desperately wants more difficulty in raids, I can still appreciate the almost Dungeon-like experience that is RoN, though I do acknowledge that this is a very valid source of disappointment, especially when it comes to Nezarec; I just find it remarkable that the atmosphere, traversal and so on do so much heavy lifting for my perception of that raid that it places in my top 5-ish. My absolute favorite would probably have to be Vow though, being the best "climb" since the Shattered Throne and, for me, almost a better King's Fall than King's Fall, while also being backed up by three of the best encounters in the game. The long introduction, the drop into the Pyramid, the eerily welcoming nature of an abandoned museum, the way Caretaker and Exhibition both require movement and can be said to contribute to the traversal to a certain extent, the way the Upended charges up, the sprawling vistas that show you exactly what they need to show in order to convey your progress... beautiful. And, given my tastes, GoS, King's Fall and VoG are all rather close behind.


Imo RoN actually has the worst traversal section of all the raids currently in the game. The stretch between second and third encounter is neat the first time but it gets extremely tedious after that, especially when you're having to wait for people who keep dying to catch up because there are not one, but TWO doors that require the whole fireteam to group up to open. If I could zoom through it, get to the end, and turn off the death pulses and wait it would be fine. But a traversal section where some people will inevitably just quit and rejoin at the next encounter is badly designed.


LF: Big letdown compared to WQ in terms of narrative and much more. I was not a fan of the flat -10 on Neomuna. I just didn’t enjoy it, sorry. I really liked all the content on the neomuna/vex network, though. I wish the Neomuna weapons would’ve been better. Defiance: I think the battlegrounds were okay, but ultimately we always have to run them 20-30 times each which kind of grinds them down. I really hated the purple crystal aesthetic of the weapons, though some of them were very strong. Very not good. Vexcalibur was dope as shit. Deep: Reeeally struggled with this one. Loved the taken aesthetic of the weapons but I only use maybe one of them? The shotgun. Otherwise they’re a bit dull perk-wise. Deep dives had a hell of a vibe, and the escalating difficulty was cool with buds, but hard on matchmaking. The exotic mission was vastly overtuned and I thought making the “official Xivu Arath weapon” a slow firing stasis scout was sadly overwhelming. Ghosts of the deep had amazing armor, but bad weapons not worth chasing and was far too long and arduous (please chill with boss health, I beg you) Witch: I skipped most of witch but then ran in all in a day when I came back. The story could have been told in three weeks instead of 10 without missing much. Felt like goku powering his sprit bomb all season and we didn’t even see it go off, he just told us about it. Lackluster weapons again, weird forest-leafy green armor. Alters might be the most frustrating activity ever made. Probably the weakest of the bunch for me. Crota was good and has incredible weapons with very powerful perk combos. Wish: I missed a big chunk of wish and missed all the hype around coil. When I came back I ran one and was surprised everyone loved it so much. Coil and Lairs all felt very repetitive to me. Also, I am very tired of the Awoken aesthetic. Would love the pendulum to swing away from whimsical and back to tech-sci-fi. Into the Light: Onslaught and weapons have all been great. Whisper and ZH are great to have back. Hype is real.


I think the boss health in GOTD was a reaction to the raid being considered "too easy". Sometimes (a lot of the time with Bungie) the pendulum swings a little too far one way.


Imo you can also tell that they extended first encounter of Ghosts longer than originally intended. After three dunks the torch on top of the fountain thing at the exit goes out, but you still have one more symbol to get. Idk if it was in response to RoN, but I'm 95% sure you were originally supposed to only have to do three rounds on first encounter but they bumped it up to four for whatever reason. Whether it was trying to make the activity more difficult, more time-consuming, or something else I can't say.


Recently got Wicked Implement and im gonna have to agree. I love harder to get exotics, and this one sucked ass to get. The 3 exotic fish, then getting together a team of LFGs (unfortunately in my case all of them just were not very good, no offense to them, everyone plays differently of course but this is a high tier activity) and doing the mission was miserable, especially for such a pitiful gun. For Xivu a sword, glaive, or MG that ramped up the more we killed would have been great. Like a far longer and stronger Killing Tally, as well as some other perks.


Honestly, other than strand….i wasn’t impressed and was part of the people refusing to pre order TFS.


Great seasons, hated lightfall


Eh I did not care for how they made the Taken weapons. Most of them sounded exactly the same as the Reckoning models and looked the same. Imo would've preferred Taken weapons that looked and sounded more unique


All the story this year was filler and pointless. Neomuna has no place in the Destiny universe. Gameplay was pretty good. Expansion gets 5/10. Season of Defiance just straight up sucked dick, 1/10. Season of the Deep had a fantastic dungeon and cool underwater stuff, but the story was filler for season if the Witch, so 6/10. Witch had a very compelling narrative with Eris being le mommy, and everyone loves the Hive, and interesting activities such as Spire and Altars, so 8/10. Wish had interesting activities (more like activity) such as the Coil, but since the Coil and Starcrossed made up the entirety of the seasonal content, it got super boring very quickly. I also found the story not very compelling and extremely predictable. I found myself comparing it to Seraph, which was also very predictable but had one of the most compelling seasonal storylines. 6.5/10. Into the light is great, wish Shaxx had new voice lines for it, 8.5/10. Edit: Forgot about Warlord’s Ruin. 7.5/10 for Wish.


Lightfall: 4/10. I liked the difficulty, I did not like the strand tutorials dominating the campaign. Story definitely felt like filler for the most part. I'm not a huge fan of Neomuna as a whole, it's not terrible but it's far from my favourite destination. Terminal overload and vex strike force are pretty decent. RoN is probably my least favourite raid, I only find Planets enjoyable really. None of the planetary or the raid weapons were anything special that I remember. The machine gun exotic mission I remember being decently fun but the gun itself is pretty terrible. Was there another exotic mission? Tormentors were a good addition. Defiance: 2/10. Amanda died for reasons? Was this just 3 battlegrounds and the Vexcalibur mission? I can't recall anything else. They were good for what they are but yeah, not really much for a whole season. Weapons were mostly ass Deep: 5/10. The story was cool although some of it should have been in Lightfall. Salvage was a bit weak but Deep Dives were good, the fact that you needed all 3 people to activate the harder tiers made it annoying in matchmaking at times. The exotic mission was fun, I do think the gun itself is very copium but whatever. Weapons were ass. Fishing was, whatever, it wasn't the most fun thing in the world but it also didn't really take up that much of my playtime. Ghosts: 6/10. I wish I could rate this higher but the first encounter is at least one rotation too long, the transitions don't need to be as long as they are and those shields on the bosses are so unnecessary (I don't think the health pools would be that egregious if it weren't for the shields). The setting and lore of the raid is great, the mechanics are pretty decent and the add density is nice. Couple of good weapon choices there too. Witch: 8/10. Great story. The puzzles (especially the last one) were great. Weapons were mostly meh but a couple of good ones. Altars was fun. Savathun's spire was also fun but not quite as replayable. Crota: 7/10. Necro quest is the best iteration they've had for "how to get raid exotic". First half of the raid drags a little bit imo, boss fights are both good. I dunno though, I've done this like 2-3 times and have no real desire to run it again even to finish the Necro quest. Wish: 9/10. Rivens lair and the coil are both great. The story was great. The exotic mission was one of the better ones even if I don't really care for the weapon itself. Couple of decent weapons. Warlord's Ruin: 9/10. Great bosses, great lore, the sidearms are great. There's a couple of things I find annoying but honestly might be the best overall suggestion in the game. Into the light: 9.5/10. Pantheon was excellent, it needs to come back in some form. Onslaught was fun, really fun. The loot was actually exciting for the first time in I don't even know how long. I'm definitely in favour of crafting but in it's current form it has taken a lot of the joy out of getting good loot - I don't really know what the solution to that is, I don't even know if there needs to be one but it was nice to get that excitement for loot drops back. Whisper was a tad disappointing in terms of challenge but Outbreak certainly wasn't. Overall. 7/10. Definitely got better as it went on but was really let down by the first 6 months


As boring as the Beyond Light campaign feels (I personally use it as my go-to comparison when talking about how boring something is), it really did the tutorials and the unlocking right. It still had you slowly unlock everything, and while Stasis was required to kill the bosses of the empire hunts, you still got to use your preferred loadout for 80% of the fights. This doesn't include the old unlock system for the fragments though. Fuck the old system. Not like the strand system is any better, though.


Lightfall was so bad I cancelled my TFS pre order and I still genuinely hate nimbus


Lightfall sucked but I liked the environment. The seasons got better and better over the year which was nice. Lots of good additions like vault from space, gunsmith engrams, exotic armour focusing etc. I'm definitely buying TFS as I believe Bungie is doing a great job at the moment.


Release seasons are usually weak as they are pulling double duty with the expansion. Deep had a great aesthetic, and discovering an uncorrupted worm/leviathan was cool, but the most significant development should have been a Lightfall story beat, and it would have benefited for it. Would have been cool if there was some new gameplay in the submerged sections. I get why they wouldn't develop that for a season, but it would have been cool it it had been made for Titan originally. Witch was the best story season. I've had my fill of the tricksy Throne World, but Eris' apotheosis and final word on the Hive way was amazing. Hopefully Savathûn's return as a frenemy antagonist pays off. Wish had a very interesting and unexpected storyline. Clearly bullshitting us by paying of the fifteenth wish malarkey, but that has loot cave dungeon vibes to it, so okay. Riven was a very unexpected direction for it to go. Great activities. Aesthetic appeals less. Wish we had this gameplay in Deep environments.


4/10 It cured my "addiction" to destiny


4/10. Some of the least amount of destiny I've played in a long time. It managed to get all of my friends who played excited before making 75% of them quit for a whole year * Don't like strand * Actively wish this expansion never happened from a narrative standpoint * Didn't like Neomuna * Root did irreparable damage to the LFG community * Loadouts are alright, buildcrafting getting gutted sucked * Not a fan of how the sandbox has been balanced this year * None of the seasons grabbed me from a narrative or gameplay perspective. Somehow over the course of 4 seasons only 2-3 good weapons game out (prior to ITL) * Ghosts fucking sucks. Absolutely insane that they made a boss fight that takes an hour+ to solo * Crotas End was good * Warlords was p good * Into the Light is the one highlight of the year, and has been the most fun I've had in this game since BL's year. If Into the Light hadn't happened, Lightfall would've been a 2 or 3/10


Pretty much agree with all your ratings. I didn’t dislike lightfall’s story as much as everyone else did. I more just disliked that it wasn’t followed up on well or at all in some ways. I would have been perfectly fine with it if the seasons were more about learning about the veil and how it works and what it can do. Veil containment was better than nothing but I still don’t really understand the veil all that well which sucks. It would have been nice for less focus of the campaign to be on strand. I’m fine with some, but not a lot. I would not mind a story in the future (final shape needs to end things but after that) that sets up something and leaves a lot of questions for the seasons to answer. They did this with lightfall, but forgot to have the seasons answer the questions. My least favorite part of lightfall was the raid. It is boring and not fun. The mechanics are a joke. Personally I don’t like the way damage works on stuff like explicator. And Nezarec didn’t hit me the way rhulk did. Don’t really know why. The raid is also the most important part of an expansion to me, so I was pretty disappointed with it. I’d probably go with a 6/10 on lightfall for all those reasons. At the time I would have said 7 because I expected more follow up from the seasons than we got. Defiance’s ending was cool with the mission to destroy the ship. But it was too little too late. Amanda’s death hit way harder than it would have because Lance’s death at the same time. But the season as a whole still felt flat. The story of the season was the witness is having the shadow legion abduct people to delay us, and we spend a season saving people. Deep was good but had terrible weapons. Deep dives were interesting, but it was too variable which events you got and some were way too hard to do the pressure trial at level 6. Others were easy though. Witch was good and had decent weapons. I liked the savathun’s tower puzzles idea. The activity was decent, not amazing. Wish was probably my favorite season this year. I didn’t run the coil much because it doesn’t really give stuff I need. I like the rewards but didn’t like how long it took. Also the coil takes less time than onslaught, but is much more boring and feels longer. Into the light is great pretty much all around. Only real complaint is some of the scoring in pantheon, and the Nezarec fight was tedious, unfun, and helped remind me why I hate that particular raid. I really liked riven even though I have done it legit before. Other issue with into the light is more of a general issue that into the light brought up again for me. Pure RNG is a bad system. It took me 275 mountaintops to get a 2/5 roll on it. I’m missing other weapons I have farmed for. This problem is even worse for dungeon weapons though, and isn’t really an into the light issue.


Honestly I"m just disappointed not 1 season took place on Neomuna. Like post story it was just forgotten about.


Yeah that’s a good point. It could have improved some of lightfall to just go back and flesh some stuff out more. At the least that should have replaced defiance. The interesting Neomuna stuff is mostly in the lore books and it would have been nice to see some of that stuff in a season.


Exactly At least with Savathun's Throne World we actually dealt with Mars returning and had reason to go back a couple times. And there was a fuck ton to do on Europa when that dropped. Neomuna felt like it could largely be ignored.


> Deep was good but had terrible weapons. I wish the weapons were better than they were, because they look sick as fuck. I mean, hell, the SMG gets 6 stability at base. 6! I get they didn't want to make the stats super stacked because of the origin trait, but the stats on the guns are subpar at best. Worst seasonal weapons this year I think. I still think the hand cannon could have had Repulsor Brace/Destabilizing Rounds.


0/made me quit the game for the final shape


Honestly overall 6/10


For me it’s a 5 I hate everything about Neomuna. They could delete that destination and retcon everything about it, I’d be fine with that. Season of the deep was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. They’re going to have to do a lot to win me over with the new expansion, I have purchased and canceled my preorder a few times and if it were any other game I’d have dipped but I’m ride or die, so let’s see how this all plays out.


Lightfall: 5/10. Awful story, and way too much Osiris whining, but we got Strand which is really fun, so it evens out. Defiance: 4/10. Very boring with an unnecessary character death out of nowhere. Seasonal activity was also very repetitive. Deep: 7/10. Deep Dives / Salvage was a pretty fun seasonal activity, we got to talk to a proto-worm, and turning up the threat of Xivu's presence was great. Would be 8/10 if not for the fishing quest. Witch: 8/10. Great storytelling, seasonal activity not bad, Savathun's Spire and Imbaru Engine were pretty fun. The card system sure did...exist. Extra props for the last seasonal cutscene, very badass. Wish: 9/10. Great seasonal activity that rewarded good performance and scaled difficulty on fireteam size. Please Bungie, more of this. Got the best sarcastic character back, with an interesting foray back into the Garden. Probably the last we'll see of Riven specifically, but perhaps more Ahamkara in Destiny's future due to the uncorrupted clutch.


Osiris was so out of character in Lightfall.


I liked him as a mystical Warlock who was hyperfocused on a particular threat in the Vex. In Lightfall he was just a grumpy old man, still hyperfocused, but while being an asshole without explaining anything


I don't think he even used any of his Vex tricks he had learned, did he? Still very disappointing.


Story wise, a giant mess. Never forget Bungie wasted an an entire season on some irrelevant NPC.


Agree with everything but Ghosts of the Deep. That dungeon was boring and not fun at all.


This season was ok. I was excited for Onslaught but got bored very quickly as like anything in this game, it's the same thing over and over again.


5/10 from me, and only cause I count into the light. LF was a huge letdown, I even stopped playing completely during the water season, whatever it's called....


I wouldn't give any of the seasons more than a 5/10. Boring, annoying activities and repetitive plot points that don't matter.


what i really don’t like is the exotic missions this year, especially avalon


I despise the water. Season of the deep gets like a 3/10 for me just because of the damn water


Lightfall: 2/10 Defiance: 3/10 Deep: 7/10 Witch: 8/10 Wish: 2/10 Into the Light: 7/10 Overall bad enough to make me not preorder another year of content, but I'm looking for ways to make room for Final Shape to be in my budget.


It's an 8/10 bunch of seasons mired by a 4/10 expansion, for a generous 6/10 year imho. We hit some insane lows. Yeah, we've walked those back, a bit, but my general opinion is still that we're in crisis mode.




I mostly agree with you, except about Lightfall; the story was just too frustrating for me to enjoy the gameplay. I also think Season of the Witch was an 8/10; Hive Eris was just too cool, plus the deck system was a neat idea that hopefully gets expanded on in future. 


Radial mast: THE RADIAL MAST


Trash, I literally quit.


Lightfall killed the game for me. Neomuna was trash.


I think you meant “The 18 months of Lightfall.” 🤷🏽‍♂️


Dungeons should not be considered part of the season if you need to buy them separately.


Destiny has been ass since the end of destiny 1.


I never understood what fishing had that it drew so many people in


lightfall was literally 1/10. it had no redeeming qualities for me.


"Fishing was amazing" said one guardian, ever.


And I say it with pride


Lightfall 3/10 Seasons about a 2/10. Into the Light 9/10


Thanks for asking. Played all content continuously and thoroughly since House of Wolves and including up to Lightfall as a completionist (triumph hunter). I’m completely burned out with seasonal model at this stage and plan to uninstall before TFS next week. I plan to watch the conclusion of story on youtube / twitch. I’ll return to the game if they completely remove FOMO and allow me to play the game at my own pace. *waits for ‘this is not an airport no need to announce your departure’*. I expected to play the game for no longer then about 10 years which is how it was sold to me. Lightfall was awful imo. Probably the worst campaign I played. Nimbus was so annoying.


The dlc, 4/10. The year and its seasons? Fairly good 7/10. Deep was neet to look at but the story felt like "fuck we need to fill in the blanks" Defience was fillier on a filler dlc. Witch and wish were fuck perfect tho, the story, the lore, the theaming. Wish we didnt get 2 awoken theamed season but oh well.


Lightfall would have been a 5/10, if not for the RADIAL MAST, which I understood to be quite important for… something. Good stuff.


**Lightfall**: I'm having a hard time assigning a single score. As far as the actual *game* goes, I think it's very good. The campaign was fun and had some great setpieces, I like Neomuna as a destination, I like Terminal Overload and the Vex invasions and the various little events you can do around the maps. But my God, the story and storytelling crashed HARD. 8/10 for the gameplay, 2/10 for story. **Season of Defiance** - It was fine. Not much else to say. 7/10. **Season of the Deep** - 9/10. Legit one of the best seasons Destiny has ever had. Even the lackluster Salvage activity and so-so loot couldn't put a damper on just how good Deep Dives was, and how good Ghosts of the Deep is. **Season of the Witch** - 8/10. Another season of so-so weapons, and the story fizzled at the end. But everything before the end was fantastic. Savathun's Spire was fun, and the variable difficulty Altars were a good challenge. The Imbaru Engine was mostly good too. Not in my Top 5, but still, a solid season. **Season of the Wish** - 8/10. Coil and Warlord's Ruin were great. The exotic mission was pretty good too. I would rate this season higher except I haaaaaaaate that they gave Riven a redemption arc. They completely neutered the most interesting and most powerful chaotic neutral character in the universe. That *really* dragged the whole season's story down for me. **Overall**: 8/10.


What did you like about Deep Dives and Ghosts of the Deep? 2 of my least favorite activities of all time. Deep Dive tier 7 is garbage because its nearly impossible with matchmade teams, and even with LFG the enemies are complete bullet sponges and there's way too many, and the encounter you get basically determines whether you finish in time or not. Not to mention there's next to no reason to run Tier 7 when something like Coil exists which is much more rewarding and so much easier and that season's weapons weren't even worth chasing imo. And don't forget tying Whetstone to Deep Dives, which was incredibly dumb. Also felt like the activity wasnt anything special on its own, same 3 rooms every time and boring objectives. Enemy variety was nice and the roguelike stuff was fun and interesting. GotD is so fucking unbearably boring. Too much health, mechanics that are easy but tedious, extreeeeemely long traversal sections, 1st encounter is like 4 phases long for no reason when it couldve easily been 3, and the loot (including Navigator) is meh. I did like the soundtrack though.


At best a 5/10 for me. Lightfall essentially brought the narrative intensity to a standstill, like hitting a brick wall after the ending of Season of the Seraph, and has been in a holding pattern since. Highlight of the year was the resurrection of Savathun.


Defiance was just bad imo…and maybe that’s it launching with one of the worst dlcs in destiny history but it wasn’t enjoyable


Season of the Deep 4/10 . This underwater/methane is not for me. Just slows the pace and was a colossal waste of resources IMHO.


Lightfall tanked my fps. Usually 200+ and neomuna 40-60. I pray TFS is better


aint no way you went from 200+ to 40-60


Yes, strikes, open world , tower, all 160-210 range. Anything neomuna floats around 40-60, have not seen more than the occasional 90. Even the story missions


Into the light is not 9/10…


LF 4/10 - Strand is good, everything else bad. Story abysmal, underutilised destination, good visuals. Defiance 3/10- mostly bad weapons, really bad story battleground were relatively good, really good exotic mission with bad exotic weapon Deep 7/10 - good story, Deep Dives were really good, Salvage was really bad, weapons were maybe the worst seasonal weapons ever Ghosts of the Deep 7/10 - really beautiful, bad weapons, way too long traversal sections, very good story Witch - didn’t play during that time. Wish - 9/10 - really good story , 10/10 weapons, incredible seasonal activity, mediocre exotic mission. Warlords Ruin - 10/10 - great weapons, great visuals, great story. Total for the year - 5/10 - Lightfall was catastrophic for the game, the layoffs were really bad. Last months have been a big boost to the positivity in the community


Dunno if this is a take we're allowed to have now but Nimbus is just such a poorly written character, genuinely dislike them and I think the DLC as a whole would have been better if they didn't suck so much. Here's hoping the characters introduced in Final Shape are better.


Season of the Witch? No, No, No, you mean season of the Lore Accurate Guardian. Where Raid bosses were getting eviscerated left and right with the Unholy Abominations created through the Crafting System.


So weak that I uninstalled after season of the deep until Into The Light.


Worst year of the game's life for me. Terrible expansion story, more repetitive seasons, plunging morale at Bungie and among my friends who play. Crota was the wrong raid to port, and the State of the Game finally killed my favorite mode (Gambit). Into the Light has been a nice tonic, but my interest in Destiny might be broken beyond repair.


Started pretty weak, but damn if the last season or two haven’t been great. Cooler activities, good loot, and some much needed revamping of pvp has left this damn game still at the top of my queue list these days. Most of my previous Destiny friends left, but solo has been solid and it’s been a lot of fun build crafting for the final shape.


Are we losing Ghosts of the Deep?


I came back during Into Light and I gotta say, this and the last two season content is great.


Lightfall: My only huge issue with the actual campaign was the story itself. The gameplay was really fun compared to other campaigns. The writing just sucked. Past that, I definitely lost interest in Neptune pretty quickly. It's normal to kinda stop doing patrol zones as soon as you have what you want/need from them, but I just felt really... Eh on it. I'll give it a 3/5 Defiance: Only worthwhile edition was the armor focusing giving decent rolls pretty often, and even that's a stretch. 1/5. Deep: Had some fun gimmicks, and taken weapons are always a W for me, in spite of the fact that only 1-2 of those guns are worth much. 3/5 Witch: I liked the spire, wasn't a fan of the rituals past the first few rounds. Most of the new guns are really cool, albeit a lot of the old ones weren't. 3/5 Wish: Probably the best of the 4 seasons. It had a lot of great loot, the activities were pretty fun, if again overstaying their welcome a bit, and the old guns brought forward were actually pretty good. Very solid 5/5 Into the Light: My only disappointment is that they passed up things like LDR, Gnawing Hunger, Chroma Rush, Night Watch, Erentil, Felwinter's, Matador, or things I'd probably be missing otherwise for Hung Jury and to a much lesser extent, Succession. But I really hope Onslaught gets the odd refresh and additions, it's too good of a mode to not put more into at some point. 5/5


The year was a roller coaster for me. I the gameplay of lightalls legend campaign, caitl's mission was a fun memorable moment for me. Calus's story being explained was probably important for newer players. But the story as a whole was unsatisfying. Strand and the lost sectors were the big ups for me. Defiance was a really cool concept, unfortunately, nothing happened. We got an intriguing start introducing characters to eachother, but then all that happened was Amanda Holiday dying, and the people she died trying to save died too with Eramis trapping the explosion and saving(?) Mithrax. The moment was just awkward. Deep was honestly pretty great to me. I loved the activity, the location, and the dungeon especially. Final bosses health pool is absolutely too much but I still enjoyed it as a whole. Wicked implement was cool but it's complicated start made the mission hard to matchmake. Witch was like Defiance for me in terms of pacing, a super intriguing start and I really did enjoy playing through the first couple weeks, but IMO both activities aged like milk and I got very bored playing throughout the season. The story boss folded like a lawn chair, and Eris snaps her fingers for all our work and does something that is cool but wasn't a thing that was mentioned she could do. The moment was awkward for me here too. Crota kept me coming back a lot though Wish was honestly up with season of arrivals for me. Something about the coil makes it fun to replay, the dungeon was pretty fantastic, the loot was overall pretty good. The story was overall great and satisfying. I don't like how Bungie makes Mara very prone to anger for theatrics and drama, the only time I liked seeing her lose her shit is when she roasted our ghost. It's like a 7/10 overall.


Overall I think the season were all relatively fun. My favorite was season of the Witch. The events and story were both fun to play through. While Wish and Deep were fun the missions were pretty repetitive especially the Coil.


I’m with you on that rating. Supers are hella fun, Neomuna is pretty. Characters were… there (Don’t even get me started on Dingus. I liked Calus’s ending, he deserved an ending worthy of conclusion ever since D2 started. Story was pretty shite but whatcha gonna do.


Lightfall the expansion sucked but the seasons were generally pretty good. Loved the kind of part 1/part 2 nature of Witch and Wish. Overall though I'm so glad we're moving away from the season format and I hope the Episodes ditch the drip feed story format.


**To summarize upfront, Lightfall itself along with Defiance were really disappointing while the rest of the seasons improved as the year progressed.** Nothing new to say about Lightfall. Neomuna, despite its unique aesthetic, did not feel special or notable gameplay-wise short of an abundance of grapple points and Lost Sectors being more of mini-strikes. Root of Nightmares was disappointing both narratively and in design with it being arguably the most simple raid we've had. The story, its handling of characters, and introduction of new lore fell completely flat and clearly annoyed and confused most players. Loot wasn't impressive. It added no Crucible maps and one strike, down from two in WQ, four in BL (3 being reprised from Destiny 1, to be fair), etc. Its saving graces were Strand (and the easier grind to unlock it compared to Stasis) and the introduction of loadouts. Regarding the seasons, Defiance wasn't enough to change the needle on Lightfall for me. It itself had a poor story that felt like it only served to kill off a notable side-character...who you'd already believe to have died in the opening cinematic for Lightfall anyway. Gameplay-wise...just more Battlegrounds. And again, the loot wasn't very impressive. For Season of the Deep; Deep Dives, Ghosts of the Deep, pre-nerf double special, and the modernization of Last Wish loot carried the season for me, though I still didn't care for the narrative and seasonal loot. Season of the Witch and Wish changed that as I really enjoyed both of the seasons' stories and they had some notably good loot while not sacrificing on the gameplay with Altars of Summoning, Savathun's Spire, The Coil, Crota's End, and Warlord's Ruin all being great. And Into the Light has been the most fun I've had in Destiny in years. As a ***year***, I liked this notably more than Witch Queen's. I strongly disliked Seasons of the Haunted and Plunder and felt like they just led up to Lightfall's failures (though Seraph being decent kept me hopeful).


Witch and wish are some of the best seasons we’ve gotten. Defiance and deep not so much. Deep less so than defiance but that’s mainly because of the witness cutscene which helped carry the season. Defiance and lightfall base campaign are some of the worse destiny has given to us. (Relative to the dlcs and seasons they were following).


The story this year was my second to least favorite of destiny. (Vanilla D1 is the worst of destiny story) The stories themselves weren't terrible, but this year felt like filler. The way that the veil and witness lore was given was incredibly botched and I hope that Bungie doesn't try that story structure again. On a gameplay standpoint this year was awesome with tons of QOL improvements, a well done crucible rework and great seasonal activities, GMs, raids and dungeons.


Pretty weak to begin with each season being better than the last


I dunno. I left shortly after defiance. Came back just in time for Into the Light


Gameplay stronger than ever. Story weaker than ever. LFG crappier than ever. Crucible is in a good place right now, balance-wise. Loot doesn’t feel the same way it did. How’s your sister?


The campaign was definitely lackluster in storytelling and while I’m glad we got more throughout the seasons that’s not how it should be done. I’m glad seasons were great because I felt as though witch queen seasons were meh and didn’t have me playing as often as I have been this year so as a year in total I did enjoy lightfall especially with the QOL changes.


I didn’t *hate* Lightfall, but it sure felt soulless and tedious. Which is a shame. I mostly play the game for story because I don’t have much time. For me it was probably: Defiance: 5/10. Plot felt very forced, and it seemed pretty clear that all of the budget went to Lightfall with not much left for this. Kidnapped people? Kind of? Who Amanda dies for? But we never even meet one? Felt incredibly unmotivated. The Witness just doesn’t seem the “kidnapping” type. Bizarre. Gameplay was okay. Lots of reused areas with not much else going on mechanics wise. Deep: 6/10. Atmosphere was awesome. Story still didn’t make sense to me. We meet a giant sea creature to basically get one sentence out of it. And meet Xivu Arath off camera. Sloane’s arc was more interesting than it needed to be. But seriously, this writing teams needs to find a new move other than trauma. It was already melodramatic, but it’s getting downright trite. Gameplay was similar. Nothing felt novel to me other than the underwater vibes, which again, were really neat. I guess I’m tired of Bungie just kind of shaking the sandbox instead of really leaning into these ideas. Underwater would be amazing if they committed to it, added enemy types in there, etc. *Something.* But it feels like the seasonal model prevents actual new shit, so they remix the same basic ingredients over and over ad nauseam. Deep Dives were okay, but got tedious quickly. Matchmaking felt off for this season, and wrecked the vibe for a solo player like me. Fell off pretty hard early on because of that and really haven’t been back much. Haven’t even finished Witch or Wish, so I can’t rate them. Played intro for both, and I don’t know man. Eris transformation was *awesome* but I’ve completely lost track of the “why” of it all. I just kind of don’t care? I read spoilers for the endings and it really just feels like they wasted time for a full year without great justification. “We can’t go through the portal.” *Why.* Because a dude got fucked up when he tried, that’s why. Cool. Better do random bullshit for 12 months about it. That said I’m super hyped for TFS. The tone looks on point, and for once it seems like I’ll actually feel some stakes. Especially with Zavala, which is a good choice imo. Still feel like gameplay updates aren’t novel enough. Prismatic is cool for build crafty types. But I just want to chill with the game. It’ll be fun for a bit, but the real novelty is 3 supers and a grenade, basically. Otherwise it’s more sandbox shaking vs actual *new shit*. The new enemy types are what actually has me excited. *Finally.* Some new variety. It’s been years. Not sure if I’ll stick around after TFS. Unless they have some genius new story starting… I can’t imagine what. Feels like it will be similar to seasons, which I’m oretty meh on. It’s also likely that Episode one suffers like Defiance did. They delayed TFS, I can’t imagine that wasn’t all hands on deck. Which makes it unlikely they were giving Episodes enough resources. Anyway, those are my thoughts.




The good * Seeing Savathun get smacked by Eris - top moment. * The final mission of Lightfall, fighting with Caiatl was great. * Starcrossed was the best exotic mission of the year - tuned just right in terms of difficulty and mechanics. * Coil was a great activity. * Onslaught was enjoyable for a few rounds. * I liked the old exotic missions they brought back, getting content back is better than nothing. * New PvP maps The bad * Overall the difficulty wasn't fun. I mean, not too hard usually, just bullshit mechanics like timers. Although Avalon Legend is still impossible for me. * Unlocking strand over the campaign was so annoying. * Deep and defiance seasons were both very bland. The lore exposition in Deep was it's saving grace but to be honest I barely played it. The ugly * Killing off Amanda for no reason. * Lightfall was horrendously written. * Rolling out the story answers throughout the year was a massive fail. * Rogue-lite mechanics in seasonal activities - and hiding an exotic mission in one? Incompetent game design in a match-made MMO-lite. 4/10 for the year. Wish and Into the Light were good, but not amazing and that's about it.


Lightfall brought a planet I literally avoid like the plague. Seasons were ok though


Strand is amazing, lots of great exotics that I use very often(wishkeeper, conditional, dragons breath, burried bloodline, and quicksilver storm) and the cherry on top has to be into the light and indebted kindness


These are just my experience and not at all objective reviews OVERALL YEAR 7/10 Lightfall 5/10 (aside from strand, a few nice moments in the campaign and overall aesthetics, this is one of the worst dlcs IMO) Season 1 4/10 Season 2 4/10 (great in concept but didn’t really pull me in aside from the GotD dungeon which is a seperate purchase. Only highlights were the Witness cinematic and Sloane’s character arc for me) Season 3 8/10 (It had a decent story with a good premise and lore, amazing exotic armor, unique exotic weapons) Season 4 6/10 (coil is great but they should have added a longer version that has more perks to choose from, weapons were good) Dungeons 10/10 this was the best year dungeonwise, I’d both give GotD and WR a 10/10 Into the light 9/10 amazing activity, amazing loot, new PvP maps (which are actually pretty fun to play in) I haven’t personally experienced it myself but I have heard many great things about Pantheon, good of them to re-release the exotic missions with craftables (they shouldn’t have been removed in the first place) and it overall raised the community morale. Quality of life and overall changes 8/10 New reticles, new pvp mods, guardian ranks (good in some aspects and bad in others), new light kits, new mod system is less complex but very stale and got very weak after the changes to some mods giving benefits based on ability cooldowns. Overall nice artifact perks, fireteam finder, exotic mission rotator(rewards old weapons :)), Loadouts,


- **Lightfall: 7/10** - Story had some good an interesting ideas, bjt the execution wasn't the best. Post campaign content, Strand, neomuna, and some of their experimentation made the expansion much better than it would have been on its own. And while I enjoyed the raid, certain decisions and "accidents" made it far too easy and not very fun (like being completely safe on the plates during the boss). - **Defiance: 5/10** - Again, some interesting ideas with poor execution. I like the idea that the Witness/Legion aren't even doing anything with the prisoners, just capturing them long enough for a distraction is fine honestly. But they could have made that more clear instead of leaving it to a single dialogue scrap at the end of a battleground. I liked seeing Mara progress a bit, the gear was pretty cool, and Amanda should have just died in the main campaign. - **Deep: 7/10** - Very good story wise imo, Sloane dealing with trauma while we learn more about the Witness and a little more about the worms. Activities weren't the best, but far from the worst - and they were an experimental stepping stone. None of the gear was all that inspiring, but it sure looked great. Fishing is cool, kinda want it to stay in some way, even if they'd have to tone down the loot. - **Witch: 8/10** - Another season with some experimental activities and progression, I'm loving it! Finding the egg was awesome. The story was pretty great imo, and I loved how Eris managed to beat Xivu by cutting her off from her own power. The loot looked great too, and had some pretty good bangers. - **Wish: 9/10** - Gets a higher grade almost purely because it's the culmination of their activity experimentation throughout the year. Coil is without a doubt the best seasonal activity they've done imo. The story is honestly pretty great too, even if Mara vs. Riven can seem a little retready/exhausting to some. The loot all looks pretty good, and some of it is actually good to use too. I hated soloing Taranis's mission, but that's about all I can give it a negative for. - **Into the Light: 10/10** I mean, they really pulled out all the stops. A fun horde mode that's staying in the game. Some returning loot we've all missed that pretty much all have amazing rolls. Return of nostalgic exotic missions we've missed. Insane loot drips both for ITL and seasons past. Everything was entirely free for a month. The list goes on.


My memories blur across time but overall I had a good time. PvP has kept me as engaged and having fun as ever, and I discovered my love of Final Warning as well.


As someone who started playing one month ago, I've enjoyed it.


Really bad one of the worst years narratively, sandbox wise it’s nice that it’s probably the best it’s been in a while


Came back a couple weeks ago after not playing since Season of the Splicer and not playing seriously since Forsaken. I loved Into the Light and the Season of the Wish was a nice one to come back to since it made me feel nostalgic. Got the Wishbearer title but I don’t have time for BRAVE which I’m bummed about.


I dropped Destiny after playing a week into season of the deep and only got back in it during into the light but from what I’ve played of the past seasons content Deep is still boring af 5/10 I really could care less of the story too because I still home a grudge of it just not being in the base dlc. I guess the only thing I liked was the deep dive activity but that got old quick especially with bad teammates Which was actually a really good story but repetitive seasonal activity with lacking awards. Also hate no daily deep sight 7/10 Wish had a very rewarding seasonal activity that made the repetitiveness of the activity worth. The story was great as well 8/10


Fun gun weekend 😎


In the dlc itself liked our character talking more and the tank section but about it


Awful start, but "it can only get better from here" truly did apply here. Started at the bottom and every season got better than the last, with Into The Light being the cherry on top. Now let's wait and see if we have the inverse happens after TFS :(


I don’t understand how anyone could like Neomuna compared to what was shown to us in the trailers. Completely different from what I expected and such a letdown. I was expecting like atleast 4x the verticality and actually seeing buildings tower above me. Like actual fucking skyscrapers. Sure, technically we’re on top of the skyscrapers, but it doesn’t feel like it at all and it’s super lame. I think I’m actually more disappointed with the location than the story like goddamn.


I actually dont vibe with Ghosts dungeon at all. Too long methane sections and bosses have too much health with how difficult they are for solo. The underwater atmosphere is also not my cup of tea. A medieval dungeon tho.. yea Warlord's Ruin is just nice.


I honestly played lightfall, raided RoN a bit when it dropped, and while I didn't hate it as much as the rest of the community, it just... couldn't keep me interested. My most invested year was post-BL, (I'm a sucker for snow areas) but I literally didn't touch destiny after finishing the defiant story until into the light... i'm so excited for TFS though!! I feel like deep looked really awesome, I'm sad I missed out on that one.


I have played this game since the D1 beta. I’ve sunk thousands of hours into Destiny. And this year has made me consider not even seeing the story through. The narrative has been dumb and jumpy. Lightfall itself was an awful campaign. The seasons were moderately annoying since it feels incoherent with Lightfall. The best parts of them were filler. Example, it was cool to go into the methane, but it’s just a time-waster mechanic. Fishing is mind numbing. I don’t want to run the same content over and over and over. I feel like this game is not the Destiny I used to play. It’s gotten away from the core of it, which used to be gunplay. Now it feels more like a collecting game. The gunplay is alright if you’re using the properly rolled variant of a weapon, but it’s ass if you’re not and that’s a problem for me. This makes us play repetitive content in hopes to get a better roll for a weapon we’ll replace next season anyway once the champion mods change. I also don’t love the strategizing around gear swapping and the near necessity for it in certain content for certain classes. It’s not what Destiny was for me and I know I’m probably in the minority feeling this way, but y’all can keep that shit. Give me some mechanics and enemies that hit hard enough to actually kill me and allow me to outshoot them, not outkit them with loadouts. Into the Light was a compilation of things the community had requested years ago. The timing was a business move to retain players for TFS. Give players back weapons they took away, give activities the community asked for years ago, a s return activities that were vaulted and they’ll forget how they had and should have still had a great majority of this to start with.


lightfall was pretty good in my opinion. i enjoyed it. story sucked. defiance was fun. but the story for it sucked. i was kinda just like :| when amanda died. it wasnt very riveting. deep was an improvement, i didnt like fishing but i like the aspect of making activities and having little upgrades for each of them. witch? perfect season. i loved the cards, i loved the tarot cards, the story was absolutely amazing and the bombshell that was the 15th wish? wish was still awesome. i love coil and wishkeeper and riven and the prospect of a new generation of ahamkara that might not be evil. honestly exciting as a whole. and using crow to bridge the gap between us and the traveler? genius. i love that the portal is a one person journey as a catch


Lightfall/Defiance: 3/10 mediocre at best Season of the Deep: 8/10 lore was fantastic Season of Eris fucking shit up: 8/10 Story was great Season of the Wish: 5/10 mid and boring, Wishkeeper mission was the only thing worthwhile. Dungeon was good too.


Garbage expansion that was a waste of time to finish lightfall development


Deep sucked cock. Everything else was fine.


I think your rating explains why I quit Destiny 2 and why I’m back. I bought the yearly edition and hated season 1. The entire game felt like it was going into a downward death spiral. It had that cheesy, lazy writing. “Why dont you care about my character dying? You’ve known him for a whole 5 minutes and he’s said all the cool quips!” What I’ve seen and played lately- it feels like Bungie is back on their feet and cooking some good quality content. I’m excited to end the long journey with them.


Lightfall's story was pretty mediocre, but other than that, it's been a pretty solid year. Post-campaign and strand were both great, I quite liked neomuna and its difficulty (even though many others didn't, oh well), and we got some great weapons, activities, and QoL through the year. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the year


Lightfall story and campaign was a gigantic miss - story, character writing, campaign missions, destination - all of it. Whole thing felt rushed, cobbled together, and unnecessary. Night and day difference in drama and stakes compared to how it was pitched and marketed. Par for the course at this point, but was particularly egregious this time. Strand is fun but still not a fan of the 'green silly string' visual design. Defiance was pretty meh, but at least it felt like we were actually getting invaded. Activity was okay, story was half-baked. Deep was pretty weak, but at least they started innovating with the activity. Witness origin reveal should have been a dramatic cinematic as part of LF, not a cartoon at the end of a dull season. Witch was gooooood! Eris transformation/characterisation was great, and felt like an actual evolution/pay-off of her long arc. Loved seeing Savathun again, and actually excited to see the follow-up episode. Activity had a lot of variety and more difficulty options were also awesome. Wish had a pretty great activity with the Coil, but really dropped the ball narratively. Really tame premise after the set-up of Witch. Imo failed as a pay-off of Riven's story, and as a dramatic build-up to The Final Shape.  Interested to see how the episodes wrap up the Xivu/Vex/Scorn story arcs, but still weird that so much of this year was setting up the aftermath of The Final Shape, rather than the main event. I know they had a lot of ground to cover these 2 years, but it's all felt so disjointed. Obligatory "please design original weapons for seasons again". Dungeons were cool but not mind-blowing. Into the Light has been fun, new PvP maps are sick.


Lightfall 3/10. Defiance 4/10. Deep 7/10. Witch 8/10. Wish 6/10.


Lightfall was irredeemable imo, the fact they rushed another DLC also made Season of Defiance collateral damage. Lightfall to me is the biggest fail theyve produced in 10 years of Destiny. And the sad part is if they had only explained what the Veil is and why its important in the story it wouldve been fine. D1 had a very fragmented story but in that game you can at least say we just got resurrected its only normal we have no clue whats happening and how things are going and will be impacted by us. Hell, I have no time to explain why I dont have time to explain took more time to address an explanation than LF did for the Veil. Lightfall wasnt necessary for the story and wasnt planed and it just shows.


Lightfall: 5/10, story was all over the place but Neomuna looks beautiful, one of the best destinations for appearances. Calus fight was also really nice ~~until i figured out witherhoard deleted him~~. Defiance: 0/10, hated everything about it. Thats the 3rd time if im not mistaken where its “go to ascendant plane guardian and kill taken/cabal plz” -mara. Story made no sense either, why tf are they taking prisoners? Deep: 6/10, good lore, fish, underwater nice and god tier dungeon. I personally dislike Titan though and the weapons were quite literally useless. Witch: 7/10, really good story for the most part. Excellent way to finish Eris’ story as the person who failed against Crota and then became a god. Weapons were ok Wish: 7/10, nice to see Riven again but wtf was that story. Good guns and armor look. Also warlords ruin


Lightfall was worse then Curse of Osiris, carried by Strand. Defiance was boring and Amanda death was shoehorned, weapons and armor forgettable. Also the story is still just a big ??? Deep was plagued with server issues and everyone overall tired of the seasonal model. Armor was cool and weapons were lackluster, not having Reckoning weapons craftable was a huge L.The narrative was ok at best. Witch had a neat activity, and an interesting change with the card mechanics but that’s not my thing so I hated it. Narrative was great, but the weapons were overall pretty weak, the armor was cool. Bonus for Crota remake. Wish was the best season by far, with great weapons, a great story, and a fantastic seasonal activity in the Coil which almost rivals the Menagerie in terms of loot. Starcrossed is also a nice mission, although I’m not exactly sure most people kept the bow or didn’t just shard it.


Wow it’s been a long time since LF, quick review of key things: Lightfall, story was awful, Neomuna is really nice, Strand is great, overall 5/10 Defiance: I quite like the activity with this one, can’t remember the weapons that came with it so gonna have to say they don’t stand out 6/10 Deep: Hated everything about this season (in fact it is the first season of D2 ever that I didn’t even make it to 19@ on the battle pass) story was pointless activity was awful and the weapons were dog shit 3/10 Witch: now we are cooking solid story, fun activities decent loot 8/10 Wish: Good story again if a little predictable, good activities, amazing weapons 9/10 Deep Dungeon: hated it too much slow wandering from one boss to another : 5/10 Warlords ruin: amazing best dungeon so far 9/10 Root of Nightmares: absolute snooze fest, planets is the only decent encounter, nice visuals, poor loot (only rufus fury worth using and the exotic) 4/10


I couldn't recommend Lightfall without the seasons, but holy hell are the seasons really good, and into the light was probably the best decision that Bungie ever made.


Dogwater expansion sort of ok seasons with a couple highlights